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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
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JackCain Offline
Fighting to the last man

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-08-2017, 12:55 PM

The Tank Museum

[Image: fury-sherman-tank.jpg]

Jack Cain stands next to an imposing tank on display at the Bovington Tank Museum in the UK. He looks over the armour and treads, regards the 76mm gun and reads the background information nearby, regarding the tank's history in North Africa and France. He drinks in the history, and does a circuit of the machine, before sitting down nearby and regarding the camera.

M4A276 HVSS Sherman Tank. Later model of the original. Tanks like this? They went to some'a the worst Hellholes in the Second World War. These things were beatin' dirt tracks in Egypt, Tobruk and across the Sahara, and then they were in France. Bastoigne, The Ardennes, the Battle of the Bulge. And these things? Everyone thought they were hopelessly outmatched. One German King Tiger II could hold back twelve of these things. Twelve of 'em. Armour much thicker than a Sherman's, 88mm gun, could punch a hole through a Sherman like a BB gun shootin' a grapefruit.

But the history of the Sherman's got a little, well, cloudy, over time. There's this lovely, romanticised view of what the Sherman was and what it was capable of.

You've seen the Battle of the Bulge movie, right? Robert Shaw, Peter Fonda, Robert Ryan, Telly Savalas? Vastly outnumbered and outgunned American forces, pulled from pillar to post, tricked by English speakin' Germans, Shermans overwhelmed by those Tiger tanks, and the only reason the German's lose is cos they run outta fuel?

You've seen Fury right - Brad Pitt, Jon Bernthal - I really like that guy - story of the Sherman that makes it all the way through the Europe campaign before their heroic sacrifice at the end? Tank's as tough as nails, but it's outmatched?

Lovely stories.

And you're probably expecting me now, to come out with somethin' like:

"Brock Lesnar is the Tiger Tank and I'm the Sherman. Brock Lesnar is the unstoppable machine and I'm gonna come out on top despite the odds being against me. Bigger than me, stronger than me, I gotta reach deep down to find that extra somethin' that's gonna prove the difference."


Point about all this "Brock", is that there's a bigger, better tale to tell here, which ain't about war, or history, or sacrifice or bravery..

It's about fraud.

Big, brazen, fat, sweaty, fraud.

That's you "Brock".

See, those films are dramas. They don't tell the real story. They're fairytales. Dramatisations of what really happened. A lot like you.

See, the Battle of the Bulge? Fought in the Ardennes. A forest, covered in snow, not the open plains like you see in the movie, but it makes for a better story if you can see it all goin' on.

The Tiger II been around for a few years, Germans had used it in their European campaign and had stuck at least two divisions on the Russian front before they deployed it in '44. And the Sherman? Not as shit as the movies made it out to be. They were tough sons'a bitches - but they still blew up way too fuckin' easy when they had to face a Tiger.

Truth be told, those enhanced 76mm guns were introduced before the battle but the move didn't have them fitted either - all for the purposed of makin' the Tigers look more intimidatin'.

It was all for show. All about drama. Twistin' the facts so people would buy into the show.

Fury's the same. That was a lovely story about a single tank crew that survived throughout the entire war, along with their one, single, individual tank.

More bullshit.

The US went through Shermans as fast as they could make 'em. The story they peddle there - that that same crew stuck with that same tank throughout the whole war, would'a been another fairytale - more than likely the went through three of four tanks in all that time, but for the purposes of the movie? It was the same one.



Half truths.

Just like you. "Brock".

You can talk about what you've achieved all you like. You can talk about your fights in The Octagon all you like. You can talk about all the championships you've won, all the events you've headlined, all the money you've made.

But it ain't you.

It was never you.


[Image: a0bC8ck.gif]

Not you.


[Image: BL+-+Hip+Toss.gif]

Not you either fuckface.


[Image: BL+-+Belly+To+Belly+Suplex.gif]

Couldn't be further from the truth.

You're a fraud. A sham. You're a fuckin' test tube baby with the muscle dialled up to 11 and nothin' between the ears. The only thing you know how to do is imitate a REAL athlete. You ain't achieved anythin' worth writin' home about.

There ain't gonna be tales told of the CLONE of Brock Lesnar in years to come. They'll remember the real thing. They'll remember the voice, not the echo. They'll remember the sun, not the fuckin' shadow.

You're nothin' in the grand scheme'a things, and I'm gonna enjoy showin' to the world exactly how much of a fake ya really are. I'm gonna demonstrate exactly what a mistake Nixon and his people made in puttin' you ona collision course with me sonny, and you will rue the day you opened your eyes on that laboratory table and got told to take me out.

They might'a told you I was easy meat. I was someone who would be cannon fodder.

They might'a told you I was a challenge. They might'a told you I was the guy who would fight ya till I couldn't stand no more.

Well I guess we're gonna find out "Brock", ain't we?

Point is, whatever happens - there's one thing you can never change.

I'm the truth.

You? You're a lie.

[Image: JackCain.jpg]
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Fraud - by JackCain - 08-08-2017, 12:55 PM

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