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Peter Gilmour pulled from Wild Card Weekend
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XWF FanBase:
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06-22-2013, 04:25 PM

Tonight's Top Story: Peter Gilmour sitting at home watching matches instead of training. Are the rumors true that Gilmour's injury will prevent him from the ring at Wild Card Weekend?

Word on the street said that upper management had already started printing King Gilmour t-shirts when news came out that Gilmour had not been medically cleared for the main event at Wild Card Weekend.

Based on past Gilmour matches (in which he took multiple full-speed chair shots to the skull one after the other and even delivered a piledriver off the top of a steel cage) many believed that Gilmour was invincible.

XWF Officials are sad to report that this is not the case and it is in fact possible that Gilmour's insistence in going for these high risk manuevers is what has exacerbated his current condition. Physicians examining Gilmour assert that whether Luca Arzegotti's recent assault on Gilmour or an unhealed previous ailment is the cause of this inability to perform, is impossible to ascertain.

Dr. Kim RIchards reports that "The only clear thing from our recent examinations is that the 'King of Wrestling' Peter Gilmour needs time off. Otherwise, he could be looking at a career-ending injury."

Gilmour's representation was unavailable for comment, but recent reports say that Gilmour is at home in his 'King-Sized' Trailer, watching old XWF matches and apparently stricken with grief as loud sounds that might be weeping.

XWF Officials are not able to establish a date by which they expect Peter Gilmour back in the ring, but this reporter would personally like to wish Gilmour luck in his recovery and also dedicate his victory in the wild card elimination chamber to his number one fan, little Petey Gilmour"

-Mark Flynn, Unofficial XWF News Correspondent
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Peter Gilmour pulled from Wild Card Weekend - by MarkFlynn - 06-22-2013, 04:25 PM

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