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Savage 06/24/17!
Author Message
Darius Xavier Offline
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XWF FanBase:
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06-25-2017, 06:19 AM


[Image: 52611-olympic-image2.jpg]
Xtreme Wrestling Federation Presents:

[Image: MMIM1Rv.png]

The camera is backstage, where we see J.T. Washington going over some details for the rest of the show with a member of the production staff. Madison Dyson slinks up to the door and gives it a knock.

Knock, knock! Hope I'm not interrupting.

J.T. nods to the production staff member, bidding him his leave.

We were just finishing up anyway. What can I do for you Madison?

She saunters into the room, and helps herself to having a seat on his desk. Her tight dress rides up a bit as she does so, which I'm sure wasn't intentional.

As the saying goes, it's more like what we can do for you. I'm sure you and the rest of the leadership team have had a chance to look over the president's executive orders and I was wondering what you thought?

J.T. quirks his head a bit.

Well, it's certainly a new situation. We've never gotten executive orders from a sitting president. Or even a non-sitting president. Or....anyone, really. But yeah, we've had a chance to review them.


There was some concern internally about some of the wording....

Let me stop you right there! Now, you and I both know that the POTUS can be a his vocabulary. So please don't let that scare you. It's not so much what he says, but what he MEANT to say that matters.

J.T. marvels a moment at how that just rolled off her tongue without a shred of hesitation.

Be that as it may, the orders seem to be saying that you and Engy should be given, and I'm quoting, "advanced and careful consideration when it comes to championship matches."

And you guys have! I mean I saw the card for Warfare and where Engy is on it and, well, heh, contendership for the Hart championship is a decent place to start.

I can't speak too much to that because it's not my show, but I think that had more to do with the overall attention you guys have been garnering and not the Executive Orders.

Madison shrugs.

Okay, sure! Whatever you guys need to tell yourselves.

Madison leans in closer to him.

But you're a smart, reasonable man. And I think you, at least, are aware of just what kind of perks the support of a US president can bring. And...well, let's face facts. Savage Saturday Night is, in some but not all circles, seen as kind of....a "B" show. And nothing accomplishes grade inflation quite like the full and unwavering support of the most powerful man in the world.

J. T. quirks an eyebrow and looks mildly annoyed.

Frankly, I don't even know where to BEGIN with that statement.

Then begin with this. Your career. Your show. Your future in XWF. America First can help you. But ya gotta throw some help our way too. Savvy?

J.T.'s expression is tough to read and he takes a moment before responding.

Yeah, I hear what you're putting down.

Madison bounces down off his desk.

Great! Ya know, it's open minded people like yourself who are quickest to succeed in this business. I'm sure we're going to get along just FAMOUSLY.

She shoots him a dazzling but distinctly plastic smile before heading towards the door. J.T. watches her go, sighs, and shakes his head.

The shot quickly switches from the camera in JT’s office, to the camera in front of the Savage announce team.

Jim Ross: That certainly was peculiar, Huey.

Huey D. Louie: I can’t say that I wasn’t a fan of Madison!

Jim Ross: No Surprise there! Welcome everyone to Savage Saturday Night right here in our new home in Hollywood!

Huey D. Louie: That’s right, JR! It looks like JT Washington and Dr. Matthews finally wised up and put the number one show on TV in the number one city in America, Hollywood!

Jim Ross: Surprisingly, I’d have to to agree with you Huey!

Before he can continue, JR is interrupted by the Xtron flashing on!

**Vengeance by Zack Hemsey begins as the crowd give a mixed reaction to the start of the music. The camera zooms in on the entrance ramp which is then bathed in darkness as the lights go out. White smoke fills the entranceway as Jack Cain emerges from the backstage area. He's dressed entirely in black, but the only thing reflecting off the cell phone cameras that are now flashing throughout the arena is the Television Championship belt he holds over his shoulder. Cain walks methodically to the ring, head up, ignoring the fans who reach out to touch the gold. He makes his way into the ring itself, but instead of leaning in one corner, he grabs a microphone and makes his way to the centre. He glances down at the belt, then looks around at the crowd**

Well, well, well. Lotta talk goin' into High Stakes wasn't there? Lotta talk about how Danny Sex was gonna walk outta there with this title belt. Lotta talk about how Dredzin was gonna flatten everyone and walk out with this title belt. Not a lot from Obsidian, but I'm guessin' he was tryna find his dinner in a dumpster. Panzer just told everyone how he was gonna run over everyone and walk out with this title belt.

Didn't happen did it? In fact, the only guy who gave me a chance was the champ - Thomas Nixon. He said I'd knock someone out. He said he knew I had what it takes to win this title - and y'know what?

He was right.

I didn't go into that match expectin' to win this championship. Hell, I really went in there just to bust people up - but now, here I am with it, and I kinda have to stop and think "Alright Jack, so whaddya' gonna do with it now?"

First thing is to whip Mezian's ass.

**Crowd boos loudly**

Now I know you think that Mezian is some crazy guy who is pretty cool, but let me tell you somethin' about guys like him. Mezian sticks his nose in, where it don't belong.

But now I hear you sayin' to yourself: "Hold on Jack, he helped you win that belt - he distracted Nixon, and you won the belt cos the champion wasn't concentratin'"

And you know what I say to that?

Damn straight.

I could'a won this on my own - but me takin' this gold won’t be tarnished by Mezian sittin' at ringside like some asshole at the DMV line with a cold cup of coffee, waitin' for his turn to get his eyes tested.

I didn;t want you out there son - I certainly didn't ask for you to be there, but you took it upon yourself to go out there and get in Thomas Nixon's face.

In doin' that., you took somethin' away from me.

So I'm gonna take somethin' away from you. In fact, I'm gonna take several things away from you. A few teeth for a start.

Then your conciousness probably, when I drive my fist so hard into your damned head it'll bring your hairstyle back into fashion.

**Crowd boos even more**

Quit your whinin'! Mezian is the type of guy who'll win your belt then spray paint it pink and stick it up his ass, or tape it to the front of a car and drive it into a wall, because he's "crazy". And you all love him for it.

You're fuckin' stupid if you love him for that.

I don't pretend to be this "fightin' champion", and I ain't your hero like Thomas Nixon was. But what I do wanna do, while I've got this belt, is set the record straight.

So first, tonight, it's Mezian. For interferin' in my business.

Then, because I got taught a little thing called honor in the Corps, that you pay every debt in full. So Thomas Nixon is owed a debt. So when I've knocked out Mezian, I'm wanna give him a match, one-on-one, to show that I don't need any circus freak at ringside to beat him. And if you're listenin': Lane, Pryce, whoever the Hell is callin' the shots now - give Nixon his match.

But rest assured Thomas, I don't do this outta charity. I do this to prove to you that one-on-one, I'm the better man, and I will beat ya, because I had ya before Mezian showed up, and I'd still beat ya today.

Then, I'm gonna start defendin' this title with enough violence, rage and fuckin' power like you've never seen. Y'see, I got a target painted on my back now. I been used to that for a long, long time, no matter where I been, someone's always been tryna' shoot me down, so I had to stay one step ahead.

So this ain't exactly new territory for me, y'know? I'm used to bein' hunted. So I'll just carry on doin' what I've always done. You come lookin' for me? You're gonna pay the price - just don't expect any gold in return.

**Cain drops the mic and his music begins again as he leaves the ring**

Jim Ross: Strong words from the new champion, Huey.

Huey D. Louie: I wouldn’t say they were strong, or well put together, but they were words..

Jim Ross: Whatever you say, Huey. With that being said it looks like it’s time to start the action here tonight!

Brian Harris
- vs -
- vs -
Neville Sinclair
- vs -
Matty Courage
Falls Count Anywhere
No Word Count Limit

Tig O' Bitties: This match is set for one fall, and is falls count anywhere! Introducing first, from Oxford, England, Neville Sinclair!

The crowd is reacting, but not overly thrilled, as he walks down the ramp in just his wrestling tights and boots, sipping on his glass of Scotch. He walks slowly to the ring, and finishes his Scotch just as he reaches the stairs. Setting the glass down by the stairs he walks up them and into the ring, dusting off his shoulders.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing next, from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Drezdin!

The arena goes completely black for a moment, then the lights start to pulsate as the music starts to blare through the PA system. As soon as the pyro goes off the lights turn on, the people in the arena turn silent, the people are at awe and shock on how massive he is. He starts walking down the ramp, he yells out...IT'S GO TIME!, then he stops at the end of the ramp to take a deep breath. He approaches the ring, then he grabs the rope ring rope gets unto the ring aparon goes over the top rope then walks towards the middle of the ring. He raises his left hand as the pyro goes off.

Huey. D. Louis: This could be Drezdin's match here. He is bigger than all the other competitors.

Jim Ross: He's bigger than most of his competitors......

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing third, from Toronto, Canada, Brian, The Outlaw, Harris!

Harris pulls out from behind the curtain on his motorcycle. Riding down to the ring he turns it off, walks up the steps and chooses a corner.

Tig O'Bitties: And the fourth competitor, from Dublin, Ireland

Helicopter by Bloc Party kicks in and the lights go out momentarily. A bright pink flash emerges from the X-Tron and Matty Courage has appeared on the stage with his back to the crowd. He is stood perfectly straight, the music volume increases as Matty Courage turns around with a fist bump. He claps the hands of as many fans as possible, before doing a lap of the ring, sliding into the ring and climbing to the top turnbuckle and raising both his arms in the air. The teen girls and other women in the crowd go crazy.


The match starts off with all hell breaking loose, a hell of a way to start Savage. Sinclair and Harris go at it, with Matty Courage and Drezdin hammering away at each other. All four men are in diagonal corners, trading blows. Drezdin decides that he doesn't want any more of Matty and rolls out of the ring, but the couragous one follows him. In the ring, Sinclair whips Harris into the ropes and follows it with a big kick to the face, taking the Outlaw down.

On the outside, Courage whips Drezdin into the security barricade, making him slump down into sitting position. Inside the ring Neville continues to hammer away at Harris, as he has the Outlaw in the corner, kicking him.

Jim Ross: What a way to start off Savage! All hell has already broken loose here!

Huey D. Louis: Yes sir, and its only going to get better from here!

On the outside, Matty Courage runs and delivers a huge knee to the face of Drezdin. Then sliding back into the ring he grabs Sinclair, whips him around, kicks him in the gut, DDT!




Neville kicks out!

But now Harris is back up! He comes off the ropes and clotheslines Courage, and Drezdin slides in the ring with a chair. He raises the chair over his head but Harris boots it back into his face, sending him tumbling over the ropes!

Jim Ross: The Outlaw is on fire here!

But just as he brings his leg down, Neville Sinclar is back up and he grabs Harris around the waist and his a nasty German Suplex. Keeping the hands locked he hits another, then another then another. The final German Suplex ends in a bridge pin.



Matty Courage breaks it up with an elbow drop!

Drezdin is back in with that chair. Sinclair is pissed that Matty broke up his pinfall. He turns to punch Matty, but Matty ducks and he punches the chair of Drezdin, knocking it back into his face and sending him back over the ropes again.

Jim Ross: By Drez, thanks for comin'!

red]Huey D. Louis: I feel bad for him sometimes. [/red]

Sinclair whips around and Courage lifts him, and then drops him neck first over the rope, sending him stumbking back. Harris is back to his feet and charges Courage, who he puts over the ropes with a big clothesline.

Matty Courage is gaining some now, as he throws up his arm and yells out and all the girls in the audience become instantly moist.

But it doesn't last long as he turns around into a an atomic drop from Sinclair. BOOKEND!


Jim Ross: It's over!



3----No! Drezdin pulls Sinclairs leg and pulls him off Courage and drags him out of the ring.

Huey D. Louis: Drezdin just robbed Neville Sinclair there!

Sinclair is enraged. He is trading blows with Drezdin on the outside, back and forth, when Harris slides into the ring. Harris covers Courage.

Jim Ross: Brian Harris is gonna try to steal one here!



Courage kicks out just as Sinclair whips Drezdin into the steps. Harris picks Courage up but the young gun fights back as the crowd cheers. He fires off some punches and whips Harris into the corner. Running towards the Outlaw, PELE KICK! Harris crumbles. Courage runs, gets on the top rope.

Jim Ross: What does the young kid have in mind here?!

Huey D. Louis: I think Courage wants to flyyyyy!

WHISPER IN THE WIND! Taking down Drezdin and Sinclair, Courage lands hard, however, on the mat outside. Sitting on the back, he slides back, holding his ankle. Drezdin is out, Harris is down in the ring. Sinclair didn't get a lot of the contact from Courage, so he is back up. Courage goes to get up, but is wobbly. He backs up the ramp. Sinclair gives chase until they get to the stage. Courage then goes for a clothesline, Sinclair ducks, SCOTCH GLASS OVER THE HEAD!

Jim Ross: My god I didn't even realize he had the glass in his hand! It was that quick! And Matty Courage has been busted open!

I guess that was Johnny Walker, RED Label!

Courage slumps. Brian Harris suddenly runs up the ramp. Sinclair ducks his charges and throws him face first into the X-Tron frame! Harris stumbles back.

THE EDUCATION! On the stage!

Jim Ross: My god he hit The Education on the steel stage! It's buh gawd over!

He looks Harris's leg.




Tig O'Bitties: The Winner of this match, Neville Siiinncllaiirrrr

Winner: Neville Sinclair

Jim Ross: A dominating performance from Sinclair there. A lot of promise from this young man.

Sinclair wipes his lip and snarls at the bodies laid out around him as the ref raises his arm on the stage and Savage cuts to the back.

The Motherfuckers
Robbie Bourbon and Bearded War Pig
- vs -
Bilbo Bloomer Bumpkinz and Josh Reno
Standard Match
2500 Word Limit

Tig O’Bitties: And the following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a tag team match! First, hailing from under a bridge, because they're a pair of trolls, BX3!!!

The opening lyrics of bonafide Florida Man sub-Reddit contributor Fred Durst's opus start to play as Bilbo Brommer Blumpkinz wheels himself out, followed shortly by BasIc biTch doCtor josHua reno, who seems to be weeping. Bilbo smacks reno, asserting himself as the one who wears the pants, and they make their way to the ring.

Tig O’Bitties: And their opponents, at a combined weight of five hundred and two pounds, hailing from the land of the free by way of the home of the brave, THE MOOOOOOOOTHERRRRRFUUUUUUUUUUUUCKERRRRRRRRS!!!


Bearded War Pig comes out onto the entrance ramp as the lights strobe throughout the arena, Robbie Bourbon walking up slightly behind him. They look at each other, nod, bump fists, and BWP runs down to the ring slapping hands with all the fans on the right as Bourbon walks at a slower pace, slapping hands with those on the left. BWP hits the ring, slides in, and jumps up on the second turnbuckle to pose as Bourbon slowly makes his way up the ring steps. BWP hits another turnbuckle as Bourbon enters and climbs the opposite. BWP pounds his chest as Bourbon raises his arms to 45 degree angles. They both climb down, meet in the center of the ring, and bump fists.

Jim Ross: Robbie Bourbon and Bearded War Pig better not get too cocky here tonight.

Huey D. Louie: That's right, Ross. Bx3 isn't as, well, renowned as AX3, but they're still dangerous.

Jim Ross: What? Bilbo is in a wheelchair and reno is a massive bitch, I'm saying they need to remember not every night will go as smoothly as this for them!

The bell rings as Bourbon starts in the ring with BWP giving him some direction from the corner and Blumpkinz tells reno to go stand on the apron. Blumpkinz turns and rolls up to Bourbon, pointing at him, then pointing at his dick. Bourbon peels Bilbo from the wheelchair and chucks him back into his corner. Bourbon then picks up the wheelchair itself and hurls it out of the ring! Bilbo is enraged, and yells at reno to give him a boost. Reno shoves Bilbo at Bourbon, who catches him! Bilbo latches onto Bourbon with his teeth, sinking in a bite!

Huey D. Louie: That's a vicious denture lock, Ross!

Bourbon beats back bravely Bilbo's bold bite. Bilbo has his teeth clenched and holding fast on Bourbon's left arm. Bilbo also clutches Bourbon's groin with his hand, and starts squeezing his testes! Bourbon looks to be in a ton of pain! Bourbon delivers a headbutt to Bilbo, and Bilbo loosens his grip! Bourbon grabs Bilbo with ease...


Bourbon looks down in horror at the fact he just did that to a wheelchair bound person! He turns and looks at BWP and shrugs, mouthing the words "I don't know" to him and turning back to the sack of meat and bones laying on the mat, incapable of standing back up. BWP is laughing, and Reno is weeping!

Jim Ross: Holy hell, Bourbon doesn't know what to do. Whatever parts of Bilbo that weren't crippled before are destroyed now!

Bourbon picks Bilbo up and drags him to his corner, and forces a tag on Reno. Bourbon drops Bilbo, backs up a few steps, and waves Reno on and beckons him to come into the ring. The crowd is going wild!


Reno steps into the ring, and as soon as Bourbon approaches, he immediately tags Bilbo's limp body resting on the apron! Bourbon shrugs again, completely at a loss.

Huey D. Louie: Bourbon doesn't have the backbone to get the job done here, JR!

Jim Ross: Bourbon might have too much backbone here, punishing a damned cripple isn't in his heart, no matter how vile Bilbo Brommer Blumpkinz is!

Reno lifts Bilbo back up and sets him in the corner, barely standing. Bourbon walks back over to the corner and grabs at Bilbo's hand, to force the tag again, and Bilbo rakes the eyes with his other hand, and sets the bite in again! Bourbon recoils and steps away from the opposing corner, and Bilbo is latched on tight! Bourbon tries to shake Bilbo off, and Bilbo takes his thumb and jams it up Bourbon's ass!

Huey D. Louie: Checking the oil!

Jim Ross: This is insane!

Bourbons eyes almost bulge completely out of their sockets as Bilbo jams a thumb up his ass through spandex, bites his arm, and madly fondles himself! Bourbon swivels Bilbo around, up in the air...


Bourbon stops dead again, his hand on his head, looking again in disbelief that he just Robbiebombed a cripple! He picks up Bilbo again and tosses him over to Reno, and Bilbo's hand hits Reno for the tag! Reno doesn't want in the ring! Bourbon rolls his eyes, walks over, and slings Reno into the ring! Reno scuttles back to his corner and tags Bilbo back in! Bourbon rolls his eyes as BWP laughs! Bourbon rolls out of the ring and the referee calls to him, and begins the count!



Bourbon grabs a microphone!




Bourbon rolls back in, breaking the count. He holds the microphone up and speaks!

Alright, America, who wants to see a real match?

The crowd starts going crazy! BWP is slapping the turnbuckle, looking for a tag.

Two of the baddest Motherfuckers on the planet today, and we have a gross little masturbator and a six foot pussy. Bourbon Men, bring out the exoskeleton!

Bourbon forces a tag yet again, and heaves Bilbo to the outside, where he is promptly caught by a group of Bourbon Men who have arrived from the crowd, and placed on a table. Bourbon slings Reno into the ring, and walks over to make the tag to BWP! BWP leaps the top rope and charges Reno, who is backing up! Reno starts to run away from BWP! He's running circles in the ring, backing himself away as fast as he can! BWP is getting a little winded. Reno charges in at BWP, seeing an opening, and starts to slap at his chest while not looking at him. BWP gets Reno in a Muay Thai clinch! He nails Reno with a knee! He nails Reno with a second knee! He goes for a third, and Reno catches it, and rolls BWP up in an inside cradle!



KICKOUT! BWP is out of the cradle with authority and rolls into a mount, and starts throwing vicious elbows and forearms at the head of Reno! He rolls into a kneebar!

Jim Ross: This could end Reno's career, Huey!

Huey D. Louie: What are the Bourbon Men doing to Bilbo?

The Bourbon Men seem finished, and they prop Bilbo up! Bilbo is in some kind of exoskeleton, and he realizes he can walk and move! He promptly grabs his penis and starts rubbing himself! The Bourbon Men retreat. Bilbo rushes the ring and breaks the hold, and the referee backs him out of the ring, but the damage has been done! Reno delivers a kick straight to BWP's balls! BWP slowly turns over on the mat, holding his little piggies! Reno scurries to his corner and makes the tag to the newly exoskeletoned Bilbo Brommer Blumpkinz! Bilbo swiftly enters the ring, and starts delivering stomps to BWP! He easily hoists Bilbo up into a gorilla press, and slams him down to the mat! BWP looks up in shock!

Huey D. Louie: Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, what the fuck?!?

Jim Ross: Bourbon might have bit off more than he and Bearded War Pig can both chew, Huey! That suit he had his men put Bilbo in seems to be superpowered!

Huey D. Louie: Huge mistake by Bourbon!

Bourbon reaches in and BWP tags him in. Bilbo waves Bourbon into the ring with one hand, touching his dick with the other! BWP points a hand at Bilbo and mouths something at Bourbon irately. Bourbon concedes to BWP's ire and enters the ring. He goes to tie up with Bilbo, and Bilbo quickly grabs Bourbon by the throat! Huge chokeslam onto Bourbon! Bilbo goes for a pinfall while attempting to shove his exposed cock into Bourbon's mouth!



KICKOUT! Bourbon escapes the pin, narrowly having Bilbo's junk put in his mouth! Bilbo to his, or the suit's, feet with lightning speed, and he punts Bourbon in the ribs! Bilbo turns and sees Tig O'Bitties, and realizes he has a super suit to help him rape! He quickly goes and tags in Reno, who makes his way into the ring cautiously as Bilbo starts to chase Tig O'Bitties around the ring! Reno comes in and goes for a pin on Bourbon.



KICKOUT! Bourbon gets a shoulder up, and Reno starts to scream at the ref about how unfair it is he didn't get to pin Bourbon! Bourbon slowly makes his way to his corner. Tig O'Bitties is screaming in terror as Bilbo continues to try to corner her! Bourbon tags in BWP, and BWP rushes up behind Reno! He cinches in a grip around Reno's waist...


Jim Ross: Oh my god, the raw power it takes to do that to another human being!

BWP goes for a pin.




And Bilbo stops chasing Tig for half a second to place Reno's foot on the bottom rope! Bilbo turns and leers at Tig O'Bitties! Bourbon from out of nowhere lifts Bilbo up and delivers a T-bone suplex! He tells Tig to run, and Bilbo gets back up almost immediately, the exoskeleton giving him too much power! He delivers a huge right to Bourbon, a huge left, a right, and then a headbutt! The headbutt hurt Bilbo too!

Jim Ross: Thank God these Motherfuckers just saved Tig O'Bitties!

In the ring, BWP has Reno in another Muay Thai clutch! He's throwing knees straight to the top of his skull as Reno puts his hands up, whining about how it isn't fair he's getting hit! The referee breaks up the hold, and BWP is furious!

Huey D. Louie: Uh-oh, JR, the referee had no reason to break that up, and BWP is pissed!

BWP argues with the referee for a moment as Reno crawls back to his corner, where Bilbo is back on the apron! Bilbo makes the tag, and rushes into the ring! He throws a forearm at BWP! BWP ducks! BWP whips Bilbo into his corner, and slaps a tag to Bourbon! BWP throws a flurry of fists, then runs to a neutral corner.


Bourbon charges in with a clothesline, which drops Bilbo onto their ass in the corner!


BWP runs in and delivers a charging dropkick to the victim!


Bourbon rebounds off the ropes and comes in with a knee to Bilbo's face as BWP exits the ring!


Jim Ross: That's the Battle Hymn of the Republic if I ever heard it!

Huey D. Louie: Catchy name, crazy combo, and these fans here at Savage are into it!

Bourbon picks Bilbo up out of the corner and whips him into the ropes! Bilbo back with a clothesline as Bourbon throws one of his own! Both men go down!

BWP and Reno are on the outside. BWP attempts to pull Reno up but Reno leans forward and grabs a hold of BWP's cash and prizes...with his mouth. BWP starts screaming in pain as The Bitch Doctor tightens his grip on the War Pigs testicles.

When Reno finally releases his hold he pushes BWP down to the ground and then slides into the ring. He gives Bilbo a hot tag and then stands over Robbie Bourbon. He unzips his pants, unleashes his huge member and then....


Somehow, out of no where Robbie Bourbon not only got to his feet but absolutely destroyed the Bitchiest Doctor that ever Bitched with his patented Robbie Bomb before a single drop of pee came out.

Robbie places a single boot on Reno's neck and the ref gets down for the count.




Winner: The Motherfuckers!!!

- vs -
RL Edger
Standard Match
2500 Word Limit

Coming to the ring at this time, from Cincinatti, Ohio, R... L... EDGAAAAR!!!

R.L. Edgar emerges into the stage to little fanfare. He casually walks down to the ring and awaits his opponent.

And his opponent, hailing from Ottawa, Canada… CHAAAASMMMM!!!

Made Of Scars starts playing on the pa system as smoke fills the entrance way. Chasm walks out and looks around the area. He smiles and starts to walk down to the ring ignoring the fans who are mixed between boos and cheers . He slides under the bottom rope and quickly gets to his feet.


Edgar rushes at Chasm trying to catch him off guard with a clothesline. Chasm ducks and catches Edgar in the rebound with a back body drop. Edgar is quick to his feet, but stumbles right into a belly to belly suplex! Chasm mounts Edgar and delivers a steady stream of punches to the head as the crowd counts along.











Chasm is in full control of this contest!

Chasm stands up and looks around the crowd with a wild look in his eyes. He twirls his finger in the air, calling for a top rope move. Chasm climbs up the turnbuckle as the crowd come to their feet.

Chasm is about to go high risk!

I wouldn't call it a risk, R.L. Edgar is out cold!

Chasm leaps off of the top rope with a beautifully executed frog splash. He crashes into Edgar before rolling off and grasping his abdomen. Chasm scurries back over to Edgar and hooks the leg.




An impressive showing from the veteran Chasm!

Or a very unimpressive showing from R.L. Edgar!!!

Winner - Chasm!!!

- vs -
Reeve Alexander Gordon
standard rules

Our next match is scheduled for One Fall!!!!Introducing first From Nowhere, Oklahoma. Reeeve Alexander Gordonnnnnn!!!!!!!

Reeve makes his way down the ramp. He comes to the steel steps touches each one a he goes up them. He steps through the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent.

His opponent From Places Unknown. Weighing in at 204lbs and standing at 5'10". Ennnnnnnnggggggyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

The entire arena is washed in a sterile white light as the following words are spoken through the sound system:

Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill? Is Dexter ill Is Dexter ill today?

Mr. Kirk, Dexter's in school!

I'm afraid he's not, Miss Fishbourne. Dexter's truancy problem is way out of hand. The Baltimore County school board have decided to expel Dexter from the entire public school system!

Oh, Mr. Kirk, I'm as upset as you to learn of Dexter's truancy. But surely, expulsion is not the answer!

I'm afraid expulsion is the only answer. It's the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane…*echo*….insane….insane….insane….

On the main screen is a grainy image of an old television test screen. After the initial dialogue, the sound slips into “Frontier Psychiatrist” by The Avalanches. As the offbeat tune picks up, the test screen fades and is instead replaced with a series of Rorschach ink blots. Each panel of ink blots at first looks innocuous but soon slithers into the shadowy outlines of terrible scenes: a knife going through a head, a body with entrails spilling out before it, a bisected human torso, a figure whose face appears to be slipping off. Interspersed with the morphing inkblot tests are other images of rats flitting about in sewers and pictures of pleasant “whitebread” 1950’s families whose members have no faces. The white lights are now accompanied by small red lights panning all over the arena that looks like droplets of blood in contrasts with the white lights.

The Engineer steps to the top of the ramp, his head ticking back and forth as he shoots the crowd paranoid, nervous glares and mutters to himself. He stalks to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, whereupon he paces back and forth like a caged animal, still talking to himself, while he waits for the bell

We have an Interesting Matchup here tonight, that's for sure

Yeah a few weirdos you mean

The two men stare each other down waiting for the first to make a move. Engy charges Gordon and drives him into the corner.He begins to throw elbows into the jaw of Gordon.The ref comes to break it up. He gets the break and Engy takes a step back, only to go right back at it the ref begins to count....





Engy stops and walks away as Gordon's limp body falls to the matt. Engy sits on the opposite turnbuckle in the corner. He waits to see if Gordon will move. It takes a few moments but the ref can get a response out of the fallen man.

Good Gawd, He tried to kill him

As frail as Gordon looks I'm surprised he didn't knock his head off of his shoulders

As Gordon gets to his feet Engy charges again , but Gordon moves out of the way and Engy bounces off of the corner.Reeling back in the waiting arms of Gordon. Up and over goes Engy as Gordon hits a beautiful suplex. He bridges and gets the count...




Engy gets his shoulder up just in time. Gordon gets on the offensive again. He mounts Engy and begins to rain down punches on his head.Engy covers up to absorb most of the damage. Engy then uses a hip bridge to toss Gordon off of him and to create some breathing space.Engy gets to his feet at the same time as Gordon, while Gordon goes for a clothesline and misses setting Engy up to give a suplex.

The two mean hit the mat with a sickening thud as their heads bounce off the mat.The two men both writhing in pain from the sloppy suplex.Gordon rolls our of the ring to gather his bearing and get a breather .Engy hops to his feet and climbs the top rope. The Unsuspecting Gordon lies in wait below.

Get down before someone gets hurt

Now this is what I came to see

Engy jumps and plants his palm in Gordon's face driving the back of his skull into the floor as Engy rides the momentum down.The two men Are on the outside and hardly moving.The count starts....





The two men still are not moving as it get dangerously close to a countout.




Engy gets to his feet first and throws Gordon back in on the count of nine. The man stands over Gordon and he smiles.He pulls the lifeless body of Gordon to the corner and climbs the ropes again He is staring at Gordon the entire time.He giggles a little bit before steadying himself.

This could be over we could see his finisher right here.

Thats right put him out of his misery

Oh God He Had A Lot of Blood In Him!

But Gordon moves out of the way, Engy's feet slam onto the ground.As he stands there disappointed Gordon throws a punch. Engy catches it and traps his arm under his. Gordon throws the second punch. Engy grabs and traps that one. Engy begins to headbutt Gordon. The crowd counts with the blows







The ref breaks the two men up and Gordon falls to the mat for the third time tonight. Engy rolls him out of the ring as he stands with a crazed smile and shifting eyes in the ring. He stalks Gordon from the inside of the ring.

Gordon may have bitten off more than he can chew

Hell, If we can get the crazy people to beat up the bad ones I'm Okay with it.

Engy rolls out of the ring himself. He lifts Reeve up to his feet and then tosses him into the barrier, and then the apron, and then the barrier and then back into the apron damn near breaking the man in two.

Seeing his opportunity to put this to an end he rolls Reeve back into the ring. Engy follows suit and with Reeve slowly getting to his feet Engy moves in for the kill.

Delirium Tremens(head drop powerbomb)

Reeve crashes to the mat head first and Engy falls forward on top of him for the pin.




Winner: Engy

Title Unification Match

The Kings
Theo Pryce, Louis D'Ville, John Samuels, and John Madison
- vs -
AX3 and friends
Jim Caedus, Micheal Graves, Trax, and ???
Stadard Rules
6 Roleplay per team limit
no word count limit

Special Guest Referee Chris Chaos

[align=center]Jim Ross: This one is going to be a slobberknocker!

Huey. D. Louis: No question Jim! This is a Pay Per View level matchup! And we get a chance to call it!

Tig O'Bitties: This match is a Tag Team Title Unification Match. This will be an 8 man tag team match, schedueled for one fall. The winning team will be awarded the Tag Team Title Belts!

The lights go dim in the arena. Die MF Die by Dope's familiar riff hits. The crowd starts to buzz a bit as the smoke hits the rampway.

Tig O'Bitties: Introducing first, from Clearwater Beach, Florida, he is the Special Guest Referee for this match.....Chris Chaooooosssss!

Chris steps through the smoke. He has his striped XWF Official shirt on, with jeans and a pair of grey mesh Adidas running shoes. A cocky smirk on his face, he moves his head side to side while faking out some fans, pretending to slap hands. Climbing the ring steps he grabs the XWF logo on his shirt and yells to the crowd "I HAVE THE POWER! THIS IS MY MATCH!"

Jim Ross: Arguably the most vile and arrogant superstar on this roster. Easily the most chaotic. A former Universal Champion who certainly has no love lost for either of these teams.

Huey D. Louis: There is no doubt that something is about to go down here. Do we honestly expect a loose cannon like Chaos to call this down the middle?

Chris is in the ring, leaning against the turnbuckle corner, picking his nails as Tigs brings the mic back to her mouth.

Introducing First.......The New "Owners" of the XWF, The team of Theo Pryce, John Madison, John Samuels and Doctor Louis D'Ville, The Kings!

"MONEY TALKS" appears on the X-Tron and the crowd goes nuts.

The big screen shows a video montage of Theo begins playing as the XWF co-owner walks out on stage. John Madison walks out and stands to the right of Theo, and then John Samuels walks out and stands to his left. Doc steps out, standing middle with Theo, and the four walk to the ring. The tag team belts gleam over the shoulders of the Kings.

They have smug looks as they walk down the ramp, very confident. The crowd is buzzing hard as they make their way to the steps.

Two Kings using one set of stairs, two kings using the other, they enter the ring and Doc and Samuels hold the belts up as the crowd cheers. Chris Chaos stands in the corner, a hand over his mouth, in a yawn.

Just then, the lights go dim and the crowd begins to boo a little.

Domination by Pantera hits and smoke billows on the rampway once again. White and green and pink strobes begin to flash as Micheal Graves steps through the smoke, pointing at Chaos. He has a Trios title around his waist. He is followed by Trax, Steve Davids, and lastly, stepping through the smoke, is the Universal Champion Jim Caedus, who holds both the Uni and Trios title over each shoulder.

They all fist bump at the top of the ramp and walk down towards the ring. Chaos is perked up now.

Tig O' Bitties: And their opponents, Micheal Graves, Trax, Steve Davids and the Universal Champion Jim Caedus, A X 3!

They climb into the ring and Jim Caedus walks directly over to Chaos and gets face to face with the former Uni champ. They are almost touching noses. Chris taps the Uni belt and says "I'm coming for that", and Caedus shakes his head when Chris grins. He turns and asks Tigs for a microphone. She obliges.

"Gentlemen. Let me lay out the rules of this match. It is standard, one fall, the winner will be the new tag team champions!"

He signals for AX3 to stand in the center of the ring.

"I need to check and make sure that this is a clean, and fair contest."

He begins to pat down the AX3 members. "I need to make sure you have no cheating materials. I will DQ you in a heartbeat." He finishes with Caedus, who stares a hole in him. He is in the middle of patting down Graves then Graves shoves him. Chaos falls back on his ass and Jim and Micheal laugh and point.

"You think this is funny?! You think this is a game?!"

He stands up and walks over to the ropes, saying something to Tigs that the camera can't make out. He hands her the microphone and tells her to say it. She hesitates but finally says....

"The referee for this match has issued a verbal warning to AX3. The next violation will result in disqualification and the belts will be awarded to the Kings!"

Huey D. Louis: He can't do that!

Jim Ross: He just did! Chris Chaos is playing mind games with his old AX3 stable!

Chris signals for the bell and grins at Graves.

The bell rings and the match begins with Trax and Doctor D'ville.

Jim Ross: These two have been at each others throughts verbally for months! Now they are gonna get it on here!

Trax and Doc lock up. Doc gets the upper hand and loops around behind Trax, pulling his arm behind his back and running him towards the turnbuckle. Trax bounces off and Doc hooks the arm on the rebound, suplexing him back into the center of the ring. Doc doesn't give Trax any time to recoup, however, and stomps him a few times. Trax, however, is able to get to one knee and elbow Doc in the stomach a few times to back him up.

Trax gets to his feet but Doc has him in a headlock. Trax uses his strong legs to push back into the corner. He begins to pull out then shove back, driving shoulders into Doc's sternum. Theo slaps Doc on the back, unbeknownst to Trax, and enters the ring, chop-blocking the back of Trax's knee and taking him down. Theo grabs him by his head and walks him over to Samuels, who tags in. Samuels locks the arms and pump handle slams Trax, planting him in the center of the ring.

Jim Ross: Frequent tags here from the Kings. They obviously came into this match with a plan.

Samuels continues to go to work on Trax, stomping away before lifting him up and whipping him into the ropes. On the rebound he catches him into a spinebuster!


Chris gets down and counts super fast.



3----Trax kicks out at 2 1/2 of the ultra-fast count.

Jim Ross: Chris Chaos tried to rob AX3 there. He was almost successful.

Huey D. Louis: This is going to be a long night for Ax3, I have a feeling!

He picks Trax back up and whips him into the corner, running and connecting with a splash. Trax slumps in the corner. Madison holds his arms as Samuels signals a running knee! He runs towards Trax, who is helpless to move with Madison holding him, and delivers a big knee to the face. Trax is in big trouble here as Samuels lifts him up and suplex's him back with a bridge pin.

Another fast count.

3----The pin is broken up by Steve Davids, who drops an elbow on Samuels.

"HEY! HEY!" Chris grabs Davids, and shoves him back towards his corner.


When Chaos has his back turned, Samuels tags Doc back in.

Trax, however, rolls up Doc with a schoolboy pin.

Chris turns, sees this, and does nothing. After what could have been a 10 count, Doc powers out. Trax is frustrated, and gets in Chris's face before grinning, pointing at Chris and tagging in Jim Caedus.

Jim Ross: Here we go! The Universal Champion is in! Just two short weeks before he squares off with Chaos on Warfare!

Caedus walks over to Chaos and stares a hole in Chris before turning back to face what he thought was Doc. In fact, it was Theo Pryce who bounces off the ropes and buries a drop kick deep into the chest of the Universal Champion.

Caedus falls back against the ropes as Graves enters the ring, as does Samuels and Madison, then Davids. The two teams begin brawling and all hell is starting to break loose. Graves has the upper hand on Samuels in the corner and Madison has Davids down in the other corner. Doc steps in and in the center of the ring begins to exchange blows with Trax.

Jim Ross: This is turned into mayhem, and Chaos isn't doing a damn thing about it!

Huey D. Louis: Did you expect him to?

After a fw minutes the carnage spills to the outside as Chaos watches. The crowd is going nuts as Theo and Madison team up on Caedus, whipping him into the steel steps. Chris finally jumps down and orders the men all back to their corners. This time Davids enters the ring and is across from John Madison. Davids whips Madison off the ropes and hits a big kick to the face! Immediately on top of him Davids lifts Madison up for a DDT, Madison shoves him back, against the ropes but Davids boucnes off with a knee to the face! Steve Davids is on fire!

Davids flies over and hits Doc, knocking him off the apron and then Theo, knocking him off as well. Samuels and Davids trade blows from opposite sides of the ropes as Samuels then grabs him by the head and jumps down, racking his neck over the ropes and sending Davids stumbling back.

Jim Caedus is back on the ring apron and is livid. He reaches out for a tag but just as he does, Chris grabs Davids by the shoulder and spins him around. He "talks" to Davids, trying to explain something, leaving Jim hanging. Just then Samuels charges, Chaos moves, as does Davids, and Samuels hits a forearm to Caedus, knocking him off the apron.

Jim Ross: More distractions here from Chris Chaos! He has to be getting on AX3's last nerve here!"

Just as Chris is about to break off from Davids a hand reaches out and grabs a handful of his ref shirt. It is Graves. He begins yelling in the face of Chaos. Those two exhange words as Chris then sees Theo out of the corner of his eye flying off the ropes. Chris ducks and Theo hits Graves, knocking him off the apron!

Huey D. Louis: I don't even know who the legal man is anymore!

Jim Ross: Neither does Chaos, buh gawd!

Caedus, now heated, slides into the ring. He throws Theo hard into the corner. Here comes Madison. Madison gets a boot to the face! Doc comes in and Doc and Jim trade blows as Chris gets in the middle. Shoving Caedus back he claims that Jim is not the legal man and forces him back into the corner. Just then, Trax comes off the top rope and hits a huge Cross Body on Doc! He goes for the cover but Chris's back is turned with Jim. Samuels is in, he grabs Trax.


Chris turns and sees the Lone Star Lock locked in. Just then Steve Davids enters the ring with a steel chair! Davids charges Theo who has his back turned and swings that chair with everything he’s got!


It was at that very moment that time seemed to stand still.

”You’ve done a lot to help me, friend. For this I must forego your end. This chair shot I claim, as my rightful throne. The Kings™ are family, but I must do this alone..”

As if someone flipped a switch, time begins moving once more and the chair shot lands brutally to the face of The Jester™.

And with another POOF The Jester™ is gone..

Davids can’t believe his own eyes..

Theo stares at Davids momentarily, a look of shock adorning his face before drop kicking the chair back into the face of Davids, sending him tumbling. But Graves grabs Theo and tosses him over the ropes! Trax is out! Graves sees this. He bounces off the ropes and leg drops the head and neck of Samuels, forcing him to break the hold. Chris grabs Graves and shoves him towards the corner, claiming also that he is not the legal man.

As he turns around, Graves grabs Chris and pulls him in the way of Doc, who was coming at Graves with a running knee, and it connects square in the face of Chaos. This sends the special ref tumbling out of the ring. Doc and Graves go at it in the ring. This match is getting out of control.

Chris grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! This is NOT going to happen!"

He slides into the ring.


Jim Ross: Chaos inserting some authority here.

Huey D. Louis: It is about damn time!

Doc and Trax circle, just like they did to begin the match. Davids is still shaken up on the outside, as is Madison. Trax lunges at Doc, and is able to push the veteran back into the corner. Still locked up, Doc walks his way back out, pushing Trax back, before trax knees Doc in the gut, doubling him over. SCISSORS KICK! OUT OF NOWHERE!

Doc is out!


Chris counts.



Still waiting....

Doc kicks out.

Jim Ross: What the hell was that!

Graves is yelling at Chaos from the apron, taunting him. Telling him he sucks at referring as well. Steve Davids, meanwhile, has set up a table on the outside of the ring.

Theo steps into the ring and immediately gets in Chaos's face.

What the hell are you doing? Ref this straight or get lost. There are plenty of refs in this building.

Chaos backs away with his hands up and Theo goes back to his corner.

Back in the center of the ring Trax has Doc up. Swinging neck breaker. But he doesn't go for the count, instead flipping off Chaos, and cimbs to the top rope.

He signals for the frog splash to seal the deal but John Madison comes out of nowhere and hits his leg, causing Trax to fall, splitting the turnbuckle.

Doc grabs Trax. BULLDOG!

Trax was on the top rope when Doc ran and jumped, he is out flat. But just then, Doc tags in Samuels. Clearly, they aren't done with Trax just yet.

Samuels lifts Trax up and goes for a scoop slam, but Trax wiggles off. He shoves him towards Caedus who fires a shot to his head, stumbling him back! TRAP SILENCER!


Trax for the pin!

But Chris goes over and points at Jim, telling him not to interfere. In the meantime, Trax, now frustrated, goes over and tags Graves.

Graves is in and picks up Samuels. Chris turns around and waves it off. He claims he didn't see the tag! He makes Graves go back to the corner!

Graves is livid. He goes to hit Chaos, but doesn't want to lose the match for his team. So he pulls back, but as he does, Theo comes off the top rope with a drop kick, knocking Graves to the outside. Chris saw it, shrugged, and Trax lifts himself up using the ropes. Samuels is beginning to stir in the middle of the ring. Caedus is chirping at Chaos. Trax crawls toward Samuels and walks right into an uppercut! Trax is down but Samuels is woozy!

Jim Ross: What a back and forth match this is!

Trax is up to one knee. Davids is reaching out but Samuels smartly pulls him back to the center of the ring. Trax reaches further, but Samuel's goes to lock in the LONE STAR LOCK again but Trax wiggles out, hitting a standing leg drop. He jumps and tags in Davids. Steve Davids comes off the top rope and hits a diving knee onto the face of Samuels.

Davids lifts him up. SPIKE DDT!

He points to Chaos and yells at him to count and Chaos nods that he will. He covers Samuels.

The count, surprisingly, is normal this time.



Samuels gets a shoulder up!

Davids slams the mat in frustration. On the outside, Graves and Theo are going at it. Chris doesn't seem to notice, or to care.

Caedus jumps down and grabs Theo and whips him into the security barricade. Madison comes over, and Caedus boots him in the face. Caedus, obviously fed up now, walks around the ring and grabs Doc off the apron and pulls him down, exhanging blows before rolling him into the ring.

Jim Ross: The Universal Champion is cleaning house here!

Huey D. Louis: That's why he is the Universal Champion!

Meanwhile, in the ring, Davis and Samuels are going at it in the corner, with neither man gettin the upper hand. Graves now crawls back into the ring.

Caedus grabs Samuels.


Chris rolls out of the ring. He grabs the tag title belt.

Jim Ross: What the hell does Chaos have in mind here?!

Chris climbs into the ring.

Jim Ross: Oh my god! Don't tell me!

Chris halls off and levels Jim Caedus with the Tag Title Belt! The Uni Champ stumbles back right into Doc's clutches!


Trax is now on the top rope!


Trax jumps up and turns around right into.....


Huey D. Louis: Just Madison, Davids and Graves left!

Jim Ross: This is total chaos!

Graves grabs Theo.


Davids and Madison are going at it outside the ring. Madison whips Davids into the stairs, moving them almost a whole foot.

Jim Ross: All hell has broken loose here!

Madison comes in the ring behind Graves while he is face to face with Chaos. The two are arguing.

Just then........


Vinnie Lane's music hits and the arena goes white and pink!

Madison turns around but Lane isn't there!

Madison turns back and Graves is there!

Standing dropkick from Graves sends Madison out of the ring!

He turns. Chaos shrugs. Graves turns right into a waiting D'Ville...


Doc hooks the leg on Graves and Chaos gets down for the pin...


The crowd chants along.


They say two in unison!



Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions, THE KINGS

Tig O' Bitties: The winners, and NEEEWWWWW----

The crowd cheers but her sentence is cut off as Chaos snatches the mic.

Chaos: The winner of this match.........Chris Chaos.

Chaos grabs Doc and plants him with the EQUALIZER!!!!

Chaos looks is panting, seething with anger, and grabs Graves. He drags him to the outside. Under the ring he pulls out handcuffs. Getting back into the ring amdist all the bodies strewn around, he handcuffs Jim to the ropes.


Firing a few shots into the head of the Uni champ he grabs Graves and drags him over to the table that Davids set up earlier. He lifts up the limp Graves. Putting him in position again he his a huge EQUALIZER THROUGH THE TABLE!

He looks over at Jim who is livid. He grins at Jim and and looks back at Graves. Grabbing a steel chair he brings it down on Grave's back and head 4,5,6,7,8 times.

Jim Ross: I am not the biggest Micheal Graves fan, but by god he's a human being! Somebody come out here and stop this!

He rolls a now bloodied Graves into the ring. He puts his ankle in between the folds of the chair. Chris then climbs to the top rope but stops.......a grin crosses his face. He walks over to Graves and takes his ankle out and puts his head between the fold.

Jim Ross: My god! That'll kill him!

Chris climbs the top rope and makes the X symbol with his arms, then jumps, landin on the chair and seemingly crushing Graves's neck.


Chris slides out of the ring and over to Caedus who is tryin to break the cuffs off. He slaps Jim in the face with a smile, then hits him with the Universal Title belt .

Chaos isn't down though. He walks back over to Graves, this time loaded with a metal chair and with it starts laying waste to Graves body with various well placed shots.

One to the back.

One to the knee.

One to the head.

Each shot has Graves writhing in pain. He grabs at Chaos's leg and tries to pull himself up but Chaos just shakes him off sending Graves back down to the canvas.

Chaos raises the chair above his head as he smiles at the broken and beaten, he leans back slightly with the chair ready to pull the trigger and send the chair smashing into Graves but just as he does the chair is ripped out of his hands...


While Chaos was focused on Graves he never even saw Theo slowly get back to his feet. Pryce tosses the chair out of the ring and yells for Chaos to take a hike.

Chaos steps forward and gets within a few inches of Theo's face. He mouths something back at Pryce but as he does so he notices the rest of The Kings™ as well as Trax and Davids slowly getting to their feet.

Sensing that now might be a good time to retreat Chaos backs away from Theo, rolls out of the ring and backs his way up the ramp and out of site.

Theo looks down at Graves and then yells for the XWF Medical Staff to come out. A few seconds later a team of medics hurry down to the ring. They roll Graves onto a backboard, making sure to properly secure his neck first. They then push the backboard out of the ring and onto a gurney that had been placed at the end of the entry ramp, right against the ring apron.

Meanwhile Theo manages to break the cuffs that were keeping Caedus' in the corner of the ring while Graves got destroyed. Caedus get's up but says nothing.

The rest of Ax3 give The Kings™ one final look before rolling out of the ring and following the medical team and their fallen comrade out of the view.

The lights drop.

Jim Ross: What's happening here?

When the lights come back up the Kings look around, baffled by what is happening. The lights dim this time, and the profiles of all four members of the Kings stand, still visibly confused by the happenings in the ring.

Jim Ross: Is this Vinnie Lane getting some kind of revenge?

Jim Ross: The Motherfuckers? Bearded War Pig and Robbie Bourbon?

The lights come back up to normal, and Theo Pryce, John Samuels, John Madison, and Louis D'Ville all face the entrance, ready for whatever is going to happen.

Whatever happens comes from behind.


With a sick thud, Bearded War Pig levels John Samuels with his Boomstick, the AK-47 with barbed wired wrapped around the stock. As this happens, Robbie Bourbon decks Pryce with a car battery, dropping him like a ton of bricks.


D'Ville and Madison turn, ready to fight, but are a step too slow as they both get dropped by Bourbon and BWP and their malicious weapons. Bourbon is also holding a bag, weighted and full of something in his left hand. He plops it to the ground.


BWP reaches into the bag and pulls out two pairs of handcuffs as Bourbon places the car battery on the mat and pulls out two additional pairs of cuffs.

Huey D. Louie: Someone in the back has to send out some security! This is a mugging!

Jim Ross: Oh, you know Vinnie Lane is in no hurry whatsoever to send someone out.

Huey D. Louie: Is this what he meant when he told the Kings he had "friends"?

Jim Ross: I don't know!

Bourbon drags the dazed Pryce to a corner and hand cuffs him to the bottom turnbuckle, looping the chains of the cuffs around the corner so they can't move. BWP does the same to the unconscious Samuels in the opposite corner. Both men turn, and put the boots to the weary D'Ville and Madison, and drag them across to opposite corners, cuffing them in turn as well.

A King in each corner.

Bourbon charges a corner and delivers a massive boot to John Madison, and each of the Kings starts to groggily come to, recognizing the situation they find themselves in. BWP reaches into the bag once again and pulls out a set of jumper cables. Bourbon pulls out a fire extringuisher. He makes the rounds, spraying each of the Kings, rousing them. Theo Price jaws something inaudibly at Bourbon as he mocks him by cupping his ear. BWP pulls the final implement from the bag, a microphone, and hands it to Robbie Bourbon.

What's that, boss? Can't hear you.

Theo jaws at Bourbon, struggling against the cuffs to no avail. Bourbon spits at him, then turns to Samuels, who is just as enraged, trying to somehow outmuscle the cuffs. D'Ville is seated, not moving an inch, and John Madison is rambling on about something. Bourbon points at Samuels.

He doesn't need to hear this, they can explain it to him.


The butt of BWP's Boomstick meets Samuel's head, and he stops moving again. Bourbon turns to Pryce. He sets the fire extinguisher down, then sits cross legged in front of Theo.

Hey, boss. We need to have a word. Now a good time?

Theo looks back at Bourbon with fury.

Awesome. So, for starters, your nephew threw me out of an airplane. Not cool, I think you need to have a word with the boy about that kind of behavior. It's not really safe, I think OSHA would shit in your corn flakes over that kind of stunt. But, that's not really why we're out here.

Robbie stands back up.

Roll the tape.

The Xtron flashes, and we see footage from High Stakes II, the Deuces Wild specifically.


John Madison uses Doc’s baton tazer on an unsuspecting Robbie Bourbon! Bourbon writhes and twists, trying to get away from Madison and the tazer. The other Kings™ pull Madison away just as Bourbon hops himself over the ropes, unable to control himself and trying anything he could to get away from that electrical charge.

Doc charges toward Robbie Bourbon and uses his head like a battering ram, driving it into Bourbon’s chest. Bourbon loses his grip on the ropes and falls to the floor.

RING 1 WINNER: Doctor Louis D’Ville

Pryce tolls the bell and the Kings™ hop into the ring as Doc retreats to the corner. Pryce places the stool and Doc sits. Samuels wipes the sweat from Doc’s brow and Madison squirts water all over his face.

Pryce looks back at Bourbon, realizing what has happened, a slight smile crawling across his face as D'Ville remains stationary and Madison laughs. Samuels is still unconscious. Pryce mouths something at Bourbon.

Oh, that wasn't a good business decision. Nope. See, what happened next was the real mindfuck. To me, at least.

The Xtron shows stills of Pryce, Samuels, and Madison leaving the ringside area, then the final moments of High Stakes II where James Raven pinned D'Ville.

See, right there. That, Theo, is bad business.

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I wanted to believe that you would give anybody an opportunity in the XWF.

Hell, I'd even wanted to believe you wanted to give D'Ville an opportunity as a means of paying him off, but you didn't.

You just wanted to screw Robbie Bourbon over.

Make sure I didn't get a chance at the title.

You sealed the deal with me, and the Kings were happy with that, and let your running buddy over there high and dry and ready to get beat down by James Raven. I guess as some reward for stooging Lane?

Theo mouths something at Bourbon. Bourbon rolls his eyes, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a rubber chew toy for a dog that looks like a hot dog.

Okay, you're too busy thinking of what to say rather than digesting what it is I'm saying. I think for this communication to work, you're going to have to stop talking.

Pryce kicks at Bourbon as Bourbon slaps him. Bourbon jams the rubber hot dog in his mouth.

Seriously, I brought that for Madison. Looks good on you, though. I'm going to need it back when we're done, my rotty at home loves that little thing, she's probably wondering where it is right now. It'd be a shame if some worthless mutt like you fucked it up for her.

Bourbon delivers a few boots to Pryce, and the dog toy falls out of his mouth. Bourbon turns and picks up the car battery and takes the jumper cables from BWP.

Now, Madison. I know you could care less about what's being said, you're all nihilistic and shit. To an extent. I mean, you gotta care about something, and that something? Fucking me over. Strike one was the King of the XWF Tournament. Strike two was at High Stakes. You act like you don't give a shit, but when it looks like ole' Big Bad Bourbon is going to go home a winner, when the people will get a chance to have a place in the sun, you gotta disrupt shit. I'm just going to make it pretty fucking clear to you right now, strike three and I take your nuts.

Bourbon motions his fingers like scissors.

Snip snip, I take your balls. Now, I want you to value your testes, John. Love them. Acknowledge them. Know how important your balls are to you. So, I'ma leave a little mark. You like playing with electricity? Shocking the shit out of people? You're going to love this. You're going to remember this. I'm going to run all this current from this car battery through our scrotum, and you're going to thank me for it, because after all, this isn't strike three.

Bourbon places the battery on the mat again in front of Madison, and delivers a boot to him.

This is ball two.

Bourbon delivers another boot to Madison, then another. Dazed, Madison goes limp, and Bourbon kicks his legs open, spreading them with a foot draped over each rope in the corner. He then connects the jumpers to the battery while handing the microphone to BWP. Bourbon turns, and takes the ends of the jumper cables...


Madison howls in pain as the full current of electricity shoots between his little Madisons.

Before raising the microphone to his pussy gobbler hidden in his soft grizzly Adams beard, BWP cringes for Madison.

“Suuuuueeeee WhhhEEEEEEEEEEEE! Fucking A. Hitler that must fucking hurt mayne, might want to put some ice on the royal jewels after those baby-scrambling volts. Hopefully you don’t have any plans to have kids in the future, they might come out a little brain dead. Probably for the better though America doesn’t need anymore tyrant dictators anyways. We already have enough in political office and here in the XWF! All four of you fuck stains brought all of this upon yourselves, when you decided to try and force your agenda down the peoples throats!”

Bearded War Pig grows enraged thinking about how the Kings are basically like the same enemy he fought in Afghanistan. Nothing but bullies they are. Scum who use there power abusively for evil, to intimidate and spread fear amongst the people to fulfill their own agenda, The Kings. Pig lowers the microphone and charges into Doc’s corner delivering a devastating drop kick. Quickly BWP combat rolls back to his feet and begins a rabid onslaught of varying attacks to King D’Ville much like a bar room brawler. Blood begins to trickle down the Doctors forehead before BWP stops and turns his back looking back toward the crowd, raising the microphone to his mouth.

“Is there a doctor in the house? It seems a few men have had an accident! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! Seriously though if we can recall Doc had this coming, not just because he is aligned with Tyrants, no, he and Unknown Soldier took advantage of my ignorance of how French like Ghost Tank was. Let’s not forget the worst crime of them all against the people, Doc was partnered with a Hillary supporter back during the elections, one of the evilest traitors to America. I believe that alone makes him an enemy of The Motherfuckers! You shitheads really thought the People’s team would just stand by and allow such acts of terrorism go unpunished? Ya’ll must of read my file wrong; I’m one of GOD’S archangels of modern day! I’m a Motherfucking Marine, not a Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and definitely not a Puddle Pirate (coastguard personnel), I’m a fucking sheep dog who keeps the wolves at bay!”

Walking from one side of the ring to the other like a silver back guerilla in front of potential mates BWP retrieves his Boomstick in his right hand and the microphone in his left. While his equally alpha brother Robbie Bourbon begins choking Samuels with his boot crushing the windpipe of the darker toned King.

Bearded War Pig chuckles in glory and enthusiasm of the violence his new brother of fuckery and patriotism is willing to display upon the enemy. Pig walks gallantly and smooth like an old school pimp using his Boomstick as a cane over to the corner of Theo Pryce. Kneeling down in what is known as the haji squat Pig flashes a smile of mockery toward Pryce who attempts to spit on Pig but only covers his own face in his royal saliva. Pig shakes his head in disbelief.

“Damn boss man maybe the high life isn’t really good for you. Honestly how the fuck do you not know how to spit properly bro?"

"Maybe you should quit having Samuels snowball yah when you need to spit and learn to do it on your own like a good little bitch!"

"Shit looks like you just finished a German goo girl shoot."

"I always knew men like each and everyone of you who believe they are above the people are always hiding something. Obviously yours sir is you have no sexual courtesy for your partners hell I bet you are the type of queer who fucks a man in the ass and doesn’t even have the decency to give him a reach around!”

The crowd begins to chant.


Bearded War Pig smiles as he rises to his feet and gives his attention back to the crowd. His right hand still palming the barrel of his Boomstick, meanwhile Bourbon has removed his boot from Samuels throat. Robbie is now giggling like a jolly Santa while teasingly electrifying Samuels’s torso with the jumper cables and car battery.

“Damn fuckin straight I’m going to quote one of the best fucking movies ever made! Glad we have some war movie enthusiasts in the fuckin house! Probably why every single fan in the arena is on their feet, observing violent justice delivered to the elitist known as The Kings."

"See Theo this is how you please the people; you give them the violence they want."

"You don’t try to force them into having to view what appeals to your agenda."

"Not why we, The Motherfuckers are around and we plan to be around as long as the PEOPLE want!”

BWP’s smile disappears behind a wall of well-deserved facial hair, his hand releases the microphone, and it falls to the canvas and begins rolling to the center of the ring. Pig then grasps his Boomstick’s barrel with both hands kind of like a baseball bat, no more like a golf club. With the striking barbwire wrapped end facing downward toward the rings canvas. BWP’s smile appears again as he tightens his grip and takes off towards Doc’s corner like Happy Gilmore driving a golf ball. Swinging the barbwire end of his Boomstick straight into the Doctor’s little princes.


Television Championship Match

Jack Cain
- vs -
15 Minute Time Limit
2500 Word Limit

Tig O' Bitties: This match is the main event and is set for one fall, with a 15 minute time limit! It it is for the XWF Television Championship!

Tig O Bitties: Introducing first, the challenger, from Cincinnati, Ohio. Standing 6 foot 3 inches tall. Weighing in at 230 lbs! MEEEEZZIIANNN

Dim Blue light with smoke and flashes encompass the arena.

Jim Ross: This is the main event, the television title match. This should be a good one!

Mezian walks to the ring, throwing his arms up when he gets to the steps.

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing next, from Queens New York, standing 6 foot 10 inches tall and weighing 328 lbs.......he is the XWF Television Champion..........JACK CAAAAIIIIN

Cain steps through the curtain with the TV belt around his waist. Walking to the ring he never takes his eyes off Mezian.


Stepping into the ring, Mezian tries to get the upper hand as the bell rings. He jumps Cain before he can even get the belt off, shoving him into the corner.


Backed into the corner, Mezian is hammering shots on the TV champ. Head, body, everywhere. He whips the big man across the ropes, into the ropes, and delivers a drop kick. Cain rolls out of the ring as the belt comes undone and falls off.


Mezian rolls out of the ring, pursuing Cain. He continues to fire shots, knowing he needs to get the upper hand on the big man, and whips him into the ring post. Cain's head bounces off as he hits the deck. The referee begins the count.

Huey D. Louis: Good game plan here for Mezian. He is taking it to Cain early.

Jim Ross: He knew he needed to get it going early.

The ref is at a 7 count when Mezian rolls into the ring. Cain gets back into the ring at the 9 count. Mezian flies off the ropes and delivers a knee to Cain and knocks him back to the corner again.

Mezian throws his arms up and yells "NIGH", and runs to the corner, going for a splash. Cain elbows Mezian, backing him away, then wraps his big hand around Mezian's head and head-butts him, taking him to one knee.

Jim Ross: Pure power from Cain.

Cain then bounces back off the ropes and delivers a boot to the face of Mezian. Jack Cain then goes off the ropes on the other side, and leg drops Mezian.




Mezian gets a shoulder up.


Mezian is pulled back to his feet by Cain. A big uppercut staggers him back into the corner. Cain charges but Mezian jumps, his feet going over the shoulders of Cain while using the turnbuckle as leverage. Cain crashes shoulder first into the turnbuckle in the corner. Mezian uses his arm to roll Cain into a schoolboy pin.



Cain powers out!

Jim Ross: This is going to be a pure power and fundamentals match. No fancy stuff here. Smashmouth wrestling.

Mezian slides around and locks in a sleeper on Cain. He has one knee on the floor and one knee up, with his forearm wrapped around Cain's neck.

Cain is flailing arms, trying to reach the ropes and or break the hold. Mezian yells "NIGH! NIGH!" as he pulls. Cain, however, gets a second wind, and begins to get up.


Cain gets up with Mezian on his back, piggy back style. Trying to get Mezian off he backs him into the corner hard. Mezian hangs on. Cain walks to the center of the ring, links the leg, back body drop!

Mezian is flat out. Cain hooks the leg.



Mezian gets a shoulder up.


Cain slaps the mat, but knows he needs to keep working.

Jim Ross: Good show of resiliancy by the challenger here. But how much more does he have left in the tank?

Cain picks Mezian up by his white and black hair. He yells out and shoves Mezian's head between his legs. Throwing an arm up he goes for a powerbomb, seemingly to put Mezian away, but the challenger slides back behind the big man and drop kicks him from behind. Cain stumbles and lands with his head on the outside and his neck resting on the second rope. Mezia slides out of the ring. The crowd is beginning to buzz a little here. He grabs Cains head and slams it down, his neck against the ropes and the big man falls back, choking.

Sliding back into the ring, Mezian slides on top.



Cain powers out at 1.

Mezian covers again.


Cain powers out again.

Jim Ross: Gonna take a lot more than that to put the big man away!

Mezian bounces off the ropes, goes for a splash, Cain catches him. Picking him up over his head........gutwrench power bomb!

Mezian is flatened.

Cain uses the time to walk to the corner, shaking off the kinks, when suddenly the crowd gets a little louder.

Out of nowhere, Ezariaha runs down the ramp and up the stairs. She is on the apron and begins waving and jumping. The ref is distracted as is Cain, as Mezian goes for the knee with a chop block. He takes the big man to one knee and bounces off the ropes but Cain arm drags him and drops and elbow.

The shoulders are down.

But the ref is still distracted by Ezariaha.


Cain is angry. He walks over and grabs the ref, pulling him around and pointing at Mezian. The ref turns his back on Ezariaha and walks towards the middle of the ring but the resiliant Mezian hits an atomic drop on Cain, then bounces off the ropes. Flying clothesline!

Jim Ross: The distraction worked! Mezian may have the upper hand here!

Huey D. Louis: Ezariaha knows exactly what she is doing! Protecting her man!

Mezian bounces off the ropes. Cain is on one knee. SPEAR!


Jim Ross: We could have a new TV Champ here!



3----Cain kicks out! Mezian looks like he has seen a ghost!


Mezian grabs the downed Jack Cain. Leviathan Lock!

Is Cain gonna tap?! Ezariaha Is slapping the apron, cheering her man on as he throws his head back and yells "NIGH!"

Just then, the crowd pops as seemingly out of nowhere, Jenny Myst appears. She pulls Ezariaha off the apron and begins to trade shots and hair pulls. Those two rolls around on the mat outside.

[Image: xWF1fOa.jpg]

Jim Ross: JENNY MYST! What the hell is she doing here?! She wasn't supposed to be in the building tonight!

Huey D. Louis: Catfight! We have a good old cat fight!

In the ring, Cain is able to break the hold. The ref is trying to watch both as the clock ticks down under 5 minutes.

Jenny tosses Ezariaha over the announce table, into Huey. Her tumbles out of his chair and she is quickly on top of her, a flury of punches.

Cain is using the ropes to get to his feet. Mezian goes to lock in the arm bar. Cain tosses him off. Jenny has Ezariaha on top of the announce table. She looks at Mezian, who now notices what happened.


He begins to yell at Jenny as she winks a blows a kiss. Then she hits her twist of fate finisher.


Jim Ross: My god! Jenny sending a message before her match on Warfare! By god, Ezariaha is out here!

Mezian runs his hands through his hair and looks like he might cry. Just then Cain's big hand grabs his shoulder and spins him around.


Jim Ross: Oh my! The knock out punch!

Huey D. Louis: That's gonna do it!

Cain hooks the leg.




Winner: Jack Cain

Tig O' Bitties: Your winner, and STILL XWF Television Champion, Jack Cain!

Cain looks down at Jenny, panting. Jenny stands on the announce table with a sadistic smile. Both Mezian (in ring) and Ezariaha (announce table) are laid flat. She jumps down as a ring official hands Cain his belt. She walks around the ring as the crowd boos her.

Jim Ross: The XWF's resident power couple has struck again! Chaos and Myst have caused havoc on Savage!

Cain holds his belt up in the ring as Jenny, still grinning, backs back up the ramp.

[Image: sTQsr7o.gif]

Jim Ross: The Diva of the Damned may have bitten off more than she can chew here! She's written a check, but can she cash it! We'll find out on Warfare! My god! The carnage! There's gonna be repercussions, that's damn for damn sure! Next week there sure is going to be hell to pay!....

Wait a second... Is that who I think it is?![/color]

Huey D. Louie: No way! No way!

Brock Lesnar walks out onto the stage as the crowd loses it’s collective mind. The Beast Incarnate is wearing black and red gym shorts and a plain black tank top. He hops side to side and chuckles as he looks at the beaten down Television Champion in the ring.

Brock runs down the ramp and slides into the ring. HE CHARGES STRAIGHT AT JACK CAIN!




Cain hits the mat hard across the ring, and Brock Lesnar hops to his feet fired up and all. He grabs Cain by the head and pulls him to his feet.

Jim Ross: Lesnar is cleaning up the scraps!

Suddenly, THOMAS NIXON appears on the stage! Brock looks at him with a blank expression on his face, but he looks back over to Cain. Nixon is walking towards the ring, waving his hands at Brock, signaling him to back off.

Jim Ross: What the hell? Is that Thomas Nixon!

Huey D. Louie: Why is the lizard boy out here?


Nixon is ringside, and Brock is just smiling.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing Brock!”

Lesnar looks up at Nixon and walks towards him, a huge grin on his face. But then, Lesnar calmly exits the ring, as the raucous crowd continues to chant for Brock. Nixon continues talking to Brock, but he mostly ignores him, as the two men head up the ramp.

Jim Ross: We just witnessed the return of the Beast!

Huey D. Louie: And he went straight after the Television Champion!

Jim Ross: Someone needs to check on Cain!

A team of XWF Medics rush out to the ring to attend to the fallen TV Champion as the Savage broadcast ends.

Thank you to all that have helped us out once again this week, it is greatly appreciated, as always!
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[-] The following 10 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
(06-25-2017), Guppy Parsh (06-25-2017), JackCain (06-25-2017), JimCaedus (06-25-2017), John Samuels (06-25-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-25-2017), Phantom Panzer (06-25-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (06-25-2017), Theo Pryce (06-25-2017), Thomas Nixon (06-25-2017)

Messages In This Thread
Savage 06/24/17! - by Dr. Milton Matthews - 06-25-2017, 06:19 AM
Savage 06/24/17! - by Thomas Nixon - 06-25-2017, 07:00 AM
Savage 06/24/17! - by JimCaedus - 06-25-2017, 09:13 AM
Savage 06/24/17! - by JimCaedus - 06-25-2017, 09:24 AM
re:Savage 06/24/17! - by Mr Killjoy - 06-25-2017, 10:43 AM
Savage 06/24/17! - by Theo Pryce - 06-25-2017, 11:01 AM
re:Savage 06/24/17! - by JackCain - 06-25-2017, 11:41 AM
Savage 06/24/17! - by TD1 - 06-25-2017, 12:36 PM
Savage 06/24/17! - by John Madison - 06-25-2017, 01:43 PM

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