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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Don't Speak To Me Of Chaos
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-19-2013, 10:53 AM

You float around on cloud 9 in glee. Not a care in the world right now for you is there? Well things always turn to dark in the end. One moment you are walking up the stairway to heaven, the next you are falling to the pits of hell. One second you will be riding Neptune’s horses gallantly, the next… his warriors have struck you down so that the blue torture can suffocate you. Falling from the top is something that is inevitable. So Mark Flynn….

You sit there on top of your crazy high horse, claiming that you are just oh so good at talking and that I stole your ‘crazy man who’s good at talking’ persona. I stole nothing. I am me. You are you. Unfortunately, despite your deluded murmurs, I am much more entertaining than you. You pinned Mr. Satellite one minute, the next you are being pinned by the Psycho Sensation. How does that make you feel Flynn? Somewhere beneath all that mist and fog is the honest truth and reality that you very so much fear. You realise that you are second best but you shall continue to fight it. Of course, who could blame you? Nobody wants to know the truth. Nobody wants to face those torturous facts yet sometimes…. There’s simply no other choice. The fact of the matter is, Mark, you are not the man you are pretending to be…

You believe I do not thrive on chaos? Oh your insanity is now a lack of intelligence. You have not been watching have you Mark? You have seemingly been under a rock for way too long to understand that I realise what chaos is. Chaos is an opportunity for those who enjoy it to become great. Chaos is for people like me. Chaos is the mountain that we all climb, yet some people know how to climb much faster than others. The shortcuts. The ways to survive. Whilst others…. Don’t. Oh the irony. Your false beliefs that I am nothing but a worthless copy of you really is pathetic. As well as… Just that. False. There is no truth in it. Who in their right mind would want to be anything like you? Of course I might not be in my right mind. Neither would you be though if you had been what I have been through. You would be much worse off than me. You would be a bloody mess helpless in a hospital somewhere. That’s the truth.

It is oh so interesting though, that to undermine me…. You undermine the fools I have beaten. I have little care for the people I have beaten. Records and what not can be thrown away for tonight. Yet I know one think Mark Flynn. You have been set on grasping onto that Wild Card. Your desperation is truly pitiful. Laughable. Enjoyable. To take that all away from you is something that I must do though I am afraid. There’s nothing more that I enjoy than taking away the dreams of men who do not deserve to hold said dream.

The seven deadly sins continue to torment me. There is nothing I want more than to be rid of them. Yet they have been kind enough to bring me to Michigan to send this message to you. Before our match. The first kind thing they have done other than allowing me to beat Chris Legend to a pulp on Monday. This though, this is beyond that. They’re allowing me the golden chance to compete against the oh so highly regarded Mark Flynn in a match that will see me soar to glory like the Man of Steel himself. I need this victory though Mark Flynn. Do you understand what they would do to my family? What they would do to my beloved ones if I were to lose this match? They would destroy everything. They would inflict new pain to them. Pains that are not legal. Suffering that no human being should suffer. These men are out to make a statement and they are looking for any excuse to hurt me internally or externally. This is why I have no other choice but to win this match. If it kills me.

You have the desire to win. I have the need. Adrenaline is flying through my body already whilst you try to freshen your torn mind. My blood is pumping. My heart is hot. My eyes are fiery. And my emotions are flying all over the place like a Pidgey on speed.

If you think I am bad at speaking then perhaps you need to see another doctor. The fire in my voice is something that no one has said they regret listening to. Yet the self-proclaimed glory that lies with you Mark Flynn… I am not so sure about. There must be a reason why it has only recently came about of your recognition. It was not that long ago where if someone asked me who Mark Flynn was I would simply shrug my shoulders and stroll on. There is something great about you, I tell no lie. Evil…. Yet great.

It is up to me to put an end to that though. For victory has simply got to belong to Steve Davids.

I am sorry. I will not be going to sleep though Mark Flynn. Not for a long time yet… Torment, and torture keep me awake at night. Day light is no time for sleeping.

End of Prologue

After a trip to Michigan, where for the most of it I was knocked out. It is the morning of the event and I am being force fed Weetabix by a spoon.

Pride is strolling up and down whilst Envy shovels spoonsful of cereal down my throat. There is an intense aura surrounding the Sin chief. We are in a kitchen apartment. I was granted one of the beds last night. Envy and Lust were forced into sleeping in my room ensuring I did not go anywhere whilst Pride took the other bedroom and Gluttony took the Sofa. As expected Gluttony was much fatter than the other men, Envy was quite short, whilst Lust and Pride stood very tall and muscly. Pride had been the only one to speak so far. Perhaps this all KnightMask. He’s a mute after all and he wears a mask. Why not get an army of mute men wearing masks with a single mouthpiece to haunt me?

He’s too occupied fighting ninja and fighting crime with the superhero group ‘Crimson Knights’… Oh yeah they’re just a tag team… They sure seem to make out as if they are the real life power rangers though.

The mystery behind these men was going to torture me to the end of my days. I can just tell.

“You better hope that you win tonight you fool. There will be way too much pain for your loved ones if you fail.”

I begin to respond, crumbs flying out of my mouth.

Steve Davids
“That’s what I do. I will win this match. Not for any of you though. For me and for them. I don’t know why you people are so desperate for me to win. It sure as hell is confusing…”

“Well it’s hard to take you down from the top if you don’t climb there first isn’t it? At the end of the day, without you coming out on top, we have nothing to knock down. Don’t go getting any ideas to fold in the match though. We will notice. We don’t want that pretty face of Lacey’s becoming a bloody mess that needs surgery now do we? That would just be dreadful. Mark’s a good looking bloke as well, it would be a shame if he were to, oh I don’t know, maybe lose his nose? Then you can forget Satan reborn and stare at Voldemort reborn. Wouldn’t that be fun Steve? Or maybe slicing some of your fat uncle’s skin off of his lard belly… Would you enjoy watching that? I have always been a big fan of Saw…”

Steve Davids
“ENOUGH! Please…. Enough!”

“There goes the anger again. You are not helping your point at all you know you fool…. Carry on. I am getting a twisted pleasure out of your idiotic behaviour…”

Fury gets the better of me, I flip the table up, the Weetabix flying everywhere. All of the men do not react though. Pride just stands in front of me, with his index finger in my face moving it from side to side in disapproval…

“Get on the phone to the others Lust, tell them that Steve’s had a little misbehaviour and needs a slap…”

I look down, disappointed in myself. Realising that the others would be the ones who suffer because of my actions. A tear slowly trickles down my face. Blue in sadness, red in rage. My teeth are grinding together relentlessly unsure of what to do next. Is there anything I could do?

The men laugh… and begin to prepare to take me to the arena for my match. A match I so desperately need to win.

Flynn. There will be a time when you come to the grand oak tree as the mysterious man questions you, the same thing he has questioned so many of my opponents…

Will you continue to suffer and go through pain and anger over and over again? Or will you Rest in Peace? Life is something that is taken for granted. Yet you must know when you are making an error. You stepping into that ring tonight… That is an error that no man should make…

Do not be another man who makes the same mistake as all of them… They would have their body put through endless torture if it meant they could live forever. Whilst I am prepared for death. Death is something that should be accepted. Not rejected. A man dying in pain, would rather be dead in peace than living that way. Yet we continue to force him to live. This is what the world has come to. It makes me ask the question… Is it you and I who are deluded Mark? Or is it all of these fools who believe suffering is okay. Take the smart route. You need not come to that grand oak tree in the wood just yet.

Darkness surrounds everyone and everything eventually. Living or dead. When it surrounds you though. Better had hope that you are dead. Complete and utter agony will await if not. Use that wit of yours for some good every now and again Mark and maybe these ludicrous back and forth insults between us can come to a sweet end. Rather than have a bitter rivalry that right now neither man needs… These peace offerings shall come after our match though…

Until then, my eyes are set on decimating you. In twisting your body in ways that it should not be twisted. You will be a rag doll tonight, a rag doll being torn apart by a vicious and wild dog. A beast does not bow Mark Flynn. I have no intention on bowing down to the likes of you just yet. My family depend on it. Be prepared for the fight of your life because the worst is yet to come.

I spend the majority of my time in a bloody mess. I am bleeding out slowly. I will bleed to death before you pin me though Mark Flynn. That much is a promise. Victory is no longer about a ladder to glory. Victory is about keeping the pain and suffering of my beloved family to a minimum. I would hope that you of all people understand that….

I am afraid Mark… That you are just another man…. You know what I say don’t you Mark….

All Men Must Fall. [/i]


[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Don't Speak To Me Of Chaos - by Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 06-19-2013, 10:53 AM

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