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The Road to High Stakes Rp#2
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06-07-2017, 09:51 AM

continues from The Road to High Stakes...

June1st,2017Mezian's Room 0945

Marsha enters the room and looks at Matt and Mezain.The silence and tension are heavy in the air.

Are you guys okay?

I don't know Matt, Are we okay?

Yeah, Were okay. I have to head out. I have things I need to get to anyway, I have to get my stuff and move to the new place. Thanks by the way guys you really helped me out.

No problem man Anything for a friend.

Mezian locked eyes with Matt as he bean to leave the room.Matt shifted uneasily in his clothes.It was either the fact he pissed him self or the fear he felt from the eye contact. Marsha stands between the two, she doesn't know what is going on but it is making her uncomfortable too.

Matt walks out the room and heads down the hall.Marsha looks at Mezian with a concerned puzzled look.

Are you sure you guys are okay?

Yeah we are fine. We are just having a disagreement.I found some stuff out that I'm not too happy about.

Oh Okay, Does it involve me at all?

Yes, But there is nothing to worry about we squashed it. It will take care of itself from here. Don't worry
about it.How are Sionn and Jessalyn?

They are fine Sionn is being an asshole, but that is too be expected. he hasn't seen you a lot lately.He wants you to come home. I want to you to come home.The house is empty without you there.

I promise once this is said and done I'll come home and stay home.I would bring you out on the road but Sionn
is in school and the road is no place to raise a family.I wish I could be home more often but the schedule is just
really hard right now.

I feel like you don't want to home most days that you are home. It feels like we are int he way most of the time.
And with Matt being there and now Jessalyn. I feel like we don't matter to you.I understand that this is what you
do, but does it have to come home with you every week?

No, It honestly doesn't.But I have made a commitment to Mr. Lane.I need to finish out what is left of my contract.
I signed up for this Tag tournament and I will finish it. If I get Knocked out the first round, I'll come home.

You have your Welding I have My wrestling. The only thing I have felt Important doing. There are people who chant my name. There are people who wear shirts with my face on them. Where I come from you have to die for that to happen.
There are kids out there like Sionn who look up at me. I'm a hero to kids out there.

What about your son you are a hero to him, he looks up to you, He wants to be like you. Do you know how it feels to have to explain why dad isn't home?What its like to watch your loved ones on T.V? How it feels to sleep alone in a bed, not knowing where the love of your life is and what they are doing?

Yeah I actually do. I grew up with m mother tell me one story after another to explain where my dad was.I didn't Grow up watching anyone on T.V. But What I do Know is How it feels to sleep alone. Or do I have to remind you the fact you weren't there the entire time Connor was sick?

Marsha sat there quietly and dejected. She knew that she was right but also Mezian had his Points.befoer she can respond the doctors come in to check up on Mezian.They seem surprised to see Mezian sitting up.

Well, Mr.Coldwell How are we feeling today? It seems you're feeling better.How does your neck feel?

I feel great, a little stiff but overall great.My neck could use a good popping but it feels great as well.

Mezian grabs his jaw and head and twist in one direction, sighing in relief. He does the same thing in the opposite
direction.He lets out another sigh of relief.

Mr.Coldwell, We wouldn't advise you do that. With the damage to your C3 and C4. Any unnatural movements could paralyze you. We need to get a few scans done for the surgeon. He wants to work on you as soon as possible.

How long would that shelve me for.

Honestly Mr.Coldwell we would have to let the surgeon decide that. All we are here to do is check up on you and take you to radiology for the scans.

Well when the scans are over can I go home? I have training to get going?I can't be here sitting in a bed while people are preparing to fight me.

We will have to see, it may be better if you didn't wrestle anymore for the sake of your health.

My Health? Fuck my health. I understand you're in the business of helping people get better but I'm not gonna stop doing this.i don't have the luxury of retiring. I have too much fight left in me to just walk away from this.Unless
you are going to strap me down to this bed and never let me out.Which by the way isn't a good idea.You better have me out of here by the end of the day.You understand me?

The doctors and Marsha look at each other. They don't know what to do or say at this point. It seems that there nothing
that will change Mezian's mind. The doctors leave and Marsha sits there for a moment before heading down to the cafeteria.A little time passes and the radiology techs come to take him to get his scans.

A few hours have passed since he had his x-ray and CT scan.Mezian is beginning to wonder what is taking them so long.He starts to fidget in his bed.Out of frustration, Mezian yells for a nurse, No response. he presses the call light to the Nurses station and waits for someone to pick up. There is just an empty silence on his end. He can hear the beeping from his room at the station down the hall.

After a few more attempts at getting someone's attention, he decides to go find someone.Mezain wanders the halls for a few minutes.He remembers how much he hates hospitals and how quiet they are.The sounds of monitors and respirators echo through the hall as he passes each room towards the desk. He finally gets there to see a rather inattentive male nurse sitting in a chair scrolling on his phone. Mezian holds back the urge to yell at him.He stands there to see if the nurse notices him. After a short time, Mezian speaks up.[blue]

Hey, Buddy can I get the results of my scans? Or do I have to go to radiology myself and talk to them?

[blue]The Nurse startled By the voice of another person jumps to attention. He puts his phone away in hope to seem like he heard what Mezian said.He logs on to the computer in front of him.

What was the name mister....?

Mezian Was already in a foul mood, the slacker nurse didn't help the matter.

Coldwell..C-o-l-d-w-e-l-l. The first name Patrick. I'm in the room the end of the hall. I have An x-ray and Ct scan results I'm waiting on. Where the fuck is my doctor or the surgeon?they are not keeping me here any longer than I need to be.

The nurse types anxiously on the keyboard trying to find the information . he hopes that the angry man in the hospital gown will go away at that point. He searches the records and he finds nothing he can use to calm Mezian down.The results are either not in or they are bringing them directly to the room.The Nurse speaks cautiously...

Well Mr.Coldwell they either have not received the results or they are bringing them to you.

Which one is it then? I don't have all day. I need to know if I can fight or not.

I can call the doctor and see where he is. Will that make you happy?

It won't make me happy but it will reduce the chances of you having a to butt dial your phone for the rest of your life.

The nurse unsure of what to take from that last statement call the doctor.The nurse seems unhappy with what he has to hear.Most likely because the doctor told him to deal with Mezian himself, which he really didn't want to do.
Thankfully a female doctor walks past the station and asks for the room Mezian is in.

The Nurse awkwardly points at Mezian to signal that he was standing right there.The Doctor looks at Mezian and smiles.She gestures towards his room as she walks around the station and leads him back.

The young doctor grabs a chair and sits next to Mezians bed. Mezian climbs into the bed sitting in an upright position.

To be honest Mr.Coldwel I have seen a lot people with your injury, most which can breathe on their own.And here you are walking around the floor threatening poor old' John.

John? who the fuck is John? Oh, the nurse? Well If Pillsbury fuck boy would get off his phone and answer a call light I wouldn't have to get up.

At that moment a voice comes over the little box used to call the nurses station.It's John, you can hear he is upset as he speaks.

You call light is still on Mr.Coldwell...

Good I hope you heard that. I hope I hurt your feelings. I also hope you choke on something dick shaped.

The Little box goes silent, you can hear the sounds of a man sobbing to himself down the hall.

Now why did you go and do that for? John didn't deserve that.

Fuck that guy I want out of here.So what did all of those scans tell you?

They told me that if you take another bump or fall you'll be paralyzed. You can't go home until I fix your neck.I wouldn't feel right If I just let you go untreated.I can't justify doing it, I just can't....

Well you don't have to justify anything doc. I am leaving here today, whether you like it or not. You have no legal bearing on me. I can refuse treatment and walk out of here and you have no legal responsibility to me. So why
don't you go get me those papers and I'll sign them right now?

I don't want to have to repeat myself again.

The doctor sat there with a worried look on her face. She knew he was right, but at the same time, she had an obligation to help him.She had to make one last attempt.

What if I let you go and you come back in a month to see how your neck is doing?I won't do anything right now and you can leave of your own volition.All that I ask is tat you come back in one month for a check up visit. I just don't want to see someone with so much potential and life stuck in a wheelchair because they are stubborn.

Mezian stares at the doctor he can see her concern. She also can see that she is holding something from him.He knows she will lie to him. he will just have to find out another way.

Okay I'll come back If you let me go today.You're gonna go get those papers right now so I can sign them.

I will go get them right now. Let me make a few phone calls and ill get right back to you.

The doctor left Mezian alone in the room. he contemplated what he should do next. He called Marsha to see where she was. Marsha told him she took a nap in the car and would be up in a few minutes.He told her not to worry about it and he would down soon anyway. he had to sign some papers and set up a check-up.She agreed to stay down in the car and finish her nap.

Mezain started getting dressed. While in the process of getting dressed he felt his neck crack. It wasn't a normal crack, his left arm went numb.He knew something as wrong but he didn't really have the time to get it fixed.he continues to get
dressed.As he is slipping on his shoes he sees the doctor standing in the doorway.

I have your paperwork and your release forms.I really hoped you would reconsider te stay. I really want to help you get better. I can't imagine what you are thinking about right now.

Going home and getting myself right for a match.Going home and seeing my son.And most Importantly I wanna know what you are not telling me about my neck.

The doctor stood in awe, she didn't know what to think. How did he know? She thought to herself as Mezian made his way towards her.She couldn't move, whether it was fear or something else she was frozen.Mezian walked over and picked her up and moved her out of sight of the hallway.

How old are you, doctor?

Im 26, why can't I move my body?How am I paralyzed?

Well Doc, You have a superior intellect. This I can tell by just talking to you. But you have a terrible will power. You just let me manipulate you into what I wanted you to do. I had higher hopes for you.I placed a ward on the ground while you were gone. If you had a higher will power it wouldn't have done a thing to you. You don't have a strong sense of Will. So I'm gonna take what I want from you know and go about my way.

Are you going to rape me?

Mezain stopped for a second and stared the doctor directly into her eyes.

No doc I'm not gonna do anything like that. I have more respect for women than to do anything like that.What I'm gonna do is place my hand on the side of your face and head and take the info you kept from me. I know there is something you are keeping from me.I want it, So I'm gonna take it.

I will tell you everything.Just let me go.

You see doc I know you won't. You are a terrible liar. So stay still and this won't hurt a bit.

Mezian placed his hand on her head and gained the knowledge he needed from her.He also cleared out the last few moments of her memory.

Now you're gonna fall asleep and not remember a thing about this.

As the doctor closed her eyes Mezian laid her on his bed and signed his papers. he quickly alerted the staff that she had passed out and he didn't know what happened to her.He was able to leave with little to know resistance.Mezain walks down the hall towards the elevators.He pulls out his phone as he waits. Once the doors open he walks in, he presses the button to close the doors.He begins to record his next promo.[blue]

Okay now that I have a little time to myself I'm gonna let some stuff off my chest.It's been fun ready you tweets Peter.Mc Bride what you said was super cute.I have no doubt that you will "try to run me down".But you see the only thing
that you two will be running down is the ambulance when Jody and I are done embarrassing you in front of the XWF universe.I don't think you really understand the level of depravity and violence I can reach.I have been through more pain and suffering Peter or Micheal can put me through. Most of which was self-inflicted.

Quote:Anyways, let's get to the team of Mezian and Jody, shall we? Let's start off with MEXICAN. Oh, I'm sorry MEZIAN.
What kind of fuckin' name is MEZIAN? Sounds like MEXICAN just without the X and C in it. What a joke.

If I had a nickel for everytime someone has made that joke.I could buy a night with your wife Pete.Maybe a few nights if I manage my money right.What you don't understand Gilmour is that My name isn't what you should worry about. It's the fact the I am not afraid you or that wanna be Boondock Saint riding your coattails.I have stared death in the face what can you possibly do to me. I mean seriously Motherfucker!What in the fuck can you do to me, I have broken my neck, I've
been shot, I have tried killing myself, I 've been car crashes, I have had my ass whipped by some of the best fighters in the world.So I don't think you and Mc Bride have a snowball's chance in hell of even making me a little fearful of you.

Oh, and there is this shit.

Quote:You wanna know how Xtreme I can get? Well first, get my DVD and watch all my EPIC matches from Japan and here in the USA.

What else would I expect from someone who lives int he past?No one and I mean No ONE cares about you and what you DID!This is time for the future, not the past.I let you know about the shit I've been through to amplify the fact that there
is NOTHING you can do to me to stop me from hurting you.Your Buddy Mcbride better-cut promos soon. I hope he doesn't leave you standing alone at High Stakes I have so much stuff I want to to do you and him.If he doesn't show up I guess I could just hurt you.Oh and now for my favorite part...

Quote:I still got plenty of fuel in the tank and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.I may be 40 years old, but I
got the stamina of a 21-year-old.I may be fat, but I can still whip your ass all over the ring.

That has to be the cutest thing I have ever heard.It doesn't matter how much "gas" you have in the tank if all you do is stall out.The last I check Stalling out is all you have been doing.You have all this gas but no go Gilmour.I have always
said Your as young as you feel, the last thing I felt was 26. So I feel pretty awesome fight now. Don't worry about the doc she will wake up and be fine in an hour or two. I thinking that once I beat you in the ring I'll drain what little life force you have left.I will break your body, your spirit then I will break your soul as I drain you of it.So keep it up Peter, with your tweets and your promos. I need a good laugh after learning what I have learned from that doctor.I'll be hoping off here I have a flight to catch, and a son to go see.

The elevator doors open up and Mezian is met by Marsha at the Elevators.She looks at him as he walks out.

Is everything good.

Yeah I'll be fine.Let's just go home I wanna go see Sionn.

The to walked down and caught another elevator to the parking garage. They entered the car and drove off to the airport.

To Be Continued......

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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The Road to High Stakes Rp#2 - by Mezian - 06-07-2017, 09:51 AM

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