(05-04-2017, 08:40 PM)Micheal Graves Said: Oh, so you're really going to brag about that screw job of a match? That's almost as bad as you acting like you've done anything of merit since running off to become a cowboy.
Did you throw me through the door and teabag me? You sure did, I won't deny it. I will however argue your belief that that somehow makes you a man, or gives you the right to say one fucking thing to me. If I remember correctly, and I do, your bitch ass took off running faster than a
in an all you can eat pussy buffet when you realized that your "Gravy" was about to kick the shit outta you.
Where did you run to again? Oh, that's right. You ran right into the arms of the only group around here that's a bigger bunch of bitches than you are. Then it took the five of you, FIVE... to kick my ass. So stop pretending that you're anything more than the autistic kid who's getting to hang out with the "cooler" kids due to anything more than sheer pity.
You want to talk about my opportunities, and how I supposedly squandered them. Fine I own up to that too, but again, quit acting like your shit don't stink. You faced Jim Caedus twice for that television title. Both times you had a hell of a shot at winning, and both times instead of buckling down and doing what you needed to do to prepare for that match, you decided instead to just goof off and coast by. Then after failing to make it through the first round of Lethal Lottery, you get gifted re-entry into the event. How did that go again? Oh that's right, you lucked out by drawing Scully, then again with Dolly. That got you to the finals where, and let's be honest here, you chickened out at the thought of standing toe-to-toe with Jim Caedus again, and left your partner high and dry.
You know what, I'll give you credit for being funny, but when it comes to active competition, you ain't nothing but a punk ass bitch. I suppose that makes you a perfect fit for the Kings ™.
Now suck my dick or get the fuck out of here with all that nonsense.
Oh, and Gilly, incase you haven't heard... I stole that from you too.
Naw, I haven't don't much worth mentioning.
But do you wanna know the best part, Mike? I've still got a job and a place to achieve great things. What's the best you're going to do to improve that shit show of a life you live? You're a second rate, over rated never was that isn't fit to flip my fuckin burgers at Burger King.
Yeah, I ran, it's true. But how was I to know you weren't hiding Main or Caedus in that gaping slit you mistakenly refer to as a cock? You've never been one to fight your own battles, pussy. That's the whole reason I even got into shit with Chaos and Bourbon in the first place. Trying to save your sorry ass and spare you the embarrassment of being the only "legend" who returned to get fucked on by guys with half the experience.
Make no mistake about it, The Kings™ and I have an understanding. I provide them with entertainment and they provide me with a little added protection from the pussy parade you call a team. Oh, speaking of pussy, way to cower to Chaos you cocky cunt. He came in and took over Ax3 like it was his goddamn birth right.
I didn't squander a damn thing. I lost to the better man. Jim Caedus is twice the man you could ever hope to be. Being defeated by a superior athlete and losing because you're shit are two very different things. You lost to Chaos, a man that I beat the ever loving piss out of in front of the world and yeah, I lost. But if you're so much better than me, why couldn't you pull out the win, Mike? Think before you speak you mentally challenged scrub.
Yeah, I fucked myself pretty good in LL, that's accurate.
Won't even try and deny it.
Oh, and you're goddamn right I'm funny.
Now how about YOU get the fuck out of my house.
The house that Cadryn is building.
Ain't no room in here for no talent assclowns who chase prepubecent pussy.
Thanks for playing though, Mike.
It's always a pleasure to lyrically lobotomize those lyin ass lymericks you feel actually carry some weight.