05-03-2017, 03:26 PM
Yes Trax. You won at Lethal Lottery. You beat Doc. Fair and square. One, two, three. Except, you took out Donald Trump... Not Doc. But, it's okay. Technically, you won. The good ol' Lotto. Luck of the draw.
Now, you pretty much insist on arguing with nearly everything that myself and my fellow KINGS bring to the table. Which, I can understand. Our views are different. Our ideals are different. Hell, even how we look at XWF history is a little different. But you can't argue the fact that you were blessed in that tournament, am I right? You MUST admit that things could have gone the opposite direction if things were drawn out a little differently. At least, give the public the satisfaction of admitting that.
If you refuse? Well, we always have High Stakes coming up, right? Your death wish. After the months, maybe even years, of all of this back and forth, all of this nonsense, we will finally be able to settle this score that you've made up in your head.
It's been said that I'm washed up. It's been said that the doctor is NOT the threat that he once was... It's been said that I'm weak. You know, deep down, that none of these things are true, my friend. People don't approach me and insist on these sessions for their health, that's for sure. They approach me with something to prove. You're looking for something, too, aren't you, Trax? After being kicked around for months with this new brood of talent, the only thing you can do is look back to a previous life and hope for something better. Well, I have some bad news, my friend, it's not going to get any better.