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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Hours Before
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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04-28-2017, 09:06 PM

Mezain sits and stares at his reflection in the glass of the window.He had flown all the to Pittsburg with little to no sleep. He wanted to get a coffee to clear his head.All that he think about was what happened last week.WhatShade had said about him. What he could have done better what he could have different.Matt walks up and hands him his coffee.

You alright man? You haven't said much since we got here. You haven't eaten anything either. Are you gonna be able to do this match?

Mezian looked at his cup of coffee. He Knew that matt was probably right. He really wasn't feeling right.He knew that maybe he needed to sleep the few hours he had left for the show tonight.He wasn't really sure if that would even help.He kept playing the match over and over again. He maybe thought that if he Knew what was going to happen he could have prepared better. But tonight was different he had the opportunity to get back at him.To put Shade in the ground.

You saw what he did to me its still on my I keep going? What if it happens again.What if I don't get up from it next time.I mean I know that I have had a great career before this, but this is different. This is the top of the very top.You don't get better than this. Am I wasting my time? Am I wasting their time?

Matt knew that it would come to this one day. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or maybe jetlag but mezian needed a pick me up.He knew that the only way to get him out of this was, to be honest.Matt looked at his friend and sighed.

Are you fucking kidding me right now.Are you serious right now Pat?You have more fight in you than this.You can not be honestly sitting there being all self-loathing right now. So what if you got your a kicked. A lot of people do. I mean hell look at John Cena. He got his ass kicked a lot.Do you think he was all shitty and depressed about it. Fuck no he just kept doing it.Hell he made
a goddamn slogan out of it.You know that "Never Give Up" bullshit he spews everywhere he goes.Look there is nothing you can't do. So suck it up, drink your coffee and let's get ready to get this shit.

Mezian did not think Matt would say what he said but he was right.There was no reason to mope. Mezian drank is coffee, stood up and headed towards the hotel to sleep before the show.

Thanks bud, you helped out a lot back there.

No worries man.Besides Cadryn ran his mouth again and that Dany Sex kid cut a promo.Its kinda fucked up.

Mezain pulls out his phone to watch the promos.He stands there flabbergasted. He didn't know what to think. He decides to cut one before he left the coffee shop.

Well I have to say the promo Danny sex cut was interesting, to say the least. What I didn't understand is why you were fucking an old lady? You know as a XwF star you can get whatever girl you want....Seriously.But that is for another time. Now I hope you're ready Danny because the guys we have saturday are not pushovers they are tough and should not be fooled with.

Wait hold on I reading the wrong card. I see here we have Shade and Cadryn.
take everything I just said and forget it. This is almost laughable,but hey
its J.T's first time he'll get it right soon.But I digress.

Cadryn and Shade this is the part were i talk shit and threaten to kick your asses.But to be honest I kinda don't have very much left to say. Because I
have tried to respectable and honorable.That didn't get me anywhere.I tried
to be more aggressive and that got me a little push but I wasn't happy with
the results albeit a win.So I decided to stop caring, to stop respecting,
to stop fighting with honor. No I have no restriction and no regrets.So
tomorrow night I'll just show you what I'm capable of and see what happens.
Win or lose I have done what I came to do and that is to hurt anyway possible.

This is specifically for Shade. I have seen your house, I know where you live, I know where Hope sleeps.She really is beautiful. Im going to hate taking that
away from her.Shade I hope you're ready? The storm is coming find shelter where you can and RUN!

Mezain smiles and laughs before the feed goes out and the Leviathan cross flashes on the screen.

[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

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The Hours Before - by Mezian - 04-28-2017, 09:06 PM

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