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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Little Kings
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-28-2017, 03:07 PM


LITTLE THEO:[Image: EFztnTD.jpg]

Little John Samuels: [Image: g2ADiBP.jpg]

The playground was loaded with little children. It was recces and all the kids were finding other kids to play with. It is crazy how judgmental kids can be, but also how vindictive and smart.

On the playground, two kids who called themselves "The Kings" were standing there. They were called this because they were the best kickball players around--nobody could beat them at kickball.

Little Theo, as he was called, was the leader of this group of kids. He was the most vindictive of all. But Little Theo felt threatened because there was a new group of kids on the playground who were taking over. You see, Theo, and his friend John, had left the school for a little bit to explore kick ball fields on other playgrounds. Now they were back, and they wanted their turf back.

But this one group, AX3, was lead by a group called Chris. He was the new rave. He could kick the ball further and higher than anyone else. Theo didn't like this. This was HIS playground, but he didn't feel at home anymore. That is when he turned to John, who now for some reason was a little black kid (the sort of reverse Michael Jackson), and pointed to the kickball field.

"We need someone who has been here" he said in his little baby voice, "we need someone who knows what this playground is like".

Samuels nods with a stupid grin.

"How about that kid?!"

They both looked, and Samuels almost fell over with fright. He was a freak! No, surely Little Theo didn't mean HIM.

"Little Doc. He has to be the one. He is the only one left from our kickball days. He has seen the new kids, he know's how we can win"

Little Doc sure was an ugly thing, though.

LITTLE DOC:[Image: xJCnBCl.png]

"Heyyyy you....little doc! Come here!"

The wrinkly freak looking kid looked at the two of them.

"Hello, my friends!"

Samuels damn near fell over.

"I don' thinka this bee a good ideaa Theo, dat kids a freak."

Theo walked over to Doc, who was even wrinklier up close.

The freak spoke again. "How can I be of service?"

"I want my playground back! And I want YOU to help me do it, got it?"

Little Doc looked at them for a second, rubbing his chin.

"I don't know. It's been so long since I've mattered at kickball. Nobody cares about little old doc anymore."

"No, you freak, they don't, but I refuse to let them forget about me. You know this new group of kids. You are going to help me, and maybe there is something in it for you."

It had been so long since Doc had any friends. He smiled a bit. The three of them turned and looked towards the playground kickball field where a little blonde kid and his friend that was for some reason wearing a mask were dominating.

All three sighed.


[Image: tMLOMW3.jpg]

"The old man still has some fight left, I see. That's good. He obviously heard me tear apart his brother from another mother, Mr. Samuels, so he had to chime in all the way from the nursing home. Doc had a lot to say, but how much of it actually mattered and how much of it was gas coming out of his wrinkly ass? I mean, I think last time we fought I must have given him a few too many bumps on the head. I mean, come on Doc, we all expected better from you. I certainly did.

The XWF's Resident Senior Citizen Said:"AX3 is simply a cover for YOUR failure, my friend."

Doc, Doc, Doc, Doc. Oh how the mighty have fallen. You see, what I am with the AX3 brothers is much different than what you are with the Kings. MUCH different. You see I am aligned with 4 of the top stars in the game, all of whom look up to me as their leader and their savior. I am advancing their career just like they are advancing mine. It is a perfect fit. You, with the Kings, you are nothing but a convinient ruse. They needed a foot in the door to the new era, they needed to see how things were going here now, and your prehistoric ass is the only one left from how things used to be. They are USING you, Doc. But you are too senile to see it. It is a real shame, because you are a respected commodity here reduced to nothing but Theo's playtoy.

I expected better of you.

The XWF's Resident Senior Citizen Said:It's about protection.

And it isn't for you? Doc you did the same thing I did, essentially, and you want to attack me about it? You see your allure beginning to fade. You see your status as the company's legend beginning to look more pale than vanilla ice cream, and you needed to do something about it. People were beginning to forget about the good Doctor. You wonder WHY you hadn't been forced to defend your title? Because nobody even knew you had it. You were probably the least recognized champion this business had ever seen.....but it wasn't until someone realized this and said "Hey, I'd kind of like to be Tag Team Champ" that the pot began to churn more. You needed help. Soldier was out passed out in a Greyound station somewhere with a mouth full of Meth, and you were there, all alone......a single bleeding fish in a sea of SHARKS. This is an ideal situation for you.....but those same SHARKS are going to discard you when they don't need you anymore. Once they have what they feel they need, they will throw you away like yesterdays garbage and you will be nothing more than an old, washed up, title-less memory of an XWF that was swallowed up, taken over, and fully encompassed by CHAOS.

You know it's coming, and you know you can't stop it. But what you also know is that the YOU need the KINGS, the KINGS don't need YOU. That is why you want to get it while it lasts, strike while the oven is hot. Because you know that the KINGS are the new trend. They are the flavor of the week. They are the new item everyone is talking about---but what are they really? What leg do they truly have to stand on. What leg do YOU truly have to stand on? You claim you pushed my career forward, and perhaps you did. I needed to beat you to be recognized. But, by YOU advancing ME, I BURIED YOU. I put the D'Ville legacy to sleep. What have you done since? Not a goddamn thing. You've been a placeholder champion. Those belts now come to AX3.

And you know, it's funny. It truly is. You try to drive a rift through us by claiming that I will go after Jim Caedus and the Universal Title. Jim knows this. That belt will be around my waist again. But as long as it stays AX3, and every belt in this company stays AX3, Jim will not mind. Jim has the talent to win any belt at any time. The rivalry and the matches that Jim and I will have to the title will be epic. But they will be between brothers. Two of the top stars in the New Era, going back and forth, all for the same cause---the AX3 cause---and giving the XWF fans a sight to see. Two GODS in this business doing the Devil's dirty work. Oh the irony.

But let me ask you Doc, did you make the right choice? There are always open arms in AX3........

Why be a KING when you could be a God?

[Image: oUYr3qU.jpg]
XWF RECORD: 29-7-2
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Little Kings - by Chris Chaos - 04-28-2017, 03:07 PM

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