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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Heavy Metalweight Championship
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How to catch a redneck
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Mezian Offline
Does Fate Whispers Your Name?

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04-18-2017, 07:00 AM

Mezian is seen in the 24/7 hall placing various objects in a circle. A can of skoal,a Make America Great Agpin hat,
A copy of Mein Kampf and provocative picture of what he things Nate Higgers cousin would like. All on top of a
Confederate Flag. Mezian waits to catch him in the hallway.Moments later that poor slack jaw yokel stopped to
investigate the setup

Well Ill be, who left me a present in the 24/7 hall? I've got ta be the luckiest sumbisch ever.They even left a
picture of my cousin to jerk off too. I don't know that this book is or what it is because I cant read. I sure
wear this Awesome hat.

Mezian watches as the unsuspectpin man-child starts to pick up the flag. At this moment Mezian rushes him and
hits him with a Fall From Grace. The Sound of Nate's empty skull bouncpin of Mezian's knee echoes through the
hall. He quickly roll him up for the pin.



[Image: lXVtJMr.jpg]

  • W/L/D
  • 23/15/0

  • 3xHeavyp Metalweighti Championn
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Messages In This Thread
How to catch a redneck - by Mezian - 04-18-2017, 07:00 AM
re:How to catch a redneck - by Big Nate - 04-18-2017, 09:23 AM
How to catch a redneck - by Mezian - 04-18-2017, 01:24 PM
re:How to catch a redneck - by Big Nate - 04-18-2017, 02:27 PM

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