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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Jokers - A collaboration with Robert Main
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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04-12-2017, 06:04 PM

Smoke fills the very dimly lit room as the camera pans to find Micheal Graves and Robert Main, two of the three members of AX3 sitting across from one another sharing a fifth of whiskey and puffing away on a couple of Robert’s Makers Mark 650 Sumatra Toro Infused cigars. Robert begins dealing out the cards as he asks Graves a question in a firm and direct manner.

”Graves, I have an honest question for you! Savage, we have our first tag team match together as AX3. Now, brother, I have to know will there be a conflict of interest come Savage? Cadryn… Is facing him going to be a problem?"

Graves makes eye contact with Robert, a cold emotionless gaze on his face. Graves picks up the whiskey glass and downs the shot that remained in the glass before answering.

”Cadryn? No, not a problem.”

”Perfect! You know how I am? I love to make a statement!”

Main finishes dealing the cards as both men check out their hands.

”We are going to make a statement Robert, don’t worry about that. I’ve spent a lot of time with Cadryn over the last few months, and I would like to think that I know him pretty well. I know that he likes to talk a big game, shout to the world about how great he is, but every time that he falls under the slightest bit of pressure, he crumbles. He did it twice with Jim for the TV title. He did it again in the first round of Lethal Lottery, and then when he managed to make it to the finals of that tournament, he managed to collapse under the pressure so bad, that he claimed injury as the reason that he could not show up for the event. Well, not only did he manage to show up after being removed from the Lethal Lottery match and both face off with, and lose to a bunch of no name, no talent assholes, but he came out talking trash to some new guy named John Blaq, where he claimed that his injury wasn’t so bad as to keep him from showing up and being a man. I’d like to ask that little fucker which it is. Was he too injured to compete, or was he really just being a pussy when he bailed on his match?"

Graves chuckles to himself as he shuffles his cards around.

"The fact is, I know the answer to that question already, and I guarantee that the very second that Cadryn saw his name booked opposite of our, he began looking for excuses to cut and run."

Main chuckles at the thought of such a pantie waist trying to parade around the XWF in a cowboy hat and claim that he is a real man.

”Funny, he sounds a lot like LJ Havok. Maybe even mirror images of one another. See LJ had been one thing his entire career. A failure, he failed in his first attempt here in the XWF. So he comes in and gets an instant shot at the Hart Championship. He came in making false claims! The tell old tale of I'm back and better than ever just didn't pan out for LJ! See LJ when I came into the XWF I worked my way up the food chain. I didn’t call in favors. Nothing was handed to me.You came into the Championship match and got beaten by the better wrestler. Me! So now you get a second shot at me? At you brother? Havok wherever you are I need you to listen to me right now. AX3 are not stepping stones. We're more of a wrecking crew more than willing to end your career. LJ you dream of this bright future that will never come! We are the rain clouds that will rain on each and every man, woman or yes, even CHILD on this roster, right Graves?"

With a sadistic grin on his face, thinking back to the brutal attack he performed on Dolly Waters at the close of Savage. Graves nods in agreement as he discards two of the cards in his hand.

"We’re taking over, one championship at a time! Next, the Trio Championships will be around my brothers Graves and Caedus and me waists. It's all ours. You people are just too foolish to see it. Blinded by your own egos. We are taking over!"

"You’re fucking right about that brother! You’re the Hart Champion, and it still seems like people aren’t taking you seriously! Me, at least I understand why they look to me and think that I’m less. Between getting screwed over in my matches, and running around trying to be a fucking hero for Cadryn. I’ve not done anything to turn a single head in this company! Sure, I took Chris Chaos to the limit, but I didn’t win. I didn’t win when I should have, and do you know why? Because I was too preoccupied with doing those goofy Disneyland skits with Cadryn and Darren! Cadryn is more concerned with making people laugh than he is with winning matches, and while I was running around with him, I was falling into the same trap. I filmed a skit where I’m beating my dick with spoiled lunch meat! SPOILED LUNCH MEAT! Did you see that shit, Rob?"

Robert seems to be caught off guard by that, he freezes for a moment as he tries to figure out if Micheal is bullshitting him or not. After a moment passes, Main discards three cards out of his hand as he replies.

”Oops! Look at this! A Cadryn got left in the deck!”

Robert reveals the Joker card, without looking Robert flips the card over his shoulder laughing. He then draws in deep on his cigar blowing a few smoke rings before pouring another shot of Jack Daniels. He watches the amber liquid for a moment before shooting it down.

”Cadryn just like the Joker left in this deck, you are nothing more than a sideshow act! Trash needing to be taken out. Just like that card I tossed over my shoulder a second ago. I'll do the same to you. See in the ring you are going to be nothing more than my play toy. A rag doll. You and I have no beef. But if Graves here has an issue with you. Then so do I. See, Cadryn I now know all your dirty little secrets. Graves has done a fine job in filling me in. All your pathetic weakness. There are way more of those than strengths. If you think for one split second you stand a chance in the ring with Graves and I you are literally dumber than you look. Your FOOTLOOSE looking ass will do nothing other than cry out in pain asking your friend to stop. The problem is, we won't. You are nothing more than a minor, and I mean minor bump in the road! I've beaten the very best this place has to offer! Chaos, Reno, Robbie. My brother in arms Jim! You have nothing in common with these men!"

"To mention him in the same breath is utter disrespect. He is nothing more than a HOLLOW MAN! A shell!"

"You may believe you are one of the SLEEPERS here in the XWF. But know this, AX3 is THE DARKNESS that will swallow you whole! Your luck is going to be so unfortunate you will think it was FRIDAY THE 13TH. The last time you were seen around the XWF you were telling everyone that you thought you were pregnant. What a joke! Look (s)HE’S HAVING A BABY. You fucking idiot men can't have babies!"

Robert pauses for a moment to think about the situation before continuing.

"Well maybe you can you're only half a man. Cadryn you are nothing more than a running joke to everyone in this company and everyone watching at home."

"We both know that you’re going to come at us with some HE SAID SHE SAID bullshit to try and discredit me as being the deranged monster that I am. Coming from a man like yourself we all know the truth, you transgender looking fuck! In this match, the XWF is going to find out that they indeed have A FEW GOOD MEN and its AX3."

"Yeah and It will be this way from now on so get used to the idea. There is no need to put the roster on notice. Everyone will find out and fall one by one. That's for another day though. Back to you Cadryn! Stepping into the ring with us will prove to be a DEATH SENTENCE for you! AX3 will be your personal executioners. So come on down to the ring and you can wear that cowboy hat while riding your stupid little horse Cadryn, but no matter what you say, no matter what you do, and no matter how you dress, we all know that every other thought that goes through your mind every second of the day remains, I LOVE DICK!"

"Let’s not allow this to be all about Cadryn though. LJ Havok, there’s another joke almost as bad as Cadryn. This guy comes back to very little fanfare and claims that he is going to make some noise and ruffle some feathers. Well, I hope that you’re okay with the idea of doing it from a hospital bed LJ. Because if you think that you are going to try and make your mark with us, I promise you that’s where you will end up! The fact of the matter is this, you aren’t nearly as good as you claim to be. You’ve already faced Robert over here once before, and what happened? You choked! That’s what happened. Now you think that you’re going to ride in bitch on Cadryn’s steed and find success against what will prove to be the most dominating faction in XWF history?"

”Hey Graves I bet Cadryn gets TREMORS every time he hears your voice!”

"I wouldn’t doubt it, Robert. A fucking 31-year-old man and he still run around with MY trading card in his pocket like he’s a fucking child. The entire time that I was hanging around that buffoon, there was no doubt in my mind that he wanted some of Gravy’s baby gravy in his mouth. Now that I’m gone he had to go and hook up with this flamboyant LJ, that should say all that you need to know. One weird little cocksucker and another metrosexual take it in the ass . They’re a match made in Heaven."

Graves and Main both share a good laugh at their opponents expense before puffing away on those cigars. Robert finally deals the two cards that Graves has been waiting on for a while. The two men stare at one another as if in a fierce competition. Graves lays down his hand first. It’s 4 Kings. Robert puffs on his cigar a few more times before laying down his cards, revealing 4 Aces.

”Yeah boy! Winner!”

”Goddamnit Robert!”

”Nope, I won. The best hand wins Graves!”

”...but I want to be the one to cave their faces in!”

Robert leans back and takes a sip of whiskey then puffs on his cigar.

”Quit kidding yourself Micheal, the bet was just for fun. Of course, we are both going to cave in their faces."

A sadistic smile falls across the face of Micheal Graves as the two men finish off their drinks and the scene fades out.
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(04-12-2017), JimCaedus (04-13-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-13-2017)

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Jokers - A collaboration with Robert Main - by "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves - 04-12-2017, 06:04 PM

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