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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Castle of Demons - The Apprentice's Story Part 1 RP#1 of 2
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Nightmare Offline
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06-14-2013, 12:09 PM

[Image: TAS_zps9366fc50.png]

In my masters mission to remove the evil King Madison from the throne he must defeat an opponent on Wednesday Night Warfare. The is uncharted territory for my master but territory his is very pleased to be visiting. There are many beings within this organisation and within the Wednesday Warfare roster that must be struck down for all the bad they have done, the consequences will be full and complete, their soul’s will be cleansed, they will be better people.

These people can wait his first mission is as always the evil tyrant, King Madison. The XWF have a fear towards this King that much is obvious, they are afraid of his actions if he was to be dethroned. This is why each and every week they have made my master step face to face with other members of the XWF roster in order to just keep his shot at the King. These battles gave been great, powerful and worthy of my masters time however they are and always will be just preventing the inevitable.

My master will one day face the King, he will defeat the King and he will become the King. Once this happens the XWF will have no need to fear the disgusting being that is the current King Madison because my master will be a King in all ways a King should be and he will protect the people of the XWF and rule with a gracious hand, he will be fair.

First though for my master will be the one the call World One International a nothing in comparison not only to my master but to the people who have fallen before at his hands. My master and I are not the type of being’s to verbally run people into the ground, if we were we would be just the same as our victims and it would go against all we are fighting for. So we will speak of the one they call World One no more.

Instead I would like to share a story, the story of the night that was my official induction to the order of the night demons. This was the single most important night of my life. It was also the single most frightening night of my life. Although it was frightening for no real reason, I would later discover that it the fear I felt within me was an artificial fear placed there by the powers that be upon my arrival at the Castle of Demons.

[Image: Castle-02640480.jpg]

This fear was placed there as I walked through the gates to rid my mind, body and soul of any future fears, it worked, there is nothing in this universe that can make someone as scared as I was that day, just imagine if you can an irrational fear engulfing your entire being and there is nothing you can do to shake it because it is getting put into you by another source with no chance of passing. It wasn’t a fear like a normal fear that if you think of something else it fades, no this fear is put into you as soon as you pass through the gates and it then spreads throughout your body clinging onto all of your vital organs, no matter what you think of, the fear remains, you fear everything, even if just for a short time.

My master would not speak a word to me on that night. He just led me through the long, tall, empty hallways until we arrived at the giant doors of the powers that be. I remember looking up at these doors as the two guards stood either side finally granted us access.

As the doors opened a flash of light almost blinded me, but with that the fear was gone. My master led me into the giant room. It was a dark, cold feeling room. Statues of former demons like my master stood throughout as well as gargoyles up high on the walls. Up ahead there were some high steps leading up to a warmer looking area far into the distance.

My master Nightmare stopped as did I. we both looked up the long flight of steps. My master pointed up to the top of the steps so I stepped forward. My master did not move just continued to point without saying a word. I remember looking up at him but there was nothing behind his eyes he just stared. So I walked a few steps closer to the bottom of the stairs. I remember turning to look back at my master again but he had vanished.

I remember slowly turning to walk up the steps, one at a time. Looking high up to the top it seemed like they would go on forever all I could see was the glow of warmth at the peak in the distance. A few feet up I remember looking back down once more expecting to see the ground close behind, but it wasn’t. There was nothing but a mist following me up the steps. With that I looked up at the peak and took a deep breath.

To Be Continued...

[Image: nm_zps35d07197.jpg]
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The Castle of Demons - The Apprentice's Story Part 1 RP#1 of 2 - by Nightmare - 06-14-2013, 12:09 PM

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