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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Important! Lethal Lottery Open Challenge!
Author Message
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
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03-20-2017, 08:47 AM

Book the match! It's an open challenge. Seeing as Danny here has just arrived, it seems fitting to me that he'd show up and embarrass Scully live on pay per view. In front of millions.
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Messages In This Thread
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-17-2017, 02:45 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Misty Waters - 03-17-2017, 05:14 PM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-17-2017, 10:38 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-17-2017, 10:30 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-17-2017, 10:45 PM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-17-2017, 11:52 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-17-2017, 10:55 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-17-2017, 11:22 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-18-2017, 12:26 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-18-2017, 12:51 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-18-2017, 01:08 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-18-2017, 02:40 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Diesel - 03-18-2017, 10:42 PM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-19-2017, 01:17 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Mr. Oz - 03-19-2017, 01:25 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Mr Killjoy - 03-19-2017, 05:44 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-19-2017, 09:02 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Mr Killjoy - 03-19-2017, 09:35 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-19-2017, 11:10 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Misty Waters - 03-19-2017, 03:56 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Paul Heyman - 03-19-2017, 06:15 PM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-19-2017, 10:40 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Paul Heyman - 03-19-2017, 11:19 PM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Imperial - 03-20-2017, 08:07 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Paul Heyman - 03-20-2017, 08:47 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Imperial - 03-20-2017, 10:39 PM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-21-2017, 08:11 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Imperial - 03-21-2017, 08:59 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by TD1 - 03-21-2017, 08:44 AM
re:Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Scully - 03-21-2017, 10:16 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by Vincent Lane - 03-22-2017, 12:02 AM
Lethal Lottery Open Challenge! - by drezdin5788 - 03-23-2017, 05:18 PM

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