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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Fucking Clowns
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The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-01-2017, 01:16 AM

Fade in...

Mr. Tidbits: "Fucking Clowns! The most annoying and pathetic excuse of a being, period, no, if's, and's, or what's about it, those bastards can all be castrated then have their throats slit, while a town of rednecks unload every ounce of lead they own into their multi-colored clothed bodies. I Fucking Hate Clowns! Their stupid fucking face paint, goofy red noses, and most of all their sasquatch size shoes, what kind of sick individual would get their kid a clown for their birthday, a sick fucking individual that is who! The same kind of person who birthed me, a women who carried me for nine months, just so I could be her punching bag for over a decade. That is right Suicide Jack, my mother is the woman who created the nightmares I built in my head about clowns, my first experience with one of the most hideous and disgusting bags of meat was on my sixth birthday. It was right after I had cake with a few of the other kids, whos parents would rather drop them off with a cracked out prostitute for a birthday party then find a middle schooler to watch their kids for maybe twenty dollars for the whole day. You know the degenerate parents who weren't whooped as spoiled little pieces of baby trash. The kind of people that should just be eradicated from the planet, the ones that somehow slime on by, without any kind of reprocussion. You know the same kind of mentality you have Suicide Jack, you think doing something you are use to and enjoy is courageous, you probably stumbled on your little ability when you couldn't hack life anymore?! I'll admit after my first encounter with the vile creature known as a clown, I too almost lost control and felt like complete darkness would be much better than living this miserable life, oh how I was wrong.

See my first encounter with a clown, was watching my mother being ravaged in my bedroom, the clown was behind her limp, and tomatoe red body, her teeth gritting trying not to moan to loud. The worse part about that time I witnessed my sad excuse of a mother whoring it out to a clown, she had balloon anal beads shoved in her ass while he ripped her vagina like a wet paper sack. So now you and the world knows why I have issues when it comes to clowns because it is simple they don't do their job for childrens happiness, but secretly they are here to crush the hearts and dreams of children all over the world. Something I swore I would attempt to put and end to for good. So you chosing a man's body who plays a clown, is kind of ironic, and very, very dangerous for yourself, see Jack, when I see clowns, all the terrible images, all the nightmares, well they all come crashing back in my mind. You should have a grasp on what comes next, you seem to be with brain, no need to break down every little word. By the way that neat little trick of yours, why, are you cursed, do you have a fetish, or can your feeble mind not handle the emotions that come with the priveledge of life?

See Mr. Jack, what I am saying in a nut shell is if you come down the ramp way and slide into the ring come Anarchy dressed up as a clown, or in control of a clown, the XWF will see one man rip another man limb from limb, like a mother grizzly protecting her cubs. Clown's aren't a laughing matter to me Mr. Jack, I really didn't enjoy your little promo one bit, which I am sure you could care less. The point is you enraged me with your cute little antics, now you are going to have to deal with the consequences of your actions, I know you are new here in the XWF, as am I, so maybe just maybe if you can find it in your heart to make a public apology, maybe I can forget the whole incident. On second thought, that would be impossible! See there is absolutely nothing else in the world that I hate as much as clowns, hell I don't even hate the whore that almost killed my spirit as much as I hate those creepy bastards. Obviously I am not one to be creeped out very easily, those bastards are the lowest, kind of like where you are now in the XWF.

Bottom of the totem pole, trying to reach for every gold ring, to climb to the top of the rankings, you know since the whole, committing suicide every day must be losing it's guts and glory. Why else would a man who gets his rocks off by hanging himself while he masterbates, come to the XWF to dip his toes in the wrestling world, because if you believe you will be leaving anarchy with your first win, I am sad to inform you, your beliefs are nothing but lies, lies inside a stupid fucking CLOWNS head! So now I must beat The Truth through your body and into your soul, there will be no clowns in the XWF if I have anything to do about it, I don't believe my own Father is going to be able to control me come Thursday when you and I Suicide Jack meet in the squared circle, I am sure we will be the main event, the XWF staff is already recognizing what kind of show stealing monster I am. Mr. Jack soon, very soon, your days of ever being a clown again are coming to an end, becuase after the pain and punishment I inflict upon your borrowed body, but most importantly that lost soul of yours. Prepare yourself Suicide Jack, prepare for The Truth!"

I begin to laugh manically in the camera as I push it over cutting to static.

Fade Out Bitches.

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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Fucking Clowns - by The Monster of Htaed - 03-01-2017, 01:16 AM

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