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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
Darren Zirado - Vampire Hunter
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DZirado Offline
Southern Charm and Superior Strength

XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-28-2017, 01:43 PM

“Dear Jesus, give me the strength to abolish the evil that has been placed in front of me. I am but a man, and he is an eternal creature of the night. A creature of darkness spawned from the curse placed upon Able after he murdered his own brother, Cain. I ask you to look over me and shine your holy light on my path as I set forth to rid this world of one more evil, in your name I pray… Amen.”

Darren Zirado stands up, dressed in what appears to be old western attire. He tucks a couple of wooden stakes into his duster and grabs a rifle as he stands up and turns to face the camera.

[Image: Ziradovamphunter.jpg]

“Mr. Ashcroft, the Good Lord as deemed fit to have our paths cross this Thursday night on Anarchy. He has bestowed upon me the responsibility to drive your brand of evil from this world of light, and I have accepted my role in his perfect plan. You are not the first of your kind that the Good Lord has called upon me to fight back into the darkness. It seems that this world of professional wrestling acts as a bug zapper on a hot summer night when it comes to Vampires and demons. Your kind always shows up, forgetting about the fact that you’re only safe when you live in secrecy. Once you decide to enter the entertainment business, though, it’s kind of hard to hide the fact that you have the mark of Satan though.”

Darren cocks his rifle, causing the first round to enter the chamber.

“I don’t pride myself on being a very good wrestler. Truth be know, The Lord has never seen fit to allow me to win a match. I do however pride myself on driving evil from this here earth. Whenever my God deems fit to call upon me to be a soldier of the light, I will always answer that call. If there is one being in all of this universe that you don’t let down, it’s him. That’s why I’ve decided to call upon a close friend to lend me a hand.”

The camera pans back to reveal… Blade?

[Image: blade.jpg]

“This here man’s name is Blade. I may have let on that I know him well, but to be truthful, we aren’t the closest of friends. Allow me to explain. Blade and I first met a few weeks ago in a subway station. I was trying to get across town in order to buy some taters and sweet tea, and when I saw this fella, I just knew there was something special about him. So we struck up a conversation, and he proceeded to tell me how he was a vampire, but he could walk in the light.

Darren looks to his partner in vampire hunting, a look of discomfort on his face.

“Now I’m not gonna sugar coat it. When I first heard you say that you were a vampire, I was ready to take one of them stakes off your leg and drive it through your cold dead heart right then and there, but then it hit me. You said you could walk in the light. I had to give that one some thought, but I quickly realized that you being a vampire, and walking in the daylight must be a sign by the Good Lord Almighty. He was tryin’ to tell me that you were placed on this earth to be a weapon used against these vile creatures. Fire against fire, that’s what you are son.”

Darren looks back to the camera as Blade pulls out his sword and does some less than impressive sword work, before stopping in a signature Blade pose.

“That’s right Mick Ashcroft, there are two soldiers of God coming to put an end to your reign of terror against the good people of this earth. The two of us together possess all the power needed to drive a stake into that black heart of yours son. That power is the strength that we pull from the Holy Spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So forget about Anarchy, forget about a wrestling career, boy. Start makin’ your peace with whatever sinful deity that you dirty varmints worship, because “The Sweet Tea Sippin’, Southern Gentlemen With The Strength Of Ten Men, The Best Man At Jesus Wedding, The Good Reverend, Vampire Hunter Darren Zirado, and his pal Blade are coming to getcha!”

Fade… To… Jesus...

[Image: jesus.jpg]
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(02-28-2017), drezdin5788 (02-28-2017), JimCaedus (03-01-2017), Mick Ashcroft (02-28-2017), The Monster of Htaed (02-28-2017)

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Darren Zirado - Vampire Hunter - by DZirado - 02-28-2017, 01:43 PM

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