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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fuck it!
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Justin Sayn Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

02-27-2017, 08:07 PM

Baja California

The XWF crew find Justin Sayn in a lounge in Baja. Now is their chance at an exclusive interview with the new comer.

Steve Sayors - “We have finally caught up to Justin Sayn. Hopefully we can have some words with him. Justin do you have some time?”

Sayn - “ Sure I have some time. Just waiting for my partner to show up.”

Steve Sayors - “So Michael Graves has had some words for you care to comment?”

“I've heard what you have said and you think you have it all figured out Graves? Do you honestly think your games will actually work? I tried to give you props, hell I tried to be respectful. Well that's off the table. You say I'm a handicap in this match. Then you my friend are sadly mistaken.”

Sayors – “Do you have anything else for Graves and his partner?'

“There you were primed for the spot light, and what did you do with it? You went toe to toe with the best in the company and you blew it. Now before you get all chapped and red faced. You did put up a fight. I mean 60 whole minutes with the champ, but you choked and now you finally want to focus on the two of us. For what? Another chance at embarrassment? Please Graves, spare the rest of us of your lame ass attempts to get in our heads. They just aren't working. You see Graves while you and Gilmour put up great efforts in your matches. The two of us were talking strategy. We played it smart we heightened our chances by focusing solely on the two of you. The two of you are quite the team, but you have no idea what is in store for you come Warfare. You two old dogs have had your day, had your glory now it's time for you two to sit back and take a back seat to the young guys. Now I know what you guys are thinking. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Well it's quite fucking simple I AM JUSTIN SAYN! Now Michael Graves you've been poking and poking and poking for weeks now. It's actually getting rather annoying. You keep saying the same damn thing over and over and over and over again and again and again. Guess what? We fucking get it already. So what. I grated half my face off with a cheese grater. No one else seems to give a damn but you. Oh my god I saw this guy for 5 whole minutes and thought he was a “quack”.Well cheer up butter cup you get your chance to see first hand just what a “quack” I really am. You Seem to think I don't belong in the same ring as you. Bitch please! Don't feed me that weak ass shit. Seriously look at you. You tried to play with the big dogs and you got bit. “The Dark Warrior”? Maybe in a past life now you're more like “The Dark Princess”. So when you sit down and you think of your long career. Do you just think to yourself. Do I have it in me? Can the two of us pull it off? Are we both even 100%? How much do I have left in the tank? The answer is simple Graves. It is without a doubt a NO! You don't have it anymore Graves. You're FINISHED! You gave it all you had for one more shot at glory and you FAILED! Your tank is running on fumes. You should have just stayed retired! You're like this “Okie Dokie” guy that just wont go away.

So now you're all pissed saying the briefcase is yours. Well news at 7. This just in Michael Graves is whining about his loss. Surprised? No, not really. “It's like..sniff sniff. It was right there I had it.. sniff sniff.” Somebody please get this man a pacifier. I really don't care what you have to say Graves. I really don't. There is nothing you can say or do to stop me. If you want another shot at the champ. Well that road goes through Robert Main and myself, and we are not a team to be taken lightly. Come Wednesday at Warfare. When you and Peter Gilmour step into that ring with Main and myself. You will be starring into the eyes of the men that will end your legacies.”

“Now if we can please have a minute to address another situation?”

Sayors - “What other situation?”

“Peter F'n Gilmour. It seems as though that table you went through has done some damage. You don't even know who in the hell you are facing. You see, you must have me confused with someone else. The guy you beat. DING... DING...DING.. You guessed it. It sure as hell wasn't me. You've never had the pleasure of stepping into the ring with me. Come Wednesday, you will finally know who I am.”

Sayors - “So how do you feel about what they say about you?”

“ You know what? I am so sick and tired of everyone simply writing me off as a joke. Well here it is fellas. You will be witnessing the dawning of a new era in the XWF. This era will be filled with something you only fear in your worst of nightmares. Come Warfare, your worst nightmares will come true. I will personally be your “TWO FACED NIGHTMARE!” So what you two need to realize is I am coming into Warfare to reek havoc on you, and when I am finished with you guys. I will not only go on to round 3. I am going on to win the whole god damned thing. Say what you will. I really don't care. The amount of fucks that I give about the two of you are less than one. I no longer give a damn about what you have done. I no longer give a damn about what you think about me. When you step into the ring with me. You enter my world , and in my world there is pain and there is suffering. Soon you will realize that all that matters to me is winning this whole god damn thing a shutting everyone up.”

Sayors - “ Is there anything else you'd like to say to any of your opponents?”

“Funny you should ask that? Now Graves, since you like giving out advice and hook ups. Maybe now's the time to get in touch with that friend of a friend who's brother is the assistant manager at that Micky D's. After Wednesday. It'll be you thinking about a new career path. Justin Sayn is here to stay. I'm not going anywhere. You see the XWF is kind of... well it feels like home to me. Yeah, it's quite comfy here. I can get used to this. I mean I get to hurt people and get paid to do it. Yeah this is my kind of home. Now this interview is over I have places to be.”

Sayors - “ What will happen at Warfare? I guess we will all find out Wednesday.”

At the conclusion of the interview. We see Sayn getting in a car as it speeds off out of camera view.

Undeniable TV Champion!

[Image: XCNcCKb.jpg]
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Fuck it! - by Justin Sayn - 02-27-2017, 08:07 PM

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