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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Back in Time!
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

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02-11-2017, 11:16 PM

I'm traveling down the road, in a car with Jesus. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Micheal Graves has regained control of this vessel and we're experiencing another one of his hallucinations.

Micheal Graves: So, did you bail me out of jail?

Jesus Christ: I did.

Micheal Graves: Why?

Jesus Christ: Because I felt bad. I was a real asshole to you when you asked for my help.

Micheal Graves: I've never asked for your help!

Jesus Christ: Oh yeah, I forgot that you're possessed by a demon.

Jesus reached over and places his hand on Micheal's forehead. There is a sudden burst of energy that blast out of the back of Micheal's head. Micheal slumps down limp for a moment, before opening his eyes and looking around confused.

Micheal Graves: W...Where am I?

Jesus Christ: I just exorcised your demon bro!

Micheal, and yes I mean Micheal, not Satan Gravy, looks around the car for a second. He quickly gains his composure.

Micheal Graves: Stephanie, is she okay!?

Jesus Christ: Oh yeah buddy, she's fine... and she's FINE, good job by the way!

Micheal Graves: So is the demon gone for good?

Jesus Christ: Yeah, I don't think he'll be coming back anytime soon.

The scene abruptly cuts to a snow covered mountain in a location that is not disclosed. We see a small slimy monster sitting on the tip of the mountain, freezing to death. Seriously he looks like a pickled potato. Have you ever seen a pickled potato? Try to imagine one, I'll wait.

Okay now take that pickled potato, give it a few thin strands of short black hair, big red eyes and a little mouth sans lips, with razor sharp teeth. Now have that pickled potato spend the next 48 hours taking money shots to the face. What do you have? Satan Gravy! It's hard to believe that this little fella is what was causing Graves all that trouble. Anyway, the camera pans back, and we see that the snow covered mountain that Satan Gravy sit atop is actually just a fragment of a mountain that is floating somewhere between space and time.

The scene cuts back to Micheal in the car with Jesus and blasting down the road at a very unsafe speed. Have you noticed that anytime Graves is in a car, it's always speeding?

Micheal Graves: Jesus, I appreciate everything that you've done for me, but what's the catch?

Jesus Christ: No catch bro, I'm just living up to my namesake. Jesus loooves, man. I haven't shown you much love lately and causing you to lose to Killjoy, that just heartless.

Micheal Graves: Yeah, I've got to admit, I wasn't too happy about that.

Jesus Christ: I know, can you ever forgive me?

Micheal sits there, staring at Jesus with this dumbfounded look on his face.

Micheal Graves: I mean... I kinda have to forgive YOU right?

Jesus smiles a sly smile

Jesus Christ: It'd be the dick move to end all dick moves if you didn't.

Micheal Graves: Well Jesus, can you do me one more favor, and teleport me to where ever Stephanie is? I need to set things right between us.

Jesus Christ: No time bro! There is something else far more important that I need to do for you!

Micheal Graves: What's that?

Jesus Christ: We need to go back in time, and stop your mystery opponent from returning to the XWF!

Micheal Graves: My mystery opponent!? You know who Nate Higgers partner is?

Jesus Christ: Yeah dude, and if we don't act fast, there's no way that you are going to make it out of the first round of LL!

Micheal Graves: Who is it!?

Jesus Christ: It's Steve Jason!

Micheal Graves: No fucking way!

Jesus Christ: Yeah, apparently since you keep talking about him, and hyping him up to the current generation, Steve Jason has decided to return to the XWF. He's also pretty pissed that you keep bragging about that win that you have over him, so he's planning on hurting you so bad, that you never step foot in a ring again.

Micheal Graves: That's some crap!

Jesus Christ: Crap indeed. The worst part of it all is that I MAY have been the one to bring all of this to Mr. Jason's attention, to begin with.

Micheal Graves: You bastard!

Jesus Christ: It's cool, though, we're gonna make this right, now hold on, I have to get this sucker up to 88 miles per hour!

Jesus floors it as the black sedan suddenly transforms into the modified Delorean from the Back to the Future movies. Lighting begins to manifest around the car, and suddenly in a flash Jesus Christ and Micheal Graves vanish, leaving behind nothing more than a trail of fire.

To be continued the next time I break the anti-flood rules!
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Back in Time! - by "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves - 02-11-2017, 11:16 PM

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