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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Trax is a <img src=""> rookie monkey Part 4: Radio silence after being destroyed
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

02-06-2017, 06:29 PM

Right before the events of the 9th promo.

The scene opens to NOCMM in a graveyard where a service is being held for a monkey who died because Trax keeps persistently doing the wrong thing. He is looking down at his invisible watch. He starts shaking his invisible head.

NOCMM: It's been well over 48 hours since I cut my latest scathing on promo on the rookie monkey known as Trax. It really seemed like he'd be able to keep up with me, but he must've gotten powder in his eyes to take him out of action again. That's all that stupid monkey seems to be good for.

NOCMM turns to the funeral service behind him, then takes a pistol from his invisible pocket and starts killing the monkey attendees one by one with a shot to the brain. It takes no more than three minutes to execute all the monkey trash. Some of them were even wearing Trax shirts, though I doubt they are fans, it was probably just the cheapest clothing they could find.

NOCMM: That's not very appropriate to wear to a funeral. This monkey must care about life and death as much as Trax.

NOCMM laughs at that. Probably because it's one of the best jokes ever told. You'd have to be a rookie piece of shit to not laugh at it. NOCMM grabs a bundle of sticks and lights the on fire.

NOCMM: As you know, Trax is going to have an excuse for his silence, because he's Mister F'n Excuses. Here's the real reason Trax has yet to respond though. I stumped that monkey. He knows I'm right about him editing his recap. He knows I'm right about how he can't prove my client didn't win these championships. He knows I'm right about him looking like a for obsessing over it when no one ever claimed they were important. He knows that he really should apologize to the poor veterans. Here's something else I'm right about.

NOCMM throws a monkey arm onto a campfire.

NOCMM: Trax claims to hate or at the very least to be annoyed by SJWs when he's one himself. You hear Alt-Right like him claim that "SJWs always double-down" and "SJWs only care about being right even when they're wrong". Well, that's exactly what Trax is doing by not apologizing and letting all these monkeys die. He has nothing to gain by continuing to use the word triggered incorrectly, misdiagnosing innocent people, and associating PTSD with so-called 'crybabies', but he's letting countless things that he believes to be people die over it anyway.

NOCMM turns over the monkey arm.

NOCMM: If that's not doubling-down. If that's not only caring about being right, then nothing is. Trax is a SJW. He isn't labeled one, but he is one where it counts.

NOCMM takes his cooked monkey arm and puts it on an invisible plate, then he starts watching Buropool's gay interview with Steve Sayors as the scene fades to an Xtreme shade of black.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
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Trax is a <img src=""> rookie monkey Part 4: Radio silence after being destroyed - by Hero Xtreme 7.9 - 02-06-2017, 06:29 PM

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