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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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"The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

01-31-2017, 07:31 PM

The scene opens up with Aldo walking down a crowded sidewalk during the day. Aldo is seen wearing a black suit with a pair of black leather shoes to match. After a few more seconds of walking, Aldo turns right and enters a building that looks to be a church. The camera follows Aldo inside the church, which looks to be completely empty.

Aldo: Eh, hello?

Aldo glances around the large church until a priest wearing a pair of glasses approaches the wrestler.

Priest: Yes, my son? What do need?

Aldo takes a few moments before looking over at the priest.

Aldo: What do you know about demons?

The priest looks confused at first and was about to speak up, but was cut off when Aldo takes out his phone and aimmed the screen towards the priest, showing the priest Reeve's promo. After the video finished, the priest raises an eyebrow and looks over at Aldo, even more confused than before.

Priest: My son, you must be confused.

Aldo: I'm not! Father, this man is not like anyone I've faced before. He may just be an idiot with face paint, but he could also be an actual demon! I don't want to risk being dragged to hell or something like that, so I need a favor.

The priest looks a bit annoyed by Aldo, but stayed in place.

Priest: And what may that be, my son.

Aldo: Come to the XWF event this Wednsday and come with me at ringside, please! If that bastard tries anything, I want you to spray him with holy water and banish him to hell while I pin him.

The priest chuckles and shakes his head frantically.

Priest: You're being ridiculous. I will not attend such a violent event such a-

Aldo speaks up, cutting off the priest.

Aldo: I'll give you 300 dollars.

The priest smiles after hearing Aldo's offer and places his hands on Aldo's shoulders.

Priest: God has truely bless you, My son. Deal.

The scene fades out to black and opens up to Aldo sitting on a white couch in what looks to be inside his hotel room, which was full of smoke, making it a bit hard to see Aldo. Aldo is wearing the same outfit he was we in the last scene, expect he had a joint in his fingers and his eyes had a faint shade of red from the marijuana.

Aldo- Hey Reeve! Looking good, looking good!

Aldo was talking in a cheery tone, and sounded extemely relaxed.

Aldo- Look Reeve, I think the whole thing with you is great! We are going to have magic together, I'm sure of it! But there's just one problem.

Aldo lifts the joint to his lips and takes a drag from the joint, adding more smoke to what was already around him.

Aldo- You're fucking creepy, dude. I'm sure I'm going to beat you. 1-2-3, simple as that, but you're probably going to possess me or some shit like that afterwards. Which is why I got the priest by the side, so fuck you! But, you're still creepy and that might effect me during our match, so I decided to prepare myself.

Aldo then reaches for something out of frame and pulls a huge clear trashbag full of marijuana onto his lap.

Aldo- I'm going to smoking this before our match. Probably not all of it, but damn it, I'm going to try. I figured that If I smoke all of this shit, I'll be so high that I won't even think you're creepy.

Aldo the sets the bag off of his lap and next to him on the couch, giving it a nice pat to comfort it.

Aldo- Some people may think it's a bad idea, but you see, I'm fucking high, so I don't really care. And don't you worry about me disappointing Bubble Guppy and Tommy Dreamer because I am not losing this Wednsday, my good sir! That will be you! And after I pin you, my buddy at ringside will banish to you hell and send a bible there with you, so you could probably redeem yourself... and then come back... and possess me... You know what! Fuck that! You're not getting shit when you're in hell. Peace out!

The scene then slowly fades out as Aldo took another drag.
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Bible - by "The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi - 01-31-2017, 07:31 PM

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