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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
American BadAss
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-31-2017, 12:36 PM

Reeve appears.

[Image: stone-cold-steve-austin-flipping-bird_zps8a0ce173.jpg]

"Ronnie Cage, Brandon Moore, you two couple ah melee-mouthed BASTARDS were lined up against the Reevolution, picked up a win and thought that was the last of the Reevolution, well NEH-EH!! You two slimy, guttersnakes got one up on the Rattlesnake and one mean stick ah dynamite in the Python herself, SNOW. The XWF are 'bout tah find out just what happens when you pit ah company of misguided whippersnappers up against three ah the BEST this business has goin' today. The Gordon cousins, two ah the BEST this here comp'ny has tah offer, and the Kool Kid himself, Darren Gardella! The three of us are locked and loaded, set tah stomp a few mudholes and walk them sumbitches DRY!! Ain't no way, no how you boys and girls are gonna serve up another loss for these three stone cold ass-kickin' machines, and THAT's the bottom line. When it all comes down to it, this here promotion don't stand a chance in hell, I don't care what'cha gotta say about that. Warfare's just around the corner, and it's gonna be the battlefield where The Reevolution test their mettle and prove we can't be counted out just yet... I hope y'all are ready."

- - - - -

Snow and Reeve are sitting at a table, Snow talking to Reeve about his match.

Reeve: So, you think I can do this? We've been slipping ever since we forged an alliance, and now I've got this one on one with Aldo... normally I wouldn't be worried, but I NEED a win here.

Snow: I know what'cha mean, Reeve, same here. But I believe in ya cuz, and I know you can turn this boat around. I'm sorry if I let ya down in that there tag match with Havoc, but this is only the beginning. Trust?

Reeve: ...Trust. I'm still worried but I'm going to fight through it to get back to the glory I once knew. I used to be fierce, ferocious in the ring, but now I'm picking up nothing but losses.

Snow: I get that, Reeve, but'cha gotta stick tah what brought you to the dance. We're both known as a pair that spits fire on the microphone, trash talkers who know how tah keep their opponents backed into a corner.

Reeve: It's time we dig down deep and bring that fire back to the surface, don't you think?

Reeve gazes at Snow with a smile, as Snow raises her glass and the two toast to a return to form, ready to kick ass like never before.

- - - - -

Reeve returns to his apartment, where he finds Chastity laying on their plush couch, passed out and snoring. Reeve smiles to himself, finding the sight to be overwhelmingly beautiful. "Love that girl..."

Reeve gently runs his fingers through her hair, before kissing her soflty on the forehead... Reeve heads toward the kitchen and pops off a cap of Coors, titlting it back and downing half of it in one swig. He places the bottle back in the fridge, before heading into their bedroom... He sits on the edge of their Queen-sized bed, lowering his head as he clasps his hands together...

Reeve: Aldo... I'm ready for you. I'm ready to take you to the limit and see if you're another man with my number, ready to bring me crashing down like so many have recently. Or? Are you the name on the list that's set to turn things around and bring me that victory I need? Aldo, I'm not afraid, I'm not worried, I'm not backing down. I WAS afraid... but then I really gave it some thought--

SUDDENLY, the lights cut out...................

The lights return--

[Image: 61a6bd397f17dd437c3cbb5ca767d58f.jpg]

R: I am a shape-shifting, landscaping-altering demon, and I WILL DESTROY you. I'm no longer worried, because I know, deep in my heart. that all I have to do is put in the work, and I WILL reap the benefits. I'm no longer slacking, I'm no longer putting in half the work and expecting to mark my name in the history of XWF as a champion. Aldo, you've yet to speak, but the same can be said about me... and I know you can't be counted out quite yet.

R: I'm looking at this match as my chance to change the way I'm seen in the lockeroom. I want you to know, I'm not overlooking you... I've seen your work. I've seen what you can do on the stick, and I've seen your work in the ring, and I KNOW, you sir, are a winner. But that doesn't mean you'll be a winner come Wednesday. Day to day, moment to moment, ANYTHING is possible. And come hook or by crook, I WILL turn my career around. I WILL pull myself out of the gutter...

"And I will win."

R: Aldo, I hope that you bring everything you have to the dance, don't miss a step, don't halt, don't hold back... bring it. Bring every bit you have and then some and let's tear the roof down and leave the fans wanting just a bit more. Let's prove that we belong, and buddy boy... let's give them something to remember. I love this game just as much as you do, I can tell... You've got a few good men backing you, like Guppy Parsh and Thomas Nixon, both great talents. Don't let 'em down.

R: Because I know I won't be letting down Snow or Kool... though, as once was said-- the only sure thing, is nothing's for sure. I continue to rack up losses, as are Snow and KK, and I know now that all the hype I put together fell a mile short. However... I'm taking that as a lesson. It's the work we do in the ring that matters most, and I am READY to put my all into everything I do. And if that means bleeding buckets and breaking every bone in my body? So be it.

R: Snow and I have had some monumental opportunities come our way over the past few weeks... but we blew them. We've had title shots, big challengers stepping up, and we've been shut down every time. But now... I realize. To win the big ones, you have to bring everything you have to the ring, even when you feel like you're about to collapse. Aldo? Bring your best. Bring everything you have in the tank, and I will show you what kind of man I am. I'm more than the XWF realizes...

R: ......I'm the best in the world. I'm the SAVIOR of professional wrestling. I AM... your end.

"it's SHOWTIME, folks!!"

|are you scared?|

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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"The 4-20 Kid" Aldo Nardozzi (01-31-2017), JimCaedus (02-01-2017), Vincent Lane (02-01-2017)

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American BadAss - by Rain - 01-31-2017, 12:36 PM

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