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Snow Offline
A Wiccan Lezzie w/A Lust 4 Blood!!


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-13-2017, 01:38 PM

"Ronnie... I respect you. I feel as if you and I come from similar backgrounds, so personally? I dig yer style. Problem is, yer still an obstacle in my way, have been since we met eachother in that bar. Now, I'm bein' controlled by the Universal Champ's girlfriend, and I feel like a horse that's been forced tah wear a muzzle. But, I'm not held back so much that I can't tell you both that we may have fallen tah y'all before, but this AIN'T 'before'. This is here, this is now, this is me takin' my two fists and shovin' 'em so far down you guys' throats that you choke. This is the PRESENT, this is Reeve Gordon, renewed, this is Sarah Gordon, reloaded, this is US... and this is you.

"An' I don't like you's chances.

"Tah me, it looks like every time you two get together yer havin' a lover's quarrel. Might as well get down and dirty under the sheets and have a REAL 'wrasslin' match' if ya know what I mean!! But seriously, Reeve, Kid Kool and myself had tah put aside our differences tah make it, and if the two ah ya plan on winnin', these petty arguments are gonna haffta get gone, cuz The Reevolution is a well-oiled machine. We're better than most. we just haven't had our heads in the game...

"...But now we do.

"And Ronnie, that shit Brandon talked about? The stuff like shovin' corn up people's ass and gettin' off on it, all that embarrasing, lowly shit he spewed? That's the kinda stuff Kool, Reeve and I are lookin' tah get rid of. It's... well, it's depressin' if ya ask me. There's men and women who were PROUD to be XWF back in the day, and believe me, I am as well.... but there's a limit to the shit one can put up with till it becomes obvious that change needs tah be made.

"We three hold a target on our back, and it's because we see ourselves as saviors, we preach one truth-- we are better, and we will not STOP, till we are done clearing the XWF of the lesser-thans, the run-of-the-mills, those who give us all a bad name. Ronnie... you have a spot here. You have a place where you're wanted, with us, at the top. Don't waste your time on people who don't deserve ten seconds of your twenty four hours. This here comp'ny wouldn't be NOTHIN' if it weren't fer hard-workin' men like you, and it's about damn time they realized that. Trust.

"Yeah, we've all three been losin', but mama always told me ya ain't a loser till ya give up. And I ain't givin' up. I've got a bucket-load ah heart and desire, I can suck up a loss and keep movin'. Throw all the names ya want my way, but I'mma tell ya right now-- it won't hurt me. Ball up yer fist, slug me a few times, knock me to the ground.... I'll get right back up every time, dust myself off, and get back in yer face, HOPIN' you throw one more jab just so I can come back at'cha ten fold.

"Ron, you can't kill that which you did not create. You cannot dim the flame that burns inside my soul. I want'cha tah think 'bout somethin' fer a minute or two.... which one of us wants this win more? You... or me? And I'll give ya the answer-- it's me. I got somethin' tah prove, you don't. I got a career tah build, you're on yer way. I NEED this win, I will HAVE this win, I will leave you choking, layin' on the canvas after I bring you down with these two arms, these two fists, and an elbow or two planted smack dab to yer beating heart. My eyes are locked on success. I will never look back, I don't need tah be told about my losses... I got my sights set on the future.

"And the wins, the titles, the success... it's all comin' from over the horizon. And it's abso-fuckin'-lutely beautiful."

- - - - -

Reeve Gordon. AKA, Rayne.
Sarah Gordon. AKA, Snow.

Cousins, close enough to be brother and sister.

For ten years, the cousins had trained together, rode together, built careers together. Wrestling was one of the thing that brought them together, and the business often gave them hard times.... but it also gave them many of their most cherished memories. A team from birth, they felt as if they could carve out their own slice of success in this industry. Always having eachothers back, always there to lean on the other, always listening to one another. Reeve's father was abusive to no end, giving into the temptations of alcohol, and eventually Reeve's mother left. Sarah was the only family he really had, and he sought her shoulder as a child, depending on her and believing she could get him through, which she did. She saw him through the bad times, enjoyed all the best moments, and showed him that he deserved to be loved. If it weren't for her, he'd have never grown to be the man he is today. A warrior, believing in himself, regardless of what anyone says.

Fuck the cynics, the critics, the pessimists and the haters... Be you, believe, or be left behind.

Reeve: Sarah, it's been a while since we've rode together, just the two of us. And... I'm sorry about what I and Chastity said to you a few weeks back, in the parking lot... I don't know what came over me. Ever since I returned as Broken Hart, it felt as if that mask, that transformation... somehow, I felt as if I was being corrupted. As if some kind of virus had taken control and made me into someone I'm not. I felt depressed all the time, I had a short fuse... I'm so sorry.

Snow: I believe ya, hun. You didn't seem yerself tah be honest, but I believe yer back tah yer old self again. Yer happy, I can feel it. Yer aura's closer to the guy I remember, back when we spent all our time together, traveled from city to city, doin' our thang, kickin' ass, takin' names, scoping out chicks!! Man, Reeve, I'm glad yer back. I missed ya. Yer better, I'm better... I think this match is just what the doctor ordered, and I ain't talkin' D'ville!!!

Reeve: Trust.

Reeve an Sarah arrive at a gas station, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Sarah shoves the driver's side door open, and begins to fill up the tank. Reeve procures his cell phone, and begins to text someone...

'yo, kid kool, i'm gonna be at the arena soon, so be there a.s.a.p. we need 2 talk. thx'

Sarah finishes up just as Reeve turns on the radio. Snow waves a ten dollar bill at her cuz, letting him know that she's off to pay for the gas.

Snow heads through the station door, hollering for the attendant.

?: Hey, you're "The Snow Storm" Sarah Gordon!

Snow finds a 40-something year old woman smiling from behind the counter, apparently a fan.

?: I remember watching you on Ladies All-Star Wrestling, you were amazing!

Snow: Why thank you! I love meeting a fan!

Fan: Well, I WAS a fan. Name's Emily, and I remember LAW's first PPV, you know.... the night your winning streak came to an end against some Greek scrub named Aphrodite. She was practically a j0bber, and you got CRUSHED. And now you're a curtain jerker in XWF. As the "Cowboy", James Storm would say-- Sorry 'bout yer damn luck!!

Snow's smile twists into a scowl, as she slams the ten dollar bill on the counter.

Snow: Just take the damn cash, twit. I ain't got time tah put up with yer b.s.

Emily: No problem, loser. Have a nice day!

Snow looks as if she could lunge over and beat the ever-loving shit out of the gas station attendant, but she thinks better of it. Sarah glares at the woman, flipping her off, as 'Emily' simply smiles smugly to herself. Snow heads outside, and steps into her car, slamming the door shut.

Reeve: Damn, girl... what's got you riled up?

Snow: That bitch inside ran me down fer bein' on a losing streak.

Reeve: Sarah, wins and losses aren't everything, and you're smart enough to know that. You're a winner, regardless of what they say.

Snow glances at her cousin, and smiles sadly.

Sarah: I don't know, Reeve. I've been through a lot, and I feel like I'm lost sometimes. I don't want to lose every match and say it doesn't matter... I want to have important wins to my name, I want a name that people remember and associate with the best of the best. I want to be a champion, Reeve... I just can't shake this feeling...

Reeve: I have the same feeling, my dear. My return hasn't quite been what I hoped for, I've had a few losses, and yes I even pinned the wrong man for a title... I'm ashamed of how my return has transpired, but? It's not over. It's only just begun. And if we both, along with Kid Kool, CONTINUE to move forward? Our names we'll be heralded in households across the globe. We aren't losers, we're not destined to lay down, we're destined to RISE.... I love you, Sarah. Don't give up.

Sarah: Reeve... thank ya. Love you, too. <3

Reeve tussles Snow's hair a bit, before the two head off into the evening sun...

||when the twins are in effect, what'cha back||

[Image: gy0RDvs.gif]


1x HeavyMetalWeight Champion
2x Federweight Champion
1x 24/7 Xtreme Champion

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BreakDown - by Snow - 01-13-2017, 01:38 PM

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