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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Epic New Year
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Glisten Offline
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01-02-2017, 01:53 PM

It was a beautiful New Years party at Glisten's home. The loud noises that brought in the celebration of 2017, making several people that lived nearby angry, and not to forget about the fireworks noise too. There were too many people to really keep tabs on who all came or if they all knew who the home owner was.

Around 3am, people began to leave and go back to their home to recover from the wild evening. Several ladies were leaving Glisten's room, and surprisingly, someone that looked similar to Peter Gilmour.

Glisten still happened to be awake in the late hours and couldn't help but create a facebook live video for his special friend.

"I know you're still "up," my dear Peter. I just watched your precious talk about me. Any normal fan would just listen to your little talks and think nothing of them but a furious, yet passionate man. Not I, honey. Not I. I hear you loud and clear sweet cheeks."

I had a horrible Xmas.

"I know it was bad. Based on the rest of your little talk, we all could tell how horrible it was. All the talk of fucking, pussy, cum.... its a shame you missed out on what could have been the whitest Christmas you could ever have dreamed of..

...left without my precious title in hand...

"Is that what you call it?

You hold my belt around your waist and pretty soon I’m coming

"Don't come too soon...

I am thrust into battle with a man

"Oh honey... mmmm...

I almost unleashed my super sperm on all of you.

"You dirty old man..

Glsiten it seems you and I are in a match

"You're so excited you are slurring my name...

We will be naked with and our bodies will be “glistening” (no pun intended) under the hot lights of the arena in Jakarta with the finest oils. It’s going to be epic.

"Oh, my dear Peter. It's not only going to be epic, but magical.

I know with the oil dripping off our naked bodies, it will be hard

"It may already be hard.

Quote:You making fun of my name is just downright stupid and it’s going to lead to your downfall.

"Don't I know I'll downfall on my knees for you..

Quote:Again, I don’t do .

"Who can do a bundle of sticks? So smart. A bright mind makes me shake with excitement.

Quote:I’m sending you to the land of DELETION and I am going to take you.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEME! See you in the ring… !

"He talks about me stealing a gimmick, and yet uses words of another gimmick? And again uses his smarts! Good thing we're neither a gimmick, right Peter?

Your Christmas may have been terrible, but this is a new year my dear boy. We can start it off just right. Perhaps everything you said will take place and the epic night will become an epic year. Glisten and Gilmour... I love the ring of that. We could not only be tag team champions, and hold each others gold piece, but titles as well.

Come on over Peter, and shoot your fireworks all over my house. Let's create something unforgettable.

[Image: ErUJ6ZG.jpg]
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Epic New Year - by Glisten - 01-02-2017, 01:53 PM

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