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Heyman Town Hall Event
Author Message
Paul Heyman

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11-07-2016, 03:57 AM

(11-06-2016, 02:33 PM)Hunter Payne Said: Well, we're all fucked...

Are there any third party candidates out there that aren't money-hungry demon-spawns like these two?

Hunter, your words hurt me. I've never had anything but respect for you. This is no money grab on my end, and in fairness to my opponent, it's not a money grab on Donald Trump's part neither. In fact, I'll be losing out on a lot of money when I'm elected.

I'm running, Mr. Payne, because the XWF is a bit stagnant. I'm running because somehow Scully ended up with the Universal Championship and has not defended it once in nearly four months.

And that is just unacceptable. It's the top prize in the industry and no one gets a chance to go after it because people like Scully are too afraid to do the right thing. I'll make him do the right thing or I'll vacate his championship and we'll crown a new champion.

Mr. Payne, you don't have to like me. But I think it's clear there is a difference between Mr. Trump and myself. My opponent wants the whole damn company. All I want, is to help out a friend in need of some support. Mr. Trump wants to force out Vincent Lane. Whereas I feel Vincent Lane is doing a fantastic job given what he's up against and having next to no one outside of Jefferson Jackson to rely on.

What is it you want, Mr. Payne? A man democratically elected as your championship commissioner? Or do you want a man that wants to win just to get his way into the company and take control of the whole damn thing?

You're of Mexican descent, Mr. Payne. Mr. Trump would likely put you behind a figurative wall with no chance to ever reach for that brass ring.

Quote:I'm glad you asked, Little Heyman. The truth is that I'm just a very high energy candidate. I'm constantly making my rounds, meeting with my supporters and staff all over the country, including the ones here in Georgia. I imagine that it's hard for you to understand how easy it is for a man as wealthy and successful as myself to go wherever he wants, whenever he pleases. You probably still carpool with Tommy Dreamer or whoever's left on the alumni who hasn't died from an overdose yet. You must have thought that fleeing to Georgia would be your safest bet to hide from me and avoid the verbal beat down that I'm prepared to give you.

You love your buzz words, don't you? High Energy. Big-league.

I don't think it's hard at all for a man of your wealth to move about the nation as he sees fit. The point is, Mr. Trump, you're under two days away from getting defeated by the worst Democratic candidate since Jimmy Carter. You've spent nearly two billion dollars on this presidential bid... only to lose.

Quote:The WWF Invasion was warmongering, albeit a very weak, low energy attempt at starting a war. I can see why you would be confused because it really was the most pathetic attempt of an invasion that humanity has ever witnessed. Unfortunately for you Little Heyman you can't delete a year of failure in history like Hillary did with her e-mails. We all remember it. You banded the biggest group of failures together under the WCW/ECW Alliance name and tried to launch an attack on Vince McMahon's WWF. Vince then put an end to that by disposing of you and the rest of your bargain bin alliance. You've failed as a leader at every turn, plain and simple.

Again with the WWF Invasion.

You do realize that Invasion was a work, right? And not a shoot? No one bought into that terrible Invasion, because by then WCW and ECW were both out of business. It was never my idea. It was never a real Invasion. Had it been a real Invasion, I highly doubt Vincent Kennedy McMahon would have placed WCW and ECW stars in his main events against his WWF stars.

Quote:You couldn't get it done with ECW. The Network hated you because your TV show was vulgar, boring, and drew awful ratings. Your company was all risk with no reward. Just ask your former employees who did the smart thing by walking out on the armpit of the industry and joining a more professional, competitive environment.

You couldn't get the job done during the Invasion. Those people who you had already let down still looked to you as their beacon of hope. Instead you helped lead them directly into the slaughter because they weren't equipped to take on Vince McMahon. You were then fired and rightfully so, for being a failure. And your excuse is "I was just an employee." Yeah, folks, get ready to hear a lot of that if you make this puppet your commissioner.

ECW on TNN was an absolute failure. I admit that. We were no longer able to do the things that made ECW famous. We were no longer able to do the things that gave ECW a diehard following throughout the northeast.

ECW died a painful death because of that television deal. It was a mistake, no doubt.

What you're failing to realize though, Mr. Trump is I won't be running a television show, which may I add, I did run Monday Night Madness here in the XWF. I ran it so well, that most competitors preferred it over the XWF's flagship, Warfare. I ran it so well that after I left Madness, it died.

When I ran Madness it was the number one wrestling show on the planet and that was going head to head with your beloved Vince McMahon. So if I did take over a television show, I'd do it again.

The fact is, I'm going to be Championship Commissioner. I'm going to govern the XWF champions and contenders. I'm going to make the hard decisions that you don't have the wrestling prowess to make.

Quote:Do you people want someone who's "just an employee" or someone who's going to take command and fix all of the problems that we are facing? I can tell you this, I will not under any circumstances be "just an employee." We will take back our country AND our wrestling company, and make both of them great again.

You're going to make America great again? I have news for you Don, it was never that great to begin with. Better than most, certainly. But still, the Beacon of Freedom from around the world where you're free to do whatever you want within the laws of the nation, unless it offends Republicans.

Those two guys want to get married? Can't do that because it'll offend what conservatives think is marriage. They cite the bible yet fail to realize, as soon as the government required a license to wed, it became a legal issue and no longer a religious one.

Cops are killing black men almost daily. The conservatives will say 'they shouldn't have resisted.' Are you kidding me!? Since when, in this nation, has a cop been judge, jury and executioner? Since when was the penalty for fearing police and running away been death?

Quote:I've never failed, Little Heyman. Every move that I make is strategic, has a purpose and leads me onto bigger and better things. Can't you see that or are you blind? Blinded by your failures and "dust" that you can't seem to shake off completely. What you perceive as failure in your tiny world is a big-league chess move in my very big world. Again, there's a reason why you are at the bottom campaigning to be commissioner, while I'm aiming for bigger things on both the political and business front.

You have failed.

You indeed have failed, Mr. Trump. No matter how you try to rationalize it, failure is failure. You're failing to defeat Hillary Clinton and you're not going to defeat Paul Heyman. You are a very brilliant business man, Donald. I'd never try and take that away from you.

But you don't have the ability to lead a nation. You don't have the ability to bite your tongue and not say something when you shouldn't. Sometimes, Mr. Trump, you have to be able to do that. Throughout your bid for President, you have proven time and time again that you are no statesmen.

Quote:Like I said, Little Heyman, you are dreadful leader, but I feel like under my leadership I could train you well. I hope I didn't upset you with what I said when I compared your set of skills to a hall monitor. Maybe I exaggerated just a little bit on that one. However, I was being genuine when I said that I could use a Commissioner to overlook the ring crew. You would be perfect for that role, Little Heyman.

However, you running the TV show in any capacity is out of the question. No one wants to see that. It's been done time and time again, and you've failed to produce anything worthy of air time.

I'm a dreadful leader? If I'm so dreadful, how did I inspire so many competitors to go out there and literally risk their lives for our audience when they weren't being paid a dime? If I'm such a bad leader, how was I able to find so many rough gems and turn them into megastars? If I'm such a bad leader, Mr. Trump, why did Madness defeat Raw, your friend Vince McMahon's show, on a weekly basis?

Again, I'm not running a television show. I'm going to be governing the champions, Mr. Trump.

Quote:If ECW was so great, then why were the TV ratings so low during the peak period of professional wrestling? Why did your performers leave the moment that Vince and Eric came knocking at their doors? Because you're a horrible businessman and you're not the genius that everyone thought you were. Vince even gave you a second chance to put a show together that was respectable and you failed at that because you couldn't let go of the past and accept the fact that your vision was lame and outdated. The XWF needs TV ratings and it needs its competitors to stick around. The last thing we need is some fat, bald headed going in and costing us our TV deals and running off our top draws.

I've never ran off talent. I don't know what you're talking about.

Quote:You want to give us the same old Vincent Lane TV show, except more stupid and low energy. You'd be nothing more than Lane's secretary, passing on whatever orders he barks down to you and claiming them as your own.

I will give the people something better.

I'm not giving you any TV show, Mr. Trump. For the millionth time, I'm governing champions. I will not be running a television show. READ MY LIPS: NOT RUNNING A SHOW!

Vincent Lane won't be giving me orders. I answer to our fans, not a suit in an office.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen. This was a great experience and I hope I can count on your vote on November 22. Remember, we are stronger together. All champions matter, and together, we can make the XWF fun again!


Heyman extends his hand to Trump, but Trump is rushed out by security. Heyman lingers, shaking hands with both his own and Donald Trump's supporters.
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Messages In This Thread
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re:Heyman Town Hall Event - by Mr Killjoy - 11-06-2016, 09:54 AM
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Heyman Town Hall Event - by Paul Heyman - 11-06-2016, 09:57 AM
re:Heyman Town Hall Event - by Donald Trump - 11-06-2016, 01:14 PM
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re:Heyman Town Hall Event - by Paul Heyman - 11-07-2016, 03:57 AM
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re:Heyman Town Hall Event - by Donald Trump - 11-08-2016, 10:48 PM
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Heyman Town Hall Event - by Donald Trump - 11-08-2016, 11:49 PM
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