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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
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09-24-2016, 01:40 PM

Steve Sayors knocks on a large wooden door marked "President and Owner Vincent Lane" on a big, gaudy, gold star.

There are sounds of a ruckus from within, as Sayors stands there with a microphone in his hand, looking impatiently back at his camera crew.

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's been five minutes... sometimes Vin takes a minute to get his hair looking good, it's fine.

Sayors knocks again.

Vincent? Mister Lane? We're here for your announcement?

One second, dude!

Finally, after another entire minute passes filled with thuds and whispers from inside the office as well as a sharp giggled followed by an admonishing 'sssh,' the door opens.

Hey there Steve. Vin's ready for you now.

Roxy stands there, smoothing her purple mini skirt down her thighs. Her hair is tussled and her lipstick is smeared.

Thank you, Miss Cotton.

Steve! Dude! Been waiting for you, man, come on in!

Vincent says while standing with his back turned. An audible zipping sound is heard, and he then turns around with a grin covered in nearly as muchh smeared lipstick as Roxy's face is.

Seeing it, Roxy hustles over and wipes at Vincent's mouth with a tissue.

Have a seat, Steve, this won't take long.

Sure won't...

Roxy mutters under her breath, burtsting out laughing a moment later when Vincent grabs the tissue she's dabbing him with and crumples it, tossing it into her face with a smile.

Don't listen to her, dude. She's high as a kite on some serious afterglow.

Vincent sit down at his desk and gestures for Sayors to sit as well, which he does. He then quickly stands again, having apparently sat on something. He reaches under him and pulls a clump of cloth up from the chair, unraveling it to show a pair of lacy purple panties.


Roxy snatches them and, to the surprise of Sayors, quickly bends down and puts them on, pulling them up under her skirt and wriggling her legs back and forth until they are situated.

Right. So, uh, Mister Lane... you said you wanted to tell the XWF Galaxy something?

That's right, dude!

See, this upcoming Warfare, a couple of old foes of mine are facing off in what should truly be an EPIC match. Two of XWF's top stars, one on one for the first time ever! Peter Gilmour and Trax, the former Universal Champion, until... well, you know.

So anyway. Frodo Smackins, GM of Warfare, saw fit to book this as a "Lane's House of Horrors" match, since the last one of those we did with Doc and Morbid went so well, other than all of the lawsuits filed against us by PETA. This time, ther won't be any live animals, though.

No, I've decided the XWF is ready to see something truly different. Something I saw a lot in my time in Japan, and something that I know an X-Treme Icon like Gilly will appreciate. See, we already know Trax is a technically gifted athlete with some nearly unparalleled skills in the ring. But what we don't truly know is if he can take things.... TO THE X-TREEEEEEEEME.

So, for the match on Warfare, we're taking the ropes off of the ring. That's right, dude, no ropes at all. No ring posts either. Just the ring itself, surrpunded on all sides by four different trap boxes, each the length of one side of the ring and two feet deep.

One box filled with broken glass.

One box filled with razor wire.

One box filled with sulfuric acid.

And finally, one box filled with live electrical wires with no rubber casing.

This could be the scariest match in XWF history, dude! I sure hope those two are up for the challenge.

Now, Steve... like, if you don't mind?

Vincent looks expectantly at Sayors, who quickly stands up stammering.

Right! Okay, thanks for your time Mister Lane!

You heard it here first, XWF fans! The Gilmour versus Trax match might kill someone! Okay, let's go...

Sayors and his crew head out the door, just as Vincent turns to Roxy once more.

Miss Cotton, are you ready to take
some dic... tation?

The door shuts and the scene fades out.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
Lyianna Properchev (09-25-2016), Muddy Waters (09-24-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-24-2016), The Monster of Htaed (09-24-2016)

Messages In This Thread
LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Vincent Lane - 09-24-2016, 01:40 PM
LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-24-2016, 02:00 PM
re:LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Filthy Frank - 09-24-2016, 04:53 PM
re:LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Z - 09-24-2016, 05:48 PM
LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by The Monster of Htaed - 09-25-2016, 06:05 AM
re:LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Mr Killjoy - 09-25-2016, 06:31 AM
LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-25-2016, 06:34 AM
re:LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Mr Killjoy - 09-25-2016, 06:49 AM
LANE'S HOUSE OF HORRORS - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 09-25-2016, 12:06 PM

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