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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » 24/7 Federweight Championship
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No Vaseline
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Hunter Payne Offline
RIP Ray Peterson

XWF FanBase:
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09-06-2016, 02:51 AM

Recently married, Hunter and Joy Payne decided to drop by and see what became of the promotion they spent so much time in. Looking for a feeling of nostalgia they decide to challenge the Federweight Champion, Calypso!

Hunter: Calypso! You punk-ass bitch! You fucking pussy! I will end you!

Joy: Hey Hey Hey honey! Try to keep it PG please…

Hunter: Hmmm… Calypso you 40 year-old virgin looking motherfucker!

Joy Payne sighs…

Joy: Ahh, fuck it!

Hunter: We’ve been gone awhile, and to be honest, we have done absolutely no research on who you are? Maybe you can fill us in? I mean, we assume you wrestle? But, we’re probably wrong. Why are you here? More importantly, how are you a champion? I mean, are you like somebody’s bitch? Does Dean McGovern let you hold his championship as he enters you? Or did you just so happen to be blowing the last champion while a referee decided to stop by and count it as a pinfall?

Joy: Babe, maybe he’s just a metrosexual pansexual transsexual? I’ve noticed this place is littered with them now.

Hunter: It doesn’t matter. Fuck this guy we know literally nothing about!

Joy: Other than his horrible fashion choices.

Hunter: And that whole child molester look he’s got going for him.

Joy: Yeah. Haha, he makes Peter Gilmour less creepy. He even makes Frodo Smackins look less rapey.

Hunter: Damn Joy! We been here 2 minutes and you’re gonna get me in fistfights with the whole damn roster!

Joy: You know you love me! And so do those perverts unfortunately…

Hunter: Fucking savage! Nevertheless, back to the pervert at hand here. That fucking Calypso! Honestly, you Calypso are just a small part of a bigger problem here. It just goes to show the state of the company when Chesters like this are running rampant through the promotion. When I was here, XWF stood for Xtreme Wrestling Federation! Not Xenophobes, Whores, and !

As Hunter Payne utters his last sentence, Joy unexpectedly slaps the shit outta Calypso! As the momentum of the slap twirls Calypso around, he hooks right into Hunter Payne arm…


Hunter Payne covers…



[Image: 111315-wwe-Eddie-Guerrero-pi-mp.vresize....high.1.jpg]

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Messages In This Thread
No Vaseline - by Hunter Payne - 09-06-2016, 02:51 AM
re:No Vaseline - by The Blue Tango - 09-06-2016, 06:39 AM
re:No Vaseline - by Hunter Payne - 09-06-2016, 05:03 PM
re:No Vaseline - by The Blue Tango - 09-06-2016, 08:34 PM
re:No Vaseline - by Hunter Payne - 09-07-2016, 04:32 AM
re:No Vaseline - by The Blue Tango - 09-07-2016, 02:07 PM
re:No Vaseline - by Hunter Payne - 09-09-2016, 01:13 AM
No Vaseline - by Hunter Payne - 09-09-2016, 03:27 AM

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