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Why the fuck am I fighting a dick.
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-27-2016, 04:22 PM

[Trump international tower and hotel in Sunny Las Vegas, Trump Office]

We open to see Shade in Donald Trump's main office sitting on his desk holding a gun up to a portrait that he had of himself in his office, Trump is looking at Shade in disgust and disappointment because of Shade treatment towards Trump in his own office saying.

Okay Trumpy, I'm here to shoot a video towards a certain character's small, no tiny pecker and I have to address it. So the fact is that I have to fight against a man's sensitive part and I have to address it to the front office that I have to relay that They are wasting the talents of ''The Prince of Death'' to childish things that I shouldn't be interacting with, no being even in a square kilometer in my vicinity. But Trumpy I have a proposition from My Master and Also I will be needing you to also give the keys to this office. So what do you say.

Trump responds quickly saying.

One don't ever call me ''Trumpy'' again and I will find out who your family, and let's just say that you won't have a family anymore alright gringo. Okay gringo you better stop threatening me or else, Do you know who I am do you actually know who I am. I am Donald Trump, the man who could end your wrestling career in an instant. I could easily get your ass fired for this because I have a stock in this company. So if I was you I would not shoot Donald Trump portrait, Apologize to Donald Trump, So that I don't sued your ass and your company's ass for destruction of property and threatening an essential figure and One more thing paying Donald Trump to see this situation as just a misunderstanding and that the uses of my image in that camera you are so clearly filming on me. This is breaking my privacy.

He points straight and directly at the camera that Hope is using to filming him. Shade just sighs and continues to watch and listens to Trump's threats that he directed at him. He turns to Hope and just shakes his head as if that was a signal to Hope who is the person behind the camera to do something. So Hope drops camera and turns it around facing the door so we didn't see what they were going to do to Trump. Hope then says to Trump.

Okay Trumpy. We have given you two things that you could have done with us, But you choose neither and I have to say you have balls on like my Shady's very unusual opponent that he is facing on savage that for sure. But It was still a dumb decision. So I'm sorry I have to say this but Hope you have a nice fight. Also I'm voting for you because I hate Hillary and Bernie should have been in her spot.

We then hear Trump responds to Hope saying.

Wait guys we can sort this out we can sort this out, Security. Wait a second guys wait a second, Security. Cmon guys it was just a joke cmon I was just messing with you nothing was directed to you, Security. Where the hell is my security. C'mon Shade, I was joking please don't kill me.

The camera runs out of battery as we hear Donald Trump scream.


The camera cuts

The camera reboot with a fully recharged battery and we see that Trumps office has been changed into a more gothic style of decorating. We notice that Trump is nowhere to be found and that Shade and Hope are sitting beside his desk where he would have been If he was in the room. We see that Hope is interacting with Shade saying.

Shady, I think that the Future President of the United States is going to be back with revenge with his fuck buddy Dim or should I change it to Mia Dim. I don't know what going on up with Dimy, is he a boy or is he a trans or is he a girl. All I know that he is always going to be a racist cunt that the dimy way. But I still fear that Donald Trump is going to return to enact revenge for what we did to him even though he was as red as a tomato after it. Oh it was so funny his toupee came off his head and begin to move into the sewer. He is either genetically making rats that have the same colour fur so that he can make it into his hair piece or he is broke as fuck right now that he is using rats as hair pieces, but we will never know.

Shade just says to Hope.

Are you done because I have to address, Some inconveniences that they have put before me and try to stop them making me into some kind thing like the ''DDT Pro Wrestling Ironman Title'' any type of objects can face me like seriously. But I know it isn't your fault its management so would you please look after the camera as I make my case if you don't mind Starlight.

Hope looks at Shade and Just sighs saying.

Fine, I get it you are sick of these stupid matchups and you want to get a title shot. I know you want your Talent to be appreciated. Don't worry I won't stop you. I will be behind the camera and If you want me to chime in I'm there. Also before I go don't go on a ranting frenzy and make sense because I know people get confused when you start ranting and you go off track. Also, Damn they are so many also's. Don't forget to plug The Blackest Hole mony frequently because right now factions these days people go off and do their without even mentioning their factions which ends up breaking up in the end. So I'll be right there if you need me Shady if you don't mind.

Hope walks to the spot where Shade told her to go and waits as Shade raises up from his seat and puts his gun and bat on the table saying.

Okay XWF I have dealt with your bullshit up to this point and I'm very disappointed with your decisions with me so far. For my sake I'm the motherfucking ''Prince of Death'' But all you see is just someone that you can take as a fool. Well I ain't no fool and I'm the man who faced countless.... Okay at least about 50 people and I ain't going to lie bested most of them. Will I have to remind you that I'm the guy who was one of the founding members to the hottest groups in the XWF today. The Blackest Hole and I used to be in the one of the most dominant factions in XWF which I now realized thanks to my fiancée was so corrupted that they had to ''Delete'' me out of their own group because like the old saying goes ''Absolute corrupts Absolutely'' because the man on top of that faction couldn't let me overtake him popularity because I was on a bad steak at that time and I need to wake up and stop taking scraps from a table like a poor man from a king and create my own kingdom. I thought I was on the right path, but my one and true Master showed me the right path and all I had to do was stop being delusional and he said to me create your own path and meet me at the top. I thought I was following his teachings closely. One I reinvented myself to become ''The Prince of Death'', Two I joined the true best faction in the XWF ''The Blackest Hole'' and Three I became one of the men who in turn became the first ever ''XWF Trios Champions''. I thought this feats showed that I was one of the best in the XWF. But I thought wrong so wrong. Just because I dress up like what you people joke to be as a hot topic disaster doesn't mean that I am a joke. You guys decided to pair me with the most degrading, disgusting, tiny, deplorable part of a man not only that this man is being compared to Maverick nowadays because he whines, he bitches and he complains when he doesn't get his way. So now I will have to castrate this man's penis which is detached from his body. So sorry Peter after Savage you will need to get a penis transplant and XWF management I want a shot a singles title because I ain't ever going to lose this title I have in my locker room. Also Shane you're the craziest guy in that office. I respect you.

Shade then grabs his SW6 black revolver that is on the table saying.

The Dick of Peter Gilmour this may sound gay but don't a single fuck so are ready to get castrated on Savage.

He shoots a bullet into the camera ending the video.

The camera shatters to black.

[End Of Transmission]

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Why the fuck am I fighting a dick. - by Shade - 08-27-2016, 04:22 PM

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