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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Hellington Asylum
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

06-05-2013, 03:06 AM

Chapter 2. Honesty.


Oh my tortured soul. Hung, drawn and quartered continuously in my devilish thoughts. Thoughts of darkness, thoughts of woe. The mind was not set up for such delusion to continuously eat away at happiness. Those dreams in which I am dying are the best I ever had… Yes Gary Jules’ tormenting words are a reality to some. Especially me. The fact that I stand here in the abyss. Wondering where to head to next is one that immediately initiates my insanity. Of course, people do not need me to point out that I was diagnosed as a psychopath from a very young age. The death of my Mother on my birth will haunt me forever… Do people know how it feels? No childhood. No school. No friends. No football. I sat alone in a dank room with nothing to keep me company other than my thoughts whilst my uncle tried to make a living for us both. Until he bought me that delightful punch bag that is. I would stand and punch it all day until my arms were as numb as my heart.

I do not command or demand sympathy for the agony and torture that I have been through. Yet I want you all to understand that everything I do, I do it for a reason. It is not a constant attempt to torment my enemy and undermine the fans. I want honesty in all men. Honesty is a trait I was shown little of as a child. Honour is something that oh so many men acclaim, but how many can say in truth that they truly hold honour. You can easily claim that you do what you do to please the fans but is that really being true to yourself. KnightMask will sit and claim he is doing what is right whilst I will whole heartedly admit that first and foremost I care for number one. Me. The glory I seek is what all true, honest men want. I have been through so much suffering. The marks on my hands are stab wounds from my brothers before they deserted me along with my twisted father. How can you brandish a new born baby a murderer? It was oh so easy for them to simply leave me to be saved by the only family I had left…. Blaine ‘Blitz’ Davids. Did they not care for my well-being? Their own flesh and blood. Evidently they did not. There I sat or stood every day, punching, or staring into emptiness, forced to have the memory of my once true family rushing around my young mind. Yet you continue to wonder why my soul is in the state that it is in… You all do. You question each and every action I do or take. Ask yourself how you would feel if you were in my situation. Forced to go to the most warped insane asylum of all time at a young age. Hellington insane asylum in England. Yes you heard me correctly. The insane asylum was placed in Hellington. Satan’s words literally whispering around the place whilst I sat and listened to men preach to me about how everything would be okay. Hellington, a real place. Poor Steve Davids, a mere child forced to go to where only skeletons should go. That’s what I always was though to everyone else. A skeleton of my family that once bore me as their child. A vile memory of cruelty.

Ominous winds blowing intensely. Were those winds whispering words or was that Satan’s minions? Of course it was merely the winds. For Lucifer is as false as God. Unknown Soldier may not agree with that claim but it is the truth. Even that twisted warrior needs a false religion to keep him going. Claiming that he is in fact the devil. At least that’s what it seems like. He can claim to be the devil whilst I will claim to be the one true God. Death… I have stared it in the face and seen people fall to his knees.

On Death’s door.

Breathing the air of that asylum made me truly believe that Death’s door was at every corner. How wrong I was. The brain of a child was allowed to feel this way though. I want nothing more than to have the opportunity to meet my mother… I am sure I will meet her at my grave. She will be waiting intensely asking why I chose to murder her on my entrance to the world. I have no doubt that the only thing waiting for me is further guilt…

Moving back to Hellington asylum. Much like me. It has been abandoned now. Rightfully so though. Its hallways are dusky, dank and gloomy. Ghouls and fiends came out to play at night whilst deluded men played in the day. A place that never should have existed. I think I will pretend that it didn’t. Whatever helps me to sleep at night? Sweat was always boiling and sweltering down my body as if I was in a sauna at night. My brain playing devilish little tricks on my body. It would always win that ongoing battle though…

As I would win mine.

End of prologue.

I knock on the asylum door, questioning whether anyone were in the abandoned Hellington asylum. My uncle is stood next to me, neck brace finally removed and back finally intact after that horrendously devastating choke slam he suffered at the hands of Sebastian Duke from the ring apron all of those long weeks ago. Nothing made me happier though than to see him gleaming in his red suit once more. His sleek face no longer in constant pain. His razor black hair gelled back as it always was. There I stood though, in black slim jeans and grey vans pumps with a white tee shirt with ‘Hype’ written on it. My beard was as dry as a dessert. My hair pushed back out of my eyes. I am a restless warrior. I needed to come back to this place to see what it looks like now. I shoulder barge the door open and gaze around the dampened hall way walls. Brown of boredom and grey of dullness. Some of the high windows were smashed through, blood ran across the walls and words were written by childish and hellish crayons. ‘HELP ME’ clearly written in red was evidence of the constant pleas of help. Blaine began to speak, his words seemed to crawl around the walls.

Blaine Davids
“I cannot believe this is where I left you all those times when I had to rush to work. I am truly sorry Steve.”

Steve Davids
“Please uncle, you did what you had to do. There was nowhere else for me. This place suited me almost as well as that red suit suits you.”

Blaine Davids
“Come on now, take it easy Steve….”

We both laughed as a thud was suddenly heard from upstairs. We stopped laughing yet the cackles continued to bounce off of the walls. I shuddered. Blaine grabbed me by the shoulder and pointed towards the door that suddenly slammed behind us like something from a horror film. I shook my head in disapproval pointing up the stair way to hell. Paper filled the stairway and we walked up side by side, looking around searching for something we were unsure of constantly. Blaine was clearly scared his breaths becoming deeper after each step we took. The bannister was a sleek brown, as dull as the greyness that surrounded them. Yet it was almost as if they were posh, they felt smooth against the skin like silk. The room around them seemed even larger than it actually was now, as fear begun to suffocate them. I turned and looked to the bottom of stairs, flames surrounded us.

Steve Davids
“Uncle why are we surrounded by ashes, smoke and fire?”

Blaine Davids
“There is no fire you fool. What are you talking about…? This is not the time to have hallucinations now is it? Let’s find out what’s going on up here quickly. My blood levels are sky rocketing right now.”

I nodded. Shook off the images and stared deeply upwards. Puzzled. I winked at Blaine confidently and pointed to the first room. I knocked the door through with my shoulder once more, and we quickly entered aggressively in hope of finding the mysterious thud. Yet there was nothing. An empty double bed, with torn sheets, blood filled the walls and a surprisingly clean toilet. The windows had been smashed through clearly as a black bird hovered about the outskirts of the room. The floors were oddly clean other than one clean dried up pool of blood. It certainly was not fresh. The whole asylum tasted and smelt of blood and death. So the room lacked any surprise at all. There were still multiple rooms to be scouted though…

The thud was heard once more. Suspicion filled my mind suddenly. We continued to scout similar and similar rooms until we came to number 13. Blaine spoke sharply, full of wit as always.

“Unlucky for some…”

Grinning, I shook my head looking down. Appalled by the bad pun. I knocked the door open expecting there to be something going on. Suddenly an eerie mannequin in a red suit awfully similar to Blaine’s fell from the ceiling. I booted it’s skull off of its body immediately though. Instinctively. Blaine yelled out in fear but I shoved my hand over his mouth to silence him.

Unlike Blaine though, it was bold and had creepy writing on its head that was now on the other side of the room. The white walls were covered in a black text, written in crayon. ‘Warning number one.’ I frowned immediately, Blaine signaled for us to leave. My intrigue got the better of me though. I wanted to continue looking around. Blaine was clearly mortified. We continued to look around.

We reached room number 24, the room I had spent so much time in as a child. The same number that makes up the hours in a day. That always seemed blood curdling to me. Knocking the door down. It was as empty as it always had been. No bed or toilet like the other room. I scouted the room with my eyes but in the corner was the most frightful sight I had ever seen. A mannequin dressed in Mark Collins’ signature black suit was hanging from a piece of rope by the neck in the corner. Under it lay a mannequin dressed in my girlfriend, Lacey’s sexy red attire. This was too much for me. I gazed down on the floor. Blood spelt out the words… ‘Final warning.’

We turned and fled rapidly. That was enough, we slowly stuttered down the stair way that had an eerie feel to it. We escaped to the car outside where Mark and Lacey awaited our arrival. They both looked at us confused by the surprising amount of time we took.

The car journey would be a constant explanation of the horrors that we had seen. Eventually though….

Home sweet home.

The Monday before Warfare had not been ideal. A quick trip to Hellington before heading to Kansas had made our spines tingle and shook my mind up brutally.

Yet I have a few more words for my opponents. Words they need to heed.

KnightMask you are suffocated in lies. You believe you can trust your partner, well can you trust yourself to not let him down? Your faith in god disappoints me also, for I thought you were wiser than this. You are a great wrestler, it would be such a shame for all of that talent to go to waste just because you refuse to look reality in the eye. Or maybe that is because you choose to cower behind the mask? I want to know more of this mask. Why do you choose to cower in fear when you could be the honest man you claim to be? Where is this honour you speak of? What is a man of honour? For you lack the trait that the fans want you to desire… Do yourself a favour and look in the mirror behind closed doors, but do not just look at your tough exterior. Look inside and find who KnightMask really is, I want to know the man I am fighting, but I am not sure you know who you are yet either….

Lust is a deadly sin though ‘Mask. One of the 7 deadly sins yet you hold it. You lust the United States championship. You lust glory. You lust stardom. So the honour you speak of does not exist like you claim…. You are a lie… It shames us all.

Mr. Satellite… I am not quite sure if it is me who is deluded or you… Why is it that you are a wrestler who only has one arm? There are too many unanswered questions about you yet my intrigue wants knowledge of you and your dirty deeds…

I can tell you are caught up. I mean, holding the United States Championship and the …. What is it you called it? Television Championship at the same time can be no easy task… No wonder you are favourite for superstar of the month. Well let me help you out, PAL. Share the weight load. KnightMask holds gold already with his precious power ranger friend Crimson Cobra, and they’re occupied ridiculously fighting off ninjas. How ludicrous it is. You can hold that television championship for eternity if you know what is good for you….

Can’t you see I am the serpent in the garden? Tempting you into foolish deeds. Yet you desire knowledge so here is an apple… go ahead. Take a bite.

It is not dirty tricks that shall win me the match though. For I am Death. Your fate has long been decided… Shockwave.

Are those four words still ringing around your precious heads? I mean, they are four words of honesty. You need to understand them if you want to stand any chance in defeating the Psycho Sensation….

For in the shadows of the night, and in the mist of the day, four words have always rattled home the truth….

All Men Must Fall.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

3x Xtreme Champion
1x Briefcase Holder
1x Television Champion
1x Universal Champion
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Hellington Asylum - by Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 06-05-2013, 03:06 AM

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