(03-20-2016, 09:31 PM)Rebel Star Said:
"Sure. They're jewels. Made out of liquid. That keep draining down your face before they magically replace themselves under your eyes, only to repeat the process and start over. Yep, that's totally believable and not at all a poorly thought up lie."
"Mispronouncing a word with the purposeful intention of adding an extra letter isn't a mistake, unless you're admitting that it's a mistake because you don't have control over the things you say. Is that it? When you open your mouth does your mind go blank while the words spill out? Are you confessing that your brain shuts off from time to time and as a repercussion to that, you lose the power to form words? Is it Tourette's?"
"Moving on..."
"The bust wasn't mentioned, it was shown. As in, it appeared on camera, I could see it clearly, it was real and utterly putrid. Hey, this isn't the first lie you used in order to cover up obvious truths though. You really should just give it up. No one's buying the bullshit your selling, pervert."
"Just like no one was speaking of Disney or Nick... I mentioned cartoons because that's what you watch when you have heroin hookers poop on you, but that's as far as it went. Anyway... in regards to your defense on lying about Alice's true form and bringing up Ferngotti. Sure. They might hold up funny pictures or use weird animated clips for an added effect to their promos and response videos but that isn't the same thing as what you did. I've never seen Luca or Fern walk into a room and then deny their identity while trying to pass other people off as them. I'm not even sure how you'd assume that their actions we're similar to yours but I suppose the proof is in the runny porridge. Yeah, porridge. Guess you blanked out again there. Your brain started slowing down and it made you forget how to speak, while insisting I'm the dumb one. Now that's a classic move. Really, top notch on your part. You certainly showed me, you vapid dolt."
"You're a loser because you lose. That's seriously how it works. It doesn't matter if you get up, keep trying or any of that. That's loser talk. Excuses. Don't say you'll do better, actually fucking do it. Until then, your nothing but talk. And only losers back themselves up with nothing but talk."
1) He cries some times. Get over yourself, you uber skank.
2) Yes, because wrestling is based around people pronouncing words correctly. I believe you're looking for Grammar School. Maybe you should try that out instead before your dimwitted, delusional, punk ass bitch self gets shanked.
3) Alice was the one bent over the bust. She was a slut, a fucking wench, and utterly annoying. Thank you for pointing out more reasons why her death at my hands was a mercy killing. And btw, XWF? You're welcome.
4) Again, Alice. Pretty much all of the bullshit Ophelia's been wrapped up in since he stepped foot in the XWF can at least slightly be attributed to her bat shit crazy, immature, childish little pixie dust and My Little Pony adoring butt-plugged ass. Keep bringing up things concerning her.
She's gone
I'm here
And I'm sticking around for more than a cup of coffee you slut and nut scarfing fuckwit.
5) "You're a loser because you lose. That's seriously how it works. It doesn't matter if you get up, keep trying or any of that. That's loser talk. Excuses. Don't say you'll do better, actually fucking do it. Until then, your nothing but talk. And only losers back themselves up with nothing but talk."
First thing you said that's actually 100% true. The time to rest on our laurels has come and gone. Talk is cheap. And sure, not letting a loss get to you is nice and all, but victory is the only thing that matters in this business.
And business is picking up. Change is inevitable. Always. And without exception.
See you soon, you gutter-trash dyke.