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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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15 Shows His Ass Offline

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

03-22-2016, 04:43 PM

“How good it is to be back…..”

**The camera is situated in the outside parking lot of the XWF arena. Stepping out of his stylish sliver Porsche is none other than " The Prodigy" 15 Shows. Shows is dressed casually, smirking as he stares at the building in front of him. It's been years since 15 Shows wrestled for a company that will remain unnamed for copyright reasons. But most wrestling fan most certainly recognise him.

Crack: “There he is folks, the newest free agent signing to XWF. A former world champion in an organization that will remain unnamed….”

**Prodigy strolls towards the entrance door to the backstage area…before taking a half step backwards **

“Phew……Certainly smells like a place full of low quality talent that relies on foul language and gangster speak to appeal to the juvenile audience, the place even stinks of the shit that it produces in the ring..”

**With a mocking “last gasp for breath” motion, Shows swings open the door and finds himself in the backstage corridor. Immediately, his presence draws attention from officials and stewards, who’s conversations all stop and their eyes all turn and begin to focus on one man….the man with the million dollar smile.**

“Its ok….Its ok, pictures will be available if you contact my secretary, or alternatively, once me and my companions finish off these 3 jokes in the middle of the ring at Warfare, I’d be happy to pose for a few snaps…..after all, you will need proof that quality did once step foot in here….”

**Murmurs suddenly break out, with small fragments of phrases such as “cheeky prat”, “cocky, arrogant….” only partially audible. As much as they despise the attitude of Prodigy, they wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him.**

“Now…if you all wouldn’t mind, I’d like to be told where my dressing room is…..that is, if you have all mastered both the capability to give directions….separating your left and rights can be pretty difficult, my 2 year old cousin is still having problems…..”

**Prodigy is met once more with cold stares, which seem to just feed his ego even more. The insults bounce off of him. Shows adjusts his jet black sunglasses ever so slightly, he takes great pride in his perfectionist appearance.**

“Ah!....clearly not, I suppose I’ll go and find it myself, after all, I’d be better working my way around the backstage area without one of you leading me….the phrase the blind leading the blind mean anything? Well, I suppose that’s not quite apt in this case, because the blind physically cannot manage to lead, your bunch of idiots are just not intelligent enough….”

**There is no change in the facial expressions or attitudes from all those staring a proverbial hole through Shows.**

“Sorry….did I speak to fast, or use too many big words. I’ll explain……the word “suppose” can be interpreted as “believed to be true”…..does my sentence make more sense now?..........Suppose not!”

**Prodigy laughs at his own play of words, before speaking to himself in a murmured voice**

“……my 2 year old cousin is still having problems with that as well…..”

**Shows reverts back to his loud, egotistical, arrogant manner.**


**Makes an extravagant motion pointing to himself**

“Will….Go…..And…..Find **a feigned searching look is spread across Show’s face** My **points to himself** Dressing…..Room”

**To conclude his sentence, Shows points to the door beside him, hitting it two gentle knocks to illustrate what he is referring to by the phrase “dressing room”. Prodigy opens his mouth as if he is about to begin to speak, before suddenly pausing, and tilting his head slightly to the left, and he sees the door he is standing beside.**

“XWF Universe Champion…Loverboy Vinne Lane…….he even gets his name plastered on his dressing room door…….pity that he’s got the reject one though, nasty draught you could catch being this close to the parking lot….”

“Guess why that smell of shit is so strong here”

**Without another thought, Prodigy walks briskly past the line of road agents and XWF officials in search for his dressing room. Before disappearing around the corner, Shows stops once more and turns to one road agent beside him.**

“Tell Shade, tell Barney Green, tell Lomo Gold, tell the 3 low life talentless wannabe wrestlers I'm facing this week to keep an eye on the ring……I'm here to make an immediate impression…..”

**With that final comment, Prodigy continues his search for the dressing room as the XWF camera cuts back to ringside.**

Crack: “What…an….arrogant….asshole!”

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I'm Here - by 15 Shows His Ass - 03-22-2016, 04:43 PM

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