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Pt.2 of 3 - Warfare 3/16 (Tag Match Conclusion)
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-17-2016, 09:51 PM


You're viewing PART 2 of 3...

Make sure you've already read PART 1 here

Chris Mercy is holding the X-treme title high as...



As that's when the lights go pitch black and the fans scream!

A loud thud is heard and when the lights come back on, it's clear Chris Mercy has been struck in the head with one of the weights THIS freak of nature is carrying!!!!


Who the hell is that???

[Image: Z9KLaSq.jpg]

???: "Wow ok yeah bub guess who!!!!!!!" can't be.

That voice.


???: "My name is Amjellitka Socio! On those knees bitch!"


Each weight gets thrown down into Chris Mercy and Socio goes for the pin!

Gladiator runs up and makes the count



Announcer: Your new X-treme Champion..........Amjellitka Socio!

Meanwhile back in the ring the match has picked up again but here comes dat boi Fern running up at the speed of light just no selling everything that happened to him earlier!


He hits Amjellitka in the head with one of his... oh I'm sorry her own weights and rolls her up for the pin!

Gladiator runs up!

PUNT KICK! He nailed Fern right in the balls!

Glad pulls Fern up and yells in his face.

Gladiator: I am not entertained! Your kick outs are pure shit!

Glad sees Chris Mercy running up with a spring loaded baton and Glad steps back out of the way as Mercy cracks Fern in the head! Mercy hooks him in a DDT and then turns his attention to... OH MY GOD!


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!







(ooc you know you gon push dat play)

[Image: 2e217jm.png]


Dong: Need dat puss. Where's my next hit? Oh look whoooomp dere it is!

Dong leaps and catches Chris Mercy with a flying dong whip! Mercy was hit hard with that one! Dong drops down and starts to hump the face of Socio, the current X-treme Champ, and Gladiator rushes over to check if it's a legit pin. Dong thinks Glad is trying to put the moves on him and check out his package so Dong kicks Glad right in the face before he can count! Idiot!

Dong gets up and starts skipping around, clapping his hands with shit between them. He runs into the crowd and rapes a kid and gets arrested.

This has turned into such a mess nobody knows what's going on anymore!

Suddenly we see the big dick managa himself come out and gabs a mic. Frodo Mother Fucking Smackins walks over to Socio who is still down and bleeding all over. Perhaps Frodo will restore order to this chaos:

Looks like I'm needed again. Well if I'm the only one who can make things right.. This is what I think we sh..

But before he finishes that, he just pins Socio! Glad dives in for the count!



Ladies and gentlement not only do we stand in a moment in time where Frodo is your GM but he is also your Big Dick X-treme Champion! The fans are losing their minds and throwing streamers at Frodo as he celebrates with his big dick hanging low between his knees. Dong crawls over and starts lapping at the head. Frodo laughs because it tickles, and because he thought Dong got arrested. What the fuck has become of Warfare?

No seriously.



fuck exactly what millions and millions of fans across the galaxy are probably thinking at this very moment.


Glad dives in for the count!



Star raises her hands in victory, turning right into a spinning backfist called JUDGEMENT DAY from none other than Nico LaVey!

He's about to capitalize on this moment!

He pulls Rebel up and into a full nelson backstabber! That's The Crucifixion all right!

The cover!

Glad dives in for the...



Nico LaVey is yelling at Gladiator to continue the count and win him the match!

Gladiator instantly slams his hand down a

and a THIRD! Almost faster than the eye could see!

Glad aggressively signals for the bell as the fans roar, mostly in shock and disapproval!

But Austin Fernando is instructing the announcer that he is the ref for this match and that wasn't an official count! The timekeeper and announcer seem confused. Fern grabs Nico and whips him toward the ring, running right behind him and shoving him into the ring apron before rolling him in. Fern follows and Rebel Star is not far behind!

Rebel and Nico begin to lock up again, with Rebel grabbing Nico, and whipping him into the ropes, and on his rebound he goes for a running forearm, but is caught in the face with a massive roundhouse kick. He staggers back, and she runs back to the ropes, and charges for a Tag! You're it! The spear connects with Nico, and sends him crumpling him down to the ground. Luca walks over and lifts Nico into the air, and hits a paralyzing Snapmare. Ophelia comes running to try and help, only to be caught in the jaw with a roundhouse kick. He goes down to the mat in a heap and holds his jaw while Rebel walks over, grabs him by the hair and delivers a mighty right hook to the jaw that drops him down like a sack of shit.

Ophelia is sprawled out, and Luca is busy bashing into Nico's face, while Nico laughs at him. Nico digs his hand into his boots and pulls out a zippo. He lights it right in Luca's face, just as Luca slams a fist into Nico's nose, breaking it!!! LaVey is down, and Luca is mounting him going for a serious of punches again, but Nico throws his left knee right up into Luca's junk, and he grabs them as he crumples. Nico gets up, and grabs Luca in the Calf Slicer! Right at the moment Rebel grabs Ophelia and delivers a Crash N' Burn!!! She goes for the cover!

Austin slides to count it...


He seemed rather anxious to get that out of the way because now he's catching Nico who had released Luca from that hold and was going to try to break the pin...

#MurkedFuccboi! Nico ran right into that Lifting Single Underhook DDT and now Fern quickly backs up, eyes darting around as he quickly seizes the moment! He dashes forward! Rest In Peace Fuccboi!!!!! HOLY SHIT DAT PUNT KICK ALMOST TOOK NICO'S HEAD OFF HIS BODY!

Fern covers!

He counts his own pin!


He gets up and signals for the bell. The timekeeper and announcer seem unsure of what to do. They turn to Gladiator who is waving it off, shaking his head No. A few seconds later though it seems he has a change of heart when Fern corners him in that little area where the ring bell sits on a small table. Glad decides to start grinning and applauding Fern's efforts.

Glad: See? And now you know how to keep that X-treme title interesting for me. Great job.

Glad tosses the X-treme title to Fern as he grabs his half of the Tag titles along with Luca. They celebrate their win in what has been one of the most fucked up tag matches in quite some time!

On his way to the back, Fern makes sure to crack Chris Mercy in the head with that same title he came after him for today.

Next up

The Intercontinental Rumble!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (03-18-2016), Ophelia (03-18-2016), Travis McCoy (03-18-2016)

Messages In This Thread
Pt.2 of 3 - Warfare 3/16 (Tag Match Conclusion) - by Carver's Sheath - 03-17-2016, 09:51 PM

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