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(Gauntlet) Time to go back... Maybe.
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

01-23-2016, 09:03 AM

Chris Macbeth was laying on a 50 Ft bed surrounded by semi naked beautiful women, some even had 3 breasts... Madness.

Madness.. It really is, I mean have you ever seen a 50 ft bed?


Imagine your own normal sized bed... Well it's like that but bigger, much, much, bigger. The catalogue said it was built by the hands of angels due to the comfortable mattress that came included in the modest price of more than anyone can afford. "God's Angels filled the mattress with the clouds from the sky causing the ultimate relaxation in sleep as well as the brightest of days"

No clouds = Bright day or some bullshit.

Anyway I digress.

Where was I? Ok so Macbeth, Angel cloud bed and naked 3 breasted ladies. Right well first I must go back around 3 years which was around the last time Macbeth had been seen around the XWF.

Some may remember he had been brainwashed by the evil Nightmare, another XWF superstar with a dark secret, wasn't much of a secret actually but it was still pretty dark. So Nightmare and Macbeth had spent sometime together doing the normal buddy bromance activities of infiltrating people's dreams turning them into nightmares with the aim to teach lessons to those who had done wrong.

You know what, the tales of Macbeth and Nightmare are really for another day so let's fast forward a little and I'll just tell you that Macbeth overcame that demon and eradicated him from his life. Woohoo!!

So how do we get to the bed, boobies and a third boob! Well Macbeth had been out on the town, London Town to be exact, Greater London Town to be even more exact, Camden Town to be even more exact than the two exacts previously mentioned, passed out on the bar, face in a pile cocaine at the Monarch pub to be extremely exact unlike the other 3 exacts that were more vague. Yeah ok, whatever.

So here we are, or there we were I should say, passed out not even moving. The shit garage band is performing at the front of the bar area with the windows behind them showing the cold winter night as revellers wander/stumble down the streets of Camden. Some I'm sure will end up like this guy Macbeth who the barman has to peel off the bar and throw into a cab every Saturday Night.

Tonight was no different.

[Image: 3381885684_1f6da29df6.jpg]

Macbeth remembers waking up in the back of a black cab as it passed under the Camden Town bridge, he rubbed his eyes working out exactly where he was before noticing he wasn't alone in the cab... The driver was talking to someone sat to the right of Macbeth in the back of the cab, it was a female voice.

"Yeah we have a real treat from him tonight."Came from this mysterious stranger with a sexy sounding voice.

Macbeth opened his eyes full and turned his head to get his first glimpse of who he was sharing a cab with tonight. She notices and gives him a smile.

"Well morning sexy, are you ready?"

Macbeth not known what she was talking about but also feeling very fucked up and no quite awake doesn't get chance to say anything before she popped a little pill into his yawning mouth.

"You better take one of these, we gotta keep you going all night tonight"

"On no not more drugs." Macbeth thought to himself as he swallowed it back at the speed of light obviously not really concerned about it.

"That's it baby gotta get you ready"

Macbeth smiled at the mysterious woman but was a little puzzled, this drug hadn't felt like anything he had taken before and he had taken a lot or drugs, part of the getting away from nightmare thing. (More on that another time!!)

"What was that" Macbeth questions.

The what looks like very attractive at least in the dark woman smiles. "You'll see"


Within minutes his pants appeared to shrink around the groin area. Macbeth a little concerned looks over to his new dealer who is almost frothing with excitement. "There you go baby" she said.

What the hell? Macbeth thought to himself as all the blood in body appeared to run directly away from his head until he passed out again.

(Apparently this was some mega viagra drug a bit like what Pele used to advertise but Mega. Schlongtastic it was called.)

[Image: pele-viagra.jpg]

Back to the story.

The next time his eyes opened again he was laying on the as before mentioned 50 ft bed surrounded by all the women some with even 3 breasts. We won't go into all the details of what had happened between this time in fear that this may turn into your mums favourite "Romantic Novel". (Filth, I tell ya, filth) I would have to censer most of it out so it would end up with sentences like this Ma#be#h ### ### throbbing cock ### pissed ## ### face. Se, would be just be pointless. Wait hang on! Whoops!

So here we are Macbeth still with a bit of a hangover but a big smile on his face as you would imaging... I mean 3 tits on 1 chick.


The women from the cab is to his right and slowly gets to her feet and stands on the bed over him. As Macbeth looks up at her she bring a jug of water from behind her back and begins to pour it towards Macbeth's face, as the cold Walter makes contact with his face there is a jolt like lightning through his body but for some reason he laps it up, eyes closed drinking it all back. Something strange happens though, the water begins to turn slightly warm, a little different taste as well, Macbeth opens his eyes and to his shock does not see the attractive woman he had shared a partial night with and her friends, no instead he was looking up at and lapping up the urine for the local Camden lock homeless guy who had obviously not seen Macbeth passed out in the bush along the side of the canal.

Macbeth gets to his feet pushing the tramp away as he does and storms of down the road head down.

"Not again" he thinks to himself. "I really need to sort my shit out. Perhaps it's time to go back"

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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(Gauntlet) Time to go back... Maybe. - by Chris MacBeth - 01-23-2016, 09:03 AM

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