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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
What I am.
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

01-17-2016, 01:53 PM


Do you even know how much shit you're in right now?

You are treating this like its a forgone conclusion, that you will walk into that ring, slap me around for a few minutes, and walk out the new X-Treme champion.

You're only half right,

It is a forgone conclusion, and someone is going to be torn apart so badly, there will be NO QUESTION who the better competitor is.

The thing is, it's not going to be me who lies there, in a pool of my own blood, my career flashing before my eyes,

It will be you,

You see, you're not dealing with a normal person here. I'm like NOTHING you've seen before. Even the sickest, most deranged bastards in the XWF care about two things first and foremost, wins and titles.

I don't.

This X-Treme title I hold here? I'm happy I won it, a career highlight for sure, but in the end its just secondary. A simple distraction from my main goal, destroying the CCWF and all the other scum that plagues this organization! Wins and losses don't matter, titles don't matter, my own well being doesn't matter!

Beating you within an inch of your life does.

Am I crazy?


Is it how I'm putting my career aside just to get at you?


Am I in way over my head?


Are my chances of winning slim?

Hell yeah, but in the end that all doesn't matter. I'm walking into the Clockwork Orange House of Fun not with the goal of winning or walking out with my belt around my waist, but to see you bleed.

I want to break you, Emperor. I want to see you suffer, writhe....


My mind is a dangerous place to try and look at for too long Fernando, and the House Of Fun is simply a glimpse of the demon, the monster, the ill intent, that lies behind the jokes and pink hair. Those weapons that hang from the chains? I'll use every single one of them to make you bleed. That single cage wall? I'll use it to grate your face off like it's a hunk of cheese. Those chains? I'll use them to choke you until you cough up blood or your pencil neck finally snaps! The perch? I'll throw you off it again, and again, and again, and again, and again,

I hope you liked the feeling of falling Fernando, because I'll make sure what happened last Wednesday will seem like a grand day out in comparison!

(01-15-2016, 12:24 PM)Tyrone Jackson Said: Austin Fernando falls from the near 50 foot height and crashes on the canvas, the impact causing his body to crash THROUGH the ring!

Beautiful, isn't it?

Fernando, you might get a few good hits on me, and I know that by the end of our match both of us will be tasting our own blood, but it won't prevent me from making you feel more pain then you've ever felt in your miserable life!

The only way for my attempt at homicide to stop is for you to be thrown from the top of the perch into at least two tables.

Now I could just throw you through the two tables and get it over with, but I actually have a few more options, none of which you will like,

I could throw you through one table, beat you up for a few more minutes, and then throw you through another table, prolonging the pain. I could also throw you into more than two tables.

3? 4? 5? 10? The sky's the limit if you're sick enough of a bastard!

I can set the tables on fire, I can put barbed wire on them, I can apply some C4 explosives on the tables Japanese deathmatch style, I can put thumbtacks on the tables, I can... well you get the picture.

Bottom line, I will make sure this Wednesday will be the most miserable day in your career, and even if you are able to pull out a win, live me broken and battered, and become our new X-Treme champion, the pain will keep you from celebrating for too long. In fact, your biggest victory might be your last. You might become the new X-Treme champion,

But you won't be alive to enjoy it.


Alexis felt like collapsing. She had been running for what had felt like an eternity. From what?


The horrifying images still filled her mind, the shattered glass, the bodybags, the blood spurting from Marco, the knife, the old man being thrown into a shelf of books,

All caused by her.

No, not her! She would never do something like this, especially to the innocent, it was something else. Something that lied deep inside her own being, something that was somehow unleashed.

A demon, all consuming and evil to the core.

She then finally collapsed to her knees, her body couldn't take anymore running, and the faint taste of blood began to make its presence felt. After catching her breath, she looked up. Directly in front of her was a small lake, freshwater. Instincts kicking in, Alexis used what was left of her strength to crawl to the lake, scoop up some water in her hands, and drink. Both for survival and to wash the hint of death from her lips. After drinking she looked back down at the water, getting ready to scoop up some more, only to see a reflection,

Not hers.

[Image: Sadako.jpg]

The reflection had long black hair, hair so long it completely covered its face. Alexis, trying not to scream, tilted her head to her right. The aberration did the same. She then tilted her head to the left, same result.

"Wait, if its doing exactly what I'm doing, that means...."

"Oh God,"

Terrified, she felt her own face. Her face felt normal, and her hair was short as usual, so why did that.... thing copy her every movement?

"Wh... wha.... what are you?"
Alexis finally stammered out,

"What am I?" The girl bellowed out in a deep, demonic voice, "I am you, and you, child, are me,"

"N.. no! That's impossible! We look nothing alike!"

"Has the world blinded you that much? You only see the physical, not the spiritual. You see, we don't look alike, but if you look deep within yourself, you'll see we're both alike."

"You're a monster, you made me do a terrible thing. Innocent blood has been shed by my hands because of you!"

"Innocent blood?" The demon then begun to laugh harshly, "Do you really consider those people you killed innocent? You see, the only way to truly judge someone is to see how they act when nobody else sees them, and I have seen those people do terrible things when no one was looking,"

"Deserving of death?"

"Yes child, a sin is a sin, and all sin must be purged for the Lord's kingdom to truly reign. That man you stabbed in the chest, the plumber..."


"Yes, him. He was a serial rapist. You see, he went around from house to house, offering his services. But, especially if the customer was a female, if they couldn't pay him, he would offer an, let's call it an "alternative" form of payment . Now some people would accept and the plumber would let them handle his plunger until the pipes exploded, but others had things called "morals" and "standards", things that are dying fast in your world, but the plumber would make sure they paid him, one way or another."

"How should I know you're telling the truth?"

"I hear him screaming down in the lowest parts of hell right now, so satisfying, but he won't be alone for long. You know that pastor who you through halfway across the room?"


"Well, he might claim to be a holy man and a solider of God, but in the end that's simply a façade, sheep's clothing to hide the predator underneath. You see, he hosts a Sunday school in his church, and every once and a while he takes a child out to "pray","

"You don't mean..."

"That's right, that kindly old man who tried to save you is a child molester. He has molested so many innocents and convinced them all that if they tell on him, they're going to hell. He is a disgrace to the Kingdom Of the Lord, and had you not panicked, he would have gotten exactly what he deserved for ruining the lives of so many."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"To show that you and me are one and the same. You want to cleanse the XWF, I've been sent down to cleanse the world,"

"You're a demon, I thought you guys like to see people sin and do evil,'

"Another lie stirred up by the church, demons don't like to see evil, they like to punish evil. Besides, if we truly liked evil, we would become enemies of the Lord, and if we were his enemies, you would think he would have destroyed us by now,"

"So, you've been sent down to cleanse the world of sin,"

"For the Lord's coming, yes,"

"But that's already been done, Jesus has..."

"BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Do you not see all the bullshit they're feeding you? Jesus was the son of God, and he was perfect. He was supposed to lead sinful humanity back into the grace of God, but your corrupted people couldn't accept the fact that they were in sin. They thought their own rituals and customs would get them to heaven. They believed salvation was deserved, not gifted. When Jesus told the truth, they responded with great hatred. With their shallow world being questioned, they took up the Son and murdered him on a cross. They then had the gull to day that he resurrected and defeated the powers of sin and death, just another excuse to keep up their wicked ways. Jesus is now in heaven, but he sits with God on a throne of Judgment, and they have commanded me and my Legion to purge this world. In the desolation of this sinful place, a new kingdom will rise, a holy one, filled with righteous people, that will last forever till the end of all time."

"But why have you chosen me as your vassal to lay the foundations for this kingdom?"

"Simple, they won't see it coming. And the second they realize you're the true threat, the day of Judgment will be at hand,"

"No, you can't just condemn all of humanity! Sure we are sinful, but many of us try to be better. We repent and move forward, hoping to become better people! Humanity needs a second chance!"

"Why? After all the other chances the graceful Lord has given them, why another?"

"Because.... because...."

"Do you think its just to give mankind another chance to redeem itself?"


"Then the world has truly corrupted you. The only justice humanity deserves is death, and death is what they will receive. Like it or not, you will help me achieve this paradise and wipe out the sinners! You can't control what will happen, but you can control where you end up. Be humble and serve me, and you will be one of the few to survive and live in the Holy Kingdom, resist, and after your usefulness runs out you will be tossed into a lake of fire,"

"I'll never join you, monster,"

"Sad to hear that, but it isn't a choice. You must join me, you will join me,"

The demon then laughed as thoughts raced through Riot's mind.

"Bring judgment to humanity? Purge the world of sin? Doom humanity to its fate? I can't do it, why me? I just... just... ugh..."

Alexis then fainted, but if approached by a demon to destroy humanity, you probably would as well. As Alexis drifted into unconsciousness, the sound of the demon's evil laughter grew fainter and fainter.


[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

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1 Time X-Treme Champion
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What I am. - by Alexis Riot - 01-17-2016, 01:53 PM

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