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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Ghostly Operating Theatre
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Mr. Oz Online
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-05-2016, 08:55 PM

So, it was a new day, a new life to torture in the operating theatre.

This is what began Ghost Tank's day...

Ghost Tank had woken up, walked to the intercom in his bedroom, and asked for a big breakfast of his chefs. He then walked to his closet, putting on, as per usual, a black tank top but this time, black sweatpants. He stretched his limbs out, spending about ten minutes doing so, before heading to the weight room. He looked to the bench press area, and slid plates onto the bar, just a little under five hundred pounds. He then laid down upon the bench, taking the bar and sliding it off the rung. He began to push and lower the bar sixty times, three sets of twenty reps. By the time it was finished, two platters had been upon bench a few feet from him. He put the bar on the rack, sat up, and slowly stood up before walking to the bench. He yawned slightly, still feeling a bit of drowsiness in him. He pulled the domes off the large tray, revealing one plate holding a large bowl of oatmeal, with a shot glass of brown sugar on the side, blueberries and cherries in smaller bowl, which he dumped unceremoniously into the hot oatmeal. He sprinkled the sugar into it, mixed the fruit and sugar and began to eat, slowly. He wanted to savor the taste of the fruit the most, always enjoying the taste of blueberries. He pulled out his cellphone from his right pocket, looking at the number, causing him to grin wide, revealing pearly whites. He answered the phone,

"You got the package?"

He listened to the person on the other end, waiting a minute before talking again,

"All right then. Good job. You'll have another hundred thousand in the account. Keep it safe until I arrive."

He then hung up. He chuckled softly, before continuing to eat, after putting his phone back into its mobile home. Once he had finished the oatmeal, he placed the dome over this platter, then pulled the second dome, revealing ten silver-dollar pancakes, with bits of blueberries in them. A pad of butter melting on top of it. A gravy boat, or in this case, syrup boat, off to the side as well as another set of utensils. On the side of the pancakes plate is several strips of bacon and several sausage patties. He poured the syrup on the pancakes and began to eat every bit of the breakfast, taking his time, knowing that the package would be in capable hands.

He moved to a section of the room for himself to do military presses. He had it set already, reaching just a little under four hundred. He would lift the bar, put it up to just above his chest, then pushed up, stretching out completely. He'd then bring it back down to just above chest level, and he'd do this raising and falling for three sets of ten reps. He then set the sets down, and rolled his shoulders. While he'd love to continue to his training, he knew the men wouldn't stay for long. So, he'd head use the intercom to make a butler fetch a half-gallon of water and meet him by the entrance to the house. He stopped by the master bedroom, to grab the mask and slide it on. He would then make his way to the entrance, thanking the butler for his service, and taking the half-gallon. He left his home, drinking the water as he traveled from his home, running through the land, reaching the street before his home, and running along the sidewalk, making his way through into the city, and running several blocks deep before reaching a run down building, nearing collapse it would seem. He kicked the door down, and watched as several men pointed guns at him, only to have a muscled man, barely reaching Ghost Tank's chest in height. The man spoke in a deep voice, one would say is a smoker's voice, grating and husky. If the man wasn't smoking four packs a day, Oswald would be impressed,

"Okay, so. Here's the package, we knocked it the fuck out. And we're getting out as quick as possible, that noise is sure to have drawn someone's attention."

Ghost Tank looked down to him, chuckling, and watched the man and two others walked out at a brisk pace, and then scattered. Ghost Tank looked at the bound and sack covered male body in a chair. He grinned, and spoke out for the man to hear,

"I do hope they didn't hurt you. I paid a good price for them to hunt you down."

He picked the male up, and made his way out of the building and moved quickly back to his home. He'd enter into the car garage, and underneath one of the cars is a manhole cover. He slid the man towards the edge, on his stomach, before following after and pulling the cover up and slid to the side, bringing the man with him, putting him over shoulder before pulling the cover over them, and once inside, Ghost Tank pulled his phone out, and used its flashlight feature while taking steps down the ladder, using his free hand to hold on until he got down.

It would take twenty minutes before he reached another ladder. He climbed up, until he reached a different kind of cover, as he used the flashlight on the phone to see the initials etched into the side of the tunnel, indicating this in fact is the spot he wanted to go. So he pushed up on the cover, and like a lid, albeit a heavy one, which is pushed onto its hinges and he pushed the bound man up and over, sliding him into the parkour area, and slid along the side a neon green Tetris L block. He slid onto the floor as well, along his belly. He turned around, gently placing the cover back down, is, well, a giant bright blue Tetris line piece with one block end being atop it. He stood, carefully so as to not be seen, in case anyone had come in. When he heard no noise, he looked out from the side, seeing no one within the parkour training area, he grabbed the unconscious and bound man, taking him to the other end of the "room" and getting the secret tunnel from before open, walking into the dumbwaiter and placing the man on the floor of it before lowering them down to the bottom. Once there, he picked the man up and walked to the chamber. Walking inside, he grinned wide, and used his feet to bring the chair back up and set the man on it. He chuckled softly, giving the man a few smacks with the sack still on his head, and he heard some grumbled noises, groaning, then muffled yelling.

"Good, you're up now. So, my name is Oswald. Though you and your father know me as Ghost Tank. You see, I paid a few men to track and hunt you down. Your father seems to enjoy destroying the families of his opponents, and teammates. However, since my wife is almost around me, and several servants, I know she'll be kept safe."

He activated the trigger to bring the Tool Wall around. He grabbed a scalpel, he also saw a cattle prod, and chuckled at it. He walked over, turned the prod on and he then saw the clamps he used to tear off Alvald's nails with, walking over and grabbing that with his hand holding the scalpel. With these tools in hand, he walked back to the bound man, setting the prod down.

"I am glad your father gets to see this end of torture. He's so used to being the one who tortures people, it's time for him to see his family get fucked with."

Ghost Tank then grabbed the sack and yanked it up and off the head of the male, revealing Morbid Angel's son, Xerces, and Ghost Tank palmed the child's skull in his large hand, making sure that Morbid would get a good eyeful, only to have Ghost Tank press the scalpel into the teen's forehead, not cutting deep enough to need serious medical attention, but it isn't exactly going to feel pleasant. He made one long crimson line using the scalpel, before Ghost Tank grinned wide,

"Oh yes, Morbid. I found and caught your child. For now, he's going to be with me. You could always come to me, but just understand something, until you find this little spot, until you can get through my home, he's going to be hurt. Oh yes, Morbid Angel. He will be in pain, time and time again."

Ghost Tank then carved into the teen's face once more, making a new crimson line down his face, cutting the gag at the same time, allowing it to fall and the first non-muffled scream to fill the room. He then moved the scalpel from the face, and instead, he stabbed the scalpel into Xerces' right shoulder, causing out another scream.

"So, Morbid. How does it feel? How does it feel for you to be the helpless one? Do you have any more quips? Any more threats? Because how about this threat; I'm going to carve, electrocute, and take pieces off your son's body. Then I'll fly to our match, beat the fuck out of you and Emerick, retain my championship, and then I'll get out while you're fucking knocked out, I'll come back home and take more pieces of your son off."

Ghost Tank laughed sadistically, moving to bring the Tool Wall, and finding a steel club upon it. He walked over to teen, smiling slightly,

"So, Xerces, you can thank your father for this pain."

He swung the club, and with a loud CRACK and a SNAP, Xerces would scream out as his right shin is broken, with the bone having pierced the skin,

"Oh, I hope you weren't planning on doing anything substantial with your legs. Like running. Ever again."

Ghost Tank brought the club down, dropping the clamps next to it. He then began using the prod to electrocute Xerces. Screams coming out from the young man, while Ghost Tank laughed,

"Such a screamer, Morbid! I didn't know you raised a bitch! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, man. That gives me an idea."

Ghost Tank grabbed the scalpel with his free hand, and wiggled the instrument before yanking it free of its fleshy prison. He chuckled, raising the scalpel back up high into the air,

"I hope you weren't thinking of your bloodline continuing with your son, Morbid. Because I think I'm going to turn him into a woman! Hell, why think about it! LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Just as he was about to slam the medical instrument down into the teen's crotch, the video turned to pure white, and a few seconds after, is an anguished cry coming from Xerces, and Oswald's voice sounded out in a whisper,

"I guess you can hear the screams now...
Can't you, Kyril?"


[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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The Ghostly Operating Theatre - by Mr. Oz - 01-05-2016, 08:55 PM

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