Mr Killjoy
Who wants their trap silenced?
XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Sun Apr 26 2015
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08-27-2015, 08:40 AM
If you haven't been this close to superhumans, you don't understand what it's like to fight them. Even when you've got powers yourself, the predominant impression is one of shock. The forces moving around you are out of human scale, and your nervous system doesn't know how to deal with it. It's like being in a car accident, over and over again. You never feel the pain until later.â€- Austin Grossman
Monday 24th August
The scene opens in the backstage hallways of the Allstate Arena in Chicago, the last match of the Monday Madness event being hosted there this evening has just took place and came to a shocking conclusion. The conclusion that saw both "Mr Dominance" Trax and Lux Lyden become the World Tag Team Champions despite being on opposing sides due to the double-pin that saw both men win the match when their respective initial partners, Robbie Bourbon and Seth Feder, had both been eliminated. Shane  , avid potato lover and more importantly owner of XWF and CCWF, had made it very clear that both men will face each other next week with a lingering ultimatum placed above the match, they can either fight to become the sole holder of the championships, allowing them to pick a new co-holder, or put their differences aside, remain the tag team champions together and let their decision to unite be known by destroying the appointed special referee for the match, Justice Drake.This of course was all proclaimed before Shane decide to sick his CCWF pets on Lux and Mr Dominance, yet again, which is probably why as he storms the hallways like a wild animal on the hunt, we see Mr Dominance himself barging past backstage workers a look of clear unadulterated frustration in his face.
Where is he?
Trax asks some by-standing technical support workers the question, eyeing them down.
Kirk McClay? Where is he?
The workers shake their heads and shrug, Trax curses and continues his hallway prowling, before he finally finds the man he's looking for, Kirk McClay, manager of Monday Madness, in mid-conversation with the Director of Talent Relations Jumping Jack Jupiter, Triple J for short. Trax storms up to the pair, Triple J is the first one to notice Mr Dominance approaching them, going wide eyed as he does. Kirk notices Triple Js look and turns just as Trax comes nose to nose to nose with the pair, looking at Triple J.
Jumping Jackass Jones, whatever your name is, I need to speak to Mr McClay here, scram.
Um excuse me? Its Jum-
Just go.
Kirk nods at Triple J, who sighs before turning to give Trax a begrudging look, Trax narrows his eyes and immediately Triple J backs away before jump jacking away from the two to deal with other business. Trax and Kirk watch him for a few moments, Kirk smiling, Trax scowling and shaking his head, before the two turn back to face one another.
So Traxy boy what can I do for you
What can you do? You saw that bullshit that just happened there? First Sitre tries screwing me out the match, which I knew she would, then Shane comes out to deliver more bullshit fuckery, like I knew he would, before getting his groupies to do what he can't and lay hands on me, like I knew he would, that I knew was coming, THAT I can deal with and WILL deal with when I take out all the CCWF scum one by one until its only Shane left.
Trax spits on the floor before continuing.
However, me and Lux, co-existing as the tag team champions? That I cannot deal with. There is no way, absolutely no fucking way, I am going to go through with this little game, I refuse.
Look...Trax...I understand your frustrations, I know you would rather tear Lux's pretty little head off his scrawny shoulders than be champion with him, you and Lux DID co-win the match, both of your partners failed to pull their weight, so it was the most logical decision.
Me and Robbie would of been the two people left standing in total triumph if Lux didn't resort to using his...his...whatever you want to call it! But overlooking that FACT...what about Shane s little match he's made and the stipulation?
Theres nothing I can do about that, he may be insane but he is still the boss of XWF, besides, he's given you a chance to take away Luxs half of championship and give it to whoever you please, be it Robbie Bourbon or whoever, I personally think you should look to make Ghekre your tag partner, that would be cool, the XWFs very own version of the Nation of Domination! Or possibly the New Day....
Kirk immediately registers Trax's "I'm about to pulverize you" look and holds his hands up laughing nervously.
I kid I kid... look its like this, you don't want to be champion with Lux? Then beat him in this upcoming match, or you can drop out the match and relinquish the title if you really want no part in this match, its up to you.
The referee who officiated the main event comes around the corner with one of the World Tag Team belts, he approaches Trax and Kirk extending the belt out to Trax.
You left this at ringside, your partner Lux Lyden has already taken his, congratulations.
He isn't my partner! Fuck your congratulations!
Trax snatches the belt out of the referees hands and turns back to Kick.
Look Trax, you've got numerous choices on how you can deal with this, but if I was you I'd decide what you're going to do, and fast.
Dammit to Hell.
Trax barges past Kirk and heads to his locker room.
A couple minutes later.
Trax is in his locker room, the locker room he shared with Bourbon this evening, however he is nowhere to be seen, just Mr Dominance, sitting in a chair holding up one of the World Tag Team Championship belts, staring at it intently. Trax then curses and throws it across the room, before picking up his 24/7 case and going to walk out. He stops himself as he gets to the door, and slowly looks back at the championship on the floor, Trax stares at it in silence for several minutes, before he walks over to it, picks it up and stares at it again, before finally nodding his head.
"...Very well."
Trax drapes the title over his shoulder and walks out the locker room.
Tuesday 25th August
Trax is at his mothers bedside in her room at the mental institute care home Trax placed her in. Trax is in mid-talk with his near-comatose mother when the camera comes on meaning that Trax has already been at her side for an undisclosed amount of time, the camera gets closer to hear what Trax is saying to his sleeping mother.
...So yeah, that's whats going with me and Jackie, we're in a good place, bet you're happy to hear that, you wanted nothing more for me to settle down...have kids...not ready for kids yet...but one
Trax looks at his mother, no movement from her except her chest extracting and retracting softly as she slumbers, regardless Trax continues.
Job wise, well my relationship with some of my co-workers and bosses is a bit more....problematic. I'll bring you up to speed Ma. The owner of the company is looking to eradicate it and in turn place his other federation in its wake, to do that he needs to crush the current XWF occupants, take their championships, their opportunities, their spirits. Me being one of the XWF top dogs has seen me be repeatedly on the receiving end of their power play since the CCWF made their presence known. Its a wise move, they are cowardly but they are not without brains, with my skill, my resourcefulness, not to mention my briefcase which I could cash in at any time, I am undoubtedly the biggest threat to CCWF right now, they're aware of that, their champion Vinne Lane is aware of that, which is why he offered me the chance to join their ranks, which I refused.
Joining them isn't in my best interest, the title they're holding hostage is, but I will pry it from them, and push them out in one fell swoop, somehow, someway.
Trax readjusts himself on his seat before looking back at his mother, still sleeping.
Getting ahead of myself though, my opportunity to thwart that mob that consists of a failed rock star, rapper, model, assassin and ninja will come. However first I need to focus on much more imminent issues that need thwarting, I'm in a match against my..."partner" next Monday, the winner becomes the sole owner of our newly won belts...Ma now I know you say everyone is unique, everyone is special, and gifted, and I'd be inclined to agree, unless your name is Thunder Bolt X then the only thing special about you is your needs. But I digress, everyone is special in some way, but there are some things in this world Ma that you have not seen, would not be able to comprehend, this...partner of mine...he has you have not seen and would not be able to comprehend. I have seen them, in small dosage, but I still do not fully comprehend them, neither does he actually.Now I am most certainly gifted and skilled, one of the most skilled people in my profession, but this guys... uniqueness, it intrigues me, and I do find myself contemplating the usefulness and extent of such power I must admit.
I'm also contemplating on how to bypass it, in case he tries to make it a factor in our match, that I'm unsure of how I will accomplish, but like I said, I have skills, am resourceful, and I'll find a way, I always do right?
Trax pauses as if expecting his mother to answer, of course no answer comes, so Trax just nods his head.
Right. Well I've spent enough time here... I best be going, rest well, until my next visit.
Trax gets off the chair by the bed before kissing his mother on the forehead and leaving the room, gently closing the door behind him, as he does his phone rings, he pulls it out and looks at the caller ID that reads " Robbie Bourbon" Trax doesn't answer, instead he waits for the call to go to voice message before he pockets the phone and looks at the camera.
Robbie... I'm not thick, I'm aware that since this is being recorded you'll know I ignored your call, sorry, but I have a lot on my mind right now. Mainly my match, speaking of which, I do believe its time to address my opponent, that's right fuckers, trash talk time, or should that be Trax talk time? Because everybody knows I do that shit the best.
Trax winks before going back to a serious look.
Lux Lyden we find ourselves in a bit of a funny situation here huh? I mean, we went at each other in what did in fact turn out to be quite the intense high octane match.Despite both of our assurances that we would fell the other leading up to the match, and despite us having equal impressive showings me eliminating your partner Seth and Dustin, you eliminating my partner Robbie and Justice, we both ultimately failed, I pinned you, you pinned me, and well here we are, World Tag Team Champions, what a twist! A twist I look to set straight when I beat you to become the sole holder don't worry, see I won't deny it I underestimated you, kinda like you drastically underestimated me. But now? I've been in the ring with you, I've scoped you out, I'm aware on how you move, I'm aware of the tactics you employ, and I promise you I'm ready for it, they'll be no controversy this time around, no twists, just complete domination by yours truly.
Lets talk about your tactics some more, lets talk about how you had to resort to using your special gifts to save your pale ass from me and Bourbon and basically keep you in the match. Most impressive. I wasn't uninformed or overlook your gifts Lux, I was completely aware of them. However I've always been the traditional kind of guy that likes to keep themselves grounded firmly in normal reality. I'm just a dude from Brooklyn who shows up and beats people up, I'm not some demon from Hell posing as a Doctor who shoots fireballs out his hands, or some Pirate Captain from the Future, or some talking dick,well OK that last ones debatable, back to the point though despite me being one of the most dominant and dangerous men on the roster I am also one of the most normal and humane really. Magical abilities, Super powers, whatever you want to call it, I'm aware of its existence in this world and I'm aware of its existence in this federation, this federation where immortal people are in abundance and people lose death matches and are alive the next week as if to say they DIDN'T get thrown in a Volcano, or get their head decapitated. I love XWF, but I do try to steer clear from that kind of stuff, and to the best of my ability try to live a normal existence despite the profession I find myself loving which throws abnormal phenomenons in my face every other week.
The Monday just gone I found myself in such a situation, I got a small dosage of the un-explainable. When you used what I can only describe as some form of teleportation to prevent me and Bourbon from systematically destroying you. You have power, great power. Unlimited potential. Some may call you a freak, others may call you a God. Me? I call you a challenge. I don't have such powers, I'm just a normal man, I can't teleport, or heal super fast. Not too long ago I got shot by one of Pest's slaves and as you can see I still have the wound.
Trax rolls up his shirt sleeve to show where the girl under Pests control shot him at Relentless, sure enough a stitched up wound still remains.
But Lux let it be known that just because I don't have super powers like you I am not powerless, I proved that in our match. I have natural skills in that ring you can not compete with.You hanged with me for a bit, most guys do, until I go on to outdo them and win the match. Now I know you're going to say "Well if I can't hang with you how did we both end up winning the match" or losing however you want to look at it, and then that's when I point out once again that if it wasn't for the emergence of your powers, we wouldn't of even got to that point and you would of LOST.
All the power in the world isn't going to save you this time though Lux, super powers, phah. You reckon you're destined to be XWF's hipster pseudo-intellectual version of Superman? Well greetings, your looking at the black Batman. You're looking at the man devoid of any supernatural powers, but who has the skills, the intelligence, the ability to adapt and the adept usage of preparation to take you down. Thats a promise. See you may suffer Amnesia and be unsure of who you are exactly, much like Superman in his youth, but I am fully aware of just who I am, I am Trax, Mr FN' Dominance, the man whose going to tear through you to secure ownage of the World Tag Team Championships then tear through the CCWF to secure ownage of the Universal title. If I was you, I'd try your hand at trying to convince me to drop my grievances with you and hold the tag team championships together. You can try, but you will fail, I know your arrogance won't even allow you to contemplate doing such a thing however, so instead you will unfortunately have to deal with trying and failing at winning this match.
Now let me turn my attention to our illustrious referee, Justice Drake. Who has already made some comments backstage regarding this match. Lets go over them.
(08-24-2015, 11:07 PM)Illustrious Referee Said: First of all, l would like to congratulate Trax and Lux on their shocking double win. As my brother Dustin, would say, the better team won. Even though, you guys were not a team, I still congratulate you. l'm sure my brother and l will be one of the first one teams to challenge whoever wears the tag team titles.
Second of all, nice try Shane. I know the true reason as to why you want me special referee. You want me destroyed so l can't help destroy what you love so much, the CCWF. But it doesn't matter. I don't care if Lux and Trax sort out their differences and decide to team up and take me out, because no matter what you throw at me, whether l win or lose, l will keep fighting and l will never surrender. The CCWF is going down, and your my first victim Shane.
Lastly, If l am special referee then a couple of conditions must be in place. I won't name them until they are accepted. If my name is listed as the Referee for the match, on the card, then you automatically accept my conditions. There are only 3 or 4 conditions, but they are unknown until you accept them.
I will leave you to ponder that, while l tend to my injuries. Goodbye.
OK kid. Firstly... Why would you and Dustin be first in line for a title shot? You two got molly whopped in the match and were the first people eliminated, you barely put up a fight.Peter and his severed dick are more deserving of a shot at the tag team titles then you are, I'm sure Lux will even agree with me on that one. Another thing, Shane may find it funny seeing you get destroyed, but he doesn't need you destroyed. You are of no threat to CCWF, just like you was of no threat in our match, hell if you ask me the way I see it he's making you a referee because that's possibly the better suited job role for you than being a wrestler, hey at least as a referee you get to hold championships, even if they are other peoples and not yours. You do not have to worry about me and Lux teaming up and destroying you that is not an option. Just like you don't have to worry about the CCWF, they don't care for you at all, you're not on the radar, you're not on ANYONES radar, the CCWF will be going down but it will be at my capable of hands, not your knuckles-on-floor-dragging ones, please. Your conditions? If you want to leave that ring in a HEALTHY condition just shut the fuck up, know your role which is refereeing the match, and do so in a professional manner. You are in absolute no position to be trying to bribe or negotiate with anyone about anything, you autistic dweeb.Dismissed....AGAIN.
Trax smirks before continuing.
Now that my opponent and my deluded referee for my match are out the way, theres one last person I need to spare some words to, Sitre, how are things going? I notice you and Abigail have a tag team match on Wednesday Warfare, the winners earning them self a tag team title shot in the future. I have no doubt, at least I hope, that you will win that match.Because guess what then, well considering I will be one half of the tag team champions, that means you and Abigail will be put in the ring....with actual match, no blindside attack encounters, no bullshit enforcer role protecting you. I will finally get my hands on you and that spandex clad skank and when I do I will make examples of you both for your CCWF brethren to bear witness to, and then? I'm going to hunt down the rest of your people, Hired Gun, K Money, and then eventually Vinnie Lane. I hope you get this message, and I hope you're aware of the reckoning that awaits you when you and Abigail find yourself the tag team title contenders, watch my match Monday and witness the reckoning I lay out on Lux if you need any clarification on that matter. Peace.
Trax whips out his phone once more and goes through his contacts, he pauses at "Robbie Bourbon" before shaking his head and flicking down to "Paul Hunter" and calling his longtime friend.
Whats up, listen you down for a catch up? Good. Meet tomorrow? Excellent, and listening I'll speak more about it in person but.... I need another favor.
Trax walks away from the camera down the institutes empty hallway, still on the phone discussing plans with Paul, as the scene comes to a fade.
Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno
XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:
One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"