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Monday Night Madness 08.24.2015
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-24-2015, 09:42 PM

[Image: yFhVIeG.png]
August 24th, 2015
Allstate Arena
Chicago, IL

Bloody Murray
Hannah Warr
- vs -
Masked Man
Captain Future
Randomly Assigned Tag Partners, 1 Fall

Asher Marshall
- vs -
Crimson Dong
The Italian Vampire
Randomly Assigned Tag Partners, 1 Fall

- vs -
- vs -
Thunderbolt XYZ
- vs -
Krazy Klown
Fatal 4 Way, 1 Fall

Mr. Kaleidoscope
- vs -
Dick of Peter Gilmour
Table Match

Alexander Aries
- vs -
Pringle Boi 187
Singles Match

- vs -
Roman M Wulfrun
- vs -
Dimallisher Professor of Insanety
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
GUEST REF: Oni Kymiku

Ref can RP, submit spots/strategies/etc to try and sway match or fend off attackers!

Tag Team Championship
Dustin Diamond Drake
Justice Drake
- vs -
Lux Lyden
Seth Feder
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
Triple Threat Elimination Tag
If X-treme Champ is pinned/submits, title changes hands. If new champ then get pinned/submits, changes hands again, etc.
GUEST REF: Ghost Tank

Ref & Enforcer can both RP, submit spots/strategies/etc to try and sway match, fend off attackers!

The Masked Man, Captain Future, and Bloody Murray are already in the ring as the show comes open.

"Gravedigger" by The Browning plays

The lights slowly fade from the Arena, as a set of drums build up. Three loud Beats, then a matching set of clapping sounds, followed by another set of beats, and another set of clapping. Across the X-tron Huge words in Green and Blue can be read, flickering faster and faster as the beat quickens.



The set gets faster and faster, until finally the opening Techno beat of "Gravedigger" by The Browning begins. The lights in the arena flash, red, blue, green, white, purple, the rampway as well as the ring are adorned in rushing lights, changing colors as the lights seem to echo from the top of the ramp. And then the guitars rip into the speakers, two huge explosions of confetti and Fog gas explode from the top of the stage. A face appears upon the X-tron Now, gears of a clock making up its features, its eyes slowly open looking out as Hannah's head moves from left to right. The face is outlined with clocks, steam pressure puffing out of either side of the screen, gears turning upon the screen. The crowd pops, coming alive as the lights flare back on, and Hannah Warr herself steps confidently onto the top of the stage. She is clad in a dark leather vest, a black Misfits cut off tied just above her belly button, a set of tight fitting black jeans and Vans sneakers. She flips her hair from her face and looks across the arena, the sound is almost defeaning. She smirks to herself as she begins to make her way towards the ring, trash talking towards the camera, mostly inaudable. She slides under the bottom rope and takes to the top turnbuckle, throwing her hands into the air, getting another pop from the fans to the right side of the arena, as yet another explosion of confetti echoes from the rafters of the arena. The rotating camera sweeps around the ring, her arms held out to her sides, the surging crowd, flashbulbs pop in the background as she points a defiant finger towards the camera sweeping the ring. She looks to the fans one last time before dropping her Vest off her shoulders and leaping backwards off the turnbuckle. Smirking now, she paces back and forth as her music fades into silence.

Bloody Murray
Hannah Warr
- vs -
Masked Man
Captain Future
Randomly Assigned Tag Partners, 1 Fall

The bell has been rung and Murray and Future start out in the ring!

Both jumpy men waste no time and open this match by dropkicking each other with only Future's much taller figure managing to nail the kick. Both of them get up rather quickly and jump up for another. However, after Murray's dropkick hits, he flips back onto his stomach for a dropsault. Both of them get up and dash at each other one more time. Future goes for a discus punch, but Murray ducks it and goes behind him. He traps him in a waist lock, lifting him off his feet and into the canvas for a German Suplex.

Future hurriedly crawls over to the Masked Man and tags out to him. The very large man enters the ring,staring down Murray when both feet rest on the canvas. Intimidated, Murray can't help but find himself looking up at the man that looms over him.


A giant black dog leaps into the ring and latches onto the gonads of Murray! Murray tries to get the dog off, but the dog drops him to the ground while ripping into his crotch! Captain Future gets into the ring and the black Rottweiler leaps onto his face! Future flails around before falling out the ring with the dog on his face!

Kirk MacClay, General Manager, comes out from the curtains with Benjamin Fieldler holding a leash.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that guys. This match just realllyyyyy wasn't that interesting. So instead of having this match or the equally yawn inducing match that will follow... we're combining the matches into one! Future, Murry... get the hell out of here. Drezdin and Crimson Dong? C'mon out!"

Crimson Dong and Drezdin come out and enter the ring.

"This match will now be Hannah Warr and Drezdin vs. Crimson Dong and Masked Man!"

Crimson Dong shakes his dick at his opponents before turning to Masked Man and sticking a dildo in his mouth before uppercutting him! Masked Man begins choking as Dong gets on the apron. The bell rings as Hannah Warr hits a bicycle kick! She grabs Masked Man's neck and hits the corner and flips over for... DECLARATION DOMINATION!

She covers!




Hannah Warr and Drezdin celebrate their win together!

Welcome to the Strange- Murderdolls

LeStrange is already in the ring with his belt off him.

Jeff Hardy "No More Words"

Bucko Ziplines himself to the ring and lands on the mat safely

Gangsta Lean by D.R.S.

Gangsta Lean plays and then a giant streak of lightning shoots down from the rafters to the center of the ring and then Thunderbolt XYZ just appears. Like magic or something.

Chicken Huntin' By Insane Clown Posse

He comes down the ramp, happy and pointing at fans thinking they love him when really they hate him. When he is a champion though he stops at the rap and holds up the title while fireworks are going off, then he walks slowly to the ring pointing at some people and he gets in the ring and holds the title as a singular firework shoots from all four corners.

- vs -
- vs -
Thunderbolt XYZ
- vs -
Krazy Klown
Fatal 4 Way, 1 Fall


All four men start to brawl with one another until we see Bucko get thrown out of the ring by Thunderbolt, and we see them both brawling near the fans; while Krazy Klown gets Whipped to the turnbuckles by LeStrange we see him dish out punches left and right to Klown and elbows him until we see Lestrange hitting a Cornor Splash that he misses while Klown was Roundahouse kicking back of his head. Then we see Thunderbolt tossing Bucko in the ring, and we see Klown attempting a pin on Bucko.

BIG BOOT to Klown’s head by LeStrange as we see Thunderbolt Suplex LeStrange to the mat, and he stomps on him for a bit and he gets blindsided by Klown with a High Dropkick. Then Klown grabs Thunderbolt by the legs and smashes his head to his nuts. Then Klown grabs LeStrange by his hair and goes near the turnbuckles to hit a Tornado DDT, but LeStrange reverses that with a Samon Slam. Then we see him pinning Klown.




Then we see Bucko Codebreaking LeStrange face that caused him to stumble over the ropes, and we see Thunderbolt doing a Clothesline to the outside to LeStrange and he aids Bucko with a sick Plancha onto LeStrange, then Bucko goes to the steel steps and goes for a 450 Splash but gets a taste of the floor as LeStrange heads into the ring. Then Bucko gets to the top rope and Hurricanrana Klown to the mat and gives a Leaping Bulldog on Thunderbolt to the mat, Bucko starts to taunt to the audience and LeStrange finds an opening for the Crooked Smiles (white nose to the gut) and slams him to the mat, and turns him over for the pin…



NO! Klown breaks it up! He grabs LeStrange and throws him out of the ring. He covers the downed Bucko!




After the match is done, we see Tommy emerging from the Backstage to the ring, and we see him hitting all four men with baseball bat and pulls out black can of graffiti and labels each guys back with the initials “C.C.W.F” and Tommy has the fans booing at him as the scene shifts into next segment.

SEMARGL feat. Ирина Василенко - Discolove hits the speakers and the X-Tron starts flickering rainbow colors. Purple haze sets in all through the arena and after a few seconds of throbbing anticipation the newest-gen American Dream (RIP Dusty Rhodes) Mr. Kaleidoscope comes onto the stage accompanied by a blast of multicolored pyro. He struts down to the ring and pumps his fist along to the music before hopping up on the apron and stepping into the ring.

My Dick by Mickey Avalon plays

He flops to the ring

Mr. Kaleidoscope
- vs -
Dick of Peter Gilmour
Table Match

The bell rings, the three chimes echoed throughout the arena. Gilly Dick's handler, Chuck, pulls Gilly Dick out of his pocket and beings wielding it as a sword!

. . .

A two- centimeter sword. But we dickgress.

Mr. Kaleidoscope raises one of his eyebrows before shrugging, going immediately after Chuck and Gilly Dick, dukes raised to do some damage, but not before Chuck slaps Gilly Dick right across the face of Mr. Kaleidoscope!

Kaleidoscope steps back a few feet, rubbing his hand across his cheek, unbelieving in the fact that he just got slapped by a motherfucking dick.

Once certain that Gilly Dick's taint is off of his cheek, Kaleidoscope cracks his neck and advances towards Chuck and Gilly Dick once more. Chuck tries swinging Gilly Dick like a sword once more, but Kaleidoscope anticipates it, ducking under and swinging at Chuck with an astounding right hook!


The Gilly Dick squirts it's yellow- ish jizz right at Mr. Kaleidoscope! Mr. Kaleidoscope starts clawing away at his won face to get the jizz off of him, prompting Chuck to pick Gilly Dick right back up and punches Kaleidoscope right in his gut with it. Kaleidoscope immediately gets down on his knees, allowing Chuck to use Gilly Dick to pound on Kaleidoscope's back, sending him to the floor.

After launching a volley of kicks, Chuck exits the ring and grabs one of the many tables on display, slowing kicking the table's legs out from under it and picking it up. All the meanwhile, Mr. Kaleidoscope is crawling to the ropes, beginning to recover, as he notices Chuck and Gilly Dick picking up the table. Going for a high risk- situation, as soon as he sees Chuck slide the table through the bottom rope, before he could have a chance to get in, Mr. Kaleidoscope rebounds off the ropes and hits a baseball slide onto the table, sending it flying right into Chuck's throat!

Chuck- and by extension, the Gilly Dick- immediately fly back towards the barricade before lying in a sprawled position. Mr. Kaleidoscope takes this time to catch a breather from the action thus far and taunts to the crowd, garnering a mixed reaction. From there, he begins to hop outside the ring. Chuck and Gilly Dick are trying to use the barricade to get back up, but Kaleidoscope immediately grabs Chuck up by the hair, and puts him in a position to perform a back suplex onto the barricade.

However, right at the highest point of the suplex, Chuck manages to regain control of the match, throwing some elbows into Kaleidoscope's skull, causing him to drop the handler of the dick of Gilmour.

Having an opportunity for some offense, Chuck takes the hand that is handling Gilmour's severed penis- his right hand, and beings delivering some devastating punches to Kaleidoscope's cranium. Kaleidoscope slowly but steadily slumps down into a seated position, leaning on the barricade, due to the force of Chuck's punches.

Chuck notices the table from earlier inside the ring. He takes out the table, back onto the outside of the ring, and notices Kaleidoscope's seated position. Chuck- Gilly Dick and table in hands- takes multiple steps back and begins charging at Kaleidoscope with the table!

ONLY FOR CHUCK TO HIT THE BARRICADE! Kaleidoscope managed to dodge right before the table managed to hit him! Kaleidoscope bounces right back to his feet and throws a solid right hook at Chuck. Chuck immediately feels the pain, and slumps down to one knee.

This allows Kaleidoscope to throw Chuck a huge, jaw- jacking European Uppercut! The Jawbreaker hits! Chuck gets laid out! Gilly Dick recognizes he's in trouble, and due to some heavy flailing, escapes Chuck's grasp and begins hopping madly on the back of his head, needing him to get back to his feet. Kaleidoscope grabs the dick however, and begins rubbing it at his balls! Kaleidoscope beings counting as the Gilly Dick tries flailing out of Kaleidoscope's nuts!





Fi- WHACK! Chuck managed to make it back to his feet and BLASTED Kaleidoscope with a devastating right hand! Kaleidoscope steps back, dropping Gilly Dick. Chuck promptly picks it right back up, and sizes up Kaleidoscope. He notices the table from before, and so does Kaleidoscope. Chuck places Gilly Dick in his pocket slowly, eyes not wavering from Kaleidoscope. Both of them make the motion to go for the table. . .

. . .


Kaleidoscope, due to his less- than- average speed, gets out- sped quite easily by Chuck, but Kaleidoscope manages to cut the distance as soon as Chuck makes the motion to grab the table! And now they're playing tug- of- war for control of the table!

Chuck with a massive tug, followed by one from Kaleidoscope! Chuck! Kaleidoscope! Chuck! Kaleidoscope!

All of a sudden, right when Chuck made the motion for another massive tug, Kaleidoscope lets go! Chuck misplaces his footing, and sprawls onto the outside pads! However, he gets back up quickly enough, dodging a major boot from Kaleidoscope, and Chuck takes out his dick. Errr. . . Gilly Dick, that is.

Chuck immediately lunges forward with Gilly Dick, and he RAMS THAT DICK DOWN KALEIDOSCOPE'S THROAT!



Kaleidoscope is KO'd! This allows Chuck to set up the table and place Kaleidoscope on it! Then Chuck looks at the top turnbuckle, to which the fans pop wildly! Chuck rolls into the ring, and scales the top turnbuckle. . . He sets Gilly Dick in position, right to where he would land in Kaleidoscope's throat. . .



Dick of Peter Gilmour turns around only to be kicked in I guess, by the one and only New Face of Hardcore Fontanna. He pulls Dick of Peter Gilmour through the ropes and onto the apron. Fontanna then piledrives Dick of Peter Gilmour through a table on the floor!

Fontanna: Maybe that will teach you to keep your fucking mouth shut!

Fontanna then slides back into the ring and in one fluid motion, superkicks Mr. Kaleidoscope in the face sending him crumbling to the mat!

Fontanna: ahh fuck you too!

Fontanna pulls a can of spray paint from a bag at ringside and sprays a big DA on the back of Mr. Kaleidoscope. Fontanna calls for a mic...

Fontanna: There is a lot of talk about CCWF vs XWF! Well you Mother Fuckers forgot about the good ol DA baby! I'm laying down the challenge right now! If any of you CCWF cumsluts are in the back, come out during my match later on! I fucking dare one of you pussies to come after me, it will be the last fucking thing you do! You see it's X-W-F till we D-I-E around here and It will be my up most pleasure to send you cocksuckers back where you fucking belong! The table is let's see if you bitches come to eat!

Fontanna drops the mic as "Over and Under" by Egypt Central blairs through the PA...

Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) plays as Pringle Boi Whips, Nae Naes, Bops, and Yules down to the ring like a balla. He gets into the ring awaiting his opponent.

The lights dim as "Eye of the Tiger" begins playing on the PA.

Lasers pass back and forth across the the stage, red in color then all of the laser sights falling on a single man, covering him in bright red dots of lights. As the music kicks into high gear, pyro explodes on both sides of the stage and the lights come up to reveal Alexander Aries in full wrestling gear, a black leather duster adorned along with silver rimmed shades for his entrance. He takes a knee and yells out "The Assassinations are at hand!" before jumping to his feet and walking toward the ring with a purpose. He slides under the ropes as target spotlights pass over the ring and follow AA as he climbs each turnbuckle and throws an arm into his air.

Alexander jumps off the last turnbuckle and looks his opponent up and down who is too busy pandering to the crowd with thumbs up.

Alexander Aries
- vs -
Pringle Boi 187
Singles Match

The bell rings and Aries immediately rushes Pringle Boi whose back is still turned and clubs him in the back of the head with a strong elbow, PB falls to the mat as AA taunts the crowd and picks PB up deliver another strong elbow to his face that sends him staggering into the ropes and bouncing off them straight into a belly to belly suplex! PB groggily gets to his feet and AA runs at him and hits him with a high knee that sends PB stumbling into the ropes again but this time he falls through the top and middle one and lands head and neck first on the hard floor below.

Indeed he does as he in outside eyes rolling in the back of his head as he groans, AA senses blood in the water already and exits the ring grabbing PB and rolling him back in it. AA then hoists PB up for a delayed vertical suplex letting all the blood rush to PBs head before he finally drops him hard once again on his neck and shoulders. PB writhes on the floor in pain and the ref goes to check on him but Aries pushes the official out the way and drags PB but his hair slapping him across the face a few times, PB responds with a punch to Aries gut and Aries releases him, PB drops to the mat on both knees and AAs lashes out with a lightning fast low enziguri! Aries goes for the pin..1...2..KICK OUT! Aries looks annoyed but not dettered as he picks up PB, who desperately starts laying into Aries with lefts and rights to the face and gut! This stuns AA and PB uses this chance to run to the ropes and back off them to try and hi - a super kick out of nowhere by Aries!

Aries looks more annoyed now picking PB up and setting up on the ropes....Aries Effect! Aries stomps PBs face into the mat before dragging him to the middle of the ring and going for the pin again! 1....2...3! The bell rings.

Pringle Boi rolls out the ring and collapses on the ground as Aries gets his hand raised by the referee in triumph.

Dim and Oni are already in the ring.

Over Under by Egypt Central plays.

The Light's in the arena go out! White strobe light's start flashing on the entrance ramp as "Over Under" by Egypt Central blares through the PA. Fontanna walks on to the stage...head bowed down. He walks to the ring not making eye contact with anyone. He stops on the ramp and then slowly turns his head towards the entrance...when "The Queen of Halloween" Nikkie Haven walks out onto the stage. Her face painted up like a pumpkin...she joins Fontanna on the ramp and the pair walk down to the ring. Fontanna slides in the ring...he offers his hand for Nikkie to climb into the ring! He kisses her hand and leads her back out of the ring as we await the start of the match...

Dead man's Party by Oingo Boingo

Dead man's party hits and a few moments later and limo rolls into the area by the stage. Roman's English butler Jenkins gets out of the driver seat, walks over to and opens the door and out steps Roman. Sometimes he'll throw out money to fans or he'll Jenkins slap them with a sliver platter for touching him. Then he goes to the ring and waits for the match to start as sips on a glass of Johnnie Walker or Cognac that his butler had made for him.

- vs -
Roman M Wulfrun
- vs -
Dimallisher Professor of Insanety
Triple Threat, 1 Fall
GUEST REF: Oni Kymiku

Ref can RP, submit spots/strategies/etc to try and sway match or fend off attackers!

Oni stands in the ring, telling the competitors to stay in their corners until the bell is called. Dim is having none of that, he walks to the center of the ring, and grabs her by the hair, and literally drags her to the back, yelling about Steak.

Fontanna and Roman look at each other and shrug their shoulders. A random man from the audience climbs over the barricade. Security tries to stop him, until he rips off his shirt, and reveals that he is Judge Mills Lane, noted Boxing Ref, and the ref on Celebrity Death Match. Security allows it, and he climbs into the ring before calling the bell. Roman and Fontana charge each other. Fontanna grabs Roman and drops him with a powerbomb. Roman jumps to his feet, and throws a quick sucker punch to the face of Fontanna. The fans are booing, and throwing their glass bottles into the ring, and all along the concrete floor.

Fontanna rakes Roman's eyes, and Roman throws a jab to Fontanna's gut. Roman goes for a Liquidation, but Fontanna ecapes and hits an END GAME! He goes for a pin, and puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage.



3Kickout! Kickout right at three.

Mills Lane: I count the pin. The winner is Fontanna.

Retaliation by CFO$ plays.

Justice comes out to a huge pop as different colored lights start flashing, Then all of them go out and then there is a loud bang as pyro explodes and shots up all around the stage and arena as Justice appears at the top of the stage spinning around and thrusting his fist in the air as another round of pyros go off, then the multi colored lights start flashing as Drake makes his way down the ramp. Justice high fives his male fans, Hugs some of his lucky Female fans, and playfully headlock his boy and girl fans giving them photo opp. He then runs the remainder of the way to the ring and slides in under ropes and quickly gets to his feet and holds his Fist in the air as one last round of pyrotechnics go off. Drake then goes to his corner and waits for his opponent(s) and the match to start.

"It Never Ends" by Bring Me the Horizon plays.

Lux Lyden's name spills out onto the tron in shiny silver and blue letters right as his entrance music begins to play. As the fans grow anxious and the seconds wear on, few could deny the exuberant energy that swells and stretches over the arena. Growing until finally an explosion of light and intense sound, erupts from the floor. A flash of outstanding pyrotechnics can be seen simultaneously as Lux Lyden is jettisoned upward through a trap door located on the floor near the entrance. Following this theatric display, he somersaults mid-air and lands perfectly on his feet before giving a smirk and a wink. Taking off like a jack rabbit shortly after, he rushes to the ring, slides under the ropes, bounces up to his feet with exuberance and quickly ascends to the top of one of the closest turnbuckles, while striking a pose and greeting the crowd with a clever smile. It's very clear he definitely enjoys this profession and the adoration/attention it provides.

The Four Horseman Theme Plays

Seth Feder comes out thinking he's amazing and the crowd cannot disagree. He slides into the ring.

" Blacker The Berry"- Kendrick Lamar plays.

Walks down to the ring in his attire and black hoody with jackie by his side, usual taunts the crowd on the way down to the ring, runs and slides into the ring when he gets halfway down the ramp, starts pacing and shadow boxing in the ring before standing in the middle and raising his arm, taking his hoody off and throwing it into the crowd then standing in the corner arms up on the ropes head cocked back with a shit eating grin on his face.

Rossini's La Gazza Ladra plays.

A series of firework mortars fire off on the stage as Rossini's classic work starts to play throughout the arena. Across the X-Tron, we see the exact same thing as what is traditionally used as Robbie Bourbon's banner on the XWF website as Robbie steps out. He raises his arms to 45 degree angles while the X-Tron shows clips of Robbie hanging Ellis Bolton using the hook from an undone turnbuckle, and Robbie breaking Wyatt Reynolds across a fire hydrant. Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, instead flipping backwards over the top rope. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles again.

Tag Team Championship
Dustin Diamond Drake
Justice Drake
- vs -
Lux Lyden
Seth Feder
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
Triple Threat Elimination Tag
If X-treme Champ is pinned/submits, title changes hands. If new champ then get pinned/submits, changes hands again, etc.
GUEST REF: Ghost Tank

Ref & Enforcer can both RP, submit spots/strategies/etc to try and sway match, fend off attackers!

The bell rings and the fans are on their feet and screaming like a pack of crazed maniacs as this Elimination Tag Match... begins!. Lux and Trax look at each other. Sharing a silent stare of unified understanding and total disdain for one another, they nod, and Trax jumps over the ropes. Bourbon looks on from the apron and begins shouting encouraging words to his partner while pumping his fist in excitement. While this goes on, Lux and Trax both rush towards each other and almost start exchanging blows, when suddenly they stop and turn their attention to Triple D, who is standing just a mere few feet away. At this point, an unspoken plan is shared and both Trax and Lux make their way towards Dustin Diamond Drake. With a strong right hook immediately delivered to Drake's face by Trax, he is sent careening towards Lux. Lyden catches Triple D with a punch to his face, before grabbing his shirt and lifting it over D’s head. The audience laughs as Lyden begins to slap at the exposed belly. Yet, this is no laughing matter for Dustin Diamond Drake! His belly begins to turn pink! And then red! Oh my god! That man's belly is as red a tomater.... eh, tomato! Unbelievable! Where's the mercy? The humanity? The moral compass?


Enough is enough already.

Triple D's belly is now so red, its actually glowing! His belly is literally illuminated like a stop light as Trax slides out of the ring and quickly returns wielding a steel chair. As if the belly torture wasn't back enough! Trax brings a chair down on top of D’s head, and the pink bellied piggy goes down!

Trax and Lyden laugh at this sight and begin to bring their feet down on the crumpled body of the onetime partner of Lux. Still Drake isn't down for the count yet. Oh no, he somehow manages to pop up through the onslaught and catches both Lyden and Mr. F'n Dominance, with a double nut shot!

Oh shit!

Both men drop and Triple D runs for the ropes. Ascending them, he mounts the turnbuckle and leaps off but unfortunately misses his mark with his solid try at a Frog Splash! Crashing right next to Lyden, all Lux simply needs to do is roll over a bit and flop his arm across Drake. This of course still counts as a pin!




Triple D kicks out and jumps to his feet, grabbing Lyden by the back of the head as he does, while Trax begins to rise. DDD, throws a left jab into Lux's chest and follows it up with a Headbutt! Lux teeters backwards but doesn't fall. No, he comes back with a Headbutt of his own and then continues with a Lew Sweep! Triple D goes down and Lux covers for the pin!




Eliminated: DDD

Right as this happens Trax finally gets to his feet and Justice Drake rushes into the ring. He knocks Lux down with a Lariat, and charges for a Spear on Trax! Which sends both men into the ropes! He begins to punch at Trax’s sides but Trax counters this by throwing his right elbow into the nape of Justice’s neck. Justice keeps swinging, and Trax tosses his left elbow up and into the jaw of Justice.



Three times!

Justice falters in his movements and stumbles back! Only to be caught with a massive Roundhouse Kick from Trax! Lyden who was apparently distracted by a rather attractive specimen outside the ring, finally '"wakes up" and grabs the chair that was left on the ground. With intentions of bringing it to the face of Drake, he rushes towards the downed man. Justice sees this though and right as Lux is about to smash him in the face, he kicks his feet up, right into Lyden's gut. Lux gasps and topples back as the chair goes flying into the air! Instantly coming back down, straight on into Justice Drake's skull, knocking him to the canvas and rending him, completely unconscious!. From there Trax throws himself on the body of the fallen foe.

Tank counts the pin.




eliminated: Justice Drake

Trax springboards up, and faces off with Lyden. They eyeball each other, sizing each other up properly, they begin to circle around each other while keeping their gaze locked on one another. Trax breaks the cycle by throwing a solid right hook into Lux's face, followed by a jab with his left, then another, and finally a Double Axe Handle Chop! Lux loses his balance, topples around a tad and then falls back into the ropes. Trax makes no delay in rushing at the fallen Lux. However, before he reaches him, Seth Feder pops up, slaps Lux on the back of the head and pulls him outside the ring. This causes Trax to stop himself mid-run and wait. Glaring out like some sort of wild beast, eyes bulged, nostrils flaring, sweat pouring off him in literal bucket fulls and his chest heaving with each heavy breath, he releases a furious growl soaked in intense rage and then, spits at Seth! The ball of phlegm flies and hits Seth point blank in the eye!

Wiping at his eye in disgust and anger, Feder dives into the ring and begins to slap himself in the face. What the fuck?!?! It's clear both these men have become unhinged as Feder returns Trax's growl before charging him. Trax throws a massive Trap Silencer! However, before it can connect, Seth stops dead in his tracks and the next thing Trax knows he's being uppercutted right in the genitals by Seth! He stumbles back, holding his package. He stumbles further, and is slapped on the shoulder by Robbie Bourbon! Who steps over the ropes in a single step! From there The Masked Man flexes and pounds his chest with his own fist as he walks towards Feder, the ring shaking with each and every step.

With one mighty punch, Bourbon sends Seth flying and Trax yells in support of his partner. As this happens, Feder cracks into the corner ring post with a sick thud and drops. Arms tangled in the ropes on either side of him, he's a sitting duck for Robbie's Big Boot to his head and a thunderous Leg Drop that soon follows! From there Bourbon gets to his feet and rips Seth off the canvas with him. Robbie then lifts Feder up and raises the man high over his head! Pressing him up and down like Seth is a human weight, Bourbon stops his antics with a smirk and goes to one knee before bringing Seth down straight onto the other. Feder crumples to the canvas and Robbie places his boot on the downed man.



Oh shit! Feder with a taser! Seth seems to have removed a taser from his pocket and is now stabbing it into Robbie's leg! Robbie yells and violently shakes as thousands of volts of electricity shoot straight through him! This causes Bourbon's stance to become compromised as he teeters back and forth, and then falls down. With a groan, Seth uses the ropes to aid him as he rises to his feet.

Feder: "Yeah! I bet that stings, you masked !"

Oh my god! Seth walks over and hits Robbie with another jolt from the taser! Robbie wildly trembles and screams as Seth laughs like a fucking lunatic! Clearly very happy about what he's seeing. He stops and smoke emits from Robbie's slightly chard body.

Feder: "Yeah, that stings don't it, you fat fuck!?!? Well, thank my buddy at the local zoo for hooking me up with this elephant taser. I figured it was perfect for your fruity spandex wearing ass. God damn, didn't anyone tell you spandex doesn't work for a man your size?!?! Shit! You look like a sausage stuffed in its fucking wrapper! Go on a diet for fucks sake man!

Another zap from the taser and Robbie's eyes slowly close.

From there Feder makes the pin as Robbie continues to remain motionless and Tank starts the count.



Oh no!!!!

Is this the end of our masked hero?!?!





Robbie's eyes pop open and he leaps to his feet, sending Seth flying as he does. Feder slams into the ropes and Robbie is right after. Catching Feder with another Big Boot to the head and then several stomps to the chest, he then tears Seth up from the canvas and delivers a massive Power Bomb!

Followed by another and another!


Finally stopping, only to make the pin on Seth!



And a kick to the face of Bourbon!

Lux got in there just in time and broke it up!

Bourbon stumbles to the corner, and pulls the padding off one of the turnbuckles. He tosses that to a lucky fan in the audience before running towards Seth as Trax has tackled Lux and is unloading on him with a flurry of rights and lefts. Bourbon slams into Feder like a freight train and the momentum nearly cracks Feder in two. Grabbing hold of Seth after this and yanking him to his feet, Bourbon tosses Feder across the ring and he slams into that exposed turnbuckle! Robbie runs after Feder and delivers a hard stomp before executing FOUL PLAY!

Robbie Bourbon goes for the pin!




Trax dumps Lux out of the ring and quickly goes to his corner asking for the tag before Lux can get back in. Robbie wastes no time tagging Trax in who quickly peels Feder up from the canvas and gives him the same low blow Feder had given him earlier! Oh shit!

Feder is hunched forward and in perfect position for Trax to hit THE O.T.M! That devastating powerbomb variation left Feder splattered on the canvas!

Trax goes for the pin!




Eliminated: Seth Feder

Ghost Tank helps Seth out of the ring. As this occurs, Lux is back in the ring but a few moment too late as his partner is already being hauled off! Trax and Bourbon seem to be on the same page as Lyden is caught in the middle of the ring. Lyden swivels around, Trax and Bourbon on either side of him! Lyden turns as Bourbon shoots off the ropes!


Lux Lyden keels backward as Robbie rebounds...


Lux crashes to the canvas, clutching his next and rolling back and forth as Robbie looms over him. Preparing to execute Foul Play, Lux opens his eyes and notices Bourbon rapidly descending towards him. Lyden's eyes widen as Robbie draws near. And then....




And then....

Robbie slams straight into the bare canvas!

Lux has appeared to have vanished from the rind!

Bewildered, Robbie bounds up to his feet and looks around frantically. Where did he go?!?! The question on everyone's mind as Lux suddenly appears directly behind Robbie! How the hell did he do that?!?!

From there, Lux leaps and hits the big man with an Enzuguri! He stumbles, and Lyden catches himself on the ground. Bourbon starts to move towards him as Lux gets to his feet and delivers a powerful Last Train to Xanadu! The jaw rocking roundhouse kick sends Bourbon down with a loud thud, followed by Lux locking in the Anaconda Vise. Robbie fights it hard, and is trying to get free, but for a man as small as he is, Lux has some real power in his grips. Trax climbs the ropes and prepares to dive and break it up but suddenly Sitre Renenet runs up behind Ghost Tank and shoves him into the turnbuckle which knocks Trax off and to the outside! Sitre returns to ringside to continue watching as if she did nothing while Ghost Tank points at her and yells something. Tank quickly has to turn his attention back to the matter at hand though as Robbie is still locked in that submission!

He's been locked in it far too long now!

Robbie has no choice! He taps out! Hopefully in time to avoid serious injury!

The crowd is in shock as Ghost Tank calls it and then helps Robbie out of the ring.

eliminated: Robbie Bourbon

Trax gets to his feet, and climbs into the ring. Sitre has now quickly moved to the apron behind Tank and pulled him out of the ring. He topples over onto the concrete, as Trax and Lyden are trading blows in the ring. Tank is down, and she is pummeling Tank with a series of blows from a seated position on his chest. She gets off of him, and walks to the announcer's table. She throws everything off of it, and pulls it over towards the ring before collecting the steps to the ring. She places those upside down on the table. She then walks over to a weary Tank, and superkicks him onto the table right next to the steps. She climbs up with him, pulls him up, and leaps up to catch him with a falling DDT right into the steps on the table and the table explodes to pieces in the process! Tank goes down hard, and she collects the ring bell to beat Tank's head in with it. Tank is limp, and Sitre climbs back into the ring gesturing that she's the referee now. She sees Trax is pinning Lux, and goes to the ropes to bat her eyes at the males in attendance instead of making the count! Lux kicks out of the pin, and the two begin a dance again.

Lux goes for an Alley Oop Face buster, but Trax catches him, and reverses it into a Tornado DDT. Lux gets to his feet, and throws a massive punch to the face of Mr. Dominance, quickly followed with Stunner. Trax is done, and crawling to the ropes. He uses them to pull himself up, and then when on his feet, to hold him steady. Lux is on the move, and he gets a TRAP SILENCER for his troubles. He goes down, and Trax collapses onto him for the pin.

Sitre comes dancing over, and has put finger cymbals on. She's dancing, and clamping the cymbals as Trax is trying to pin Lyden. Her hips swaying has captured all of the attention, though. Trax gets angry, and gets to his feet. He's now in her face yelling at her. She keeps dancing and ignoring him. Lux walks up, and grabs Trax's head. He runs towards the ropes and hits a Heightened Hyperreal. The Shiranui sends Trax to the mat, and Lux makes the pin. Sitre actually counts this one.




Sitre looks like she was almost going to still count three even after the kickout but then laughs and shrugs, backing up to continue watching the action as Lux looks at Sitre and slaps his hands together three times thinking it should have been a three count! In response, Sitre claps her finger cymbals three times and laughs. She must want to see more damage done!

Lux starts to pull Trax up and sets him up for something but Trax is able to use his weight to pull Lux down and into a small package pin!

Sitre is tossing her finger cymbals to some fans in the front row and smiling and waving instead of paying attention. Lux kicks out! Lux rolls out of the ring and starts looking for a weapon to finish this off and Trax does the same! Lux pulls a fire extinguisher out from under the ring while Trax has grabbed a sledge hammer. Sitre loves what she's seeing as both men enter the ring and rush toward each other with a disgusting thud!

The sledgehammer smashed into Lux's head just as the fire extinguisher slammed into Trax's head!

Both of the weapons drop to the canvas as Lux and Trax teeter for a second...

And they both fall to their backs right next to each other!

From Sitre's vantage point she sees exactly what she's been waiting for! Lux has his arm across the chest of Trax!

Sitre smiles and makes the count...




The fans are all yelling and pointing their hands but it's unclear what they're pointing at as Sitre pulls Lux up and raises his arm in victory!

Just before the announcement is made, someone interrupts!


The crowd grows silent at the sound of their General Manager's booming voice comes over the speaker system. Kirk comes out onto top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand.

Kirk: "Are you blind, Sitre? Or is this just a case of trying to screw over a man who you disagree with? I think you saw what I and the rest of this audience saw… TRAX’S ARM ON LUX!”

The crowd begins murmuring as a replay is shown on the X-Tron! It's clear that Trax's arm had fallen on Lux just as Lux's had fallen on Trax. It was a double pin and Sitre counted to three only seeing what she wanted to see! The fans begin a brief chant of ‘You Screwed Trax’ as Sitre just laughs it off and rolls her eyes.

Kirk: “Is this what’s happening nowadays? We’re having these unjust situations where this new batch of competitors come in here thinking they own the place and can dictate how matches go? I. Don’t. Think. So. So this is how this is going to go. Seth Feder can get the hell out of the Tag Title picture. Robbie, you were eliminated too so you’re out as well. I'm not allowing this match to end in a draw and I'm not allowing it to end in a screwjob! I'm calling it like I see it, and what I see in the ring right now are the two men who brought their A games and took this match further than anybody else involved could have done. That's right I'm looking at our new XWF Tag Team Champions! Trax and Lux Lyden!”

The crowd seems confused by this as they murmur amongst their selves.

Kirk: “Sorry, let me clarify. Suck it Seth Feder and suck it Robbie Bourbon. Maybe you should have tried a little harder!”

Some of the fans really start to boo but others cheer and completely agree.


SHANE ! Shane just stepped out from the back and put a hand on Kirk's shoulder to get his attention.

Shane: You know something, Kirk?

The fans wait to hear how Shane is going to overrule Kirk's decision as Shane looks around at the fans and smirks.

Shane: You know what? I LIKE THAT IDEA! HAHAHA! What better way to reward both of these men than to pair them together when they'd like nothing less than to rip each other to pieces? Good job, Kirk!

Shane slaps Kirk on the back as Kirk gives him a dirty look and gets away from Shane before people start thinking they're on the same page. Kirk is brushing himself off like he is covered in filth from Shane touching him.

Shane: Let's take this a step further though, shall we? I might be in charge of the CCWF which is going to slowly and systematically dismantle the entire XWF, but I'm still ALSO in charge of the XWF and I have its best interests in mind!

How does that make sense? The fans start booing and calling Shane various names.

Shane: I'm going to do what's best for business and completely IGNORE what either of you would have wanted, Lux and Trax!

Both men are in the ring and exhausted as they look up at Shane impatiently.

Shane: I'm going to AGREE with Kirk right here and make it official. You are our new tag team champions! But guess what? I want to have a little fun with this. You guys will be moving into GOLD WEEK next week on Madness and you will have some decisions to make. I really am looking forward to seeing how this all plays out. You see, I'm going to book you both in a ONE ON ONE match for next week's Madness and you will have the option of both walking into that ring and doing battle to determine WHO is the single holder of both tag titles, or you can put your differences aside and recognize the lengths you both went to, and instead of fighting each other next Monday night you can turn against the guest referee and beat the shit out of him to solidify your new bond and show us that you're ready to take on the world together! That referee will of course be... JUSTICE DRAKE! Justice will be served one way or another.

Oh and let me add something. If you guys do decide to battle it out and decide who claims both titles, I'd suggest you both think long and hard about the person you choose to name as your new co-holder. Think about it... it came down to both of you here tonight when both of your partners easily could have upped their game and made a big difference instead of almost going out at the same time and canceling each other out. Whoever wins next week if you decide to battle it out can choose any wrestler in the world as their new partner and co-holder... and that includes Crimson Dong, just saying.

Trax and Lux look at each other in disdain as a fresh, unharmed official walks in and hands them each one of the tag titles. They've been through hell and have no intention of putting themselves through anymore here tonight as the fans are in shock. What will Lux and Trax decide to do when they come face to face in this very ring next week? The XWF tag division just grabbed the attention of the entire world!

Shane: Oh, and before I forget...

Shane snaps his fingers as The Hired Gun pops over the guard rail from the audience! Kid Money comes sprinting out from the back behind Shane and Abigail emerges from under the ring!? Sitre also joins in as the CCWF swarms Lux Lyden and Trax with a merciless group beatdown. The champs fall and try to cover up as the kicks, stomps and punches are overwhelming.

Shane: Think of this as a moment of honor and respect. We're officially beating you guys into the tag team championship picture! Welcome!

Sitre and Abigail pull Lux up and hold him while Kid Money and Hired Gun use Trax like a battering ram, slamming him head first into Lux's groin! OUCH!

Shane: HAHAHAHA! Oh and Lux? Thanks for all the semi-kind words as of late. I really appreciate how you seem to have no problems at all with me or my CCWF. I hope that continues.

Suddenly out from the back runs Robbie Bourbon and he knocks into Shane, possibly without even intending to but he's so fat he had no way around Shane, and Shane goes flying off the ramp into the fans!

Next out comes Seth Feder with a brick in his hand which he launches at Shane and hits him in the head with it before continuing down the ramp!

The CCWF members see them coming and having already done their damage, quickly exit the ring and taunt Robbie and Seth from afar as they make their way toward Shane to help him back up. The fans are on their feet and tensions are high as nobody knows what to expect from here!

[Image: S3d7rKH.png]

[Image: ZT38ONc.png?1]
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-24-2015, 10:15 PM

Hey Playboy? How's the End Game taste bitch! That's what the DA does...we fucking win! I guess those cock stains in the CCWF didn't hear me or were just too fucking scared to come down and face me. That's fine because this week on Madness I'm bringing the fight to them! Look over your shoulders because you won't see me coming!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-24-2015, 10:17 PM

ooc: Whoever wrote the main event...Great Fucking job! Loved the story that was told in the ring!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Justice Drake Offline
Surrendering is for the Weak!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-24-2015, 11:07 PM

Justice Drake is in the trainers room, tending to his injuries when an XWF camerman comes into the room. Justice begins to speak.

First of all, l would like to congratulate Trax and Lux on their shocking double win. As my brother Dustin, would say, the better team won. Even though, you guys were not a team, I still congratulate you. l'm sure my brother and l will be one of the first one teams to challenge whoever wears the tag team titles.

Second of all, nice try Shane. I know the true reason as to why you want me special referee. You want me destroyed so l can't help destroy what you love so much, the CCWF. But it doesn't matter. I don't care if Lux and Trax sort out their differences and decide to team up and take me out, because no matter what you throw at me, whether l win or lose, l will keep fighting and l will never surrender. The CCWF is going down, and your my first victim Shane.

Lastly, If l am special referee then a couple of conditions must be in place. I won't name them until they are accepted. If my name is listed as the Referee for the match, on the card, then you automatically accept my conditions. There are only 3 or 4 conditions, but they are unknown until you accept them.

I will leave you to ponder that, while l tend to my injuries. Goodbye.

The cameraman leaves the room and searches for Dustin.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-24-2015, 11:08 PM

(08-24-2015, 10:15 PM)Fontanna Said: Hey Playboy? How's the End Game taste bitch! That's what the DA does...we fucking win! I guess those cock stains in the CCWF didn't hear me or were just too fucking scared to come down and face me. That's fine because this week on Madness I'm bringing the fight to them! Look over your shoulders because you won't see me coming!

Why would we care what you or anyone in the DA thinks or says? Don't make me bring Darren Dangerous back to crush you all!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-24-2015, 11:16 PM

Trax is in his locker room, the locker room he shared with Bourbon this evening, however he is nowhere to be seen, just Mr Dominance, sitting in a chair holding up one of the World Tag Team Championship belts, staring at it intently. Trax then curses and throws it across the room, before picking up his 24/7 case and going to walk out. He stops himself as he gets to the door, and slowly looks back at the championship on the floor, Trax stares at it in silence for several minutes, before he walks over to it, picks it up and stares at it again, before finally nodding his head.

"...Very well."

Trax drapes the title over his shoulder and walks out the locker room.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

08-24-2015, 11:57 PM

(08-24-2015, 11:08 PM)Shane <img src=""> Said:
(08-24-2015, 10:15 PM)Fontanna Said: Hey Playboy? How's the End Game taste bitch! That's what the DA does...we fucking win! I guess those cock stains in the CCWF didn't hear me or were just too fucking scared to come down and face me. That's fine because this week on Madness I'm bringing the fight to them! Look over your shoulders because you won't see me coming!

Why would we care what you or anyone in the DA thinks or says? Don't make me bring Darren Dangerous back to crush you all!

Bring it on Shane! I will not back down until I'm either dead or you cunt hairs are out of a job! I will kick your teeth down your ass mouth if it's the last thing I fucking do!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII Offline
CCWF Goddess

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-25-2015, 12:10 AM

~Sheepish grin~

"I had such a good time working with you to call this match right down the middle, Ghost Tank!" ~spirited, enthusiastic, and beaming~ "We worked flawlessly together to help crown brand new Tag Team Champions who are so very deserving. When we work together, Ghostie, it's magical and I look forward to being in the ring with you again," ~sudden shift in tone and sickened sneer~ "If you ever finally yank your testicles out of that bleeding pussy of yours and challenge me to a match, and don't you even think of putting off your cowardice on that joke of a wedding - I could plan six weddings in the same week and still take you out without breaking a nail or smearing my makeup."

~Long blink, deep breath~

~Smiles abound, happy tones again!~ "Congrats, Trax and Lux! I really had fun tonight and I'm elated that I was able to make sure this match went without a single hiccup despite Ghost Tank's shoddy officiating skills. You guys can both thank me later." ~a slow kiss blown to the camera that almost any straight man or lesbian woman would kill to receive~

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Justice Drake Offline
Surrendering is for the Weak!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-25-2015, 12:18 AM

So l see you accept my demands. l came up with another one, so there are 5. I will reveal them before the match. They benfiet me and Dustin, by the way.

Also, Fontanna, my brother and l would love to help you in your mission to destroy, Shane and the CCWF.

OOC: Loved the entire show, especially the Main Event.

OOC: Can l found out if Trax and Lux will be actually be a team, so l can send in a segment.

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Roman M. Wulfrun

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-25-2015, 01:13 AM

(08-24-2015, 10:15 PM)Fontanna Said: Hey Playboy? How's the End Game taste bitch! That's what the DA does...we fucking win! I guess those cock stains in the CCWF didn't hear me or were just too fucking scared to come down and face me. That's fine because this week on Madness I'm bringing the fight to them! Look over your shoulders because you won't see me coming!

"Hey that was a smart move to use the ropes you little shit. Very clever. So enjoy your win, Hell I'm not even mad. I would have done the same thing but with waaay more style."
Dustin Diamond Drake Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-25-2015, 05:14 AM

The Camera Crew finds Dustin Drake with a beautiful young Lady Holding an ice pack to his head. The Camera crew rushes over to Triple D and start to question him.

Crew: Dustin what happen out there?

Triple D Looks up at the camera crew.

Dustin: Get the hell out of my face with that thing.
What Happen out there was just another screw job.

But win Shane announced he going to But My brother in a match next week Between The New Tag team champions as there special Ref just So he can be beaten down by two men one Being Trax, and Lux someone I thought I had a mutual respect from.

Shane If you think I'm going to just sit back and let you put my brother in a pit full of wolves so to speak you have another thing coming.
I don't know whp the hell the CCFW Guys are but they just seem like another NWO rip off to me.

Kirk You disrespected me a couple of weeks ago, But don't Worry I'm still going deal with you another time.

As for Shane you really should take a Second thought on setting my brother up for what you Claim is going to be justice. I will take out each and every last one of you CCWF Punks one By one and I will end you Insult to the sport.
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-25-2015, 05:27 AM

(08-25-2015, 12:10 AM)Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII Said: ~Sheepish grin~

"I had such a good time working with you to call this match right down the middle, Ghost Tank!" ~spirited, enthusiastic, and beaming~ "We worked flawlessly together to help crown brand new Tag Team Champions who are so very deserving. When we work together, Ghostie, it's magical and I look forward to being in the ring with you again," ~sudden shift in tone and sickened sneer~ "If you ever finally yank your testicles out of that bleeding pussy of yours and challenge me to a match, and don't you even think of putting off your cowardice on that joke of a wedding - I could plan six weddings in the same week and still take you out without breaking a nail or smearing my makeup."

~Long blink, deep breath~

~Smiles abound, happy tones again!~ "Congrats, Trax and Lux! I really had fun tonight and I'm elated that I was able to make sure this match went without a single hiccup despite Ghost Tank's shoddy officiating skills. You guys can both thank me later." ~a slow kiss blown to the camera that almost any straight man or lesbian woman would kill to receive~

"Sitre, I don't care what you want. I will face you, on my terms. For now, keep gloating like the smug little cunt you are with your false bravado. Until I feel like facing you, you can go fuck yourself."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-25-2015, 06:11 AM

Hey dude, that was...

Robbie enters the dressing room he and Trax shared, only Trax is nowhere to be found.

Damnit. Well, at least I taught Shane to fly tonight. Looks like the camera added about 20 pounds, though.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-25-2015, 06:14 AM

(08-24-2015, 10:17 PM)Fontanna Said: ooc: Whoever wrote the main event...Great Fucking job! Loved the story that was told in the ring!

Ooc: Thanks, I had a ton of fun writing it. Especially Sitre being seductive and ignoring everything. And Trax's boxing. When a character has established such a good style so well for you, it's amazingly fun to write them. Thank you all in the ME. I loved it.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Abigail Away
1st EVER Bombshell Champion

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-25-2015, 06:18 AM

The Destroyer of Worlds is far too busy planning his wedding.

Perhaps after the honeymoon.

(08-25-2015, 05:27 AM)Ghost Tank Said: "Sitre, I don't care what you want. I will face you, on my terms. For now, keep gloating like the smug little cunt you are with your false bravado. Until I feel like facing you, you can go fuck yourself."

Some are surely thinking twice about who the actual "CUNT" is here .. . .. . .. . .. .

[Image: NhkdMai.jpg]
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Dean Moxley McGovern Offline
Ahm Back, Jack!

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-25-2015, 08:49 AM

Dangerous Alliance in da house baby, ow ow ow! Hey Abigail daddy you wanna join the DA and be with winners?

XWF record: 11W - 3L

Current Allies
> The Dangerous Alliance
> The millions and millions of kids around the world

Top 3 XWF Infections
> The Raycer, via DDT into flaming bag of shit
> Zayne Vyper, via suplex thru flaming table w/ flaming shit on it
> Axle VanHalen, via DDT into flaming bag of shit followed by suplex thru flaming table followed by decapitation
(none of them have been seen since!)

Sights Set On
> Making fun of Darren Dangerous after taking his own stable from him in less than a week! w00t w00t!

Wrestler Info
Championships acquired in XWF

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Justice Drake Offline
Surrendering is for the Weak!

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-25-2015, 01:06 PM

Dustin, you are wrong. I am not in the line of fire, of Shane's plans, but it is Shane himself who is!

All Shane has done is grant us an opportunity. I have a list of 5 demands he must reach, otherwise one of two things will happen.

l could place Shane in an unwinnable match, to watch him get destroyed and if any CCWF Member comes out to help then they will be terminated. l'll touch more on that, a little later.

Or, I could fire Shane's ass, and be the only one to bring him back. I'll touch on that one a little later.

Oh and Dustin, make a list of demands ready, cause one demand is specifically for you!

OOC: To bring Shane back, I have to send in a segment. lf any of the GM's send in a segment, bringing Shane back, then it won't count.

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Thunderbolt XYZ Offline
Never Give A Fuck

XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

08-25-2015, 02:03 PM

What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

Shut up Drake. You sound like an idiot.

Gilly where you at dawg? School this fool.

The COP is here!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: 595902853_1464361.gif]
[Image: 281825731_524364.gif]

Thunderbolt X Y and Mother Fuckin Z Reporting For Duty!
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