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Haunted Beginnings
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Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII Offline
CCWF Goddess

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08-23-2015, 10:58 PM

~ Haunted Beginnings ~

There's a place you can go that breathes life into death. A land that knows no boundaries of any kind.

A palace of of prisms and mirrors to the east and west. Your inner most secrets its corridors will find.

To thrive in this lair is to stand in line with the best. Drop your guard and leave all inhibition behind.

"I've got something for you," he said with hesitation in his voice. He knew she wasn't one to take just any gig, and there have even been some previous ideas he'd pitched that left her slamming his office door in a huff after telling him off. This one, however… this idea was something. He fiddled with his pen in his left hand while shuffling some papers around over the top of his desk with the other.

"Well?" Her eyebrows peaked as she leaned back in the chair across from him with her index finger tapping lightly against her chin. "Care to share?" Half curiosity, half annoyance; gently stirred, not shaken. She knew his pauses before pitching a job idea could mean catastrophe but every now and then they were pure gold. "Just please tell me it's better than the pirate gig; you're lucky I still carried on with you as my agent after that fiasco."

Setting the pen down and resting both palms on the top of his vintage, burgundy oak desk, he takes in a heavy breath and thinks (fuck it) to himself as he just lets it out - "Wrestling," he says while looking her dead in the eyes and not flinching.

She blinks.

A few seconds of complete silence sans that ever present ticking of the large clock overhead…

"Now hear me out;" the tone in his voice told her he was dead serious, although she wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him across his usually smug face or inquire what kind of drugs he had started dabbling in this fine afternoon. Her silence on the matter was all he needed; this was his chance to sell the idea. "It's a fact that the wrestling industry is booming right now and it's no secret that women in wrestling have hit an all time high in popularity. The problem is most wrestling companies seem to have trouble finding women who are the complete package - looks, microphone skills and physical skills. You, my dear, have them all."

Her expression remains unchanged. "I'm listening," she utters as she taps her finger against the side of her cheek impatiently. "Get on with it, Vic."

And that brings us to the perfect point in time to introduce the talent agent of our most illustrious star; a man who we already know was successful in convincing his client to give this whole wrestling thing a try, and a man who always always always keeps his eyes on the prize. In fact, he's probably watching you right now: unless you're a loser!!!


_Mr. Victor "Peeps" D'nerro_
Talent Agent Extraordinaire and man of many hidden talents; Vic D'nerro is either: A - a total professional in all aspects of his life, B - a slimy scumbag and opportunist who slithers his way into places and deals he doesn't belong or deserve, or C - the creepy dude who was looking in my windows while I was getting dressed; depending of course on who you ask. There is no denying, however, that "Mr. Peeps" as some people call him for a plethora of differing reasons has a knack for taking any situation and turning it into a positive outcome for himself and whomever he sees fit to take along for the ride.
Years as an agent: 15
Years as Goddess Sitre Renenet's agent: 7
Number of inappropriate comments made to Sitre: 249 and counting
Number of times flat out turned down by Sitre: 249 and counting
Number of successful jobs and gigs landed for Sitre: 151 and counting
Number of terrible suggestions and complete failures: 69 and counting

There's a place you can visit but be warned, once you do, it has already visited your past.

There's a place you can hide but always know your vulnerabilities are vast.

This uniquely crafted bubble with laws separated from that of average life so vast.

"Well as I was saying," his comfort level noticeably increasing how as he reclines in his chair. He knew he had sparked her intrigue as he takes a row of quarters and begins stacking them in his hand; a habit he has always been known for as he's coming up with his best ideas. Something about the clink of each quarter as he continues dropping one by one into his cupped hand. "You've got it all, babe." And that right there, her allowing him to sneak in an otherwise unwanted "babe" without interrupting him was even further confirmation. Last time he called her babe he ended up with a hand print on his cheek for the remainder of the day; and we don't mean the lower cheek. "You've got the looks, you've got the vocabulary and wit, and you've got the ability to take grown men down to their knees and make them beg for mercy without so much as a single promise of sex or head."

A sigh accompanied by a rolling of her eyes as she motions with her hands to speed this along.

"There's this company; the X-treme Wrestling Federation. They spell extreme with an 'x' so their initials are XWF," he informs her as she lowers her brow and retorts with "You mean like the wrestling company Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart tried to run? At least I think it was them." "That's right!" Vic exclaims, as is evident by the exclamation mark if you're reading this with closed captioning like so many people seem to do with promos and shows these days. "Except this XWF is actually a successful company and has a fan base, as well as wrestlers who aren't forgotten relics of the past. Well, most of them anyway. Peter Gilmour is still there though."


"The guy who's going to tell you to suck his dick. He's had a few bad run ins with a past client of mine but that's all old news. Anyway, Peter's a fat ass loser who thinks women worship him and men want to be him. He is completely lacking of any self awareness and also suffers from body dysmorphia or whatever that condition is where you see a version of yourself nobody else sees. A lot of times the person will see something in themselves that they dislike and will obsess over it but this egotistical jackass sees a trimmed, ripped sex god and will sometimes post pictures of other men claiming and believing it's really him. Rumor has it he once uploaded a picture of a washboard - yes a literal washboard for washing your clothes - and tried telling people to look at his washboard abs. The guy's a total fucknut and you will no doubt fall in his sights very quickly because look at you for Christ's sake"
- which Vic is definitely doing while still stacking quarters in his hand to help him think or envision.

Laughing to herself with a dismissive flick of her wrist, "Don't worry Vic; I think I'll be able to resist the urge to give in to his sexual advances, although I can't guarantee I won't fracture his skull when I do meet him." She brushes a piece of lint off of her knee as Vic's eyes take notice of how tight fitting her jeans are - for the 50th time this visit. She looks Vic right in the eyes and says, "No, you won't," to which Vic responds by looking off to the side and saying aloud, "that's odd; it's as if she could read my thoughts when I looked at her legs and thought to myself 'I will have you one day'…"

Back on track as if that never happened, Vic goes on to explain more about this new venture. "So I'll go ahead and tell Mr. you're ready to sign." He knew her previous knee comment meant she was in, and not only that, she was looking forward to being able to legally hurt people again. "Oh, one thing about Shane though…" Vic adjusts himself in his chair and sets the quarters down on the desk in a perfect stack. "Shane has confided in me that he's planning on launching an attack against his own company through the revival of his former company, the CCWF."

She seems taken aback by this and cocks an eyebrow, "Come again?" and you know Vic is wishing he was doing just that right about now, but instead he continues talking. "Yeah, I'm not too clear on all of the details but that's down the line anyway. First, you're going to be put in what will appear to be a very random tag team match with a whole bunch of teams. You're going to be teamed up with somebody named Ghost Tank, who is-" his sentence is interrupted by laughter blurting from her lips as she cups her hand over her mouth. She quickly shakes her head and waves it off, apologizing for interrupting. "Ah, I see you've heard of Ghost Tank before?"

"No, but that name is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" She can't help but to laugh again as she brushes some hair back out of her face. Vic joins in the chuckles for a second and then laughs some more. One person who is familiar with Ghost Tank and one who is oblivious to him; both sharing extended laughter at his expense. That's when you know you're truly over, when even the mere mention of your name draws a reaction regardless of familiarity.

They both laugh a little longer as Vic pours himself a glass of straight Jagermeister and offers her some, but she kindly refuses. He takes a few sips and sits back to continue, "Alright so the upcoming pay per view is called Relentless and it's a three day event; one of the biggest shows the XWF has year round. You're going to be assigned as Ghost Tank's partner for day two, and" but she interrupts with some laughter carrying her words still. "But what if I don't want to be teamed with" ~making air quotes and goofy googly eyes and a silly voice~ "the Ghost Tank?"

Vic smirks as he swallows down a little more Jagermeister. "Don't worry," he assures her. "It's just a setup. Your job for that particular pay per view is to get Ghost Tank's hopes up that he might win a match, only to leave him high and dry either by completely no-showing the event yourself or by deliberately costing him the match while it's happening. It's up to you how you want to do that; if you decide not to show up, the XWF will find a look-a-like to wrestle as you and look pathetic to make sure Ghost Tank's team doesn't advance. The point here is that, after that day, Ghost Tank is going to resent you and be even more broken and battered mentally than he already was. The big oaf is going to take it personally and that will open up the doors to a possible one on one match between you and he or some other situation where you and he are both in the ring at the same time so you can further humiliate and torment him - this time by inflicting serious harm to him even though he should see it coming and be prepared, but won't. Shane and the others in power want to make sure you can work a guy like Ghost Tank as if he were putty in your hands before they advance you up the line to compete against bigger names - which would be anybody else but Ghost Tank."

A sickeningly twisted look in her eye as she grins, "I like it. I'll work him like he was made of wood and dancing on strings." Vic nods his approval as the two look at each other menacingly and share one of the moments that are the very reason she has kept him as an agent for this many years.

"Wanna bang?"

She smirks, "Take it out." He knows better by now than to do that. "If you want to have to chase it as it fumbles down the stairs like a miniature slinky," she says with a completely straight face and imposing tone.

"Miniature? Oh come on now. I'd at least be a normal sized one."

There once was a place that was an ever changing life form in and of itself. A place of mystery, tall tales, and spoils.

There is still a place that can swallow you whole and spin you inside for eternity. A confine of extravagance and malevolence with unbreakable coils.

There will be a place that knows your future and past no matter how present you think you are. There is an end to all privacy and obscurity, exposed as they're wrapped in those foils.

Thoughts of her newly discovered future run through her mind on the drive back from Vic's office. She comes to a full stop at a red light when her phone rings - "Peeping Asshole" appears on the caller ID as she lets out a sigh and wonders which type of phone call this will be. She takes the call hands free as Vic's voice comes in loud and clear through her car's speakers. "Hey hot stuff, I almost forgot to mention something that's pretty important;" he knew he could get away with those remarks tossed in when she wasn't within arm's reach. "This better be good," she demands as she makes a right turn down a side street. "There's something you should know about this place before you go there." The statement raises her curiosity as she asks, "What place? You mean the XWF?" "Yes of course," he answers. "I'm not talking about my bedroom for once; this is serious." She rolls her eyes but continues listening as Vic speaks, "The XWF has this… I dunno, I guess, a sense of mystique if that makes sense."

"No it doesn't make sense."

"Right, what I'm trying to say is this place takes on a life of its own once you become one of the spokes that help keep its wheels turning. There are going to be, well, there are going to be things that come out in the open about you that you never intended. There are going to be times you're listening to an opponent talking shit about you and they're going to know things you don't think they should know." Vic's voice is broken up and uncomfortable as he struggles to find the words.

"What the heck are you talking about, weirdo? Are you on the acid again?" She mouths a silent "wow" to herself as she listens to her sometimes brilliant, sometimes cockamamie agent.

"Think of it like this - You know how on those reality shows there are always cameras on the people no matter what they're doing, even when they think they're in private? It's going to be like that, except you're going to notice things are being heard or seen by others even when no cameras were present. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if our meeting earlier today ends up being seen or heard."

"Well yeah, you've got cameras running at all times in your office you creep."

"True." There was no sense in either of them denying that fact, "but there are going to be times things are known from even before today and even when I wasn't around. I guess what I'm trying to say is - expect the unexpected. The more time you spend there, the more you give up to this overwhelming sense of omnipotence or whatever the hell you want to call it. My last client who got involved in the XWF went from thinking there were men hiding in his closet to thinking aliens were spying on him. He eventually went insane when people in the XWF found 'footage' that never originally existed and it revealed something about his past he never intended to be known. Just know that nothing is sacred when it comes to that place; it's a place that swallows you whole and tells your secrets to all who will listen. It's a place run by a man who has done dealings with darker powers and who claims to never age. Once you step inside, you belong to it, and the longer you're there, the more it extracts from the darkest, most securely hidden vaults of your mind."

There is a long pause. She pulls over to the side of the road and her heart is beating faster than it was. We don't yet know what she's thinking but she knows we one day will…

"Sitre, I need you to prepare for the day they find out about what you did yea-" "Enough!" Dead air.

Stone faced and driven, she had no intention of letting her past derail her future. She will be prepared when the day comes.

~: Present Day :~

"You know it's funny; I originally had a goal of toying with poor Ghost Tank for a while and showing how well I can manipulate and castrate a worthless animal. As time passed, however, a second and much more important goal was set in my path," ~sickened sneer~ "a goal that no longer applies, because Trax already managed to lose the championship he had suspected I was after when I play the guest enforcer on Monday night. Well, Trax, you were right and boy did you thwart my plans. Here you were, just days ago, issuing threats to me in a feeble attempt to try and intimidate me to the point of leaving you unharmed; an attempt to scare me away from the thought of taking that X-treme Championship belt from you with the greatest of ease. Your threats were convincing - not in the sense that they scared me one bit, but in the sense that I actually believed you'd be walking into the match with that title. I believed that you believed you'd be walking right back out of the match with that title as well when all was said and done."

~bubbly laughter~ "You had me fooled! I believed that you believed… in yourself! I guess we'll twist this around and call it a credit to your favor that you thought---->

so -----> far -------> outside of the [box]

"that you have effectively rendered my primary goal as impossible. Now I have to go back to my original goal of tormenting that mentally inept Ghost Tank and making sure he leaves the arena on his back - just because."
~sarcastic tones overflowing like Trax's own failures gushing from his very existence~ "You win this round, Trax. You sure showed me."


~waiting several seconds before very quickly blurting one last line just as the camera cuts~ "OhAndI'mScrewingYouOutOfTheTagTitlesTooHun,KThanksBye."

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