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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Phone Call That Could Change Everything
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Slickster Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-29-2013, 07:05 AM


Jones hangs up.

Damn, why doesn't he answer his phone. Well, I have other important matters to attend to.

He was following Eric Rex. The plan was simple, he was going to find something that he could use against him, so that he would leave Lacey alone, and leave the XWF.

Then he saw it, he saw a homeless man ask Eric for some change. Eric, being the "nice" person that he was, obliged, when Jones moved in closer, he was no longer surprised.

Hey, you!

What the hell do you want, I already gave you some change!

You gave me a penny, really? That's all you can afford?

Why would I give you any money? I haven't got enough time for this.

Cause you're plenty well off!

Shut the hell up!

The man reaches into Eric's pocket as he was walking away. Eric stops and clocks the man in the jaw. He keeps on hammering on the man until he becomes unconscious. The camera then pans to Rick Jones in a car, videotaping the whole thing. He drives away fast, but unsuspiciously, now having what he needs.

-----Later that day-----

He is on the phone, frustrated that the recipient won't pick up the phone.

Hey, Knight Mask, call me back as soon as you can, I've got you something that could help you get Lacey away from Eric.

[Image: showthread.php?tid=2329&pid=8874#pid8874]
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