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High Stakes - 05/25/13 (pt. 1)
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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05-25-2013, 04:32 PM

Hour 1

Shocker, Bane Williams

Mike Cross
Alex Richards
World-1 International

Madness vs. Warfare
Brian Campbell & Jason E Smith
John Austin & FREAK

Dean Moxley
Zayne Vyper

High Stakes kicks off with a three minute video package of all the big matches. Clips of Mystery and Gilmour posing with the tag team titles, and clips of the challengers Crimson Knights and Bryce and Viper showing off their moves.

Luca Arzegotti is shown defending his X-treme Title. One of the challengers, Unknown Soldier, is shown running through opponents at Gauntlet City. A clip is shown of Steve Davids giving Angelus a running knee which put him out the injured list, followed by some clips of him getting into it with Wallace Witasick. Finally, there's the new blood of the match, Franklin Fresh, shown earning his first victory and climbing a ladder in one of his promos.

A dark, transition goes into effect as the next match-up is shown between Nightmare and The Senator. The mysterious, masked, big man is shown cutting a promo on Madness and chasing Senator. Senator is shown carrying the European Title as he smokes a cigar.

At last, we arrive to our main event which features Mr. Satellite and Sebastian Duke. Satellite is shown cutting his promo where he declares the North Korean title to be the Satellite TV Title. A series of clips is shown where Sebastian Duke is blasting through opponents. Then the face off between the two, and finally some stock footage of a six foot grave.

The video package ends with a pitch black screen as we focus in on the inside of the grave.

The arena lighting is blacked out as a sequence of gold and white fireworks compasses the ring. The lights are then switched on to reveal 20,000 screaming fans packed into the Thomas & Mack Center.

Just then, the sound of a marching band can be heard as "Boomer Sooner" begins to play. The crowd goes nuts as Wallace Witasick steps out from behind the curtain with a microphone in hand.

Wallace Witasick: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Wednesday Warfare's newest signing, and tonight's announcer: JIM ROSS!"

Wallace Witasick departs the stage as Good Ol' JR makes his way down the aisle. He high-fives some fans in the front row as he walks to the announce table. He joins Xavier Reigns who's already sitting down with his headset on.

Xavier Reigns: "How is it going, Jim? Welcome to XWF!"

Jim Ross: "I'll tell you what, it's good to be in front of 20,000 screaming fans again! This is surreal!"

Xavier Reigns: "Yeah, it's something else. Thanks for joining us tonight."

Jim Ross: "Thank you for having me. Are you ready for a slobber knocker or what?"

Xavier Reigns: "Oh God, please don't let this be worse than sitting next to Chad."

Dean Moxley
Zayne Vyper

Standard Singles Match

In a quick, 5 minute match, Zayne Vyper defeated Dean Moxley with the High And Dry (inverted brain buster). Dean Moxley started off strong with some kicks and punches for the first minute and a half, but Zayne came back after he reversed a firemans carry into a DDT. Several moves later, he hit the inverted brain buster and covered him for the three count.

WINNER: Zayne Vyper

Brian Campbell & Jason E Smith
John Austin & FREAK

Tag Team Match
Madness vs. Warfare

JIM ROSS: It is now time for our brand versus brand battle! Team Madness will take on Team Warfare.

XAVIER REIGNS: Yes JR, it will be battle for control and to see what show has the better wrestlers.


"Our next match match will be a brand versus brand BATTLE!"

The fans in the arena begin to cheer loudly

St. Jimmy by Green Day begins to play over the PA system.

"Introducing first, from Nashville, Tennessee. Weighing one hundred and seventy six pounds...representing Team Warfare.......Briannnnnnnnn CAMPBELLLLL!!!!"

JIM ROSS: Here comes Brian Campbell, what are your opinions on him Xavier?

XAVIER REIGNS: Brian is a young upstart over on the Wednesday show and this kid is a talent I must admit but can he handle our guys?

Brian enters into the ring with the mixtures of cheers and boos from the crowd.

Everyday is exactly the same by Nine Inch Nails begins to play over the PA system.

"Coming out now, from London, England. Weighing two hundred and twenty five pounds, his partner.....Jasonnnnn EEEEEE SMITHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

JIM ROSS: Here comes Brian's tag team partner from Wednesday Warfare...Jason E. Smith. Your thoughts Xavier?

XAVIER REIGNS: If you want someone for your partner, you want this beast of a man. Someone who is a MMA expert, Jason has trained all over the world and he is a weapon of mass destruction. A great talent for Warfare I must admit.

Jason makes his way down to the ring to also a mixture of cheers and boos. He enters the ring and shakes the hand of Brian Campbell. Jason stands near Brian as they wait for their opponents.

Blind by Korn beings to play over the PA system

"Now their opponents. Introducing first, from Columbus, Ohio. Weighing in at one hundred and sixty pounds.......FREEEEEEEAKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

JIM ROSS: Now representing the Madness brand, here comes the young rookie that everyone loves, Freak.

XAVIER REIGNS: Freak is a star in the making for Monday Night Madness, in due time this guy will be a champion, mark my words.

Freak makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of cheers. Freak slides into the ring as Jason and Brian exit in disgust. We see Brian and Jason talking over their game-plan on the outside.

Lords of Salem by Rob Zombie begins to play over the PA System.

"Now his partner, from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds.... Johnnnnnnn AUSTINNNNNNNN!"

JIM ROSS: His partner is another hot young rookie in XWF, John Austin.

XAVIER REIGNS: John Austin is a kid who emulates his style like a more modern day Arn Anderson. He is young, cocky and such a master of the ring. At a young age, this kid is everything he claims to be and more. I love it Jim.

John makes his way down to ringside to the mixture of boos and cheers. John enters to the ring and he motions to Freak that he will stand on the outside. Brian enters back in the ring while Jason stands on the apron.



Brian and Freak lock up in the center of the ring. Brian locks in a side headlock on Freak. Freak pushes Brian into the ropes and Brian hits a shoulder tackle which knocks Freak down. Brian goes for the quick cover




Brian picks up Freak and locks in another headlock, the fans start to chant for Freak. With enough strength, Freak ends up giving Brian a belly to back suplex down hard on the canvas. Freak goes over towards Brian's legs and begins to lock in the figure four but Jason ends up running in and hitting Freak with a stiff forearm. John tries to run in and attack Jason but the ref motions for John to go back on the apron

JIM ROSS: Freak was going to end this match early with the figure four but Jason stopped that real quick.

XAVIER REIGNS: That is what I was talking about Jim, Jason Smith is a BEAST!

Brian goes for the tag and Jason enters into the ring to a sea boos from the crowd. Jason picks up Freak and hits him with a stiff backhand chop that sends Freak down fast. Jason puts one foot on Freak's chest as the ref counts the pin




Jason picks up Freak and locks him in a full nelson. The ref asks Freak if he wants to quit and Freak says no. The fans start to chant for Freak. Freak tries to break the hold but the strength of Jason is to much to bare. The ref raises Freak's hand once and it falls down. He raises Freak's hand for the second time and it falls down.

JIM ROSS: One more time and Team Warfare will win this Xavier.

XAVIER REIGNS: Fuck off, Jim! I don't need you to remind me, I've got the match right here in front of me.

The fan's chants start growing louder, the ref raises Freak's hand for the last time and it almost falls down but Freak doesn't let it fall. Freak manages to break the strength of the full nelson much to the surprise of Jason. Freak starts hitting Jason with hard right hands, the sounds from the crowd elevate the intensity in the building. While Jason staggers around, Freak runs off the ropes and hits a flying head scissors that sends Jason down. Brian runs into the ring but gets hit with a springboard flying clothesline from John Austin as the crowd goes nuts

XAVIER REIGNS: Listen to the crowd Jim, Team Madness is blowing the roof off this place

JIM ROSS: What spirit and toughness from the two young rookies here in XWF.

The ref finally regains control as both Brian and Jason make it back to their feet. The ref sends both John and Brian back to the apron but each member decides to let the other guys have their turn. John and Brian lock up in the center of the ring, Brian irish whips John into the ropes, John ducks a clothesline and turns Brian around and hits a spinning spinebuster...

JIM ROSS: Double A Spinebuster by Hotshot!

John goes for the cover.




John picks up Brian and looks like he is about to hit Brian with the Painkiller finisher but Brian is able to reverse it into a pin of his own..




John and Brian lock back up and Brian takes John down with a judo take-down like maneuver. Brian stands up over John and hits a standing moonsault. Soon as he goes for the pin, Freak makes a blind tag. The fans explode into cheers as Freak springboards into the ring and hits Brian with a flying forearm. Freak slides Brian to the ropes and motions for the 450, as soon as Freak is about to fly off the top with his finish, Jason charges into the rings and knocks Freak off the top. Brian slides out of the ring to safety


As Jason stands over Freak, Austin comes from behind and hits a hard kick to the back of Jason. Jason staggers around and Austin hits the Painkiller finisher on Jason. The fans explode into cheers as Austin goes for the cover.




Brian ends up pulling the ref out the ring as soon as he goes to count three. The ref argues with Brian but Brian ends up knocking out the ref with a right hand.

JIM ROSS: Why that no good son of a BITCH!

XAVIER REIGNS: EASY JR, Brian is doing what it takes to save his team from losing.

The fans explode into boos, John makes his way out to ringside and begins to brawl with Brian. Brian and John go over the barricade and into the crowd. Meanwhile, Jason makes it back up and exits the ring. He goes to the apron and looks under-neath to pull out a crowbar.

JIM ROSS: Oh for GOD SAKES, this match is getting out of control.

XAVIER REIGNS: What is with Jason Smith and crowbars?!

Jason has the crowbar in hand and waits for Freak to turn around, Jason charges into Freak and goes to swing the crowbar but Freak is able to block the shot and hits Jason with the Freaky-canranna. Freak goes for the cover as the ref makes it back into the ring, the ref counts...





The fans begin to chant "THIS IS AWESOME" Brian and John make their way back to ringside, after brawling through the crowd, they go to their separate corners. Fans begin to clap as both guys slowly slide their way to make the tag. Brian and John make it in the ring and they go at it. Brian locks up John and goes for the killswitch but John blocks it and hits a MMA like take-down. John begins to bark and make his way to the corner to set up the Bruiser Brody running knee-drop.

XAVIER REIGNS: John starting to channel the spirit of the legendary Hall of Famer... Bruiser Brody

John starts to run towards Brian and hits the Bruiser Brody knee drop. He goes for the cover as their partners run in, the ref. counts......




WINNERS: John Austin & Freak - Team Madness!

The celebration with John Austin and Freak is brought to an end as Sonne by Rammstein blares through the PA system.

[Image: tumblr_mnc0qvLncD1so0mx4o2_500.png]

Out walks newcomer Brian Braxton holding a steel chair.

FREAK steps out of the ring and goes after Brian, but Brian shoves the chair into his stomach. Brian then smashes FREAK over the back with the steel chair, and leaves him lying on the ground.

Braxton pulls an envelope out of his pocket, throws it on FREAK's chest, and walks back up the aisle.

John Austin takes in what just happened and then leaves the ring to check on FREAK.

Mike Cross
Alex Richards
World-1 International

Triple Threat Match

[i]"Downfall of Us All" plays as Mike Cross walks to the ring."

XAVIER REIGNS: Here comes the youngster from New Orleans.

"From New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing 223 pounds, Mike Cross!"

"Atmosphere" plays as Alex Richards makes his way out immediately following Mike's walk.

"From Detroit, Michigan, weighing 231 pounds, Alex Richards!"

"The Only One" begins to play once Alex Richards has slipped into the ring. The theme song can only mean one person-- WORLD 1 INTERNATIONAL! World-1 walks out, shoots his fist into the air, and runs down the aisle.

JIM ROSS: Would you look at how excited that World-1 boy is! I think he's motivated tonight."

XAVIER REIGNS: We begin with absolute bedlam! World1 International and Alex Richards are beating the absolute crap out of each other! They're trading punches left and right! Mike Cross's just a spectator! Kick in Richards's gut by World1! Jawbreaker! World1 picks up Richards and... Gutbuster! World1 picks up Richards and sends him to the ropes! Arm Drag! Stomp on the right arm right after! Mike Cross comes in and picks up Alex Richards! World1 and Cross bounce off the ropes! What the Hell was that? Double Dropkick to the back AND front of Alex! Wow? Dropkick Sandwich?

Mike Cross picks up Alex Richards and... Scoop Slam followed by a Leg Drop! World1 and Mike Cross stare at each other! They lock up! Suplex by World1! Another lock up! Suplex by Cross! Lock up! Arm Wrench by World1! Flip counter by Cross! Headlock by World1! Back Suplex attempt by Cross! Flip counter by World1! Swinging Neckbreaker! World1 hit it! World1 International picks up Mike Cross and gives him a Knife Edge Chop! Ooh! That hurt! Numerous Chops!

Kick in the gut! World1 plants Cross down with a DDT! Alex Richards’s back up! He gives World1 an Eye Rake! Snap Suplex by Richards! Alex Richards is very cocky in his abilities! He picks up World1 and sends him to the ropes! Nice Belly to Belly Suplex! Richards picks up World1 and punches him in the face a few times! Irish Whip to the ropes! Spinning Clothesline takes World1 down! Alex Richards’s picks up Cross and sends him to the corner! Running Clothesline in the corner! Richards steps back and... Another Running Clothesline in the corner! Richards lets Cross out of the corner and gives him a Fisherman's Suplex!

JIM ROSS: And now... A Half Boston Crab has been locked in by the Real American Icon! Richards knows that he is about to make quick work on the talent! Wait a minute! World1 International sneaks in! He puts on a Half Boston Crab! Mike Cross is enduring a combined Full Boston Crab! Can he get to the ropes? He's fighting it! He's getting there! He grabs the ropes! World1 and Richards let go and... They return to punching each other! World1 punches Richards a bit faster! Leg Hook Back Suplex! World1 picks up Alex Richards and Irish Wh-... Counter Irish Whip! Inverted Atomic Drop by Richards! Amazing! No pin!

Richards’s now stomping the crap out of Mike Cross! He picks up Cross and gets behind him! Oh! What a nice Belly to Back Suplex! Alex Richards clearly knows he has skills! Alex Richards picks up Cross and punches him a few times! Going for a Suplex! No! Cross blocks! Cross gives Richards a Suplex instead! World1 is on his way back up and... Cross hits the Throwback to take World1 back down! Is Mike Cross in control of this match now? He's giving World1 grounded punches! He picks up World1 and... Suplex! Russian Leg Sweep! And... BOOM! Redirected into a Clothesline! Good combo! Cross runs to the ropes!

Springboard Splash! NO! World1 got the knees up to block! World1 International gets back up and starts stomping the crap out of Mike! He picks up Cross and gets behind him! Cobra Clutch? Wait! Million Dollar Leg Sweep! What the Hell? World1 rolls back? He's got Mike Cross up for a Dragon Sleeper! Squeeze Play! That was a unique transition! Hold on! Alex Richards is punching the back of World1! Got him up! Backbreaker! Lifts him up again! Oh my word! Alex Richards with a Front Powerslam right after! He picks up World1 and sends him to the ropes!

Triple H Style Facebuster! Clothesline? Ducked by W1! Kick in the gut! Spin! World1 hits the Reverse DDT! Alex Richards was not expecting that! World1 is going up to the top rope! He's pointing to his elbow! Top Rope Elbow Drop! Very well done! Here comes the Cross! Punch! Punch! Punch! All to W1’s back! Cross’s got him up! OH MY GOSH! That was painful! Burning Screwdriver! Cross just drove World1’s head right down to the mat! Hook to the leg!



XAVIER REIGNS: Alex Richards breaks it up! He's grabbing Mike Cross’s legs! OH MY! Cat’s Cradle! Do The Math! Cross’s up in the air in a bad way for this submission hold! World1 International up and he's bouncing off the ropes? OH DEAR GOSH! World1 just Dropkicked Cross in the back of the head with the Cat’s Cradle still locked on! Alex Richards let’s go! Richards punches World1! Richards punches World1! Lock up! forces World1 into a corner! Shoulder Thrust in the corner! Numerous Shoulder Thrusts! Richards steps back and... Ooh! Eye Rake by World1! Head Butt!

World1 puts Richards in the corner! He gets up! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! No 10 punches! Richards shoves World1 off! Clothesline! Ducked by World1! Kick in the gut! World1 hits the Tornado DDT! Amazing crap! Wait a minute! Springboard Splash on World1! Pin!



JIM ROSS: Kick out! Mike Cross hit that out of nowhere! World1 never saw him! Cross picks up World1 and gets behind him! Back Suplex! Belly to Belly Suplex combo! Let's not forget Cross’s talent! He gets World1 International back up and he charges! Harlem Side Kick! REF BUMP! The referee got caught and he flops out of the ring! Turn around, Mike Cross! In Your Face! World1 International used great speed! Wait a minute! Alex Richards got out a sledgehammer from under the apron? But when? World1! He's in the ring!


OH MY GOSH! Alex Richards just brained World1 International with the dang sledgehammer! The referee's down on the outside! There's no honor in winning this way! Alex Richards rolls World1 over on his stomach and... puts on the Death lock STF! The Predicament is on! Alex Richards has World1 in trouble here! W1's trying to get to the ropes! He's probably still at 90% health but he's been wrestling dang well here! WAIT! Alex Richards’s changing it up! Now it's the Grapevine STF! Shouldn't Test Fear! How will World1 get out of this? OH CRAP! Springboard Splash by Mike Cross onto Alex Richards’s back! My gosh!

Cross picks up Richards and puts him in the position for the Downfall. Cross lift’s Richards up, turns, DOWNFALL! Cross goes for the pin!


XAVIER REIGNS: Shoulder up by Alex Richards! This match has been so freaking explosive! Mike Cross picks up Richards and gets behind him! Back Suplex Lift! Changed into a Backbreaker variant! Wow! Cross picks up Richards again and... what's this? OH GOSH! Electric Chair Lungblower! I've never seen anyone do that! Now he's got the Figure Four Leglock on! Alex Richards’s legs are in pain now! The referee appears to be fine again! Wait a minute! World1 is back up! What the Hell will he do here? What the Hell is he doing? He picks up Mike Cross and reverses the Figure Four! Oh my gosh! the hold's still on and the pain's on Cross now!

JIM ROSS: FREAKING GOSH! Don't be serious! What a Cutter to destroy the Figure Four Leglock! MIKE CROSS looks knocked out!

World1 International’s pumping up the Las Vegas crowd! He picks up Alex Richards and sends him to the ropes! Canadian Destroyer! NO! Alex Richards’s NOT going up for it! Back Drop counter! World1’s back up and... Regal Cutter by Richards! This could be the best darn Triple Threat Match in Xtreme Wrestling Federation history! Alex Richards picks up World1 and...

OH MY GOSH AGAIN! YOU GOT SERVED ON THE TURNBUCKLE! Oh come on! Another cocky pin! Foot on the chest!



XAVIER REIGNS: NO! NO! NO! Shoulder up! World1’s resiliency! No Richard’s pissed off! Wait a minute! Harlem Side Kick! Mike Cross takes Alex Richards down! Mike Cross picks up Richard’s and... Hurricanrana Pin!



Counter pin by Richard’s!



Jackknife Roll by Cross!



Both guys stand up! Twist around and... OH MY GOSH! OMEGA DRIVER... off the twist! What else could happen here? Pin!



JIM ROSS: Shoulder up? How? Mike Cross continues the match! WAIT! Richards’s going for the Sharpshooter! No! Cross kicks him off! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! Alex Richards took a HUGE spill on the outside! Cross gets out of the ring and celebrates! Wait up, though! Diving Clothesline by World1 International but Mike Cross side steps and World1 crashes into the barricade head first! Mike Cross rolls World1 back into the ring. Mike Cross backs into the corner! World1 up to his knees! Mike Cross charges CROSSFIRE!! ALL SHE WROTE BABY! Cross with the pin!



Shoulder up? How? Mike Cross continues the match! WAIT! Richards’s going for the Sharpshooter! No! Cross kicks him off! OH MY FREAKING GOSH! Alex Richards took a HUGE spill on the outside! Cross gets out of the ring and celebrates! Wait up, though! Diving Clothesline by World1 International but Mike Cross side steps and World1 crashes into the barricade head first! Mike Cross rolls World1 back into the ring. Mike Cross backs into the corner! World1 up to his knees! Mike Cross charges CROSSFIRE!! ALL SHE WROTE BABY! Cross with the pin!



RICHARDS WITH THE SAVE! Alex Richards picks up Mike Cross and sends him barreling out of the ring! Alex picks up World1 and YOU GOT SERVED AGAIN! Alex drops with the cocky pin!




Winner: Alex Richards

Alex Shawn
Bane Williams ©
The Crimson Fucking Dong

For the UFO FTW Title

Open, Ultimate UFO (X) Match

Two wires cross over the ring forming an X. In the enter of the X is the UFO-FTW Title. The objective of the match calls for the contestants to climb the wires to the center and retrieve the UFO FTW Title. Eliminations can occur if you throw your opponent over the top rope.

The Crimson Dong is already in the ring where he runs off the ropes in preparation of his big match. The crowd chants "DONG" every time his back touches a rope.

"Kill The Sound" plays as Alex Shawn runs out to entrance goes to one knee, swipes arms, stands up and starts speed walking while touching fans hands. slides into ring jumps on front right turnbuckle and does a backflip and while in mid air pyro shoots from the post. And then stares at his opponent

"From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing 235 pounds, Alex Shawn!"

"Another Way to Die" plays for 12 seconds, pyro flash followed by shower of sparks. Shocker enters through the sparks and heads down ramps. Jumps into ring and poses at two corners of ring.

"From Columbus, Ohio, weighing 245 pounds, Shocker!"

Finally, the champion makes his way out next.

The lights dim and a siren begins to blare from the PA system, while orange lights flash. A voice begins to echo around the arena.
"Beast Mode Activated! Beast Mode Activated! Beast Mode Activated!"
The siren stops and the arena falls to slience. The lights go out completely and Downfall by Trust Company begins to play. A sole spotlight shines onto the stage and from the back, emerging into the spotlight Bane Williams appears wearing his Black wrestling singlet with orange trim and a black zip up hoody, the hood is up masking his face. Bane pulls his hood down and lets out a roar. He purposefully walks down to the ring beating his chest and slapping hands with the outstretched arms of the fans. Bane reaches to the top rope and pulls himself onto the apron before turning to face the crowd, he removes his hoody and throws it into the crowd before stepping into the ring, entering between the top and second rope. Bane begins pacing the ring as his music begins to fade out.

"From Silsbee, Texas, weighing 330 pounds, he is the UFO FTW Champion: Bane Williams!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Here comes the champ on his DEBUT. That has to be a record here in the XWF or maybe even in professional wrestling. Have you ever seen someone debut for a promotion which they are a champion of?"

JIM ROSS: "I don't believe I have, Xavier. It's definitely some kind of record. This is the first time that Bane has walked down the ramp and he's already made a name for himself just by carrying the title!"


The bell has sounded and the match is on.

Crimson Dong immediately runs up the turnbuckles and grabs a hold of the cable! The Dong is fierce tonight as the "Dong" chants begin to pick up.

JIM ROSS: "By Gawd this kid is goin' for it! Can you imagine if Dong would somehow win this one?"

But Dong gets pulled down by Alex Shawn who drops him with a European uppercut. Shawn then tires to push Dong over the top rope. Remember-- you can eliminate opponents from the match completely by throwing them over the top rope.

Dong catches Alex in the eye with a Dong kick. For those of you who don't know, that's just an ordinary kick which is performed by The Crimson Dong.

The kick causes Shawn to fall back as Bane Williams and Shocker trade punches on the other side of the ring.

Dong crawls back inside the ring and chases after Alex Shawn. Dong eventually catches up to him and takes him out with a Dong Wheel attack. For those of you who don't know what that move is, it's basically a move where Crimson Dong just straight up does a cartwheel into your face.

The Dong Wheel doesn't seem to hurt Shawn though as he delivers a standing drop kick to the head of Dong. Shawn now begins to work over the head of Dong with some ground submissions.

While Shawn is attempting to put down Dong...

Shocker just lifted the 330 pound Bane Williams for a scoop slam.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Shocker just took the big man down!"

JIM ROSS: "Even after seeing the Dong Wheel, I can say with certainty that Shocker slamming Williams was the last thing I expected."

At that moment, The Crimson Dong runs into Shocker, for a Dong Thesz Press. For those of you who don't know the Dong Thesz Press, it's a Lou Thesz Press except that Crimson Dong makes sure to get his crotch in your face when he does it. After he has you down, Dong begins to gyrate his pelvis into your face so that the back of your head is smashed into the canvas.

JIM ROSS: "I must now retract my previous statement."

XAVIER REIGNS: "You see JR, after a Lou Thesz Press, you normally throw punches. However, Crimson Dong throws Dong Punches."

Dong punches-- For those of you who don't...

JIM ROSS: Ok we get it! He hammers them with his penis."

Watch it, Jim...

Dong's mounted Dong punches don't last long as Shocker pushes him off.

Shocker then gives Crimson Dong a low blow!

This doesn't look for Crimson Dong, Shocker just took out his most lethal body part.

Shocker picks up Crimson Dong, carries him around the ring, and drops him with an F5! He then throws Crimson Dong over the top rope, eliminating him from the match.

The crowd boos Shocker loudly.

XAVIER REIGNS: "Wow, these fans really like Crimson Dong, don't they?"

JIM ROSS: "If you look through the crowd you can find a lot of people with foam dongs over their hands."

XAVIER REIGNS: "Wow, foam dongs. I wonder how much money this company makes off of foam dongs."

JIM ROSS: "I hear it's the number one seller in merchandise."

So it's come down to three men: Alex Shawn, Shocker, and Bane Williams. Crimson Dong is crowd surfing his way out of sight while these three men go to work.

Shocker makes his first attempt at climbing across the overhead wires. However, Bane walks up to the top rope, grabs a hold of the wire and simply shakes the hell out of it. He shakes it so hard that Shocker falls off of it.

Bane Williams is next up to the wire. The 330 pounder begins to climb across. The wire is sagging down as it can barely hold this massive man. Alex Shawn climbs to the top turnbuckle and flies into Bane with a missile dropkick to knock him off of the overhead wire.

Bane hits the mat hard as Alex Shawn begins his attempt at climbing the wire. He gets half way across when Shocker grabs him by the ankles and pulls him down into an atomic drop!

JIM ROSS: "Damn, Alex was just pulled down off those wires from Shocker and fell straight into the atomic drop."

With Alex down, Shocker goes to work on Bane with some punches and wraps his arms up in the ropes, trapping him. With Bane tied in the ropes, Shocker goes to work on him with a variety of kicks to the legs, chest, and head. Once he's satisfied with the damage he's done, Shocker climbs up to the wire.

He makes his climb across the wire, but Alex Shawn makes his way up top as well and follows closely behind him on the same strand of wire. Shawn catches up to Shocker and uses his knees to strike Shocker in his back. After three double knee strikes, Shawn deliver a kick with both feet to knock Shocker off of the wire.

Shawn is now in a good position.

JIM ROSS: "Alex Shawn just needs climb over about one arms length and he'll be in reach of the UFO FTW Title!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "He better hurry because Bane Williams just freed himself from the ropes. Somebody gonna get their ass kicked!"

Alex is right next to the UFO FTW Title. He's about to reach for it when Bane Williams reaches up and grabs his ankle. Williams then tugs Alex down from the wire, catches him, and drops him with a spine buster.

Shocker tries to go after Bane but he eats a shoulder block instead.

With both men down, Bane Williams can now try his hand at climbing the wires.

Once again, the wires sag badly as the 300 pound man makes his way across. That makes it a little easier for Shawn and Shocker to stop Bane as they both grab him by his knees. Shocker is wrapped around one and Alex is wrapped around the other, holding on for dear life.

But so is Bane Williams!

JIM ROSS: "Good God all mighty, Bane Williams is still climbing across the wire with both of these guys hanging off his legs!"

XAVIER REIGNS: "Yeah, but he's doing it really slow and draining a lot of energy in the process. He's barely half way across. I don't think it's a smart move, Jim!"

Bane makes it about two feet before he can no longer carry the two men. He falls down to the canvas and hits the mat with a loud thud.

Shocker and Shawn both go to work on Bane with some stomps, trying to keep the big man down.

Shawn puts Bane on his feet as Shocker runs across the ring and crushes him with a spear.

Alex Shawn then gives Bane the 25 Cents (Swinging jaw breaker).

With Bane down, Shawn and Shocker focus on each other.

Shocker lays into Shawn with a chop to the chest. Shawn hits back with a chop of his own. They continue to trade chops, each guy trying to out chop the other. Finally, Shocker breaks up the exchange with an enzuigiri. Shocker throws Shawn onto his shoulders and then levels him with a GTS!

JIM ROSS: "Everyone is down except for Shocker now as he makes his way up to the overhead wire. He's gonna try to climb across..."

Shocker passes the halfway point as Bane Williams begins to recover.

Williams goes after Shocker's legs, but Shocker pulls them in.

Shocker then drops himself from the wire and onto Bane's shoulders for a hurricanrana attempt, by Bane reverses it into a sit out powerbomb!

With Bane will in the seated position, Alex Shawn swoops in and knocks him down with a basement drop kick. Shawn takes Bane down with a swinging neck breaker.

Shawn is now trying to climb across the overhead wire but so is Shocker-- from the other side. It's a race to the middle!

XAVIER REIGNS: "Who's gonna get their first?!"

JIM ROSS: "And it looks like both guys have reached the center where that UFO Title hangs."

With Shocker and Shawn both in the center they begin to trade kicks as they hang from the wires. Shocker ends the exchange by spearing Shawn off the wires!

With Shawn down, Shocker returns to his feet and turns to find that Bane is running towards him

XAVIER REIGNS: "DECAPITATOR! (Clothesline from hell)"

Shocker is down.

Bane Williams turns his attention to the overhead wires. He's making his climb to the center.

But wait-- Shocker has somehow made it up to his feet after that devastating clothesline. He's on the other end of the wire. We have ourselves another race to the center with Bane having a head start.

Bane has one hand on the UFO FTW Title. Sweat is pouring from him, the climb has exhausted the big guy.

Bane is trying to unclip the UFO FTW Title... Shocker is kicking away at Bane but it's not taking the big man down....




XAVIER REIGNS: "Shocker speared Bane off the wire, but the wire couldn't support the weight and the impact of the move! Bane kept his hand placed on the UFO FTW Title the whole time."

Bane rolls over with the UFO FTW Title which is still attached to the now broken X cables. Underneath him is Alex Shawn who got squashed by Bane after he fell down from the wires. Poor Alex!

JIM ROSS: "Bane Williams retains the UFO FTW Title but thanks to the spear delivered by Shocker."

XAVIER REIGNS: "So let me get this straight; rookie makes his debut as a champion and walks out as the champion."

JIM ROSS: "This Bane Williams boy is indeed a unique case we have in the XWF."

WINNER: Bane Williams ©

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(05-26-2013), (05-28-2013), (05-25-2013), Bane Williams (05-25-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-25-2013), ShawnHero (05-26-2013), Shocker (05-25-2013)

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