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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
B-E Impressive!
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Chester Brock Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

08-09-2015, 11:02 AM

Today’s players:
Chester Brock (CB)
Dirty Frank (DF)
High school cheer squad (CS)
Random dude in crowd (RD)

A sprawling gymnasium.

A vibrant celebration of school spirit.

-{Open to a high school gym. The bleachers are packed with rowdy students, all wearing their school’s maize and blue colors. The principal has just announced the arrival of the school’s cheerleading squad, causing a wave of uproar, especially among the prepubescent boys in the crowd. Rail-thin blonde after rail-thin blonde flood onto the floor shaking their pom poms, followed by Chester Brock in a male cheerleader’s uniform, and Dirty Frank in a stretched out version similar to that of the female’s.}-

CB:(whispering) “This is fucking embarrassing.”

DF: (whispering) “Just shut up and go with it, you won’t remember it tomorrow anyway.”

-{The cheerleaders, Chester included, all form a straight line while pandering to the crowd. Frank steps to the front with a microphone in hand, and almost on cue the fans settle down to hear him speak.}-

DF: “First of all, I would just like to thank you all for helping with my Make-A-Wish! This uh...lyphomia? No, Lymphoma. That’s the one, this shit has been kicking my ass and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be worm food any day now.”

-{The fans murmur, not sure how to react.}-

DF: “You’re too kind. Look, me and my guardian back there are also humongous fans of the XWF, and I just wanted to take a moment to comment on an upcoming match for tomorrow night. Specifically, Chester Brock’s partner Ghost Tank.”

CS: “U-G-L-Y he ain’t got no alibi! He’s nasty! Eww gross, he’s nasty!”

DF: “That’s 100% fucking correct! Look at this fucking guy, he’s about as pleasant to look at as an undeveloped fetus floating atop of loosely formed stool in a toilet bowl full of blood and amniotic fluid. Makes me sick to my fucking stomach. And this is the kind of “help” my friend here is supposed to get for his match tomorrow? The XWF brass may as well have shit in his hand and stuck him into a knife fight with Edward Scissorhand’s PMSing twin sister. Ghost Tank fucking sucks.”

CS: “Be impressive! B-E impressive!”

-{Frank shakes his head ‘no’ as the overhead projector behind the group springs to life.}-

Quote:Ghost Tank is reeling! He's trying to grab the ropes for leverage, but that leads to his hand being shocked!



Quote: Ghost Tank runs into the ring like a panting Bulldog, Carson jumps over the ropes and intercepts Tank with a single punch to the face! Tank falls on the ground kicking and screaming

CS: “Youuuuuuuuu-- C-A-N-T! You ain’t got the ability! You’re worthless! Yeah, yeah, you’re worthless!”

DF: “Exactly my fucking point! Kirk MacClay what the fuck were you thinking? Let me answer that for you, dipshit. You thought you were going to make an absolute joke of my friend here, didn’t you? Stick him in a match with two nobodies, with an even bigger nobody as his partner. The fans will turn on them in an instant, before the inevitable moment where Ghost Tank finds a way to fail spectacularly and cost Chester a win. Guess you weren’t smart enough to bank on the fact that no matter who you stick Chester with, he’s going to come out on top. Especially when you stick him against two scrubs like the big, scary “Masked Man” who could barely be bothered to spit out more than two sentences when attempting to address his match against Chester. And then there’s Macy Crane. Dunno, who the fuck she is, don’t particularly care either. She doesn’t have a word to say about the match, and that disinterest in likely to get her choked out right in the middle of the ring. Hell, all these jokers might end up in a pile of unconscious shit, heaped together in the center of the ring while Chester Brock has his hand raised in victory.”

CB: "I'm going to say this one time, and one time only: MacClay, if that piece of shit 'partner' of mine makes it to the ring, he won't make it back. Chester Brock doesn't need to babysit some mutant freak with the IQ of a rotted banana peel. Do the right think , Kirk. That's all I ask of you."

DF: "No fucking chance does anyone but Chester Brock make it out of that ring in one piece. Not a single goddamn, iota of a chance."

CS: "I-O-T-A! That's the chance you'll--"

DF: "Shut your fucking mouths!"

-{The crowd gasps.}-

DF: "What? This is my Make-A-Wish, remember? These bitches are stealing my spotlight! I have AIDS goddamnit, I'm going to die!"

RD: (yelling) "You said you had lymphoma!"

DF: "Uh oh."

CS: "L-I-A-R! This fib of yours has gone too far! Lets get him! Yeah, yeah lets get him!"


-{The scene ends as Chester and Frank hightail it out of the gym, with hundreds of angry teenagers chasing behind them.}-

Who am I??
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