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3 x Better Sid Feder
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Sid Feder Offline
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01-01-2013, 08:56 AM

In-Ring Name:
"3 x Better" Sid Feder
(Can also be written as "Three Times Better")

Wrestler's Real Name:
Sid Federer
(The extra 'er' was removed for his ring name to make it easier for fans to remember and pronounce)



Detroit, Michigan

Seems to live by a psychotic code - the psychode.
So far we have seen that he is quick to snap into a psychotic rage at any given moment and it's been hard to pinpoint what specific things will trigger it. We've also seen him demonstrate respect and sportsmanship to those who don't give him a reason to snap, but then again he didn't show Grappling Gary that same respect right off the bat so nothing with Sid's madness seems to have a method.

Will develop over time; in-ring actions more often will resemble heel tactics regardless of fan reaction or opponent's affiliation.

Physical Build Description: Athletic build with very strong legs

Ring Attire:
Traditional style long black wrestling tights with pink lightning down the sides. Wears a black, fitted leather vest to the ring with "Feder-ation" on the back of it in hot pink.

Out Of Ring/Casual Attire pics:
(featuring Brian Pillman; official picbase)

Wrestling Style:
Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit (A lot of high flying, submissions, and aggression)

Really fast and agile.
Can leap impressively high and soar considerably far.
Also is great at reversals.

If he misses his Sonic Boom Kick finisher, he is screwed!

Entrance Video:

Entrance Description:
"The Lone Horseman" blares over the speakers as Sid Feder walks out steadily, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding up his trademark 3 fingers. He simply proceeds all the way to the ring without even acknowledging any of the fans.

Alternate Entrance Description: (with attack to fan)
"The Lone Horseman" blares over the speakers as Sid Feder walks out steadily, wearing a pair of sunglasses and holding up his trademark 3 fingers. The fans are all over him today; booing relentlessly and cursing at him. He simply proceeds all the way to the ring without even acknowledging any of the fans until a fan in a ringside seat throws their drink at Sid. Sid snaps! He grabs the fan and smashes his face down into the guard barrier multiple times, busting him open very fast and then pulling him by his head and neck over the barrier into a sick ddt! Security rushes to the scene and checks on the fan who ends up needing medical attention, much to Sid's amusement.

Top 20-30 Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Chop block
Chops to chest
Gutwrench lift into stomach buster
Cross armbar with neckscissors
Diving crossbody
Corkscrew crossbody
Dropkick to back of the head
Missile dropkick
Leaping lariat
Running knee lift
Running leg-scissors takedown into STF (submission attempt)
Scoop powerslam
Snap DDT
Spinning heel kick
Tornado DDT
Low blow
high jumping fist off of top turnbuckle
arm wrench then chop to chest, then arm wrench again and chop harder
plus just about anything else a high flier or psycho brawler might do

Top 10 Trademark Moves:
1) Springboard Clothesline
(from the ring apron, bounces up and springs off of the top rope into a clothesline)

2) Suicideboard Clothesline
(from inside the ring, looking out to opponent at ringside, springs off the top rope with some serious airtime down into the opponent)

3) Super Dropkick
(a much higher vertical leap into a perfect, textbook dropkick)

4) Arm Breaker across ringpost
(drags opponent to any corner, exits ring, grabs their arm and smashes it into the ringpost - can also be done standing w/ both people outside of the ring)

5) Run-up Armbar Takedown
(if an opponent has their arm out even a little, or is not paying attention, Sid can run up and smash them face down with a surprise armbar takedown)

6) Springboard/Top-rope Diamond Cutter
(can either leap from top rope or springboard off of the ropes, catching the opponent with a mid-air Diamond Cutter on the fly!)

7) Psychotic Neck Wrench
(gets opponent in a neck lock and just wrenches away while becoming possessed, grunting, growling - always ends grounded but can start standing)

8) I Do It Better a.k.a. The iDIB
(uses the opponent's own finisher on them)

9) Jumping Armbar Takedown on top of and through a table, sometimes held over into a Crippler Crossface or Rings of Saturn finisher!

10) Omega Driver

Top 5 Finishers:
1) Crossface Chickenwing [submission]
(the psychotic version as demonstrated by Bob Backlund in the past/can be standing or grounded)

2) Rings of Saturn and/or Crippler Crossface [alternating submission]
(since both moves require Sid's legs to be tightly scissored around the opponent's left arm, Sid is free to alternate between wrenching back on their face and neck w/ the Crippler Crossface, and wrenching back on their right arm w/ the Rings of Saturn; continuing to alternate until opponent submits)

3) The Ratings Spike [high-impact hold : 90% KO ratio]
(a pedigree; however, in most cases Sid keeps his arms underhooked after impact and begins blasting his knee into the opponent's head several times in a vicious and uncontrollable nature while keeping their arms locked -- sometimes until a ref simply stops the match and declares it a KO to prevent serious injury to the opponent's cranium if they can't defend themselves)

4) Sonic Boom Kick [high-impact strike : 75% KO ratio]
(Sid gets a running start and delivers a dropkick at a much higher speed than other competitors would normally even dare to try, using his nearly flawless aim to catch them right in the face or head with such a speeding dropkick that it can knock them unconscious - if Sid misses this kick at such a high speed, he is fCENSOREDed!)

5) Three Times Better Forearm [high-impact strike + 100% KO ratio]
(usually a springboard off of the ropes from on the apron but can also be delivered while running at high speeds or delivering a sudden, unexpected burst that catches the opponent off guard. This move is an instant knockout move due to Sid's steel implant. Match writers please don't use this move unless it's going to finish the opponent off!)

Favorite Weapon if any: Oh, there's no favorite .. he likes them all!

Additional notes: OOC-please PM me if interested in teaming up or feuding!

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

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07-03-2013, 02:34 PM


*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
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07-03-2013, 02:43 PM

Fixed pictures that decided to stop working on profile. That was fun.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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