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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Pay Per View Boards » PPV Results
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XWF Presents: Bad Medicine!
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

05-25-2015, 07:05 AM


[Image: Y8PLJKJ.png]

[Image: cotton-bowl-cowboys-stadium.jpg?w=620&h=349&crop=1]

AT&T Stadium
Dallas, Texas
May 23, 2015

As the song plays, Kirk MacClay and his associate, Benjamin Fieldler are shown in the ring standing. Kirk has a microphone in his hand and looks ready to speak.

Welcome one, welcome all to the largest extravaganza of the not-so-warm summer, BAD MEDICINE!

The crowd is hot and on their feet! The crowd is hyped up for the PPV where 'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane will finally be challenging for the Universal title!

Are you ready for a night of shocks, twists, turns, and excellent matches? Tonight we not only see a brand new match style but you will see a Burning Building match! SIX title matches! And much, much more!

Kirk walks to the center of the ring and nods out to the audience. He looks at his associate and nods.

Now, allow me to introduce you to the NEW President of Talent Relations... JUMPING JACK JUPITER!

'Jumping Jack Flash' hits the stadium sound system.

From the back steps Triple J or Jumping Jack Jupiter, and he walks onto the stage. He stops and does 10 Jumping Jack exercises before continuing on towards the ring. The crowd seems to like this. Triple J waves to the crowd, and makes it to the ring, hops in, and walks up to Kirk. He does another 10 Jumping Jacks, before motioning Kirk to try and match him.

The crowd starts to roar their approval, and Kirk looks out into the crowd, smiles, and starts doing the jumping jack exercises. The crowd roars with laughter. He manages to do 9. Triple J is clapping him.

Kirk extends his hand, Triple J extends his, and they shake. Kirk then gives Triple J the microphone. The crowd dies down. He walks to the center of the ring.

"Thank you Mr. MacClay. Well done on the little challenge by the way. Anyway the reason why I am out here is because a month or so ago I answered a call from the XWF about fulfilling a General Manager roll in the XWF, and so I was approved. And that is why I am out here tonight, as I have been employed by the XWF to work either on Monday Night Madness or Wednesday Night Warfare as the President of Talent Relations.

"What I will say to the XWF locker room, is that I know that the Xtreme Wrestling Federation is one of the most established Federations out there, and by being brought on board I intend to help keep it that way. So if you are fair with me, I'll be fair to you, but you muck me around, or even get up in my face, then there will be consequences. I am a happy go lucky General Manager, but I will not stand for any nonsense. If you want to push me then go on do so at your own peril.

"I'm looking forward to working with everyone. Lets keep the XWF going forwards and upwards."

Triple J hands the microphone back to Kirk, and Jumping Jack Jupiter hits the sound system again. Triple J does another 5 Jumping Jacks.

Thank you Mr. Jupiter. Now let's introduce the new Business Consultant for the XWF... Mattael Cillio

After a few moments of some hard rock music out comes a very sharp dressed gentleman. He climbs into the ring beside them and grabs a microphone from Benjamin Fieldler.

“Thank you very much, gentlemen.”

Mattael Cillio gave a curt nod in the direction of Kirk MacClay and Jumping Jack Jupiter, who smiled in return, Mattael then took a deep breath inward before speaking out to the capacity crowd.

“Well, what do we have here? An over-eager crowd ready to get the show on the road. I can’t really blame you, after all, we’re just about to get started on the biggest event going on in the WORLD right now!”

The crowd, who were momentarily silent while listening to the bearded figure, now exploded into a shocking wave of cheering! Mattael Cillio nodded confidently, a small grin appearing over him while he listened in on the huge uproar of the crowd.

“Now, normally we wouldn’t want to take up any more of your time than need be, but today will unfortunately have to be different, since we’re talking about the biggest and greatest thing to EVER happen to the XWF, the most IMPORTANT thing to ever happen to the XWF.”

The eruption of the crowd gradually began to die down, a few people in the front road can be heard jeering loudly, clearly angered at the fact that the show may be getting delayed somewhat.

“The addition of Mattael Cillio, the newest General Manager to be added into the XWF, along with Mister Jupiter! We’re going to get everything sorted, don’t you worry about it one bit. I know, we’ve been on a little bit of a slump, I can’t even begin to fathom the idea of having Muddy and Scully of all fucking people challenging Brick Squad…”

At the mention of the stable “Brick Squad” the crowd once again erupted in cheering, Mattael Cillio smirked once more, and waited for everything to calm down, before speaking again.

“But that will be a problem… NO LONGER! You no longer need to worry, I’m setting everything back on track. The XWF, while already at the top of the world, will only grow larger, and I’m going to be the man behind it all. But for now… I believe we have a show to be running, and I couldn’t bear to delay you anymore. Just remember, today will only be the BEGINNING of the greatness to come.”

Mattael Cillio then pocketed the microphone in hand, before clapping energetically while looking at Kirk and Jumping Jack Jupiter, who still stood next to him. Kirk smiles and extends his arms towards his new compatriots.

Well how about these two? Together we shall be a new Dynasty in this industry. You're looking at The Dynasty, ladies and gentlemen.

They nod and look at the audience as the screen fades to black.

[The scene opens in the parking lot of the arena. A white stretch limo pulls up. It takes a few moments for the driver, wearing a black suit come out of the driver's side. The limo driver walks to the back of the limo and opens the door. Out steps a man wearing black dress pants and a purple dress shirt. He walks right by the limo driver without saying thank you or anything else for that matter. The man from the limo is new comer Marek Matthews.]

[Marek Matthews walks down the back hall of the arena. He dodges workers who are moving wires and getting set for the pay per view. Marek Matthews doesn't look at anyone as he walks with confidence. After walking for a while, he finally reaches the X-treme Wrestling Federation logo backdrop. He grabs the microphone from one of the backstage workers. The backstage workers get ready to record him and they count him down from three. Three..two.. one.. go!]

Marek Matthews: Punks, you better get ready for tonight's Federweight championship battle royal. We are going to be kicking off the pay per view in a pre show battle royal for the Federweight championship and I will walk out with my hand raised and the championship around my waist. Time is ticking jerks, I can't wait to step into the ring for the first time tonight. This is my very first match but it won't be my last. Time to bust some skulls! See you in the ring, dweebs.

[The scene cuts out.]

Federweight Battle Royal
Muddy Waters
- vs -
Outsider Joel
- vs -
Marek Matthews
In order to challenge all you must do is send in a 500 word or less RP of trash talk
Only 2 RPs will be counted towards this
Please label in description of RP as Federweight Championship Match

All three men are in the ring and the bell rings. Joel and Marek lock up and Muddy just watches casually. Marek whips Joel into the corner and begins trying to flip his leg over the top rope. Joel lets this happen before climbing the top rope and kicking Marek back. He leaps over Marek and Muddy destroys the Outsider with a clothesline!

Outsider pops to his feet in a groggy stance and Marek throws him right over the top rope! Marek nods at his work when Muddy grabs him by the trunks and tosses him over!

Winner: Muddy Waters

"Sick Like Me" by In This Moment plays

The trio comes out with Peter in the lead. Ghost Tank seems annoyed to be following behind the legendary force that is Gilmour. Ray Tings just seems happy to be here. They climb into the ring and Peter looks absolutely determined.

"Monster" by Eminem and Rhianna plays

The lights go out and come back on to reveal all three men sitting on turnbuckles waving out towards the audience.

Team Gilmour
Peter Gilmour
Ray Tings
Ghost Tank
- vs -
Team Mastermind
The Yellow Sword
Six Man Tag Team Match
Special Guest Referee: Outsider Joel

Ray Tings and Rellik start off in the ring. The two of them grapple up and Rellik is pushed into his own corner and is slapped on the shoulder by the Yellow Sword! The Yellow Sword springs himself over the top rope and begins to pummel Ray Tings off of Rellik allowing Rellik to fall through the ropes to the outside of the ring!

Ray Tings blocks an axle handle by the Yellow Sword and kicks him in the gut. He then Irish whips the Yellow sword into the ropes, but the Yellow Sword hangs on and flips backwards to the outside and stands on the apron! Ray Tings rushes after the Yellow Sword but is caught when the Yellow Sword does a full flying roundhouse kick and catches Ray Tings on the fly!

After taking that unpredictable blow, Ray Tings stumbles back and gives the Yellow Sword a cold stare. He looks back at his partners in the corner and begins to step their way as the Yellow Sword springs himself over the top rope. Ray Tings tags in Ghost Tank!

Ghost Tank stretches one leg over the top rope after another and towers over the Yellow Sword. The Yellow Sword attacks first with several side kicks and jabs to Ghost Tank, but they have little effect. Ghost Tank grabs ahold of the Yellow Sword and lifts him above his head and screams aloud!! He takes a few steps and drops the little Asian to the mat from nearly seven feet in the air. The Yellow Sword clutches his stomach as Ghost Tank wastes no time to pick him back up to his feet. Ghost Tank attempts the same thing before the Yellow Sword swings down with an airborne Yellow Chop!! Ghost Tank hits the ground like a ton of bricks and the Yellow Sword falls down on top of him for the pin!



Peter Gilmour and Ray Tings manage to fly across the ring, Peter first, to break up the count on Ghost Tank! Rellik and Mastermind meet the two other men in the ring as well and a huge fight breaks loose immediately!

Mastermind is pounding on Ray Tings and Peter is pounding Rellik! The referee can't keep control of the match as he bounces back and forth between the two fights. Meanwhile, the two legal men, Ghost Tank and the Yellow Sword have their own battle in the middle of the ring! Ghost Tank is still barely able to keep both knees off of the ground as the Yellow Sword buries him with chops and kicks to the upper body and head. Finally, Ghost Tank manages to block a kick and push the Yellow Sword into the ropes! The Yellow Sword springs from them and is met with the big boot from the big Ghost Tank! Ghost Tank screams out to the crowd and turns his attention back to the Yellow Sword. He picks him up on his shoulders and plants the Yellow Sword on the top turnbuckle! Ghost Tank steps up to the second rope and slings the Yellow Sword across the ring with a huge, but short, superplex!

Ghost Tank goes for a lazy cover!



Kickout by the Yellow Sword!!!!!!!

Ghost Tank picks himself up and picks up the Yellow Sword who struggles to rise to his feet. Ghost Tank reaches back and lands a strong straight punch to the center of the Yellow Sword's forehead. He sways back and forth a few times before Ghost Tank catches him by the head before he falls face first to the mat. Ghost Tank reaches back again for an even larger punch, but the Yellow Sword finds magical life and manages to jump high enough to catch Ghost Tank's chin and kick himself into a backflip! The Yellow Sword lands on his feet just two feet away and gets plowed over immediately by a clothesline from Ghost Tank!

After the Yellow Sword's head slammed off the mat he wrapped both of his arms around it and rolled out of the ring. Ghost Tank screamed at him and the crowd and went to make his way out of the ring. Mastermind is swings around the corner of the ring and meets Ghost Tank before he exits the ring. Ghost Tank looks down at Mastermind and approaches him before he is pushed back by the official of the match. By this time, the Yellow Sword manages to slip back into the ring. Mastermind and the Yellow Sword look at each other for a moment before Mastermind extends his hand.

The Yellow Sword looks around for a moment then agrees to slap the Hand of Mastermind!

Mastermind enters the ring and walks towards the center of the ring as Ghost Tank watches from his corner. He looks behind him and Peter Gilmour and Ray Tings are both extending their hands for the tag! Ghost Tank turns about and reaches for Peter Gilmour before Ray Tings slaps Ghost Tank's shoulder and tags himself in!

Ray Tings leaps over the top rope and runs straight at Mastermind like a bat of Hell! Mastermind ducks a running clotheslines and catches Ray Tings off of the ropes with an elbow! Ray Tings stumbles back and falls back first into the corner turnbuckle! Mastermind follows him in and gives him lefts and rights to the face until the official forces him out of the corner. As soon as Ray Tings pulls himself out with the ropes Mastermind chases him down and clotheslines him over the top rope!

After Gilly see's this he jumps into the ring and hits Mastermind in the back of the head with a forearm smash sending Mastermind over the top rope as well!

Rellik tries to enter the ring but is held back by the official and can't do anything! In the meantime, Ghost Tank has made his way around the outside of the ring to Mastermind! He picks up the Master of Minds and slams him into the barrier around the ring! As he turns around, he is struck by a flying Yellow Sword!

Among the havoc in and around the ring, the Yellow Sword climbed the top turnbuckle and leaped off on top of Ghost Tank just as Ghost Tank was gaining an upper hand on Mastermind! Ghost Tank, however, managed to catch the Yellow Sword with ease! Mastermind, already recovered from the blast from Ghost Tank, and hits Ghost Tank with a leg sweep! This sends Ghost Tank on his back with the Yellow Sword landing on top of him!

By this time, the official has gained somewhat control of what is going on and has reached a four count on Mastermind outside of the ring. Mastermind realizes this and slides back in where Ray Tings is waiting for him. After Mastermind is met with a few stomps, he blocks a punch and kicks Ray Tings in the gut and lands a hard DDT to the mat!

Mastermind springs up to the mat and stares directly at Peter Gilmour!

Mastermind grabs Ray Tings by the hair and lifts him back to his feet and shoves him into his own corner and points at Peter Gimour!

He wants Pete!

Peter laughs and screams out at Mastermind!


Peter reaches down and grabs Ray Tings by the forearm and high fives him! The tag is complete!

Peter springs himself over the top rope like a charismatic hero! He rushes after Mastermind and the two exchange punches back and forth with neither of them gaining the upper hand!

Peter continues with hard rights on Mastermind and slips into a Gilmour Cutter attempt! Mastermind counters and pushes Gilly off of him and ties him up in the Mind Sleeper! Peter's arms' flail like a humming bird as he tries to escape Mastermind's grasp! He reaches out and grabs the top rope that was next to him and the official forces Mastermind to break the hold!

Gilly stumbles into the corner for moment gasping for air before he goes right back after Mastermind! Mastermind reaches out and grabs Gilly by the throat! He spins Peter around and grabs him from behind and picks him up! Mastermind slams Gilly down with a deadly atomic drop followed up by a bulldog! Mastermind covers Gilly!



Gilly kicks out!

Mastermind picks up Peter and slings him into the ropes but he manages to reverse it! Mastermind bounces off of the ropes and as he does Ray Tings kicks him in the back of the head! Mastermind stumbles forward and falls right into a GILMOUR CUTTER!!! Peter flops around as he tries to quickly make a cover!!





The Yellow Sword has prevented the three count on his partner! Ray Tings has met the Yellow Sword in the middle of the ring and knees him in the face! Ray Tings follows the Yellow Sword as he falls back into the turnbuckle! Ray Tings stands on the middle turnbuckle and starts landing punches on the Yellow Sword!!

In the middle of the ring, Peter begins to lift Mastermind to his feet... but Mastermind then grabs hold of Peter and rolls him up in a small package!!!! Mastermind for the pin!!!





Wait?! The referee wasn't even counting!!



The official is distracted with Ray Tings in the corner beating on the Yellow Sword! Gilly finally manages to kick out after a twelve count and Mastermind rises up and sees just what is going on! He becomes furious and rushes the corner where the official is fighting with Ray Tings to get out of the ring! He runs full speed and nails a forearm on the back of Ray Tings sending him to the outside of the ring. At the same time, Mastermind crushed the Yellow Sword with the blast and he falls to the mat and slowly rolls out of the ring! Mastermind and Gilly are all alone! Rellik and Ghost Tank are continuing to fight outside of the ring while the Yellow Sword and Ray Tings are unconscious outside of the ring! Gilly rushes after Mastermind and the two begin going at it again!

Peter kicks Mastermind in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb! Mastermind counters and pulls Gilly's legs out from under him and sets him up for the Mind Controller!!! Mastermind steps over and has it locked in! Gilly is screaming out in pain! He does everything he can to pull himself across the ring, but he's clear across and it's much to far to make it! Peter presses his face to the mat and screams in agony as there is no possible way out of this move! He pushes and pushes until he manages to lift his body up off of the ground and relieve some of the pressure! He pushes off of the mat sending Mastermind stumbling forward and losing full grip on Gilly's legs! Peter crawls across the ring quickly and manages to pull himself up to his feet. Mastermind quickly sneaks up behind him and locks in the Mind Sleeper on Gilly again! Mastermind has it locked in! Peter's arms flail around again just like before but Mastermind pulls Gilly into the middle of the ring where there is nothing to grab!

Gilly starts to slouch down and seems to be blacking out! Mastermind begins to force him down to the mat, but Gilly wiggles and sneaks out of the hold and lands another GILMOUR CUTTER!!!!!

Using the last bit of his energy, both men are down. They both begin to crawl to their corners. Rellik is there for Mastermind and tags himself in. Ghost Tank is left down on the outside. Ray Tings and Yellow Sword are still down. Rellik rushes towards Peter and pulls him to his feet.



Rellik hits the mat hard as Peter rolls him over and pins him!





Swagmire's theme song plays but no one comes out. Suddenly Kirk's large mug appears on the X-Tron.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Swagmire will not be able to attend this match due to his recent racist activity. He's been mauled by a group of boys outside of the arena. So he will be replaced by my good buddy.... Buddy. Enjoy your match!

- vs -
- vs -
Black Oppression Match
Watermelons and buckets of fried chicken will be used as weapons as well as Kool-Aid pitchers.
A whip will be placed on a pole in one of the corners.
To win, one must secure the whip and whip both of his opponents

The three men stand in their corners, they look to one another, glaring.

JOEY STYLES: "Some mixed feelings here."

JIM ROSS: "Well, DMX-Factor and Mr. Dominance had some hard feelings towards Swagmire, now that's he out of the match. This could be very different."

BOBBY HEENAN: "Who's the jabroni?"

The ref signals for the bell and this match is underway. Trax comes out of his corner and goes straight for DMX, the two start to circle one another as Buddy looks on, waiting for an opening. Trax and DMX lock up in the center of the ring, the bigger Trax takes an early advantage and brings DMX in close, throwing him behind with a belly to belly suplex!

Trax quickly gets to his feet as DMX gets to his knees, surprised that he got caught off guard so early. Mr. FN' Dominace sprints to DMX getting to his feet slowly and goes for a Fame Asser! But DMX-Factor takes his weight and throws his body up straight, Trax flips up but lands on his feet! DMX quickly knocks Mr. Dominance off his feet with a devastating superkick!

Trax looks like he's been hit by a freight train as he collapses onto the floor, DMX goes for the pin but almost forgets about Buddy. DMX coldly stares at the small man who gulps. DMX rushes over to Buddy who puts up his arms, trying to block his face but DMX-Factor kicks Buddy into the corner and releases a flurry of hard hitting knees into Buddy's ribs.

Buddy drops his guard and falls down into the corner, DMX gives one last knee to Buddy's face and a loud crunch can be heard and blood spills from his nose.

JOEY STYLES: "Buddy's bloody!"


DMX mutters an insult under his breath as he turns back Mr. Dominance, or is about to, but Trax back on his feet surprises DMX with a T-Bone suplex! Both men crash to the mat and take their time getting back up. They crouch down staring at each other as the crowd chants.


Trax throws a stiff punch into DMX's face, and DMX throws one in return. The two trade blows getting to their feet as the crowd goes crazy with roars and cheers. Continuing the barrage against one another, Trax takes control and whips DMX against the ropes. He rebounds but leapfrogs over Mr. Dominance! DMX goes against the opposite ropes and rebounds, Trax turns and gets a strong kick in the gut from DMX.

DMX-Factor lifts Trax up for a powerbomb and takes a few steps back before running and slamming Trax down on the mat!

JIM ROSS: "The DMX-Factor!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "He named a move after himself? What a maroon."

JOEY STYLES: "DMX showing great power here."

DMX-Factor goes for the pin.





THRE-NO! Mr. FN' Dominance gets his hand around the ropes just in the nick of time! DMX looks up shocked, shaking his head at the ref and arguing the count. Trax starts to stir on the mat, DMX lifts Dominance back to his feet and gets him in a Pedigree position.

JOEY STYLES: "DMX is going for the X-Ecutioner!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "It's over. Ring the bell now ref."

DMX pulls up on Trax's arms but Trax puts all his weight down and lifts his whole body up, throwing DMX over the ropes! DMX-Factor lands hard on the outside, most of the impact on his neck!

Trax rests against the ropes for a few seconds, but there's no time! Bloody Buddy sprints towards Trax with a warrior's cry! But MR. FN' Dominace is ready!


Trax hits the superkick directly into Buddy's broken nose and he falls to the ground, Trax goes for the cover!



DMX-Factor grabs the apron and pulls himself up.

He stops the count!

DMX throws Trax into the corner.

DMX has Buddy by the back of the neck, pulling him up and setting up for The X-Ecutioner. The arms are hooked and somehow he manages to get the bigger man up on his shoulders. As he does, Trax has started to get to his feet and rolls in from the outside with a watermelon in his hand. As he rushes Buddy from behind, he connects with the watermelon, shattering it over Buddy's head as he goes down like a stone. Trax turns and connects with Trap Silencer on the blinded DMX. Trax goes over to Buddy who is out like a light and covers him!




WINNER: Mr. FN' Dominance

The bell rings repeatedly, but as referees rush the ring, Trax turns on them, letting loose frustrations, until a man jumps over the barricade with a short length of chain trailing from his fist is a man wearing a black tank top and black hooded vest. The man eludes security, slipping in under the bottom rope and ducking a swing from Trax, running off of the far side ropes and connecting with a loaded superman punch that was thrown with such force the man throwing it goes to the ground! Trax drops to the ground, bleeding from the forehead and holding his head as the man nips up to his feet, the hood falling to reveal Ryan Hunter! The crowd is going nuts as Ryan is yelling all sorts of things at Trax as he looks bewildered and has been subdued by the referees. Ryan flings a drumstick at him before Security pulls him back, and he turns his attention to his fallen friend, DMX.

On My Own by CFO$ (megalouis version) plays, and Thunderbolt X comes down to the ring just like Tyson Kidd, whatever that fucking means.

DUM DA DA DUUUUMMMM DUM DA DA DUMMMM hits the speakers. Lightningbolt Z appears on the runway, wearing only a small lionskin tunic around his waist and carrying a small baby calf. He gives the small calf to a confused fan, enters the ring and removes the tunic. He is now full nude... this is getting bad.

Lightningbolt Z
- vs -
Thunderbolt X
Lightning Rod Match
To win, a person must successfully touch all four corners at some point in the match.
After touching all four corners, they must touch their opponent to the lightning rod in the center of the ring.
A lightning bolt will strike the loser.

Thunderbolt recoils at the sight of Lightningbolt's penis, and slowly backs into his corner while Lightningbolt saunters to his, whipping his dick around like a muhfuckin' helicopter. A few women in the audience faint. Some dudes be angrily tweeting. #PenisEnvy is trending worldwide. The ref calls for the bell and then walks over to the timekeeper's area, wanting absolutely nothing to do with this match. The lightning rod sticks straight out of the center of the ring, majestic as fuck.

Both men instantaneously slap the top turnbuckle of their respective corners. Now, they're tied for how many corners touched at 1-1. Thunderbolt takes off for one of the neutral corners but Lightningbolt puts an end to that dream with a HUGE SHOULDER TACKLE! Thunderbolt is blasted through the ropes and falls onto the floor outside the ring. Lightningbolt pumps up the crowd, then hits the ropes and explodes over the set of ropes Thunderbolt fell through with a huge vaulting body press! Thunderbolt, who comes to his senses just before impact, hits the floor and rolls out of Lightingbolt's way! Lightningbolt crashes to the floor, rolling around on the ground until he smashes into the barricade. Apparently a 745 pound man rolling at approximately hella fast mph utterly destroys the barricades upon impact, because the one he hits explodes into tiny pieces and the ones nearby spasm, one even falling right over.

Thunderbolt gets back to his feet, taking a couple of seconds to catch his breath and nurse the wounds his back sustained in the fall, while Lightningbolt struggles to his feet. Thunderbolt slides under the ropes and walks right over to the corner he was running towards earlier and slaps the top turnbuckle! Thunderbolt is in the lead, 2-1!

But wait, Thunderbolt isn't about to let the win come this easy! He exits the ring and runs through the giant hole created by Lightningbolt and into the crowd. Lightningbolt is up and he's armed with a hotdog! Yes, an actual hotdog! With ketchup and mustard and relish, oh my! Thunderbolt stops dead in his tracks at the sight of the hotdog and looks around for something he can use as a weapon. One fan, a five year old kid a soda larger than his head offers said soda to Thunderbolt, which he snatches and approaches Lightningbolt with. He rips off the lid and dares the bigger man to come at him.

Which Lightningbolt is happy to oblige! He charges right for Thunderbolt, swinging the hotdog like a broadsword! Thunderbolt sidesteps it! He throws the soda in Lightningbolt's face! Carbonated earth drinks seem to be his weakness! Blinded momentarily, he spins in circles, swinging the hotdog wildly! A seated fan gets the full force of the hotdog between Lightningbolt's legs to the face and falls over sprawled across the floor. However, it's Thunderbolt that gets the hotdog he was actually planning on using as a weapon to the dome! It's swung with so much force that it actually takes Thunderbolt off his feet! Only for a moment however, but in that moment it looks like Lightningbolt is no longer hindered by the diabolical human drink.

He grabs Thunderbolt's hand (no homo) and Irish whips him back to the ringside area! Then he follows suit, pelvic thrusting all the way. He's gonna fuck Thunderbolt X (no homo)! He finally gets to the ringside area, only to catch an enzuigiri from Thunderbolt! But he is not fettered, for there are no brakes on the fuck train! Thunderbolt hits another enzuigiri to the same effect. Lightningbolt continues to march, pelvic thrusting with each step. Thunderbolt's eyes go wide, homeboy ain't bout to let no fuck train roll up on him nosiree. He pulls his foot back and KICKS LIGHTNINGBOLT RIGHT IN THE DICK! Lightningbolt doubles over, clutching his dick, a mixture of pain and sadness on his face. Thunderbolt, the homie, doesn't waste any time and drops Lightningbolt to the ground with a huge DDT before getting back in the ring.

Lightningbolt gets back to his feet slowly and pulls himself under the bottom rope. Thunderbolt lays in the boots but Lightningbolt pushes himself to his feet. Oh shit, they're getting into a chop battle! Chops back and forth. Neither man seems to be getting the advantage with these chops but goddamned if they aren't trying! Oh shit, Lightningbolt with the legsweep! He backs into Thunderbolt's corner and slaps the turnbuckle! They're tied 2 - 2! Thunderbolt rolls through the sweep and pops up to his feet, before taking off towards Lightningbolt's corner and smacks it! Thunderbolt's up 3 - 2! Thunderbolt eyes Lightningbolt going for the neutral corner he already hit but doesn't go for him, instead for the last corner he needs to hit! They both collide with the respective corners almost simultaneously, Thunderbolt's up 4 - 3! Now all he needs is to get Lightningbolt to touch the lightning rod! But wait, Lightningbolt's charging across the ring, trying to get the last corner he needs! Thunderbolt tries to stop him but Lightning slips from his grasp!

Lightningbolt hits it! 4 - 4!

But wait, Thunderbolt leaps on Lightningbolt's back! Lightningbolt thrashes around while Thunderbolt pulls backwards, trying to get him to touch the rod! Lightningbolt bucks Thunderbolt off and turns around. They lock up! Test of strength! The bigger Lightningbolt easily overpowers Thunderbolt but the latter's tenacity shines through! He's not letting Lightningbolt muscle him to his defeat! Lightningbolt is still pushing him closer and closer to the rod. Thunderbolt uses all his strength to swing Lightningbolt around and HOLY FUCK! THEY BOTH COLLIDE WITH THE ROD!


It strikes the rod and both men are zapped! They both fall to the mat, a surge of electricity demolishing them.

The ref shakes his head and calls for the bell.

Winner: DRAW

"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sista plays

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle, strumming the air guitar (across his championship belt, if applicable) and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

"If I Fall" by Five Finger Death Punch plays

LH Harrison walks from the curtains but he's not dressed to compete. He's wearing a suit and tie and he's entering the ring. he grabs a microphone and stands a few feet away.

Well hello Loverboy. Excuse me for wanting this match. I just have more important problems to attend to than you at the moment. I don't want my win over you to be overshadowed by your other match. Our time to fight will come, but not right now.

The bell rings and LH decks Loverboy with a pair of brass knuckles! LH throws the knucks down on him and walks away. Lane holds his jaw and it's now fading to commercials.

XWF X-Treme Championship
[Image: uQ1C79w.png?1]
Bruce Blingsteen ©
- vs -
Burning Building Match
The two combatants will fight in a building off-location in order to find the championship within a burning building.
Whoever finds the belt and sets his opponent on fire, wins.

The camera goes to a large abandoned apartment building somewhere in Texas, the camera goes up passing each window until it gets to the roof where Pest is waiting overlooking the surroundings. The door to the roof swings open and the current X-Treme champion Bruce Blingsteen steps onto the roof, Pest turns and the two stare one another down.

The camera zooms out to show the entire building and several floors burst into flames, the fire is quickly starting to spread as we join the participants on the rooftop. The voices of the commentators are heard over the footage as they watch in the arena from a monitor.

JOEY STYLES: "Now this is X-Treme!"

JIM ROSS: "I agree Joey, someone could die here!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "Don't agree with that sponge, JR."

Pest steps away from the edge and walks menacingly towards Bruce in the doorway. Blingsteen thinks for a moment and smiles, he steps back inside slamming the door shut behind him.

JIM ROSS: "The hell is he doing?"

JOEY STYLES: "He's being smart JR. The winner only needs to find the X-Treme Championship and set the other on fire. If Pest is stuck on the roof-"

BOBBY HEENAN: "Then he burns to a crisp as Bruce escapes. That no good cheater!!!"

JIM ROSS: "Well folks this match may be over quicker then we thought."

Pest rushes the door and slams his shoulder into it, the door budges but doesn't break open. As Pest shouts in anger still trying to break the door down, Bruce is making his way to the top floor, laughing his ass off. The flames haven't risen to the top floor yet so Bruce is safe running around checking every open door and looking inside for the belt. No luck and Bruce goes to the floor beneath as he wipes sweat from his brow.

Back on the roof Pest is having no luck breaking down the door and steps away in frustration. He looks along the edge and finds a fire escape. He quickly slides down the ladder and jogs down the stairs looking through the window as he does, as he goes lowers he sees the back of Bruce searching a room. Pest snaps into action and jumps through the window, cutting some of his skin and breaking through. Bruce hears the glass smash and sees Pest running towards him, cuaght off guard, Pest smashes Bruce in the face with a hard right hook.

Bruce stays on his feet and shakes his head, Pest goes for another strike but Blingsteen dodges and grabs Pest by the collar, throwing him against the wall with all his might. Bruce smashes the back of Pest's head against the wall.

And again.

And again.

Pest looks down and notices his thigh is bleeding, a large shard of glass impaled in his flesh, Pest grabs the glass and pulls it out, blood spurting, and jams it into Bruce's shoulder. The champ cries out in agony and Pest pushes him away, as Bruce pulls the glass stuck in his collarbone out; Pest smashes him over the head with a wooden chair! The chair explodes into debris and Bruce falls to the ground and Pest looks over him, throwing the wood in his hands away. The God of emptiness fixes his hair and leaves Bruce on the floor.

Pest walks quickly down the hall, checking each room as he passes and jogs down the stairs, he opens the door to the lower floor.


A ball of fire almost hits Pest as he opens the door but luckily he stepped to the side just in time. Pest covers his mouth with his forearm and looks down the hall, fire fills the floor as the wood cracks. He starts to walk down the hall, trying to avoid the flames and looking into the rooms for the belt. Pest starts to cough, sweat pours from him and his eyes widen as he see a shimmering gold in one of the rooms.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Pest found the belt! He found it! YES! He's the champion!"

Pest jumps over a fallen beam and fire into the room and gets close to the gold.

JIM ROSS: "It's not over yet Bobby, Pest still needs to get out."

Pest reaches for the gold between two planks of burning wood, he gingerly reaches his arm through the planks and retrieves the X-Treme Championship!

JOEY STYLES: "He's got it! The battle is almost over!"

Pest smiles wickedly and looks at the belt, his smile turns to a frown.

JIM ROSS: "Wait a minute. That's a Doctor Louis D'Ville replica belt!!!"

BOBBY HEENAN: "It still counts dammit! Get out of there Pest!"

JOEY STYLES: "No Bobby, it does not count. Idiot."

BOBBY HEENAN: "Bite me you ECW reject."

Pest throws the belt into the fire and he walks out of the room but is immediately knocked back in! Bruce Blingsteen from out of nowhere dropkicks Pest back into the room, Bruce gets to his feet as Pest hits the floor. The current champ looks at the replica belt in the fire and reaches a hand but pulls it back knowng it's not his true prize. The fire starts to spread more and the floor loudly cracks underneath the two, they both look at each other a little worried and the floor break underneath them, causing both men to crash to the floor below.

Both men are hurt and start to get their feet. Only for the floor to weaken again and snap underneath them. The two fall once more, getting closer to the the ground floor with no title in hand.

Both men cough loudly, burns on their skin as they look up at the inferno on the floor. They cover their mouths and slowly get to their feet, the two slowly turn to the room opposite, seeing the X-Treme Championship on a burning couch in the middle of the room.

JIM ROSS: "There's the belt! Victory is so close for either man here!"

The two men run over to the title as they cough up smoke. Pest hits a cheap shot to Bruce and Bruce retaliates by kicking him in the gut and hitting...


The flipping piledriver is a success and Pest hits the floor hard. Bruce grabs the title and sees the nearest window. He leaps through the window and falls the one remaining floor onto a trampoline! The smell of smoke and flame fill the scene as...


The entire place goes up in flames and caves in! Pest is nowhere to be seen! Is he dead? No one knows!

Winner: Bruce Blingsteen

"Donald Trump" by Mac Miller plays

As the tune plays, out comes Flynn Andrew Cole-Erickson and Carson Waters holding their titles and smiling and waving at the audience. They get into the ring and nod looking ready for the match.

"Superstar" by Saliva plays

As the theme song plays, the two challengers come out. Muddy looks hyped up for the match, but Scully seems more interested in his nose as his finger is sliding further and further up.

XWF Tag Team Championship
[Image: 5GdaGSm.png?1]
The Brick Squad
Carson Waters & Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson ©
- vs -
The Black Hand
Muddy Waters & Scully
TLC Match
Titles will be suspended above the ring.

All 4 competitors start off in the ring, and look up at the tag team titles hanging above the ring. The bell rings, and the referees orders that body sides have to send one person out . FACE starts first for his team, while Scully wants to go first for his. FACE and Scully end up in the middle of the ring and start talking trash. Suddenly Scully pushes FACE, and the FACE pushes Scully, Scully pushes FACE again, and FACE pushes Scully again. Then without warning Scully uses the push to run to the other side of the ring, rebounds off of the ropes, comes running back, leaps into the air, and hits FACE with a...




JOEY STYLES: "Was that all he was leading up to? What a surprise to hit FACE in the face with a slap."

JR: "Is it a surprise Joey?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "It's more like a thing to do if you ask me."

FACE feels the side of his face, and looks at Scully. Scully smiles back at himn. FACE lashes out with a knee to the gut. He then grabs Scully and arm drags towards his corner. FACE hears a whistle from Carson Waters, who is holding a chair. He chucks it to FACE, and as Scully gets back to his feet, FACE hits him with the chair. Scully drops to canvas. FACE tags in Carson, and walks backwards, as soon as he's gotten to the 3 quarter mark, he turns and lunges at Muddy Waters, and hits him square in the face with the chair. Muddy drops to the outside of the ring.

JOEY STYLES: "It looks like FACE and Carson are in full control here now."

JR: "It certain does look that way."

The referee yells for FACE to get out of the ring, Meanwhile Carson is dropping knees onto Scully. He then helps him to his feet, and snaps a Diving Tornado DDT. He then gets up and yells for FACE to bring in a ladder.

BOBBY HEENAN: "Smart move here by Carson Waters, his opponents are in trouble, why not try to get the belts early."

Carson Waters helps Scully to his feet again,and snaps an enzuigiri. He gets up, smiles as he sees FACE slide in the ladder into the ring, but suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and is hit in the face with a table courtesy of Muddy Waters.

JOEY STYLES: "Wow I did not see that coming."

Muddy looks down at Carson who is now on the floor, and the referee yells for Muddy to get out of the ring, Scully gets to his feet, and stumbles towards his corner, where he tags Muddy. FACE is yelling at Carson to get up. Muddy races back towards Carson, and pulls him into his corner. On the outside of the ring in their corner a table has been set up.

JR: "No way, they are not going to do what I think they are going to do?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "I think they are JR. It's about time."

Muddy snaps a DDT on Carson, and then gets up, and places him on the top of the corner rope. Muddy climbs up, and gets Carson in what looks like to be a back body drop move. He some how taps Scully, but just as he gets set to jump, FACE comes running into the ring, picks up the ladder and rushes at Muddy and throws the ladder at him.

The force of the ladder hits Muddy on his back and instead of falling towards the table, they fall outside the ring with Muddy landing onto of Carson. In one quick movement, Scully scoots into the ring, picks up a chair, and smacks FACE right in his face. FACE stumbles backwards and falls over.

Scully quickly grabs him, and helps him to his feet, and starts running across the ring. He then throws FACE out of the ring, and FACE goes flying onto the table and crashes right through it.

JOEY STYLES: "What carnage."

Scully stumbles back to the center of the ring, and drops to his knees. He looks up at the titles swinging above him. They seem so far far away. He gets up, and walks over to the corner, and grabs the ladder. He then stumbles back to the middle and places the ladder underneath the belts.

Scully suddenly seems confused by the concept of climbing the ladder. He begins to climb up a step but then shakes his head and looks up. Perhaps he's afraid of the height. Either way he turns and is met by FACE who smashes his head in with a steel chair. FACE climbs the ladder quickly as Carson and Muddy fight into the ring. Flynn detaches the belts and falls from the ladder!

Winners: The Brick Squad

Flynn and Carson celebrate with their titles as Muddy seems frustrated with his partner who had the match won essentially.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce our next match scheduled for a three stages of Hell!

:Crowd Cheers:

Justin Roberts: Introducing first, hailing from Berlin Germany, weighing in at 298 pounds and the current Intercontinental Champion...SEBASTIAN DUKE!

The lights go out and stay out for several seconds.


The darkness is finally cut as the X-Tron explodes into flames. From the very top of it, the flames travel out on both sides until they surround the tron. From there, flames explode from the ramp then travel down both sides of the ramp. The flames reach the bottom of the ramp and all four corners of the ring explode with more firey flamages igniting the steel lighting structure above the ring into a kind of ring of fire.

With the illusion that the entire arena is on fire, Sad But True hits. The flames continue to burn and just after Sad But True's pause near the beginning, Sebastian Duke finally emerges. Not from backstage, but from beneath, as if he's coming from the depths of hell. Once Duke reaches the stage, he makes his way to the ring with an average speed approach, the flames raising and lowering to the beat of the drums in Sad But True. Duke waits in his corner.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent hailing from Somewhere in Narfinex, weighing in at 122 pounds...GAMEGIRL!

Akira by Anamanaguchi blasts as colored lights pass over the roaring crowd. Game Girl springs from behind the curtain and begins to energetically hops down the ramp. Smiling, waving and high fiving fans. When in the ring she proceeds to power up.

XWF Intercontinental Championship
[Image: zGqllIo.png?1]
Sebastian Duke ©
- vs -
Game Girl
3 Stages of Hell Match
Stage One: Singles Match
Stage Two: Finisher Finale (first to hit finisher wins this one)
Stage Three: Ladder Match

Round One! Singles match!

Sebastian Duke stands across the ring staring at GameGirl, Duke does the throat slashing taunt while looking teem into the eyes of a would-be victim! Gamegirl is far from impressed as she does the same back to Sebastian Duke meant to mock. Duke spits at her as the bell sounds!


Duke charges across the ring with hate in his eyes, GG moves to avoid the beast from crashing into her, Duke stops short of the turn buckle and turns to face GG, wagging his finger as if she were a naughty little Game Girl!

She was not amused as she rushed in for an attack! lightning fists crash all over his stomach and ribs forcing him back into the corner trying to block some of the furious blows! Finally Duke manages to grab the digital bitch by her pixelated hair hair and flings her back but she quickly moves back in only to get a big right hook to the face! She goes hurtling to the mat. Duke goes for the pin!

...........Kick Out!

Jim Ross: That was a close one!

Bobby Heenan: Would have been a mercy killing at this point."

Duke gets up bringing Game Girl with him, dragging her up by her hair! Duke throws her into the corner and charges in after crushing her into the turnbuckle, before she falls Duke knees her in the gut and hip tosses her to the mat.

Gamegirl gets to one knee and stares at Duke as he taunts the crowd. Game girl gets up and turns Duke around but has her arm swatted away by the behemoth! Game Girl then just kicks him in the groin and then hits him with a DDT. Duke bounces back to his knees but is dazed.

Jim Ross: The Lights are on but no one is home!

Bobby Heenan: Goodnight Nurse!

She heel kicks him in the chest forcing him to fall flat on his back, she comes in and begins to put the boots to him, he rolls over to protect his face and Game girl jumps on top of the ropes and leg drops him across the back knocking the wind from him!

Game Girl gets up and begins to taunt the crowd

Duke starts to get up as GameGirl whips him into the ropes and HITS A POWERSLAM!

Jim Ross: My God! Did you see that?!"

Bobby Heenan: Holy Shit!

Jim Ross: That woman just power slammed Sebastian Duke!

Bobby Heenan: Holy Shit!

Jim Ross: I've never seen anything like that before!

Bobby Heenan: Holy Shit!

Game Girl jumps up and runs to the ropes and bounces off dropping a forearm across the throat of Duke. She gets up and starts to run back to the ropes but Duke grabs her leg causing her to fall on her face. Duke starts to pull her towards him like the boogedy man under the bed as she scratched to get away, he mounts her and begins to punch her face over and over, she puts her hands up but is being pummeled by the barrage of fists!

Duke gets up and starts putting the boots to her, he then drags her to the edge of the ring and exits the ring and pulls her so her head hanging over the apron. Duke runs and hits a devastating elbow across the throat of Game Girl! Causing her to clutch her throat and kick in the ring! Duke re-enters the ring and covers Game Girl!

..........Game Girl gets the shoulder up!

Duke takes his time lifting Game Girl to her feet and then elbows her in the back of the head. Duke then gives her a hearty slap to the chest! GameGirl staggers and falls to her knee but quickly stands, Duke lifts her head and gives her a big slap to the face! GG walks alongside the ropes and Duke hits her in the back with a forearm! GG fires back with a chop to the chest. Duke stands confused as it had little effect. Game Girl looks around as if looking for a move and just pokes Duke in the eye!

Duke staggers back rubbing his eye and Game Girl rushes in and latches onto Dukes Back putting him in a sleeper hold! Duke's arms swing wildly trying to grab onto her and she chokes the life from his body! Duke's arms slow as things begin to go black and in a desperate attempt Duke jumps in the air and lands on his back, crushing Game Girl under his girth.

Duke rolls away to a safe distance while he regains his faculties. game Girl lays still with her arms in half a choke hold, eyes wide open. The ref counts

.Duke starts to move
.Game Girl wakes up and looks around
.Duke is on his knees holding the ropes
.Game Girl jumps to her feet and rushes Duke with a kick to the knee! She jumps on the ropes and hops on Duke delivering a hurricanrana to Duke taking him back down! Duke lands in the other corner of the ring, his face towards the turnbuckle. Game Girl runs over and kicks him in the back of the head, driving his face into the turnbuckle.

Bobby Heenan: Duke is starting to bleed. Go Figure.

Jim Ross: I don't know if Game Girl can bleed. A question for the ages.

Game Girl drives her elbow into the side of Dukes head then pushes him to the mat and goes for the pin.

.Duke sits up like a corpse rising from the grave! Game Girl still holding onto him not sure what to do. Duke grabs her by the hair and up to meet his gaze! Duke headbutts her and shoves her off!

Duke gets up and storms over to her and gives her a big boot to the face! He quickly grabs her and lifts her into the air! BIG BODY SLAM!

Game Girl bounces on the mat! Duke gestures for his finisher and lifts her into the air and....Darkness Falls Version 2.0!!!

Duke goes for the pin


Justin Roberts:Winner of round one is Sebastian Duke! Round two! Finisher Finale! First to hit finisher wins this round!

Duke Raises his hands in victory in round one. Game Girl gets to her feet and her hand begins to sway to the cheering crowd.


Jim Ross:This is going to be a blood bath!

Bobby Heenan: I'll agree with that! Sebastian Duke is known for Brutality in his finishers as we have already seen this evening

Duke turns around...SUPER KICK!

:The Bell sounds:

Justin Roberts: Winner of round two via "Trap Silencer"...GAME GIRL!


Jim Ross:That was very uneventful.

Bobby Heenan: What the fuck did I just watch?

Jim Ross: You Just watched Game Girl pull a Metronome!

Bobby Heenan: So she stole Trax's finisher?

Jim Ross: More like borrowed without permission

Bobby Heenan: That was queer!

Jim Ross:The preferred Vernacular is "Gay"

Bobby Heenan:...I mean't weird

Duke storms around the ring Game Girl jumps around like a bubbly Japanese girl...who games...

Justin Roberts: Round three is a ladder match! First to reach the Intercontinental Title and take it down is the winner!

Game Girl charges Duke with a kick. Duke deflects, and sends her back with a backhand. Game Girl lands on one knee and fist, in a bad ass skid. She kips to her feet and then charges Duke, unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches. Duke has his guard up, and is blocking the flurry of flashing limbs. It's a full on seizure inducing anime fighting in the ring. A ladder drops from the sky and knocks Game Girl to the ground. Sebastian takes the opportunity to begin to stomp on GG. She tries to crawl away, but a step ladder falls and hits her in the head.

Duke snaps his fingers and from ringside Asmodeus' cane comes flying into the ring. Duke examines it and smiles as he begins to bring it down upon Game Girl's torso and legs. She tries to get out of the way, right as a little step stool comes falling down and conks Duke in the head. He picks it up, and gives Game Girl a chance to get to her feet. She charges for another assault, and Duke uses the stool to smack her in the face, breaking it and sending her to the ground. Duke looks up to see Steve Sayors sitting on a rafter dropping ladders, with the championship belt suspended from a fishing pole between his legs. Sayors waves before throwing another step ladder down, violently.

Game Girl gets to her feet, and charges at an obviously startled and confused Sebastian Duke. He goes to step out of the way of her assault, but she lifts the tallest ladder, and smacks him in the face with it. Duke stumbles back, and another smaller ladder comes falling from the sky. Game Girl drops the first ladder, and catches the falling one, and brings it down upon Duke's head like a sword. Duke's face is bleeding, and Game girl is using the ladder to fight back. Duke is knocked down with a blow to the side of the head. He sees something and reaches for it. Amid the pile of Ladders, Duke rises and is brandishing Asmodeus' cane! Game Girl and Duke begin to duel with ladder and cane. Slash, parry! Duck, Thrust! En Pointe! Hack! Chop! Dodge. Such action. Wow. Many clinks. Game Girl knocks the cane from Duke's hands. She drops the ladder, which falls down, onto another pile of ladders. She jumps on the pile, and hits Shining Wizard on Duke. Duke goes down, and GG sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring.

The ladder is atop a pile of other ladders. GG does not give a fuck, she climbs the ladder and goes for the title. Sayors begins to reel the title in further and further out of GG's grasp. She gets to the top of the ladder, and jumps for the title. It's just out of grasp. As she's about to land on the ladder, Duke kicks it out of the way, and GG falls onto the pile out ladders in an awkward position, writhing in pain! her eyes open to see Duke slamming a ladder on top of her he then kicks her out of the way and sets up another ladder and begins to climb towards the title. Game Girl gets up and quickly starts to climb the other side...a race to the top!

Duke reaches for the title as game Girl grabs a handful of Duke and gives it a twist! Duke quickly draws his arms in and steps down a few rungs as Game Girl stands trying to grab the title, Duke grabs her by the hair and starts to smash her face against the metal. Game Girl starts wildly throwing punches at Dukes face then leapt from the ladder and attached herself to the title.

Sayers was holding on to the pole as the title did not break free! He propped his feet against the railing rungs and was holding on for dear life! Duke leaps off and grabs onto Game Girl, the weight was too much for Steve Sayers and he came falling down, causing GG and Duke to fall as well. in the fall Game Girl let go of the title before impact! Sayers crashed down onto the pile of ladders, everyone is down!

Both slowly get up.

Game Girl and Sebastian Duke lock up in the center of the ring, this is easy for the larger Duke, making short work of the struggle and bringing Game Girl to her knees. As Duke twists her arms to cause pain, a small crate fall from above and crashes on Duke's skull! The crate smashes to pieces and confetti that filled the crate flies everywhere, the colorful paper and debris litter the ring.

JIM ROSS: "Where the hell did that come!?"

Duke holds his head in pain and looks up to see Gator stood on the lighting rig!

JOEY STYLES: "It's Gator! Is he back for good?"

BOBBY HEENAN: "Looks like he's just giving poor Duke a taste of his own medicine."

Anger sets on Sebastian's face as Gator dusts off his hands and gives Duke the finger before throwing down a smoke bomb and disappearing.

Amidst the smoke...

He looks over and see's the title a mere 9 foot away and hears nothing but the scream of the crowd. He gets up and hobbles over towards his title.

Game Girl appears and punches Duke in the Knee dropping the warrior. Duke looks around for the illusive woman but is greeted with a big knee to the face. Duke falls back and Game Girl smacks him in the face with a ladder. She turns and grabs the title and jumps up and down in victory!

The Bell Sounds


Game Girl jumps for joy as the title is placed in her hands! She begins jumping in celebration before the title and her turn to pixels and vanish!

Justin Roberts: “The following match is the mainnnnnn event and is scheduled for the Universal Championshippppppp. The match will be contested in an Iron Mayhem match. The rules of an Iron Mayhem match are that there are no rules. No DQs, no countouts, countdowns. The match will have a time limit of 60 minutes and contested in a hell in a cell!”

Joey Styles: “This should be a match for the record books.”

Jim Ross: “This crowd is hot in anticipation and who can blame them? Two of the most dynamic wrestlers in the XWF are set to go at it.”

Bobby Heenan: “C’mon Doc. Don’t let this sissy boy getcha.”

Justin Roberts: “Introducing first to the ring from Tampa, Flordia, weighing in at 230 lbs… ‘LOVERBOY’ VINNIEEEEEEE LANEEEEEEEEEE!”

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. Pyro and fireworks shoot off in dazzling arrangements of pink and purple as spotlights dance around the ring entrance area.

Then, as the crowd works itself into a crescendo of frenzy, the spotlights move upwards until they rest on top of the X-Tron. There, dressed in his best wrestling gear as well as a sequined, heart shaped cape, stands "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane, holding onto a zip line.

As the song plays on and more fireworks light off, Loverboy holds his hands over his head displaying his title belt and then leaps down onto the zip line, flying down over the heads of the cheering fans and landing just outside the ring with a flourish.

As Loverboy steps inside of the cage and into the ring, he spins around and poses for all of the adoring fans as they chant his name and scream their adulation of him.

Justin Roberts: “And introducing next, the Universal Champion, hailing reportedly from Sulphur, Louisiana, weighing in at 233 lbs… DOCTOR LOUUUUUUUUUISSSSSSSSS D’VILLEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

The lights go out in the arena followed by an eerie red glow. Smoke rises from the entrance way and the Doctor emerges from it. He stands at the top of the ramp and looks out among the crowd, then slowly begins walking towards the ring. The Doctor climbs the ring steps and into the ring, he stands on the second turnbuckle and holds his arms into the air holding his Universal Championship as the lights flash back on.

XWF Universal Championship
[Image: hT5N3ij.png?1]
Doctor Louis D'Ville ©
- vs -
'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane
A One-Hour Ironman match contested in a Cell with weapons adorning the wall.

The bell rings and the crowd is hot into this match. Lane is jumping from leg to leg as he stares across the ring at Sulphur’s Doctor of sorts. The one good eye of D’Ville stares across the ring as the eyepatch covers the other. Lane shows no fear as he’s staring the proverbial devil right in the face. The two men cross to the center of the ring before they engage. They size each other up as they are nearly the same height and weight. A perfect match or a perfect pairing.

Joey Styles: “This, will be a match to be remembered for years to come. The Doctor of Sulphur and Tampa Bay’s Baby Boy collide for the prize of all prizes. The Universal Championship.”

They lock up and they don’t move either way. A stalemate in the center of the ring. They push away and just stare at each other as the crowd begins getting into it.

“Lets Go Laneeeee!” “Doc-tor D’Ville!” “Lets Go Laneeee!” “Doc-tor D’Ville!”

A smile creeps upon the face of D’Ville and they tie up once more. This time, Lane gets the advantage as he pushes D’Ville into the corner. Normally this would be where the referee would get in between them, but this match is no disqualification. Lane releases the hold only to connect with a stinging forearm to the side of D’Ville’s head.

The smile is gone.

Lane has instead taken the smile upon his face. He stretches his arms outwards and then coaxes Doc to come at him. Doc comes hot out of the turnbuckle with his hands extended. He stops a foot or so away from Lane and they interlock fingers before engaging in a test of strength. Lane begins to get the advantage, but Doc nails a headbutt before flipping Lane over him for a hip toss. Hands still interlocked, Doc leaps over and comes down upon the waist of Lane. He drives his head down for another headbutt before releasing his hands and going for a cover.



NO! Lane kicks out emphatically.

D’Ville grabs Lane by the hair and lifts him up only for Lane to hit an uppercut to the gut. D’Ville bends over and Lane leaps up, wraps the head of Doc and nails a headlock driver! D’Ville’s skull spikes into the mat and Lane quickly goes for a cover.



NO! Doc kicks out emphatically as Lane almost as if mimicking him.

Lane grabs the spider-webbed bald head of Doc to lift him up, but Doc hits an uppercut to his midsection. He wraps the head of Lane and nails a…

Joey Styles: “Headlock Driver? I’ve never known Doc to use that move, but it does seem awfully familiar.”

Doc doesn’t go for a pin, but rather moves to the corner and laughs at the downed body of Lane. Doc flashes a toothy grin at the downed Loverboy. Lane slowly gets up and is still smiling. He’s coaxing him on once again and Doc obliges. He closes the distance between them with a running knee strike. Lane hits the ground, but Doc moves to his head and begins drilling knee after knee into his forehead. Doc finally stops after Lane lays unresponsive. He sits beside the body of Lane and grabs one leg while leaning back against him.



NO! Lane kicks out!

Doc shows slight annoyance before picking Lane up and whipping him into the corner. He quickly approaches him and begins stomping him in the gut with kick after kick. Lane falls to the bottom corner and Doc continues stomping a mudhole in him. He pulls Lane out of the corner and kicks him under the bottom rope to the floor surrounding the ring. Doc exits the ring as Lane slowly gets up. Lane swings wildly and connects with a right hand sending the Doc staggering back a foot or so. Doc is seemingly caught off guard as he tries to shake the cobwebs out.

Lane grabs Doc and throws him into the cage before charging and clotheslining him into the cage surrounding the ring. Doc falls to the ground and Lane begins scouring the wall of weapons looking for something specific. He grabs a steel chair and tests the weight for a minute before walking back to the Doc. He rears it back and brings it forward for a shot, but Doc catches it!

Doc is pulled to his feet by Lane trying to yank it away. The two begin a tug-of-war which is only stopped when Lane releases the weapon sending Doc back on his backside. Lane laughs and points at the fallen Doc who just smiles back at him as he gets back to his feet. He swings for the fences and catches Lane with it! Lane stumbles into the cage and Doc swings wildly again! Lane ducks this one and the steel meets the steel of the cage! Doc releases the chair as a result and Lane wraps his head and pulls him in for a DDT!

Into the cage!

Doc falls to the ground and Lane rushes over to the steps and pushes the top section off. He grabs the much larger bottom half and scoots it up the apron and into the ring. He turns around and Doc is smiling. Lane grabs a shillelagh from the wall and smiles. He rushes over to Doc and swings for the fences, but Doc ducks it, charging forward and lifting Lane up. He nails a body slam on the outside and the shillelagh rolls away from the downed body of Loverboy.

Joey Styles: “Who would have thought we’d see a shillelagh in this match?”

Jim Ross: “It’s certainly an interesting weapon of choice for the challenger.”

Bobby Heenan: “They have those in geek-ville Joey?”

Joey Styles: “I’m not sure they offer those anywhere but Ireland, Brain. Are you saying Geek-Ville is in Ireland?”

Bobby Heenan: “I’m saying you’re a geek! For crying out loud.”

Jim Ross: “Let’s get back to the action, boys.”

Doc is back to his feet and is looking around as if planning the next step. He looks up on the wall and finds a baseball bat… covered in barbed wire! The Universal Champion smirks as he carefully detaches it from the wall of pain. He walks over to the downed Lane and picks it up over his head. He brings it down, but Lane had just enough time to roll out of the way to avoid the metallic barbs on the bat. Lane uses the cage to pull himself to his feet as Doc swings again wildly! Lane slides into the ring with a bit of a spring in his step. Doc looks a little irritated but throws away the barbed wire bat. He notices a pair of a small wooden sticks on the cell wall and removes them.

He twirls them for a second before climbing into the ring. Lane looks a little wary of him as Doc is smiling and waving those sticks. Lane charges him and catches him with a high knee which sends Doc back into the ropes. He comes back and Lane elevates him for a spinning spinebuster! Doc hits the mat but holds onto the sticks. Lane goes off the ropes and comes for a jumping knee drop on Doc’s face. Doc moves out of the way and gets to his feet. He rears back and smacks Lane across the face with the stick in his right hand! Lane falls down and Doc eyes his leg.

A satin-wrapped red-glowing lightbulb goes off in his head.

He walks over and places a boot on the foot of Lane. He rears his bamboo-stick-filled hand up and brings it down harshly across the ankle of Lane! Lane yells out in pain! Doc does it again and again and again met with the same anguish from the challenger. Lane finally is able to free his foot and crawl away.

Doc rushes after Lane striking his ankle several times more with his sticks before Lane finally gets into the ropes and is able to catch Doc with a kick with his other foot. Doc smiles as he drops his sticks. He moves towards him as he grabs the foot of Lane. He pulls Lane to his feet and whips him around before wrapping up his waist. He goes for the German suplex, but Lane hooks his leg with his foot. His uninjured foot. The Doctor changes his attack as he wraps that leg with his arms. He lifts Lane up and brings him back down as all the weight comes down on Lane’s injured leg! He falls to the mat holding his ankle.

Doc rolls Lane over and locks in an STF! He wraps that ankle with his leg as he wraps the face of Lane with his arms. Lane is struggling but the bum ankle seems to make this an even more difficult maneuver for the challenger. He crawls and gets to the ropes! The referee just shakes his head as Lane remembers the referee can’t stop Doc from using the hold.

Doc continues rearing the hold back and Lane is fading away. The referee holds up his hand and drops it! He does so again! He goes for the third, but Lane is back into it! Doc rears back on the hold again and Lane falls back again. The referee begins the three count again, but Lane comes to life at the last second again.

The Doctor appears frustrated and releases the hold. He goes outside and begins pulling out tables! The crowd is going crazy! He sets up three tables beside each other outside. He rolls inside and pulls out the Loverboy. He punches Lane once near the tables and Lane rocks backwards. He nails him with an uppercut. Lane is teetering! Doc rears back for another blow to knock him over, but Lane spits a green mist into the eyes of Doc!

Doc is flailing about in agony and fury! Lane kicks him in the balls and throws him on the tables! He climbs onto the apron and smiles at the world through the lenses of the camera. He gives one short guitar solo on his air guitar and leaps for an elbow drop!


Lane lands on Doc and they go through the tables leaving nothing but wreckage behind them. Both men are down!

Lane finally rolls from the wreckage. He drags the carcass of Doc away and lifts the dead weight before rolling him into the ring. He scampers in and grabs his leg for the pinfall!



THRE-NO! Doc had a foot on the rope!

Lane begins to curse his luck as his deep green tongue is shown. Doc’s face is green from the mist. Lane walks over to the corner and grabs a water bottle set there and pours the contents on the face of Doc as Lane looks disgruntled. Doc begins to wake up and comes to his feet. Lane kicks him in the gut and wraps his arms… he turns into a…

No! Lane drops Doc after his ankle gives out!

Doc smiles as he turns into Lane. He kicks him in the gut, wraps his arm, and lifts him up for a…


Doc’s finishing brainbuster obliterates Lane. He quickly wraps his legs as the referee goes for the count!




Doctor Louis D’Ville: 1
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane: 0

The Doctor very quickly jumps back on him and begins pounding on his leg. Lane is back awake, but is kicking away at the Doctor to make sure that he can’t do any further damage. Doc smiles at this and grabs his uninjured leg before dropping a knee to the ankle of the other. Lane is down and not moving. Doc climbs the turnbuckle and smiles at his downed foe. He leaps off extending his arms!

TREPI-NO! Lane rolled out of the way!

Doc crashes to the mat and both men are down. Lane utilizes the ropes to pull himself to a standing position. He walks over to Doc, places his knee behind the head of the champ, wrenches the arm, leaps into the air, and drives Doc’s head through the mat! Lane’s patented BAD MEDICINE Knee-Driver!

Lane drags the lifeless body of Doc over to the corner and lifts him up. Lane carefully gets to the second rope. He lifts up the body of Doc with a forward facing suplex on the second rope. He leaps with his bum leg while letting Doc’s head fall into…


The Steiner Screwdriver from the second rope seems to have rung the bell of Doc. Lane goes for the pinfall!



NO! Doc barely kicks out.

Lane wastes no time as he rolls Doc onto his belly and wraps his head and rears it back with his Dragon Clutch Sleeper! Doc reaches beside him and grabs the rope but that means nothing. Doc begins to fade away! The referee raises his hand and then lowers it. He does so a second time, but the third time he begins to get excited! Lane refuses to release the hold and Doc fades again.

Joey Styles: “This seems like déjà vu.”

Jim Ross: “It looks like he’s mocking Lane again! What a weird mentality Doc must have to do this.”

Bobby Heenan: “Weird? It’s ingenious! He’s wearing out Lane while making fun of him. Lane has to be getting pissed!”

Sure enough Lane throws Doc to the mat and begins mumbling nothing friendly. He looks at the clock which reads 23 mins. Time is quickly dwindling as he tries to figure out where to go from there. Lane rolls outside and looks at the wall of torture. He reaches up and detaches what appears to be a trash can and lid. He throws them into the ring and grabs a Kendo stick next. He slides into the ring as Doc began to get to his feet and nails him with a shot to the chest. Lane grabs the trash can and slides it over Doc. He rears back with the kendo stick and begins whacking it hard with the Kendo stick! Doc is flinching from every blow before falling to the ground. Lane continues to smash the trash can to get it to form around him.

Lane goes for the pinfall, but the referee won’t count it since his shoulders aren’t touching the ground technically. Lane carefully pops the can back out and pulls Doc out. Doc reaches up and…


Doc nails Lane in the abdomen with the baton tazer! Lane jolts in place for a few seconds as Doc gets to his feet. The tazer has seemingly disappeared. Doc wraps the arm of Lane and locks in…

THE 302!

His Tazzmission submission variant has the challenger in a bad way! Doc is choking the life out of his foe for this championship match! The referee is there in the face of Lane demanding to know if he will give it up. Lane struggles and fights, but he won’t give up. Doc swings him wildly as Lane is able to grab his Kendo stick! He reaches over his shoulder and nails Doc across the nose with it. Doc is seemingly caught off guard and Lane nails him again! Doc releases the hold as he’s laid out from the shots.

Lane gets to his feet groggily. Doc is laid out. Lane reaches into his trunks and pulls out what appears to be a pair of brass knuckles! The crowd pops big for that! He places it on his hand and rolls Doc over onto his back. He rears his fist back and…



Doc was playing possum and nailed him again with the baton Taser! He drops the stick to lock on The 302 again! This time he grabs the baton tazer and begins zapping him while holding the hold on him! Lane’s eyes are bugging out as he’s in immense pain. He reaches out for the ropes but they’ll do no good! Lane reaches for the Singapore cane, but Doc’s baton keeps him from being able to reach it or grip it if he could! Lane has no choice. His brain could be fried if he doesn’t….

Lane taps out.

Doctor Louis D’Ville: 2
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane: 0

Doc releases the hold and begins smirking broadly. He seems proud of his work. He looks up at the time and sees that it says nine minutes. Only nine minutes left and Doc has the lead. He stands up tall and extends his arms as the waves of boos are filling the ring. He walks over to Lane and grabs his hair. He pulls him to his feet and kicks him in the gut. He wraps the arms of Lane and lifts him up…


Joey Styles: “Now that’s just cold…”

Jim Ross: “Oh my god! He just stole Lane’s finisher!”

Bobby Heenan: “And he did it better!”

He wraps the leg and goes for the pinfall!



NO! Lane kicks out! Doc doesn’t seem concerned as he lifts up Lane quickly. He kicks him in the gut and lifts him up for…


He covers Lane as a huge smile spreads across his face.



NO! Lane kicks out at the last second!

Doc is livid! He jumps up and begins berating the referee for not doing his job to the satisfactory of Doc. As Doc is bitching out the referee, Lane slides up behind The Doctor from Sulphur. He rolls him up and grabs the tights!




Doctor Louis D’Ville: 2
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane: 1

Doc looks irate! He can’t believe that he just got pinned by Lane! Lane seemingly can’t believe it either! Doc goes over to Lane and begins slapping him furiously! Lane blocks one, kicks him in the nuts again, and then goes for another roll-up!



NO! Doc barely kicked out.


A few seconds pass and the two men are on top of the cell!!!

Joey Styles: “How did they-“

Bobby Heenan: “They are now on top of the cell, how amazingly terrifying!”

Jim Ross: “Oh no, this could get extremely unsettling!”

Lane is exhausted. He can barely stand! Doc’s smile has vanished as his teeth are brandished in a horrific grimace. Lane is hobbling forward and Doc looks ready for the end.

The crowd are on their feet!

Joey Styles: “I have no idea how either man is able to stand, JR.”

Jim Ross: “Neither do I, Joey. But this has to be the end. Look at the time. Less than five minutes remain on this Iron Mayhem match!”

Bobby Heenan: “Why didn’t Doc go for a pinfall right there? He could be up 3-1!”

Joey Styles: “Look, idiot, he has to pin him IN the ring. Not above it. Or around it.”

Bobby Heenan: “Who are you calling an idiot? Freaking… no-good….”

Doc kicks Lane in the gut and pull him in. He raises him up and the crowd is deathly quiet! He brings his face down into the mat with…


The steel beneath them… doesn’t give way! Doc looks frustrated as if he was expecting more. He sees the hinges on the door slightly bending. He lifts up the limp body of Lane and hits a snap suplex on it. The hinges bend even more! Doc is looking determined! He lifts up Lane and kicks him in the gut again. He lifts him up for his finish one more time!

Lane fights back! He hits a knee to the temple and Doc brings him down to his feet! Lane kicks Doc in the gut, wraps his arms, and….



The door comes unhinged!

Jim Ross: “Why would there be a door there?!”

Joey Styles: “Because that’s extreeeeeemeeeeee!”

Jim Ross: “There isn’t even a door to the cage! It was lowered down!”

Bobby Heenan: “Don’t question it, JR!”

The two bodies fall through the chasm and thud on the mat! Lane’s arm is across the chest of Doc!




Doctor Louis D’Ville: 2
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane: 2

Jim Ross: “We’re all tied up!”

Bobby Heenan: “No! Doc! Get up!”

Joey Styles: “Will you at least TRY to be impartial?”

Bobby Heenan: “Like you don’t want your little boyfriend to win, Joey.”

Joey Styles: “Whatever, there is less than two minutes remaining and the championship is in jeopardy! The count is tied up! The title is at risk! Could Lane bring the title back to the Green Brand?”

Bobby Heenan: “That’s like saying someone from Madness did something interesting. It’s just not happening.”

The two men slowly get to their feet. Doc charges at Lane, but Lane slides around him and rolls him up!



NO! Doc barely kicks out.

Lane is up first. He pulls Doc to his feet and wraps the arms!


He goes for the cover!



NO! Lane is shot into the air by a huge gust of wind! Lane is in shock as is the crowd! It’s impossibly high!

Joey Styles: “He almost hits the cell-top!”

Jim Ross: “Doc is pulling out all the stops now!”

Joey Styles: “This… this isn’t fair! How is a guy like Lane supposed to deal with something like that?!”

Bobby Heenan: “Oh stop your blubbering Styles. This isn’t Madness. Anything goes here. Look he’s coming down!”

Indeed Lane begins to fall further and further. Doc has rolled out of the way, but in his place…


The bottom of the steel steps! Lane hits it with the back of his head! He’s not moving, but blood is beginning to flow! Doc rushes over and collapses upon him as he is absolutely drained.




Doctor Louis D’Ville: 3
‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane: 2

Joey Styles: “The clock is running out!”






Winner: Doctor Louis D’Ville

As the final bell rings, the cell raises just enough to allow The Asylum into the cell. They carry with them a large throne. They set the throne up and lift the Doctor up before placing him in the seat. The Higher Power comes back to his senses and his old smile spreads across his face. He places his crown upon his head and raises the Universal title high as the crowd boos on. As the boos pour in, LH Harrison hands a microphone to the Doctor. He laughs for a second before looking down at his fallen foe.

I’m sorry Mr. Lane. You didn’t realize what kind of animal you were up against in fighting me. Perhaps next time. To the XWF, bring on your next victim to fall at my feet. I may have patience, but this disappoints me. I want more.

He drops the microphone and laughs. Paramedics are taking the bleeding and battered body of Vinnie Lane out of the arena. Doc smiles at the camera wearing all of his gold before nodding for the mob to begin to move outside.

”O Fortuna!” by Nevergreen plays

The familiar tune plays as the tall and extremely pissed off looking Sebastian Duke walks out onto the main stage. He stares down through the cell at The Higher Power and The Asylum with his arms crossed.

Joey Styles: “Will Sebastian Duke be the next opponent for Doctor Louis D’Ville? Will he be the man to finally dethrone The Higher Power? TUNE IN to Madness and Warfare to find out! Thanks folks! Have a good night!”

[Image: S3d7rKH.png]

[Image: ZT38ONc.png?1]
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[-] The following 16 users Like Kirk MacClay's post:
(05-25-2015), (05-25-2015), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (05-25-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015), Dolly Waters (05-12-2021), Hero Xtreme 7.9 (05-25-2015), Marek Matthews (05-25-2015), Mastermind (05-25-2015), Matthew Oaktree (05-25-2015), Maverick (05-25-2015), Morbid Angel (05-25-2015), Ozymandias (05-25-2015), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-25-2015), TJ Wallace (05-25-2015), Tommy Wish (05-25-2015), Vincent Lane (05-25-2015)
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-25-2015, 07:15 AM

Great work by all the staff and the roster that helped put the show together and of course those of you who roleplayed for this event. We couldn't do it without you.

Well, we could but then it would be like Grime's fed and no one wants that.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 6 users Like Ozymandias's post:
(05-25-2015), (05-25-2015), Kirk MacClay (05-25-2015), Mastermind (05-25-2015), Matthew Oaktree (05-25-2015), Peter Fn Gilmour (05-25-2015)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-25-2015, 11:26 AM

What the fuck was that about!? Swagmire...that sniveling worm...wriggling his way out the match and the match stipulation being thrown out and a random no-name being thrown in the match completely throwing me off my fucking game!?!! Then to top it off, ANOTHER no-name attacking me after the match!? No wait....this dead-man has a name..."Ryan Hunter"? Should be called Ryan Blunder because you dun fucking goofed laying hands on me!! When I get MY hands on YOU, you're gonna learn just like your pal DMX did to NOT TO CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX!!!

(OOC: No but seriously what was with swagmires removal/the match type change, anyone care to explain lol?)

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-25-2015, 11:27 AM

OOC: Swagmire decided to leave the fed earlier in the week for an undisclosed amount of time. He had some stuff going on so rather than just having the character get trounced we decided to remove him and allow you and DMX to be the focus of the match. I hope that works for you.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-25-2015, 11:35 AM

OOC: Ah OK I see no worries, thanks for filling me in.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-25-2015, 11:38 AM

That's what we're here for. And to crack jokes.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-25-2015, 12:43 PM

You guys saw that I had that match won. I demand a rematch at the next PPV. But it won't be a 4 corners match, it will be a 3 stages of hell match.

1st Fall: Street Fight

2nd Fall: Hell In A Cell

3rd Fall: Ambulance Match

What do you say Lightningbolt, Are you ready to see who the imposter really is?

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 12:55 PM

I can't see who the impostor is.

[Image: 3760474-7570609115-tumbl.gif]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
(05-25-2015), TJ Wallace (05-26-2015)
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-25-2015, 01:05 PM

Ha Ha Ha

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic. You WILL see in due time who the real imposter is.

Also you almost got beaten by Vinnie Lane. Now I know the word almost doesn't mean anything in the XWF but it goes to show, that your getting weaker, your getting more frustrated and your coming so close to losing that Universal Title of yours. Hell I know a certain someone who deserves another shot at your title.

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 01:18 PM

HA HA HA HA HA! Yes! Victory after victory, I grow weaker and weaker.

I'm sure glad you know so much, Mister Thunderclap.

[Image: sir_anthony_hopkins___hannibal_lecter_by...5cabmx.jpg]

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
(05-25-2015), Ozymandias (05-25-2015)
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-25-2015, 01:27 PM

It's true

I'll give you credit where credit is due, you defeat Vinnie Lane and retained the one thing Vinnie wants to accomplish but you were almost beaten in the middle of the ring. By a fraction of a second you reliazed losing to Vinnie wasn't an option. But what you fail to reliaze is, everyone is gunning and I mean everyone is, gunning for your title. That means you have a lot of enemys and you should watch your back. You can be beaten and you can be stopped and believe me, Vinnie Lane almost if not proved that tonight.

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thunderbolt Lying Asshole's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 01:32 PM

I was there, my friend. I seen the match. You should know all about coming up short in matches. Whether it's an inch or a mile, a loss is a loss. And that definitely reflects brightly from your own record.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 01:34 PM

OH! And thank you for giving the reigning, defending, undisputed XWF Universal Champion credit where it's due. You're about five months late with that though. But thanks anyway, friend.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-25-2015, 01:35 PM

At least I didn't embaress myself tonight, Mr Mighty Champion

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 01:38 PM

Yeah it feels pretty good, doesn't it?

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-25-2015, 01:47 PM

Ughh, Give Vinnie another shot.

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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Samuel Nyström

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-25-2015, 01:56 PM

(05-25-2015, 01:47 PM)Thunderbolt X Said: Ughh, Give Vinnie another shot.

I have a question, Thunderbolt.

Do your knees hurt?
[-] The following 5 users Like Samuel Nyström's post:
(05-25-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015), Mr Killjoy (05-26-2015), Ozymandias (05-26-2015), TJ Wallace (05-26-2015)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 01:59 PM

Ha, ha. I've beaten Loverboy twice now, Mister Blunderbolt. I would just love to go for the hat trick. When did you become Vinnie's booking agent, anyway? Hm. I'm not sure he would appreciate you placing him back into such a precarious situation.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Jumping Jack Jupiter

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-25-2015, 02:44 PM

"It's great to be here finally amongst the members of the locker room of the XWF. I like to say as President for Talent Relations, the Talent here is so so strong. So I'm looking forward to being amongst you all. Carry on."
[-] The following 2 users Like Jumping Jack Jupiter's post:
Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015), Kirk MacClay (05-25-2015)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-25-2015, 02:52 PM

The President of Talent Relations? Well! Say hello to the King of the Talent!

Pleasure to make your acquaintance, good sir.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 3 users Hate Doctor Louis D'Ville's post!
(05-25-2015), John Samuels (05-25-2015), The Blue Tango (05-26-2015)
DMX-Factor Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-25-2015, 03:51 PM

(05-25-2015, 11:26 AM)"Mr FN Dominance Said: What the fuck was that about!? Swagmire...that sniveling worm...wriggling his way out the match and the match stipulation being thrown out and a random no-name being thrown in the match completely throwing me off my fucking game!?!! Then to top it off, ANOTHER no-name attacking me after the match!? No wait....this dead-man has a name..."Ryan Hunter"? Should be called Ryan Blunder because you dun fucking goofed laying hands on me!! When I get MY hands on YOU, you're gonna learn just like your pal DMX did to NOT TO CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX!!!

(OOC: No but seriously what was with swagmires removal/the match type change, anyone care to explain lol?)

Blame it all on the developmental staff!

Nah, but really great match man, looking forward to possibly continuing the feud at some point, hopefully under better circumstances lol
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[-] The following 2 users Like DMX-Factor's post:
Game Girl (05-25-2015), Mr Killjoy (05-26-2015)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates DMX-Factor's post!
Hero Xtreme 7.9 (05-25-2015)
DMX-Factor Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-25-2015, 04:12 PM

Also, I had a little fun creating an arena stage for the Bad Medicine PPV. Let me know what y'all think!

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Scre...raphic.png]

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Screen.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like DMX-Factor's post:
(05-25-2015), Brucette Blingsteen (05-25-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015), Kirk MacClay (05-25-2015), Matthew Oaktree (05-25-2015), Mr Killjoy (05-26-2015), Ozymandias (05-25-2015)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates DMX-Factor's post!
Hero Xtreme 7.9 (05-25-2015)
Brucette Blingsteen Offline
Don't do drugs...without me.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-25-2015, 04:14 PM

”So do we need to do any paperwork to make our ownership of the Black Hand official, or can we just skip the formalities because it's so apparent?"

Current Universal Champion
(1x) X-Treme Champion
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Flynn Andrew Cole-Ericson (05-25-2015)
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The Blue Tango (05-26-2015)
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-25-2015, 04:22 PM

(05-25-2015, 04:12 PM)DMX-Factor Said: Also, I had a little fun creating an arena stage for the Bad Medicine PPV. Let me know what y'all think!

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Scre...raphic.png]

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Screen.png]

Great work. Would be fun to see something like that at the beginning of future PPV's. Something else to help set the stage.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Ozymandias's post:
DMX-Factor (05-25-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015)
DMX-Factor Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-25-2015, 04:29 PM

(05-25-2015, 04:22 PM)Ozymandias Said:
(05-25-2015, 04:12 PM)DMX-Factor Said: Also, I had a little fun creating an arena stage for the Bad Medicine PPV. Let me know what y'all think!

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Scre...raphic.png]

[Image: 3D%20XwF%20Bad%20Medicine%20Arena%20Screen.png]

Great work. Would be fun to see something like that at the beginning of future PPV's. Something else to help set the stage.

Definitely, I can also create one for the Madness and Warfare shows as well.

If anyone would like a custom stage based on your wrestler's entrance, I can do that as well!
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[-] The following 5 users Like DMX-Factor's post:
(05-25-2015), Doctor Louis D'Ville (05-25-2015), Marek Matthews (05-25-2015), Ozymandias (05-25-2015), Snow (07-22-2018)
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 (05-25-2015)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-25-2015, 08:18 PM


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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(05-26-2015), DMX-Factor (05-26-2015), The Yellow Sword (05-25-2015)

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