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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Early Morning Fiyah!
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DMX-Factor Offline
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(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-22-2015, 02:48 PM

[Image: DMXWorkup1.jpg]
XWF Bad Medicine RP #4
"Early Morning Fiyah!"

Characters used: n/a
Characters mentioned: Swagmire, Trax

DJ Envy: "You're back with us on the Breakfast Club, good morning to you all! And as we hinted earlier, we have a very special guest on the phone line for you all this morning! I'm a lil' surprised that we have him with us."

Angela Yee: "Not gonna lie, I am too. It's amazing what can transpire in 24 hours."

DJ Envy: "You ain't lying. In case you missed it yesterday, we had our boy Trax in the studio with us yesterday morning. As you may know, Trax is back in the wrestling scene, and he's making the case that he's nobody to mess with. Never has been, never will be."

Angela Yee: "He definitely made a believer out of me."

DJ Envy: "Well as we ended our talk with Trax, we kinda put it out there that we wouldn't mind hearing his opponent DMX-Factor spit some fiyah for us. Hey, I'm gonna be honest, I half expected not to hear a response from him, especially not this quickly. Though much respect to have him join us on such short notice. So on the phone line right now, we have for you Trax's opponent this Saturday at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas, DMX-Factor! What's going on bro?"

DMX-Factor: *over the phone* "Wat's good, wat's good y'all? 'Preciate y'all havin' me here!"

Angela Yee: "Thanks for joining us, DMX!"

DJ Envy: "Yeah, we're glad to have you on with us, and we're definitely looking forward to seeing what you got in the freestyle department. But before we get into that, I'm assuming you heard all that Trax had to say yesterday. I wanna get your thoughts on it if you don't mind."

DMX: "It's kinda crazy bein' da new guy again, so it's somethin' I haven't been used to in a while. Back in my old organization, da BwF, everyone knew who I was and wat to expect. I didn't expect things to be da same in da XWF, though I didn't expect da quick reaction dat I received from a few people. One being da guy called Swagmire, as I'm sure you two are aware of by now."

Angela Yee: "Yeah, I'd rather not talk about him, so let's move on." *laughs*

DMX: "Agreed. And obviously Trax. To be completely honest with y'all, I'm lookin' forward to da match and facin' him. Contrary to popular belief, I don't expect our match to be an easy fight, even if it was a singles match. With it bein' a triple threat match just makes it dat much harder. There's nothin' I love more than a challenge tho, and dis will be da perfect challenge as I lace my sneakers up to get back in da ring for da first time in a good while."

DJ Envy: "I hear ya, man. It's definitely a match to look forward to, and you spoke recently saying that this match could have a lot of potential for being a show stopper, or even a show stealer."

Angela Yee: "If both you and Trax are as dedicated and determined to leave it all in the ring this weekend, I wouldn't be surprised if the match did steal the show. The only thing that upsets me about the match is how it has been highlighted by racial undertones rather than the participants themselves. Does the racism make it hard for you to focus on the task at hand?"

DMX: "No, not at all. Trax made a good point yesterday. Racism has been around for a long time. It's nothing new, and unfortunately it will never be a thing of da past. So da best way to overcome it is to ignore it, or even use it as an advantage. Swagmire believes in something dat's flawed from da ground up. His mind is focused on one thing but it's not in da right place. So in reality, dis match is a singles match between myself and Trax, with special guest racist Swagmire. It's not a problem for me. I can tell you dat he's not gonna win. Dat's the only known known in dis match."

DJ Envy: "Spoken like a true professional, we appreciate your insight on the match, and we wish both you and Trax the best of luck out there tomorrow night. But before we let ya go, I know this is the real reason why you joined us this morning. You want to spit a lil' bit of that fiyah, huh?!"

DMX: "You already know! I been out of da rap game for a minute, but I think I still got something left in da tank for y'all!"

Angela Yee: "Alright then, let's hear it!"

DJ Envy: "Yeah, let's hear it man!"

(DMX clears his throat before freestyling.)

I am Iron Man, yes I am invincible
My name ain't Robert Palmer, but I'm simply irresistible
I can make girls shake their ass with less trouble than Mystikal
I'm ghetto fabulous, I THOUGHT I TOLD YA!
No limit, no lie, the Game of Life is rated M
For violence, drugs, nudity, blood, gore, and Eminem
This is as real as it gets, ain't no second chances
So I'll walk like I own the world so I can feel your glances
You can burn a hole in me while I'll be burnin' through your mind
Feedin' you some food for thought, would you like that supersized?
Give me some extra cheese, I'm bringin' home the bacon
You wanna share this good, well girl, get that ass shakin'
I'm here for one night only, after that I'm takin' off
Goin' to another planet 'cause people here are way too soft
I'll come back with another martian sicker than Weezy
I go hard, 'cause this is just too easy

DJ Envy: "Ooooh man! That was pretty dope, no lie!"

Angela Yee: "I can dig that one. That was hot, DMX!"

DMX: "'Preciate it, y'all!"

DJ Envy: "There ya have it, the challenge was issued, and DMX-Factor came through for us! We appreciate you taking time out of your morning and your busy schedule to join us. We know you have a long weekend, so we'll go ahead and let you go."

DMX: "Envy, Angela, thank y'all for havin' me, it was an honor to join y'all dis morning!"

Angela Yee: "If you're ever in New York, stop by the studio!"

DMX: "Will do, y'all take it easy, aight?"

DJ Envy: "You as well, good luck tomorrow!"

DMX: "'Preciate it!"

DJ Envy: "There ya have it, Da Freestyla definitely lived up to the name, but can he overcome all obstacles tomorrow night at XWF Bad Medicine? You can watch it live on pay-per-view. I know I'll be watching it! We gonna hit you up with a new joint, stick around. You're listening to the Breakfast Club, so don't touch that dial!"

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