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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Poll: Who is the imposter and is going to lose at Bad Medicine
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Lightning is the imposter but Thunderbolt X will lose
3 18.75%
Lightning is the imposter and will lose
5 31.25%
Thunderbolt X is the imposter and will lose
6 37.50%
Thunderbolt X is the imposter but Lightning will lose
2 12.50%
Total 16 vote(s) 100%
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I'm The Real Deal
Author Message
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole Offline
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!

XWF FanBase:


05-22-2015, 03:05 AM

A camera turns on and Thunderbolt X can be seen in an unknown and disclosed location. He is sitting on a chair with his head down. The camera gives the XWF Universe a close up shot.

Thunderbolt X- "Another match, another loss" "That puts my loss record at 8" "But its okay because everytime I lose I look at my mistakes and look to rectify them in the next match" "But I'm not here to talk about that" "I'm here to talk about my Bad Medicine match and about my opponent, Lightningbolt Z"

Thunderbolt stands up and picks up the chair. He throws the chair to the side of him making it invisible to the camera.

Thunderbolt X- "You see, I face a newbie in the name of Lightningbolt Z in a Lightning Rod match" "It is basically a four corners match, where the superstar who touches all four corners of the ring, gets to drag their opponent to the centre of the ring where a bolt of lightning will strike them on the head, possibly killing the guy" "This match started when Lightning challenged me to a match because he thought I was impersonating him" "Kirk decided to make the match, a Lightning Rod match, to determine who the real imposter is"

Thunderbolt X takes a sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "Now if Lightningbolt Z is really the person he says he is, then he is basically a less talented, copycat version of me" "That means that we share the same skills, strengths and weaknesses" "That means Lightningbolt is able to play soccer or ice hockey, sing and rap" "……Wait a second, why don't I challenge Lightning to a rap battle right now?" "The rules are, I'll spit out a rap and then, just like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, you will have 24 hours to respond otherwise you automatically forfeit the challenge and show the whole world who the real imposter is"

Thunderbolt X takes another sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "The rap must be within 7 to 24 lines otherwise you lose by disqualification" "I hope you understand the rules because even if you duck this challenge, I will still spit out a rap"

Thunderbolt X does the Wordlife sign and the spotlight, which was white, suddenly turns black. Thunderbolt X takes a final sip of water.

Thunderbolt X- "So I face a man by the name of Lighningbolt Z
Everyone think he can win but I tend to disagree.
I have heart and courage and both are on my side
Oh I almost forgot I also have my pride.
I hope to change my career and start a winning streak
I will beat your ass so badly that you will not be able to speak.
Lightning, I have a lot to prove in this match
So when I kick your weak ass, don't go asking me for a rematch.
I'm a man focused on a mission
You bring the heavy hitting and I'll bring the ammunition.
This match could be classified as the perfect Storm
I'm the underdog because of my poor form.
You may as well tell Kirk you quit
Otherwise check if the referee has a first aid kit.
It's about time I end this rap with a serious warning
Don't turn up to the match if you want to see your wife in the morning.

Thunderbolt X does the wordlife symbol as the spotlight turns to white.

Thunderbolt X- "I apologise if my rap was a little cheesy or lame, but I bet it's better then anything Lightningbolt could come up with"

Thunderbolt X pulls out his phone.

Thunderbolt X- "Another thing I do, that Lightningbolt Z doesn't do, is respond to the fans" "Now I have collected 3 random Twitter questions that I will respond to"

Thunderbolt X pulls up his gallery.

Thunderbolt X- "The first question is from Dean Hartsfield who tweets, What makes you different from Lightning Bolt Z?"

Thunderbolt grabs the chair he threw earlier and sets it up and sits down.

Thunderbolt X- "Nothing really" "I mean Lightningbolt Z is just gonna come out here and say that he can play soccer or he can play ice hockey or he can sing or he can rap" "Basically anything I say or do, he can do and in his own mind, can do better"

Thunderbolt pulls up the second Twitter question on his phone.

Thunderbolt X- "The second question comes from Bree Jackson who tweets, How do you feel about Hero Extreme 7.9 ducking your Bad Medicine challenge?"

Thunderbolt thinks about the question for a minute.

Thunderbolt X- "I feel disappointed and if I was Hero, I would feel ashamed" "He claims he is God and is not afraid of anything but when I challenge him to a 3 stages of hell match, he refuses" "He is clearly scared of me" "It's time I excate my revenge on him" "But that's beside the point"

Thunderbolt X pulls up the final Twitter question.

Thunderbolt X- "The final Twitter question is from Roman Samka who tweets, Will we ever see a tag team match with Thunderbolt X and "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane on the same team?"

Thunderbolt puts his phone in his pocket.

Thunderbolt X- "To answer this in one word, YES!!!" "I cannot wait for that match to be booked" "Vinnie has been my idol since I was growing up" "Both him and John Cena taught me to Never Give Up on your dreams and on life" "It would be an absolute honor to team with a legend like Vinnie" "Think of it as a John Cena-Hulk Hogan moment for me"

Thunderbolt X stands up and throws the chair away.

Thunderbolt X- "Well I hope I have convinced you that Lightningbolt is the imposter and I hope I answered the questions with the right answers" "So beware Lightningbolt Z because a Thunderstorm is brewing and it is about to hit"

Thunderbolt X turns off the camera and the scene fades to black.

I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't

I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly

I'm also pretty sure I might be , except I still don't know what means

Be my friend
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