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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Shooting Star - Nutshell
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-21-2015, 07:50 PM


[Image: HoHFc0V.png?1]

[Image: XyTjvsM.png]

"My bad habits aren't my title. My strengths and talents are my title.."

― Layne Staley (8/22/1967 - 4/5/2002)

[Image: Kd641BT.png]

Is that what you want on your tombstone . . . ?

Hello, Detective . . .

Doc... It's been a long time.

Indeed, it has. Are you ready for our next session?

You're fuckin' right.

The reflection reaches behind his back and pulls a pistol out from the back of his pants. He looks at the Doctor who responds with a nod and a grin. The Ex-Detective on the floor begins to panic and pulls himself away across the floor by his elbows.

"What the fuck is going on?!!"

The reflection walks across the room and picks the Ex-Detective up by the collar and throws him towards the mirror. He stumbles forward and falls into it. Instead of the mirror toppling over and the glass shattering everywhere, the Ex-Detective falls through it and lands on the other side.

The grave site is gone and it appears that he's standing in a similar room that he originally had woken up in. His prison. He reaches out and screams at the Doctor and his reflection and pounds on the glass which now seems impenetrable. The reflection returns a smile to the Doctor and lifts the pistol eye level and aims it at the mirror.

The bullet makes a twang noise as it ricochets off the mirror and into the ceiling. The Ex-Detective jumps for a moment, but barely hesitates to try three more times.




Each bang followed with a similar twang to follow it.

What the fuck, Lou?!

The Doctor scratches his chin a bit.

Hmm. Throw it in the fire.

The Doctor points to the large fireplace in the far side of the room, which seems to get larger and larger as the Ex-Detective drags the mirror to it. He picks the mirror up above his head as the reflection inside screams about.

"Let me go! Let me out!"

The Ex-Detective whips his arms ahead and throws the Mirror of Mastermind into the blazing fire in front of him. The Doctor and his patient watch as the fire covers the mirror.

Well done, Mister Dedntik.

The Ex-Detective accepts the compliment from the Doctor, but continues to watch the mirror closely.


Yeah Doc?

Welcome back, my friend.

You're an asshole.

Come now, you knew what was in store for you. We've discussed it over and ---

Over and over again. I get it, Lou. But you're still a dick.

The Doctor laughs and slowly begins to walk behind his desk to the whiskey table. He pours two drinks and walks back over to the Ex-Detective holding the two glasses in one hand and the bottle in the other.

Have a drink, friend. Let's soothe those nerves.

The Ex-Detective snatches the bottle away from the Doctor's hand and tips it back.

Very good, then.

The Doctor shares a drink with the Ex-Detective as something dawns in his head.

Oh, stop looking at the mirror.

The Ex-Detective looks at the Doctor with a confused look.

And why is that? It's not burning, you know.

Just trust me. Pay no attention to it. Let's focus on what's important here, my friend. Come with me.

The Doctor has the patient follow him across the room and to the wooden door leading outside. They exit the room and walk into a large theatre. A large white 22x52 screen stands before them with several rows of cushioned seats sit several feet back away from it.

Have a seat, my friend.

You taking me to a movie, or what, Lou?

The Doctor humors the Ex-Detective and snickers at his attempts at being humorous at a time like this. The two of them take a seat in the front row and focus on the screen as the film reel in the room behind them begins to roll and the lights dim.

Quote:Monday Madness - 9/22/14

JOEY STYLES: “Doc kicks out! My God what a match!


“More JR!”

Loverboy once again gets to his feet. He lifts Doc back to his and sets him up for the Vertebreaker.

JOEY STYLES: “He's going for it! If he hits the Black Label Driver, its all over!”


JOEY STYLES: “Doc reversed it! He hit him with the Lobotomy!”

Diesel gets on the apron as Doc gets back to his feet. Doc charges toward Diesel and sends an elbow to his face causing the big man to fall off the apron and to the floor. Doc runs back to Lane and hooks the leg.



RING ANNOUNCER: “The winner of this match, DOCTOR LOUIS D'VILLE!”

JOEY STYLES: “He got him! What a fuckin' match! Doc takes the win!”


Did that big bastard just hit you with a chair after you basically beat both of their asses?

He did. Indeed.

What a cheap fuck. Wait a minute? What are they doing now?

The Ex-Detective watches the screen as Diesel hands the chair over to Vinnie Lane.

Quote:Monday Madness - 9/22/14


JOEY STYLES: “Over and over! Vinnie Lane is going to town on Doc D'Ville!”

Lane spikes the chair on the mat. Diesel picks up Doc, then plants him on top of the chair with the Jackknife!

JOEY STYLES: “Somebody stop this!


“More Jim Ross!”

Lane picks Doc up off the mat and plants him right back onto the chair with...

JOEY STYLES: “Black Label Driver! From Lane to Doc on the chair!”

Lame, Doc. Real lame.

This is what I have to deal with usually. I win, and someone is usually coming out to take me out. Of course, in this case Mister Lane and his long, lost friend did the honors themselves.

Pricks, man. I can see why you want him dead.

No, no. This is more of just an example, I suppose. You see Mister Lane's hinted to us all that I've had the easy road throughout my career around here. Contendership battle royals and title shots and chance after chance . . . It sounds to me that Mister Loverboy may just be a little distraught that someone that's stepped into the federation after him played leap frog over about twenty heads and landed on the top. I impressed the right people, am I right?

I impressed them by taking care of business, Mister Loverboy. And whether I impressed anyone or not I've earned everything I've ever had here. From the crown to the X-Treme Title to the Universal Title. I've earned it from being dominant and from being the unrelenting force that you cannot beat. I beat people to earn the things that I have. To say that I coasted through is a little much, don't you think?

As close as you came to beating me last time and as big a part as your large stupid friend played, those two things add up to a lot. I don't think you have much to talk about in regards to our last session. Imagine what it's going to be like this time, Mister Lane. Just you and I alone in the cell. No friends. No escape. All of the victories that you've accumulated in your little career mean nothing. There is NO ONE like the Doctor. You said it yourself, Vinnie, I'm once in a lifetime. There's nothing in the world like me. And you'll never face another challenger like me either. You know this. Everyone knows this. People used to jump at the chance to come and visit the Doctor. Now, my sessions fall bare minimum to once a month. It's a shame. I always looked forward to carrying on new patients. After awhile . . . It seemed I had a few reoccurring ones. The Knight. Mastermind. Mister Wallace . . . Which I have no complaints over. I'll take on anyone, anytime, my friends.

Mister Loverboy. This Sunday my reign as the Universal Champion will mark three months. That's longer than anyone has carried this title, my friend. To think all of the hard work you've put in lately could even amount to what I can bring to the table is absurd. You've never been able to stand next to me and the reason we've lost touch as of late is because you've focused on lesser things. The Hart Title, Vinnie? I know you're a fruit-cake and all and the title sort-of fits you. But let's get real here. You won the title and got a pretty dollar for doing so. Now you talk about defending your title a few times a month like it's something great. I defend the Universal Title once a month and do you know who I get as a formidable opponent? Another shout out for TJ Wallace and the Knight! Two gentlemen, that no matter the circumstances, could ever stand a chance against me. And then there's Mister Mastermind. Ohhh, Mastermind. The man's heart is what gets me. A trustworthy fellow with a heart have black and half gold. A fine person to have in your arms and an even finer opponent. Regardless. A waste of time. Could you imagine if I would defend the title twice a month? To mix it up we'd have to give every person on the roster a title shot eventually. Unless the XWF World would like to watch me kick around the likes of those threee, Vinnie Lane, Gator, and whoever else in short bi weekly cycles.

You know I have to be honest, Mister Lane.

Since my victory over you on Monday Madness all of those months ago, I'll admit, you've crossed my mind from time to time. You most certainly have. I've thought about a time in the future when, perhaps someday, the Doctor and the Loverboy would meet again. Did I know the stakes would be high? Hm. Well, I suppose I could have assumed. Figuring I'm going to be Universal Champion forever. Was I worried though? Was I concerned that YOU would be the one to end my reign? I'll put it to you this way, I always have my eyes open. I seen what progress you made in the lower ranks of the XWF, Loverboy. I knew your intentions when you entered the match for the Universal Title Number One Contenders match. I knew you'd procrastinate. It would have probably been a bit easier for you if Gator would have come back in his rematch to defeat me, wouldn't it? I'm sure you'd be a bit more at ease. Because as confident as you are, I know you're afraid. Trembling in your boots, Mister Lane. Everything you've worked for and all of this crap you've said the past week of overcoming the odds and beating the man will lay to waste. Throw it in the garbage, my friend. Because you'll be starting over. Oh, I suppose unless you defend your Hart Title against Mister Harrison. Then, you could just take over where you left off. Splendid. So no harm done. Well, besides the harm that I'm bringing to you. And the harm I've already brought you.

Don't mistake the attack from the Asylum as a sign of weakness on my part. What's the point of having an army if you can't use it? Throw you around a bit, bloody your nose maybe? You did well against them, but that's good. You managed to fight them off and then lose consciousness in the middle of the ring. Are you going to start having little seizures during our match, Vinnie? If you don't think your capable of carrying on for an hour long match, just say something and I'm sure that XWF management could work something out for you.

I always knew you were a little cunt.

And soon to be, a very disappointed little cunt.

The rock n' roll dream is over, Vinnie. It's time to face the reality that's been in the air for quite some time now. You've stared it in the face once before and you'll be doing it again. This time, you're right, the stakes are a lot higher. So, what? You'll be giving it your all this time? Spare me. I've heard the same story from so many others. You think you're ready for me? Bring it, Loverboy. The entire world has been anticipating this match and we're not going to let them down, will we? A straight hour of the Doctor, the KING, the Universal Champion pummeling his challenger into the mat. A straight hour, my friends. I promise I'll try to mix it up a bit though. I'll make sure to keep you all well entertained while I rip the Loverboy to pieces and retain my place as the Ruler of the XWF.

I hope you haven't lost focus, Mister Lane. I know you have a lot going on outside of the XWF right now between your two Malibu girlfriends and your previous injuries and such. If I was you I'd be locking those two bitches in a room together until after this weekend. You don't need any distractions or anyone sucking any testosterone from your body. You're going to need all the energy you can hold on to. Save the partying and the gang bangs for after the show. It may not be the same for a while. You won't be able to move too much and you'll be sucking your party-drinks through a straw along with three meals a day. As for your Barbie-dolls? Well, it will most certainly be a test for love, Mister Lane. How long do you think their hungry vaginas will wait for you to be able to pivot at the hips? Take it from an old man who has seen many sinful things in his day. The ones you hold the closest to you could easily throw that dagger in your back. The Doctor? He's no where near you. And when I plan on stabbing you with a dagger, I'll be sure to plant it in your chest.

The Ex-Detective rises up from the seat.

So I suppose movie time is over?

I suppose. Well, why not, one more.

Quote:Monday Madfare - 5/13/15


LH is out cold! Lane finds his belt amongst the wreckage of bodies and raises it above his head. Dim comes back and Lane drops him like a bad habit with a title shot!

Lane hobbles over to LH and places his boot across the chest of LH as he holds the title up. Doc looks a little concerned for the first time… well ever.

Lane’s eyes roll back into his head as he falls to the mat backwards. Referees converge on the scene and try to revive Lane, but he’s passed out!

Doctor D’Ville is standing on the entrance ramp just smiling with a large toothy grin. He begins laughing demonically as the lights and show dim and come to a close.

See you soon, Mr. Lane.

Lane kinda kicked ass back there. Well, until he fainted.

He did over exert himself a bit, didn't he?

You think you can take 'em then, Lou?

I've proved to the world once before that I can.

Yeah, yeah. I heard ya. You've been the champ for a while, huh?

Three months, this weekend.

Nice. Any cases out there?

Yes, a few. I wouldn't concern myself with too many of them though.

So, there is?

There could be a cash-in. Bruce Blingsteen has been the X-Treme Champion for over six weeks.

So, on top of fighting that asshole for an hour, you have to worry about some other asshole coming in afterward and challenging you?

Well, yes, much like I did when I became Universal Champion. You see, there's a difference between the two fellows in the Universal Title match and the person that was cashing-in. They weren't ready for the Doctor to come out of the shadows and stake his claim. The Higher Power was revealed and the XWF World shifted in a single night. After proving to the world that I am the most powerful being to ever grace the mat here in the XWF, but I have the prize to go along with it. I've taken criticism for the way I went about getting the title. People said that I was 'better than a cash-in'. I'm 'better' than a lot of things. It wasn't about winning the Universal Title that night, folks. It was about keeping it from Gator. The ultimate redemption. Then I followed on and proved that it belonged with me by defeating Gator for it once and for all. Are you prepared to back that up, Mister Blingsteen? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the cash-in. Hell, if I was you I'd cash-in on Mister Lane during his Hart Title match and leave him with NOTHING at the end of the night. Now THAT would be grand. But, like I said if you do decide to come after me, I'll be ready. If you manage to overcome the odds and take down a battered Doctor, that doesn't make you the best. It only makes you smart. Go stay at a Holiday Inn Express that night, too. The best will be coming back after you soon after. Of course, that's only if we even get that far. If I do have to defend my title twice, I do plan on walking away with the Universal Champion. I've set a few records around this place as of late. I'm not sure if anyone has ever defended a cash-in, sounds like something I'd do.

The Ex-Detective grows uncomfortable in the seats and rises up. He pulls a cigarette from his inside pocket and begins puffing away.

The Doctor slowly rises from his seat as well and motions for the Ex-Detective to follow him.

Let's head back and check on our magic mirror.

The Doctor and his patient exit the small theater through the entrance from which they came and step back into the Doctor's office. Much to their surprise, the Mirror of Mastermind is no longer lying and burning in the fire, it is standing upright in front of the Doctor's desk.

What the fuck?

Interesting . . .

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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