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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
Book 1: Part 3
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The Yellow Sword Offline
Yellow in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

05-19-2015, 09:18 PM

My name is Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. I am from the year 2018. This is my story.

I was a rice waitress at a Chinese restaurant. I gave people rice and they ate it. I received a wage of about $2 an hour and I received tips. If the math didn’t end up being whatever minimum wage was per hour then I’d get paid the difference. It was a good life until the Agidyne Country attacked. They were going to keep me as a sex slave, which wouldn’t have been the nicest life. A childhood friend recognized me and let me go. I just wish I got to cum at least once…

“I have reason to believe I am of relation to this woman!” I mimicked, “Come on, really Ryu-kun?”

“Well, he knew my name is Ryu Rodger Rabbit, so it doesn’t really seem like it’s that much of a stretch that we’re related, Who.”

“My last name is Framed Rodger Rabbit though. What if he knew that? You could’ve gotten us both killed!” Ryu-kun just shrugged his shoulders. I guess it was a chance he was willing to take.

“I don’t like it when people get raped. I think rape is very bad.”
Ryu held me in his arms and continued to lead me away from that…fortress of evil.

“I bet you do,” Ryu-kun raping me was still a prevalent image in my mind though, despite his help. He shouldn’t have fucked me back there. We’re just friends.

“Yeah…I do. I’m sorry about what happened back there, especially the part where he made me shit in your mouth. I didn’t think he’d make me rape a family member, but General Spirited Away Seven Point Six is one sick badass motherfucker with a fire sword. He probably didn’t even realize incest was taboo.”

I could still taste the shit in my mouth and feel Ryu-kun’s unwanted wiener protruding into my anal walls. I could still feel the General’s grip on my hair and hear the pitter-patter of his fingers on my nipples. The only thing I couldn't grasp was what was so badass about not knowing something is taboo? I shrugged it off. I thought I was just misunderstanding him. I'm not sure if that was meant to be an example of how badass this general is, and I didn't ask. I stopped searching for a connection almost immediately since it didn't really matter. In fact, the general thinking he was forcing Ryu to fuck a family member, but that not really being the case was such a minor detail that I'll stop dwelling on it.

“I understand why you did it, Ryu. I just wish you refused.”

“You saw how badass he looked with that fire sword. He would’ve sliced me in two!”

“So instead you sliced my soul in two. You should’ve just let him kill you I’d be better off.”

Ryu stopped in his tracks and beamed down at me. I probably struck a nerve or something. It’s a little too easy to hurt Ryu-kun’s feelings. He took a deep breath and desperately grasped at straws. He searched long and hard to find some way to make himself out as the victim.

“Who, I like you and all. We’re friends, but you can really be a selfish bitch sometimes. I said I was sorry for raping you, but I had to do that to bail you out of there and free you from sex slavery.”

“What?" I asked, but before he told me the answer I changed the question, "Do you want me to thank you for raping me now? The ends don’t justify the means, Ryu-kun. You told me that yourself. You don’t remember, do you? Well do you?”

“Shut up, Who…I hate thinking about 2002…that was the year The Phantom Menace first screened here. Of course I remember…even if it was sixteen years ago.”

My throat was still brown with Ryu's fecal matter, but I managed to clear it then drive the point home.

“Who knew that you’d turn your back on morality just like Qui-Gon Jinn did. He cheated in a dice game to free someone from slavery, but you raped to free someone from slavery. I think that makes you worse, actually. You’d make an even worse jedi than the man you call the worst jedi of all time.” Ryu rolled his orange eyes at me and got back to walking.

“Who, what the fuck? I’m trying to get you to safety here. I’m saving your life. This isn’t really the time to resume our little Star Wars argument. You think the prequels are good and I think they’re bad. You like shitty looking special effects and I prefer when camera tricks, costuming, puppets and good cinematography get that job done. I’m fine leaving it at that. You putting masturbatory popcorn sci-fi garbage on the same shelf as the famed classic space opera trilogy has no bearing on me at all, so I stopped letting it bug me, okay?”

“All I’m saying is that maybe you shouldn’t hold Qui-Gon Jinn to a standard you can’t even hold yourself to. A jedi is still a person at the end of the day.”

“There is one difference between Qui-Gon and I, Who. It’s an important one too. There were actual consequences for when I broke the jedi code. When Qui-Gon did it no one cared at all. No one even thought about it. That was really what sucked about that part of the movie. Qui-Gon was a dirty fucking cheater and no one noticed. It didn’t end up backfiring on him. He didn’t learn that cheating is wrong, nothing,” said Ryu as his cum leaked out of my asshole. “I guess calling him the worst jedi ever was me trying to give a pay off to that shitty part of the movie,”

“So what are you then? The worst…fake storm-trooper ever?”

“If that’s the best you could come up with, sure.”

“What were these consequences you faced again?”

“Well, you bitched at me about it. I feel like shit over it too since you’re making me think about it so much. I’d rather just pretend it didn’t happen.”

“So that’s it? You feel bad, wow what a horrible consequence. That’s just punishment for a rapist?”

“Well, no. When we get to Hong Kong, Japan you can press charges if you want, okay? I didn’t want to fuck you either, maybe we can nab General Spirited Away Seven Point Six for rape since he made me do it.”

“That sounds boring. If you did the honorable thing and let him kill you, and then I wouldn’t be doing boring stuff like that. I’d just be getting fucked by dudes. That’s a much better life than starting over in a new city and wasting time seeking legal action against the guy who didn’t even really rape me. It not like shit even tastes that bad.”

Ryu-kun didn’t say anything for a while. He just carried me. He thought he was such a valiant hero for a bit there. I’m glad I got to knock him down a peg, maybe he’ll think a little the next time he ‘saves’ someone.

"We'll find something cool in the big city for you to do then. A lot of people live there for a reason right? It could be buckets of fun! Do you like board games? I heard there's a board game bar or something there. We could play monopoly!"

I didn't get my hopes. I heard once that playing monopoly with the man who raped her was every woman's dream. That saying never made any sense to me. Ryu talked on and on about dice and how the little spots on dice are called 'pips' as he carried me the rest of the way through the charred forest...

To Be Continued…
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