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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Bad Medicine" RP Board (May 23, 2015)
"Loverboy" - Sister Salvation (RP 3 vs. Doc)
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

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05-17-2015, 07:34 PM

Chi Omega Symphony

"To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than "exclusive" and lovable rather than "popular"; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully, that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings, and to have her welfare ever at heart, that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note."

--Ethel Switzer Howard Xi 1904

Monday Night – Los Angeles

Amber Miles had had a good day.

The rush season was approaching, and she knew she had done her part to maintain Chi Omega as the largest panhellenic organization in the world.

Posters and signs adorned just about every available space in UCLA’s large campus. She had already set the assignments for the other sisters. Kaylee would have a table just outside the library, Michaela would have another in the central quad. Lisa Marie, Cassie, Mallory, and Tammy would all be walking in designed routes through the busier areas of the annual orientation.

Everything was perfect.

Now, Amber stood in front of the small bathroom mirror, brushing her teeth and sliding her thumb across her cell phone screen, looking and liking at all the Instagram pictures from her sisters past and present.

Sorority life wasn’t a hobby for her. It was important. Amber did everything she could to live the part of the perfect sorority woman. She kept herself impeccably dressed when in public, always in style. Her makeup was always flawless. She led all of the best clubs on campus and always made the most money in her fundraisers. She dated the most desirable boy in the school, Dane Matos, the quarterback and head of the top fraternity. She lived her entire life by the code.

In fact, if it weren’t for the code’s stressing academic achievement, she would probably skip the classes, homework, and necessary study time to maintain her GPA, but as a result of her being seen as a role model by hundreds of incoming freshman girls every year, she made sure to maintain a perfect 4.0 every semester, no matter what.

Now, as a senior, she knew her time as head of the chapter was nearing its end. She wanted to leave a legacy.

Rinsing the little pink toothbrush under the stream of water from the faucet, Amber spit the last of the toothpaste out into the drain and then flashed her winning smile at herself in the mirror. Her expensive curls now swept up in a loose ponytail and the makeup washed away from her face, Amber still radiated beauty.

Finally, she slid off her Victoria’s Secret sweat pants and stood back, turning around and looking at her round ass in the mirror, as well as her toned legs. The squats were working, there was no way to deny it. Soon enough, she would once again be the center of attention every time she slipped into her yoga pants and hit the gym.

For now though, it was late. Seven a.m. would come quickly. Amber smoothed down the front of her Chi Omega tee shirt and walked into her bedroom, switching off the overhead light behind her.

[Image: w5UbVAU.gif]

“Hurry the fuck up, I’ve got meetings at eight in the morning.”

Cassie wasn’t going to cum and she knew it, but that wasn’t the point anyway. Dane needed to hurry up and bust his nut so she could get to bed already.

Getting fucked like a dog inside Dane’s Hummer had become a bit of a mid-week ritual for Cassie, ever since Amber had started giving her the shitty assignments, but he had hit her up a little early this week, frustrated at the bitch’s continued blowing him off for Chi O related shit. He was blue balled, he said. Cassie decided to show him how a real woman took care of a man.

Who the fuck did Amber think she was, anyway? Making her walk around campus all day during orientation? She gave the tables away to Michaela and Kaylee? What the fuck for? Because they were blonder and had better tits? Well, Amber’s boyfriend didn’t mind Cassie’s tits, that’s for sure. In fact, while he was ramming himself into her and grunting like a caveman, he had his right hand squeezing the shit out of them.

“Easy, fuck. That hurts!”

The sound he made might have been an apology, at least. His hand slid down to Cassie’s waist and gripped her tight, and then he started moving faster.


This was the end routine for him. Always the same. Cassie had only started fucking Dane about three weeks ago, but she had already figured out that he was nothing spectacular in that department. He was clumsy and over-eager, because that bitch Amber never let him hit it the way he wanted to.

No, she was too much of a princess to get on her knees and suck it or turn around and let him pull her hair while he fucked her from behind. So when Cassie came walking by one night, swinging her hips back and forth just right and giving him just the right smile, she knew he wouldn’t be able to say no.

Five minutes of work later and she had been lying back on Dane’s Hummer’s back seat for the first time, watching his average dick shrink like a dying snake while she wiped his cum out of her with a tissue from her purse.

Take that, you pretty little cunt.

“Fuck… ah…”

Good. He was almost done. Boring, vanilla, Ken Doll only fucked Barbies like Amber before and didn’t know how to work an ass right anyway.

When Dane tensed up and she felt him unloading into her, she closed her eyes and squeezed him. Kegels served a purpose after all. She wanted Dane to wish he was fucking her every time he was lying on top of a barely moving Amber, slowly going limp inside of her. She wanted him to have to close his eyes and think of Cassie’s pussy squeezing every drop out of him just to be able to cum into whatever condom she made him wear.

“God damn… god fucking damn…”

He was breathless as he pulled out of her, slumping down into the seat like he had just gotten done with a two-a-day practice. Cassie used the rear view mirror to make sure her hair wasn’t too fucked, then pulled her panties back up to her hips and opened the door.

“Where are you going so fast? I can go again, just give me a minute.”

“I don’t have time, Dane. I’ve got to get in the shower before bed so I don’t have to sit next to your girlfriend smelling freshly fucked tomorrow morning.”

“Fuck her, let her smell it.”

“Not yet, bae. Go back to the house. You free day after tomorrow?”

“For this? Fuck yeah I’m free. I love making that little pussy purr.”

Cassie had to focus all of her energy on not rolling her eyes right in Dane’s face. She knew she’d be fingering herself to sleep in order to scratch the itch he could never seem to take care of for her. You’d think after this many times he’d have gotten better. But she pulled it off, and gave him a kiss and her winningest sorority smile.

“This pussy loves every second of you, boy. Now I’ve got to go. Holler at me, okay?”

“Fuck yeah I will.”

Cassie stepped out of the Hummer and onto the black macadam of the near-empty parking garage. With the press of a button her Kia beeped and unlocked just as Dane’s massive overcompensation roared to life behind her.

As she got into her car and pulled the seatbelt across her shoulder, he pulled away and flashed his headlights at her along with throwing deuces up through the windshield.

What a fucking tool.

Cassie started the car and headed back towards the Chi Omega house.

[Image: cs3soRQ.gif]

Tuesday Morning – Malibu

Sitting over a bowl of Cookie Crisp cereal, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane slurps the sugary milk from his spoon while watching the scene unfold before him.

In the living room of his posh Malibu apartment, his voluptuous fiancée Roxy Cotton and her almost exact replica sister Dani kneel on the carpet in front of him with their succulent asses raised up and their faces in the shag, greeting the morning in downward dog yoga positions.

The fabric of their nearly sheer leggings is all but stretched to the limit as the two women continue to bend and stretch into differing positions while Loverboy continues to eat his cereal with one hand and conceal the erection lifting his red heart adorned boxers under the table.

In front of Loverboy on the table, next to the bandanna he has yet to put on, lies his cell phone. The wide screen is playing videos of morning news tidbits which Loverboy, for obvious reasons, is mostly ignoring.

“ … authorities say the Chi Omega house at UCLA was the scene of a grisly invasion which led to the deaths of several young women… ”

“Baby what are you doing?”


Loverboy shakes his head and attempts to look down at the cell phone before Roxy catches him staring at the two girls’ glorious asses.

“Oh, I dunno… I was looking on the XWF site for new promos and stuff, but there wasn’t much going on there. Mostly boring Brick Squad stuff. I wonder if Doc is off testing his blood sugar or something.”

“No, Vinnie… I mean what are you eating? That crap is awful for you. It’s full of preservatives and GMO bullshit.”

“What? Come on, it’s Cookie Crisp! This shit’s awesome, man. Look, it turned the milk in the bowl INTO CHOCOLATE MILK! It’s like magic, dude.”

The two women stretch their bare feet into the air, transitioning into full headstands and looking back toward Loverboy while upside down.

“ … Officials at UCLA stated that among the dead were Chi Omega president Amber Miles and her vice president Cassie Lindsey. Several others have yet to be identified, and all of them were sexually assaulted as well as bludgeoned to death… ”

“Oh, hey, are they talking about UCLA? I have a campus visit there tomorrow!”

The younger sister smiles broadly as her barely contained breasts hang precariously over her. As the two women transition into an arching back bend, Loverboy lifts the bowl of brownish milk to his lips and slurps it loudly.

“Is that at least the organic skim I bought for you from the farmer’s market? I know you refuse to use the soy milk and the almond milk, but you could at least use the healthy stuff I get for you when I go out of my way.”

Loverboy side-eyes the red-capped bottle of whole milk sitting nearby, picking it up from the tabletop and placing it out of view on a chair next to him.

“Sorry baby, I didn’t hear you… I’m still listening to my phone or something, you know?”

“ … with no leads to go on and surprisingly little physical evidence considering the violence and disarray at the scene. Police say the murder weapon was a large limb from a nearby tree, suggesting a lack of planning on the part of the assailant, and they are shocked by the lack of trace left behind… ”

“Sure you are. Vinnie…”

Roxy’s voice grows somber as she settles onto her backside and turns towards Loverboy, leaving her sister to continue the yoga on her own.

“Are we going to talk about what the doctors told you yesterday? About the pay per view?”

“Dude, there’s nothing to talk about. This is my life we’re talking about, you know? My career. I’m going to be the Universal Champion after Bad Medicine, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it happen. A few scrapes and bruises aren’t going to stop me from living out my destiny, dude.”

“Scrapes and bruises? Vinnie, you could have permanent brain damage!”

“Do I look like I have brain damage??!”

Loverboy stands up suddenly, accidentally knocking over the jug of milk on the seat next to him and spilling a large puddle across his boxers and down his legs. The wetness accentuates the turgid state of his manhood as he stands there with his arms extended.

Finally, after several tense and awkward moments of Loverboy attempting to cover up his sturdy tumescence, Dani finishes her routine and sits criss-cross-applesauce next to her sister.

“Vinnie, hey, I know we don’t really know each other, but Roxy’s right. You need to take better care of your health! You’ve been lucky so far because you’ve been young and active, but you’re getting a little older and your body can’t take this kind of beating forever. I need you to stay alive long enough to be married to me for three years, and…”

“Whoa, wait… what?”

“We’ll talk about it later, Vinnie…”

“Hell no, what are you going on about? Roxy? We need to talk about it right now, what is she talking about?”

“Look… it’s no big deal… she needs to be a citizen is all…”

“What? Why? She can get a student visa.”

“I tried! It’s way harder than you think, and I really need to get to California and live my dreams! Like you!”

“So I’m just supposed to MARRY her? Roxy that’s your sister! You and me are engaged!”

“Oh, what, you don’t think she’s pretty?”

“Of course she’s pretty! She’s sexy as fuck! She looks EXACTLY like you, dude, how could I not think she’s good looking?”

Dani smiles sheepishly and blushes a little, but stands and walks over to Loverboy, giving him a peck on the cheek before heading into the bathroom.

“You’re so cute, Vinnie. Just think about it. There’s…. benefits.”

Loverboy’s jaw drops as Dani walks off, and he looks at Roxy with wide eyes. Roxy’s arms are folded right under her burgeoning bosom and her face is twisted into a scowl.

“Did you hear that? ‘Benefits?’ Is that what you want here, dude? You want me to bang your little sister and get married to her?”

“I just want to you to fake marry her for three years until she gets her citizenship, Vinnie, it’s not a big deal! Banging her is, like, just her way of saying thank you for going along with it. We’re sisters, we grew up sharing everything anyway.”

“This is insane. You’re making my blood pressure go up to the point that my stitches are going to have a blowout. Are you sure it isn’t you that gets hit in the head for a living, because I am almost 100 percent certain that no other chick anywhere would be okay with letting their fiancé fuck and marry their sister, much less actually think up the idea themselves.”

“You want a regular girl, or you want the best one you can get?”

Roxy sidles up to Loverboy and leans against him, putting her mouth close to his neck as she speaks. She grazes the skin of his chest with her fingertips as she drops her hand down to the wet boxers he’s wearing.

“Why don’t we get you out of these?”

“Finally, you’re saying something that makes sense. Let’s go in the bedroom and spike my BP off the charts.”

Roxy and Loverboy step into the bedroom, leaving the cell phone playing on the kitchen table as they close the door. Roxy’s chipper giggling slowly evolves into moans of pleasure.

“ … police are not yet prepared to link the incident late last night with the disappearances of several young women from college campuses around the city… ”

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