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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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05-06-2013, 12:07 PM

The scene opens up to AJ Powell in his ring gear, sitting on a chair with his head down. He lifts his head into the camera and begins to talk.

Last week, I had a tag team match, against White Lion and Slick Rick, which was in my tag team debut. I will remind you that I WON THAT MATCH! I got the pin, I hit my finisher, and I did it all.

But that’s the past, and I have to look into the future, the future being my triple threat match with Jason E. Smith and Brian Campbell. Jason E. Smith had a small promo aired on YouTube about our match.

I saw it, and instantly hit the dislike button.

You proved to me that you are a serial rapist, because you were in a class full of adolescence. I would like to know, what teacher talks about men, in front of their students. I am sure your kids don’t want to know about your sexual orientation, yet you talked about Erik Rex for half the period. Damn, do you have a sexual fantasy, with Erik Rex?

If you do, you’re not the only one. Since my return, a lot of my opponents talked about how much they LOOOOVVVEED them some Erik Rex. You better fight for your man Smitty.

Also, you said you will teach your students a lesson. Am I supposed to be that lesson? Oh no, I am so damn scared. NOT! You obviously have jacked muscles for no reason what so ever, because you are garbage, in the ring, and cutting promos. I am done with the serial rapist, Jason E. Smith.

Class dismissed.

Next up is my other “opponent” and I use that term as lightly as possible, but nonetheless, Brian Campbell everybody!

First off kid, your gifted I can give you that. But what you lack is a brain, and experience. You had a match against “The Maggot” Michael Taylor, last Wednesday, which you blew.

You had that match won man, but like I said, you lack in brains and experience, so like Tony Romo, you couldn’t get the job done when it mattered.

Oh, and I almost forgot about your bodyguards. I’m guessing I am supposed to be afraid of them. Um, no sir. Your body guards don’t scare me at all, but they might be afraid of Jason E. Smith, (whispers) I hear he likes men.

Any who, you talk a good game, but you fail at backing it up. I would love to whip some respect into your ass, and leave you to get anally destroyed by Jason E. Smith. Have fun with your boo.
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