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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
An Apology For Peter Gilmour's Oppressive Display
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-21-2015, 09:27 PM

NOCMM: I'd like to sincerely apologize to any old skool fans that made the mistake of viewing Peter Gilmour's second promo for his match against my client, Hero Xtreme 7.9. Fake promos that push forward misogynistic ideas is not what XWF promos are supposed to be. Here in the XWF we like real promos more, but sometimes fakers like Peter Gilmour slip through the cracks and put out intentionally offensive and harmful materials meant to deteriorate the image of certain heavily oppressed genders. When Hero Xtreme 7.9 let Mandii win and gave humanity gender equality we thought these disrespectful interpretations of women would cease all over the world.

NOCMM sips his pineapple juice.

NOCMM: Little did we know that promos involving the most archaic of sexist tropes were still being made in a place we call home. I love women, Peter Gilmour, and you paying some actors to make you look like a hero at the expense of women stings me right in my righteous heart.

NOCMM sighs.

NOCMM: Now some of the more viewers of this promo might be thinking, "How do you even know Peter's promo was fake?" Usually I don't cater to the lowest common denominator in my promos, but even need to know about this, so I will answer this question.

Quote:Newscaster: Breaking news, a serial rapist is on the loose. Police have revealed this sketch of the culprit.

NOCMM: What you just heard was the Newscaster from Peter Gilmour's promo. He said he was going to show a sketch, but this is what we were given.

[Image: th?id=JN.CspDsSYjNThUSo4YXmbvYA&pid=15.1&P=0]

NOCMM: Look closely , this isn't a sketch. I'm not sure if it's a fully-realized drawling or if it's a black and white photo, but it sure as hell isn't a sketch. This had to have been a fake newscast because a real journalist would not have made a mistake. Why would Peter watch a fake newscast if he wasn't in a fake promo?

NOCMM starts peeling an orange.

NOCMM: That's not all my friends. This rabbit-hole goes down much further. This man from the fully realized drawling or black and white photo, James The Rapist, apparently doesn't know what a video camera is. We all know rapists are stupid, maybe as as the viewers of this promo who didn't already figure out Peter's promo was fake, but stupid enough to rape a woman with a camera pointed at him? No. It's obvious that James tried to rape Maria because that was what the script he was working off of said to do. Why would our contest winner try to rape Ms. Brink on camera if he wasn't in a fake promo?

NOCMM picks pieces of the orange apart and eat them.

NOCMM: There is your proof . Peter created this promo and tried to make us believe a man could overpower his fiance and rape her. He was trying to get the little girls out there to find a fat ugly man like him to protect them so they won't get raped. Clearly you believe women can't take care of themselves and need a fat fuck to protect them. That's the moral of your little story. Peter, it's 2015 now. Women can vote. Women can own property. Women don't become the property of their husband when they get married anymore. Women get paid the same amount for the same job as men now if they're one of the few smart enough to negotiate when it comes to their salary. You should know this by now . Your re-write of Mario was backwards and misogynistic. Keep your bigotry to yourself you chauvinist prick. Women are more than pretty faces and damsels in distress, Pete, and your fake promos should acknowledge that. It's 2015, fucking act like it.

NOCMM tosses his orange peel into a wastebasket as the scene fades to an Xtreme shade of black.

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All Time Record: 912-32-4
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