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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
This Duke <img src=""> Is An Artist
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Hero Xtreme 7.9 Away
Sidelined God

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-12-2015, 06:51 PM

The scene opens with Hero Xtreme 7.9 smoking a cigarette. That's weird. I didn't think he smoked. Hero Xtreme 7.9 opens his mouth to let out some smoke, but no smoke leaves his mouth. The camera zooms in on the cigarette and, plot twist, it's actually a chocolate cigarette. I didn't know they still made those. God must have used his God powers to make one appear. Hero Xtreme 7.9 drops the chocolate cigarette and stomps it. God hates fatty foods, then God speaks.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: I watched your shitty promo you . It was so gay. Hiring actors to act out your feelings about the upcoming match is fucking pussy shit Duke. Yes, I did catch on to what you were doing there. I'm not a fucking dunce like the new skool fans you target in your brainless promos. Let's look at the tape.

Quote:”This is undoubtedly the hardest loss we have ever suffered,” begins the German Chancellor and the High Priest of the Illuminatus. ”Though, we have lost a great many men over the years. Good men, putting their lives on the line and paying the ultimate sacrifice for our cause.

“Our enemies,” he pauses, choking back his own emotion. ”Our enemies try to kill us and to hurt us, in order to crush our morale and end our resolve.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: This little art piece is cute Duke, but if my promos about you hurt your feelings then you should be the one to say it not some Nazi . I understand that you're an artist and you want your true feelings to come out. Dishonesty isn't true, Duke. Having this say the stuff that makes you sound like a loser for you is lying. I know your fans are watching your promos and love being lied to and think your art is so beautiful, but my fans, the old skool fans, are watching your shit too. The old skool fans did nothing to deserve your lies you fucking paper champion pussy shit lord.

Hero Xtreme 7.9 rolls his heel on the chocolate cigarette.

Hero Xtreme 7.9: Get used to hard losses you dumb . You picked the wrong fucking ship. The Illuminatus are my enemies, so they will always lose. Your fate is in my hands you gay little fuck. Your rookie family members sit on my fingertips. You may be a main eventer, but your legs are too short TO KICKBOX WITH ME.

Hero Xtreme 7.9 hits a Hurricanrana to the camera as the scene fades to an XTREME SHADE OF BLACK.

Star of The Month (February 2002)
WXC Tag Team Champion x3 (/w Venom Explosion (2), DJ Death)
UWF X-Treme Champion x5
UWF No Limits Champion x2
UWF Tag Team Champion x1 (/w Shaker Jones)
BBCXR Heavyweight Champion x4
SOW World Champion x2
RXW World Champion x1
RXW X-Division Champion x1
NWPW Rapid Division Champion x 3
WFWD Intercontinental Champion x2
XWL United States Champion x2
XWL European Champion x1
XWL Tag Bowl Winner (/w White Abyss)
BLOOD Bleeding Champion x3

All Time Record: 912-32-4
Hero Xtreme Un Record: 0-3-0

Priority prayers and more, back open for business.
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