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04-08-2015, 11:20 PM
[align=center] The Scene opens up on a raining as we see three cars Racing along a long Country side based road with trees on both sides of it. The three Foreign cars, the three Bugatti take turns at leading the pack. They race through the country side road without a care in the world, slowing at the turns and slamming down the hammer on the strait aways. The Camera pans out for a wide shot and you see several more high octant cars being left in the dust by the three Bugattis.
Race Commentator: No it can't be this is a first! This Has Never Happen before!!!
Race Commentator: I know Jim this is one for the History Books!!! All three of TRI FORCE EXTREME CROSSING THE FINISH AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
The crowed yell out in amazement and awe as the German based race team of Tri Force Extreme cross the finish line one right after another, in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, follow by in 4th place by thier sister team.
!st 2nd 3rd 4th![[Image: E0DAspC.jpg]](
[color=#32CD32]The Fans go wild as all for cars power drift as the cross the finish line to a full stop. The the camera fades out to black. The Camera fades back in as we see a wide view air shot showing that exact same road and we see the the 1st place car driving down the road at a high speed. as we hear the fallowing narrations.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. My two best friends, My brothers and myself winning that race, as the Three us and are budy all cross the finish line one right after another. Team Tri Force Extreme, and Team Thunder Storm our sister team taking the 4 top spots of the top 10 of that race earning all of us a chance to race in the worlds biggest pro street race. The World Street Extreme that would take us to my home Country Germany, Then all the way down and through France ending in England. and all the Country's in between.
Little did any of us know that, that race would be are last Tommy would end up having his first child with is girl Kelly, I would end up taking a shot to the head and eye in a bar fight which would force me to stop racing because I had lost my 20/20 vision, and Tylor poor Tylor would lose is co-driver the women he loved in a car crash in that same race as one of the other racers would intentionality take him out killing Lin, Tylor's wife to be and co-driver. We all swore on that day we never race again.
It wasn't ton long before the three of us would go pro in the sport of Wrestling...............That day we made it big as Pro Wrestlers was The new light in are need for speed and the need to be Extreme.
![[Image: CscFk3B.jpg]](
Tylor Phoenix
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04-09-2015, 12:31 AM
The Scene opens up with Tylor looking down at a grave that read Lindra Levenoff 1984-2007, Daughter, Sister, Mother, You My Strong and very Loving Child. Shall surely be missed. RIP, camera panning to a picture of Lindra, Tylor kneels down with a heavy sigh of sadness as he place a dozen blue roses with a thirteenth white rose in the center,a young girl that looks a lot like Lindra leans up against Tylor, he wraps his arm around her tight, the little girl with tears in her eyes.
Daddy will I ever get to see moma again?
Yes baby one day you will. Don't worry Hope she is watching over you everyday from heaven.
Tylor and Hope head over to a car and Tylor opens the front door and helps his daughter in, she sits down and he buckles her in and then closes the door. Tylor get into the drivers seat buckle up closes his door, starts the car and drives off,the scene fades out and then back in as we see Tylor pulling into the gated drive way of a fancy German Mansion, Hope quickly unbuckles herself and open her door and runs off heading towards the mansion.
Hey Hope don't run it wet out there you could get hurt.
Hope stops and looks at her farther with that "Fine" look on her face and starts to walk toward the mansion. Tylor sits there holding the wheel just thinking.
I remember that day, that day I lost my wife, 8 years ago today exactly 20 miles from here on that strait away that curve quickly to the left Lin laugh so hard because she felt are speed in her tummy as she liked to say, on we had the lead in the race my Brother Tommy three cars back in the strait away picking up spped because of the drift of the two cars ahead of him just waiting for that right moment to pass them with extra speed so he could hit the turn in a drift slide that would take him right through the turn.
Then out of nowhere the second place car would try to hit the back of my car just right to send me into a fish tail, but that fucking bastard would hit me to hard sending my car, Lin and me up into the air in a backward flip front hood over back, the flipping seem to go on forever. I remember seeing right down into my brother Tommy's front wind-shield, seeing the look of terror on his and Scarlett's my sister his co-driver faces as they screams out in terror! Then every thing went black as my car slammed down on the ground!"
[/color]The next thing I remember is coming too as my body burns and aches with pain. I turned my head and I would see Priest, My Sister Scarlett, My brother Tommy, and Jacob from Team Thunder Storm and his wife all standing over and kneeling by Lindra, when I see that she is gone I scream out as my Heart broke. Tommy would look at me with Tears in his eyes and run over to me. Then I heard The Medics pull up, the next thing I know it they were surrounding me as I passed out once again.
Tylor then looks over to where he last saw his daughter and he see her giving her aunt Kelly a big hug who picks her up and starts walking over to me.
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04-09-2015, 06:46 AM
Priest Turns and looks at Frodo with a look of confusion, then walks over to him and looks at him again.
How did you get here? I don't remember inviting you.
Well Come on in.
Priest offers Frodo a Beer, An walks over to sitting area.
Tommy Essence
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04-09-2015, 08:01 AM
We see a car racing down a long stretch of road with bleachers on both side of it, the driver hits the breaks just right and drifts into a left turn and just come to a dead stop. Shortly after the car door opens up as we see Tommy "EX" step out or the car and he takes his helmet off as he looks around the area he then leans up against his car as he looks right a maker of some sort painted on a sign showing the name Lin RIP, Tommy seems to drift off into thought.
~It was eight years ago today that I saw the worst accident in legal professional street racing in my life. It was the same accident that took the life of Lindra. The Love of my little brothers Tylor's life. That same day I found out my own wife was going to gave birth to my very first daughter, but then it happened in less then a blink of my eye, my baby brothers car was flying over mine as I slid into the turn. The same turn that just seconds before would end up taking Lindra's life as her's and Tylor's car would go flying over mine and crash down to the ground roof first. The only thing I could do is watch as my co-driver My sister Scarlett scream out in terror, Tylor car smashed down upon the ground decimated. The only thing that snap me out of the horror was that fact I heard myself screaming.
I got out of the car as Priest came out of nowhere slid his car to a stop, Priest and his co-driver got out of their car and ran towards Tylor's and Lindra's car, If it hadn't been for Jacob of Team Thunder Storm Yelling out my name asking for help I would of been hit by another driver and his car, The only thing I could do is run over to what was left of Tylor's car and try to to get him a Lindra out Jacob squeeze into Tylor's car some how and he and Priest were able to get Tylor free, I ran to the other side and tried to get Lindra out of of the car, but it was to late she was gone, I was able remove her body from the car and get clear before it blow. The next thing I remember Is hearing Tylor Yell out in heart break as he laid there seeing his one true love dead.~
Tommy Snaps out of his thought as his phone goes off he looks down and see that it is his wife Kelly and picks it up.
Hey babe.
Yeah I'm on my way I should be there within the hour.
Yes I stop by the crash site. I know Kelly, but I had to do it I needed to clear my head. Yes I gave him a call the other day and told what was going.
Yes he told me that he was going to come. Yeah you should probably have Yorree set up another room for him and his wife.
Okay I'm on my way now. Bye!
Tommy hangs up the phone and gets back into his cars and drive off.
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.
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04-09-2015, 12:31 PM
"Oh, hey, look. It's the Lost Homos sister stable. Tri Force Faggotry."
1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!
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04-12-2015, 12:01 AM
Excuse me Maverick, Tri Force Extreme, are aiming for the top, and aiming to make a new era for XWF, The Tri Force Extreme era.
I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't
I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly
I'm also pretty sure I might be  , except I still don't know what  means
Be my friend
Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour
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04-12-2015, 05:39 AM
"Your mom tried to not raise a failure. She failed there, too. Understand?"
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!
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04-12-2015, 08:52 AM
Excuse me Maria, If you were talking to me then I hope as hell your Ex didbt send you here cause your wasting your breath and time" "My mother raised a failure? Well then you cant talk"
I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't
I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly
I'm also pretty sure I might be  , except I still don't know what  means
Be my friend
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!
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04-12-2015, 12:55 PM
Frodl i sinceraly suggest you shut up before I knock you out
I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't
I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly
I'm also pretty sure I might be  , except I still don't know what  means
Be my friend
Thunderbolt Lying Asshole
I'm sure having fun now! Look at me!
XWF FanBase: Nobody (shemale)
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Hates Given: 1
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X-Bux: ✘50,000
04-12-2015, 03:15 PM
Wanna bet(
I'm a lying asshole who says in public threads that he donated to the fed when he didn't
I'm a whiny bitch who sends shitty PMs to my opponent after he beats me fairly
I'm also pretty sure I might be  , except I still don't know what  means
Be my friend